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  1. Hi all, Got a weird error when in the middle of a pbem game. The specifics: -Both myself and my opponent at running version 1.03. -We have been playing a pbem game with out incident for 30 turns. -I have also played to completion other PBEM games. -When processing the latest turn, the following error appears, "FILE IS MEANT FOR A DIFFERENT EDITION OF COMBAT MISSION". Huh? Ideas? Tried deleting the file and copying the attachment anew with the same result? Is that particular file corrupt? Do we have to back up a turn?
  2. There are still tons of games being played over at the Blitz Online Game Club. www.theblitz.org. There's a very active CM ladder there. There are also a lot of clubs still alive and kicking.
  3. I haven't been around in a while. Anyway, I decided to get back to the glory days of CM ... on the western front! and wondered. Now that Der Kessel is kaput ... where did those great scenarios go? I checked on the scenario depot and the link for download goes to Der Kessel's farewell page. Those scenarios were too great to vaporize ... anyone help?
  4. Hey all, I'm an HPS player who is looking into TacOps ... so I'm lurking and absorbing what I can about TacOps while looking over the Demo. As for Fulda Gap, I've not played that specific title, but I've played many of the Panzer Campaign games. Fulda works with the same engine as the Panzer Campaign series (with the small modification of 1 mile hexes and 3 hour turns). The engine itself is fantastic. However, given that there's no demo (a long story in itself) it can be hard to tell if its to your liking. Tiller's operational games feel like boardgames ported to the computer -- all the fun, none of the hassle of charts and dice. The turn-based action is mature (no dancing to draw defensive fire, etc). Game play varies from small 10 turn scenarios to the monster campaign and its variants (usually 150 or so turns)! The AI is pretty sharp for solo play. Its not a genius but its a good opponent when you're learning the system. I know the price is comapratively steep. The minus is that there is no map editor - thus you can only design new scenarios that are based on the existing map (which is HUGE). Here are some plusses: 1) The OOB is completely editable, if you don't agree with some obscure rating of the units you can change it. The community already has dedicated designers making some great scenarios for all the games. 2)Tiller fully supports his games. When he puts out a new game with a new interface or gameplay feature, he updates ALL of the older games with the same features, he does the same with the documentation. If you want some well informed opinions, try the forums over at the Blitz ladder http://www.theblitz.org. The Panzer Campaign forum is THE online forum for this line of Tiller's games. Happy Gaming [ February 03, 2003, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Greenman ]
  5. Hey all, I'm on the Upper East Side ... I'm up for anywhere in the city ... I'll even walk, if the transit workers strike. Drop me a line.
  6. Small to medium maps, 1500-2000 points (max), and 25-30 turns. Anything larger slows down my system. Anything longer is no good for PBEM play.
  7. Is the link down? And the Militarygameronline site? I can't get through ... just when I have the time to settle down with CMBB ...
  8. I think everyone is hitting the learning curve of CMBB ... yeah, its different. But its every bit as fun as CMBO. Can you play the two games in the same way? No, but that doesn't mean that CMBB is any less appealing. And who would want the exact same features? Was CMBO fun because you could run infantry into the face of MG fire without consequence? No, it was fun becuase it was a complex, exciting wargaming challenge. CMBB is all the more so.
  9. If its the same as CMBO, and I'm pretty sure it is, then you need to be BEHIND the wall to gain cover advantages.(a couple of meters ought to do it) If your terrain box reads wall, then you are standing on top of the wall and consequently are extremely exposed.
  10. Huh, I got CMBB in Manhattan yesterday, mid-day. I wouldn't have thought that some buroughs or even some parts of the city would still be waiting. I'd be up for a NYC CM meet ... I'm in Manhattan ... [ September 24, 2002, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: Greenman ]
  11. Wouldn't the new trenches suffice for tank ditches? According to the manual, the bog risk increases beaucoup when crossing a trench. Just a thought.
  12. Soft ground remains snowless when the ground conditions are "light snow" as opposed to "snow" or "deep snow".
  13. Ack, you're catching me away from my gaming computer. But I spent a while last night looking over the scenarios. I too favor pre-made sceanrios over QB's. The scenarios on the cd (70 in all, I think) are all over the place. I set up three PBEM's last night. One a small german attack in 41 in the wooded Baltic country. One a German SS assault in 43 round Kharkov, and one a 1945 Soviet armored assault in the heart of Vienna. I also saw a Romanian vs. Hungarian scen as well as more than a couple involving the Finns. In all they span the war chronologically, geographically, and in terms of combatants. It looks to be a great bunch to begin with. There are already some new scenarios over at Boots & Tracks. What I really like is the new system for scenario listing. From the scenario page I can tell if a scen is historical or not, the point value, etc. I hope indie desingers stick to that format.
  14. The game arrived this morning in my office ... yet late meetings run till 9pm tonight ... tomorrow, I have a 12 hour day beginning at 8am ... Wednesday ... meetings till 3pm ... I'll NEVER get to play ... or maybe its sleep that will be sacrificed.
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