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HO HO HO! Here comes Peng with his bag full of Challenges!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander:


Allow me, not to get this straight, but get this Pooled:

I have 204 OK; Seanachai has 43.

I have 57 KIA; Seanachai has 108.


Given that it's the Xmas season, I'd like to take this result to hang some mistletoe over my ass and invite you all over.


Iskander, my dear little lad, if you peruse the innumerable postings on the 'Pool about games with myself, you will notice a certain pattern.

Not a pattern of confident wins. Not a pattern of Roman conquest. Not a Stalinesque steely defense.

No, what you will notice is an almost magical ability to deny Fate and Justice. Those confident of victory are presented with galling Draws. Those who assume they will at least, suddenly discover they've lost. Those who anticipate a massive win, are either presented with some paltry victory, or suddenly find themselves losing by some strange, paltry margin. It is a gift.

Now, obviously I have my losses, some of them quite brutal. But my special ability is to annoy, rather than win. This is the power granted to me as one of the Olde Ones.

You are a fine and useless opponent; one of a long line of disgruntled and bitterly annoyed individuals who've smacked the back of their hand against the monitor shouting 'What the Sodding Hell!'

You should have seen the four games I've won against Berli (out of 6). You can't begin to understand pain until you've seen what he's had to endure.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba:

Oh, Jo snore:

Your reply to AJ......

[q]Don't you EVER read the rules you ignorant pillock? SSNs should never expect a Knight, let alone a Seniour Knight, let alone an Olde One to listen to their pathetic whining mewls for a game! Now SOD OFF![q]

You forget. Seanachai listened to this THIS SSN;(Australian - OF COURSE)...when I reported to the pool after ME telling him to SOD OFF! in the Aussie thread. The mere fact that when I dutifully arrived, (At that point I thought it correct to do the right thing to protect Aussies) the EX-Mighty one actually listened and replied. It makes light of your statement. So your useless dribble of a reply to AJ means bugger all.

I remind one and all in this pox ridden den of senile old ones .... SEANACHAI IS LOSING TO ALL AUSTRALIANS HE IS PLAYING.


Well, this is not quite right. Near as dammit, but not on. I am, in fact, thrashing Speedy, an Australian and Seniour Knight of the Cesspool.

But, good Justicar, the lowly and unutterably vile Noba makes a worthwhile point. I currently fight many battles with Australians. I will need to bring these low and loathsome creatures in here, from time to time, in order to carry out my Holy Quest.

You see, I'm not some cheap tart that goes haring off after opponents on the Outer Boards. I limit my games to members of the Peng Challenge Thread. And, of course, the vile Australians.

Why not merely begin a thread challenging Australians, you may ask? Well, frankly, such may be perceived by the Powers that Be, and the Mad Bald One, as merely Cesspool spillage.

But, more importantly, it's because I only wish to challenge those, even Australian, who will come in here and taunt me. However poorly.

And, to answer Noba's taunt regarding my current showing against the undeniably lowly Australians:

Lad, it is a most Holy Quest that I have undertaken, and it is not through mere victory that my duty and destiny will be observed, but by my opposition to Australians. Should I fall in these battles, what marks me out as the Paladin that I am, is the vigour with which I arise from each defeat, and cast myself into battle again with the forces of Australianism.

Strike me down, you may, but you shall never take from me my Quest. Australia shall be crushed, and the gods shall witness my devotion to this pursuit of Goodness.

Now, all that said, I propose Noba as Serf. I see nothing in the useless bastard's postings that would hold him a lowly SSN.

Oh, and I fear that I will have to accept the (somewhat puerile) challenge of AussieJeff.

It is true, Oh Shaw, that the Useless should not raise their eyes to a game with those far above their merit. But I have brought this upon myself, in my Challenge to All Australians. As purposeless as AussieJeff appears to us all, he is here, and he has taunted and Challenged me, however poorly.

Send me a setup, AussieJeff. Nothing above 1500 base points. I leave it to you to determine what conditions you will choose as most likely to bring you an unearned victory.

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I have done some research on Gnomes and have determined that Seanachai is a House Gnome. A description follows:

The house gnome is a special sort. He resembles an ordinary gnome but he has the most knowledge of mankind. Owing to the fact that he often inhabits historic old houses, he has seen both rich and poor, and heard a great deal. He speaks and understands man’s language; gnome kings are chosen from his family. These gnomes (Farm and House) are good-natured, always ready for a lark or to tease; they are never malevolent, with a few exceptions, of course. If a gnome is really wicked -- which happens only once in a thousand -- it is due to bad genes that result from crossbreeding in faraway places.

I really don't think it is a case of bad genes, so it must be the troll who has taken his place. Troll, I demand you confess and tell us what you did with Seanachai. Free him at once!


Oh my gods, she's spectacularly cruel. This was at one and the same time both wonderfully precious, and savagely humiliating.

Women. I suppose it's because they give birth to all the addled lot of us that they have the ability and insight to both elevate and demean, to both stroke and kick.

To paraphrase a quote from the Author Evangeline Walton:

Women are the first lawgivers that any of us encounter, and that is why some men go to any lengths to demean them, while some of even the worst of men respect them, that respect nothing else.

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Originally speaketh by Seanachai.


And, to answer Noba's taunt regarding my current showing against the undeniably lowly Australians:

Lad, it is a most Holy Quest that I have undertaken, and it is not through mere victory that my duty and destiny will be observed, but by my opposition to Australians. Should I fall in these battles, what marks me out as the Paladin that I am, is the vigour with which I arise from each defeat, and cast myself into battle again with the forces of Australianism.


Well from where I stand with my boot on your neck.... you won't be getting up for a while ! We victorious Australians are not without pity on second rate nations. We understand that it is difficult to look up to us and be constantly blinded by the sun shining to illuminate our greatness. If you wish to take the boat and join our great nation...well...we might let you in.

Now. What did the old fart JoJo say ?

UB40 was it ?


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Noba ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

...ooohhhhh, right... with you now....

okay, okay... ahem (cough)

er, just a small, tiny, minor point: "SINGLE SOMEONE OUT" Errrrrr, Homo Sapien? Bit optimistic here! Okay, lets broaden the net.... humanoid? Errrrr, nope, nope don't see anyone upright on two legs.... okay, raise yer paw if you CLAIM to be a mammal.... dodgy... 1, 2, oh, that one's doubtful.... oh, yes, I see, unnatural breeding... count you as 1/2 then.... got some reptilian crawlers, even got a marsupial... that count?

BurpLactating, where'd you feature in this evolutionary freak show?


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]<hr></blockquote>

I choose your 'worst post' to reply to, hopefully, your best intention.

I found your pseudo "Slash Me Own Throat" Dibbler posts to have some merit. You've been uneven, but I've actually found you somewhat amusing.

But now things are at a turning point for you, lad. You've shown no particular interest in actually Challenging someone. That's what we're here for, actually. Oh, not the playing, not the winning, not the losing, not even just the insults. We're here for the Challenge. And that's a whole bloody concept.

It's the wandering in and drawing sword. It's the appraisal of the field, and picking an opponent. It's the choice of song, story, and villification to gain notice. It's the heady rush of being noticed, acknowledged, dismissed, and being acknowldeged again. It's the game that is gained, the community that laughs, and gibes, and belittles, and then grudgingly makes way for you.

It is, in a phrase, the Peng Challenge Thread.

All the people who sneer, and abuse, and toss urine at you. They all came in here, lad, and suffered the same. Well, except for the Eldest, and the Olde Ones, but they'd for the most part already endured a lot of ****e.

So, the main strike against yourself here in the Thread of threads, is your stupid Profile. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we prefer an individual who's got enough hair to post a full profile. An email address to which Challenges can be addressed, and which verify the Reality of the challenger. Amazing, really, how many 'long time posters' on the Outer Boards are so inconsequential as to start up a new Forum personality in order to come into the Peng Challenge Thread and act tough, talk trash, and risk nothing concerning their established Forum personality.

Besides all that, of course, here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we prefer to know our opponents. We are amongst the harshest of posters, and granted a leeway of personal expression and interaction that you'll never get on the Outer Boards. And why? Because we Despise and Honour each other. You will be treated here to abuse, and cast abuse, that will never pass on the Outer Boards.

And because of that, we don't suffer anonymous bastards lightly. Those members who haven't a currently published email address, location, personal info, etc.; well, lad, we know who they are. If they behave like arseholes, we know how to deal with them, how to contact them, how to awake them to their role, duty, and place within the Freedom of the Peng Challenge Thread.

But there's no one here that will extend themselves to acknowledge some pillock who makes no proper Challenge, and is anonymous as so much trash thown out a car window to litter the highway.

We have been characterized as unwelcoming, elitist, vicious, pointless, and disgusting.

We are all this, perhaps, and far more than the muddy dreams of the Outer Board can accept. But we know our own, our duty, and our fellowship.

Post a True Self, make a True Challenge, and Rise.

Or piss about, and be ignored. It's all one to us. You've shown certain abilities. Show us your personal honour.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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Originally posted by Seanachai.


We have been characterized as unwelcoming, elitist, vicious, pointless, and disgusting.

We are all this, perhaps, and far more than the muddy dreams of the Outer Board can accept. But we know our own, our duty, and our fellowship.

Post a True Self, make a True Challenge, and Rise.

Or piss about, and be ignored. It's all one to us. You've shown certain abilities. Show us your personal honour.


Nice post.

Where is my turn. Turkey.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

As purposeful as AussieJeff appears to us all, he is here, and he has taunted and Challenged me, however.

Send me a setup, AussieJeff. Nothing above 1500 base points. I leave it to you to determine what conditions you will choose as most likely to bring you an unearned victory.<hr></blockquote>

Well I'll be bug..errrr.... honoured SK Seanachai, to do Battle By Byte with ye.

However, be warned that ye are about to face one of the most agressive defenders of a CM losing record on record. I'll NOT win easily ....... no Sirr-ee...... So, your string of so-called 'honourable' losses to the Orztraylian Contingent may well come to a bitter and unrewarding END. Ponder that, Sir Seniour Knigget, whilst yon Conscript-only-slaughter-fest wends it's torturous way to your electro-mail. Let the Battle begin!! I feel another glorious loss a'comin' on.......or will you disappoint yourself?? We shall see .......


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

But now things are at a turning point for you, lad. You've shown no particular interest in actually Challenging someone. That's what we're here for, actually. Oh, not the playing, not the winning, not the losing, not even just the insults. We're here for the Challenge. And that's a whole bloody concept.

So, the main strike against yourself here in the Thread of threads, is your stupid Profile. <hr></blockquote>

Some angelic music begins and a shaft of blinding light smacks the Initiate Yeknod squarely on the forhead.... in one speck of time he witnesses the beauty and horror of the universe, the past and the future in its full gamut of underdulating eddies and swirling currents cascading and smashing against the unforgiving rocks of eternity.... everything now seems very clear... and that voice, that kindly, benevolent, gentle guide.. what majesty in such a low place... the dazzled Yeknod stumbles and falls unpon his knees with a moist eye knowing that all his deficiencies and mistakes have brought him to this moment of enlightenment; the crucial decision that must be made... but to hear that voice again that cradles and caresses, the voice that sprinkles wisdom and would be Sofia herself were it not for the slightly gruff undertone.

But there is silence in the pool... a void that clogs and creeps around the Yeknod as the light dims.... and then, the growing anxiety weedles into his brave, noble heart and with a blasting stab twists and turns.... terror and doubt take hold... the adrenalin pumps and his hand tightens on the helm and with fertive glances to catch the slipping shadows that dart and scamper he stumbles to the door barely able to utter the words from his parched throat,

"... horror, the horror..... Ping, the Ping Thread... "

... and as he lurches towards the door, and turns to see the growing gloom engulf its scurrying contents he looks back on his life, his love and professions and the awful realisation grips his throat again as he spits out his thoughts,

"oooooh, my gawd, International Jet Setting Merchant Banking Taxidermist... I'm dead"


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Speaketh the Bard:

Oh my gods, she's spectacularly cruel. This was at one and the same time both wonderfully precious, and savagely humiliating.<hr></blockquote>

Aye, she’s a nasty piece of work, that one. Having met her personally, I can tell you that she is a paragon of her species (i.e a harpy). She’ll draw you in with the quiet talk, the subtle grin and the stifled giggle, then leave you standing their wondering how your lungs ended up on your loafers. Note how, under the guise of characterising you, she gives her own this shot in the pills:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> from Patch:

Hair grays very early, baldness unknown. (Well, Berli is definitely not a Gnome.)<hr></blockquote>

Ouch . . . *now that’s gonna leave a mark.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> More from the Bard:

We are amongst the harshest of posters, and granted a leeway of personal expression and interaction that you'll never get on the Outer Boards.<hr></blockquote>

Quite, given what is also spewing forth from the frozen wastelands these days:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>From Look Ma’ no Hanns:

Arguing with Ozztralians is like competing in the Special Olympics. You may be the winner but you're still a retard.<hr></blockquote>

I’d like to see the intellectually impaired try that one out on the OuterBoards for size.

Let me add to what our gnomish comrade has apty (if not briefly) summarised for the various SSN that may be wishing to dip their feet this Yule. The reason that you fill out your whole profile is to show how unafraid you are of the assault on your character that will undoubtedly result from your first posting in the pool. By all means, hang around a bit first. Do a little research into hometowns, professions and identified websites available in the profiles. Make sure that when you target your bile the first time that it finds the soft underbelly of your adversary and doesn’t bounce off into the pool of accumulated insults barely causing a ripple. But at the same time, make sure that those present, who you are obviously offering to join (or you wouldn’t be here now would you?) can avail themselves of same opportunities that we present by completing your whole profile. After all, you really should get to know someone, and even be able to appreciate their perspective, if you intend to hate them properly.

* Ellipses use authorised by resident punctuation nazi Joe Shaw in the absence of permanent punctuation Nazi MarkIV

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Well I'll be bug..errrr.... honoured SK Seanachai, to do Battle By Byte with ye.

Ponder that, Sir Seniour Knigget, whilst yon Conscript-only-slaughter-fest wends it's torturous way to your electro-mail. Let the Battle begin!! I feel another glorious loss a'comin' on.......or will you disappoint yourself?? We shall see .......


Sigh. Lad, I am, of course and by extension, a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread.

But I am, first and foremost, one of the Olde Ones, establishing my reality, which redounds to your credit of garnering a game for the honour of Australia against me. Get it right.

Doubtless because you and your kin have so recently evolved to the status of actually nursing your own, live-born young, even though they return to the pouch for the final stage of their gestation, you've missed the fact that, since the beginning of time, and beyond, the three Olde Ones have been crouched in the Wasteland, awaiting the arrival of the Folk. Even such low and useless arrivals as yourself.

Ah, AussieJeff, how you bring to truth the lyrics of one of your national songwriters:

And it's a hard time living in the Lucky Country

Hard, hard times

They try to make you civilized

They just don't seem to realize

What they touch they bastardize

Hard, hard times.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I am, in fact, thrashing Speedy, an Australian and Seniour Knight of the Cesspool.


I cannot accept responsibility for this tradgedy, it appears that due to some remf foul up my troops were given the 'Last Stand Handbook' by Custer instead of Guderians' 'Achtung Panzer'.

If only BTS had modelled cavalry I might have been rescued.

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Fear not, brother Speedy, one battle does not a war make.

Herr Seanachai, committed to his crusade, is finding it hard going indeed and is due for his third spanking in a row, although I am on the attack this time and I wish him well in his endeavour.

What is of greater concern here, is the absolute influx of looky loos, tourists and wannabees.

It is like Waterloo feck'in station around here lately.

( I would rave on further with some really interesting stuff but a 'mutha beautiful' electrical storm is approaching and a Seniour Kanniggett has to know when discretion is the better part of valour and, get the feck out of here! )

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

( I would rave on further with some really interesting stuff but a 'mutha beautiful' electrical storm is approaching and a Seniour Kanniggett has to know when discretion is the better part of valour and, get the feck out of here! )<hr></blockquote>

Here's a key, and a kite. Go out and have some fun!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

A 'mutha beautiful' electrical storm is approaching [/QB]<hr></blockquote>

Well it may be approaching you but it's sitting on my bloody head!


Batton down the hatches buddy, this ain't pretty!.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You should have seen the four games I've won against Berli (out of 6). You can't begin to understand pain until you've seen what he's had to endure.<hr></blockquote>

But that streak (Bauhaus... don't make me slap you) ended with the Little H-39 That Could.

What the Bard says it true. You can do everything right and he can do everything wrong and when the smoke clears you will find that you have lost... quite annoying

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Carry on dear Aussie chaps. The senile one will eventually learn that 'getting lucky' in one game, sometimes, does not in itself mean anything.

He forgets, he is fighting a losing battle against the Australians he so wishes to suppress. He has only just started to lose. He will come to realise - he is doomed to repeat his losses forever. As are all in the 'pool who challenge us.

His lilly-lipped replies have no standing. He is clutching at 'seniority' ... In this case another word for Silly Old Pooler. SOP !

We will be victorious ! We shall overcome the foreign stench of the 'pool. To be "Champions of the Pool" by RIGHT, and of course by naturalness too ! Perhaps an, 'UBER LEVEL' above all others in the pool will be ours. All others will be as SSN's to our lofty gaze. We, the young, brave AUSTRALIANS, will RULE.

There is no-one in the 'pool that can stand up to us. I call upon you all to join our crusade. To end the dribble of foreigners who dare slight our hard fought and won reputation as the Best in the world.


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Noba ]</p>

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Seanachai, you Gnaive Nome, "Yeknodathon" is obviously Peng in Yeknod drag bashing the one thread in the virtual universe that gives constant recognition to his pitiful name. And you answer him with all the silly intensity that you normally save for SSN's. Only Peng and Meeks have the need to adopt alternate egos to spread their senseless bile around like fresh manure on a damp morning.

And as to your "playing" Aussie Fluff, didn't you try to "save" another git a while back by bringing him home to pee in the Pool and giving him game? I've (thankfully) forgotten the name of that idjit, but not your vile actions.

Remember Senile One, you don't need to go native to teach the natives. And it's always wise to LEAVE THE FECKIN' NATIVES where they are. If you absolutely feel the need to adopt (and in this season of mercy, I fear the worst...), go to the animal shelter and at least get one for whom having a wet nose is a sign of God's grace, rather than the signature of filthy hygiene.

In short, you need to start adopting at better places than the outerboards and the occasional insects that wander in here looking for cookie crumbs.

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Note to Noba

First, let me apologize for the unrequested babbling of Moriarty who intruded into your own unrequested babbling. Berli normally keeps him comatose on a strict diet of NyQuil to prevent disruptions at work, but apparently the Mao-Man accidentally woke up and somehow thought the world had missed him. M.C. Hammer and Peter Yarrow have the same delusions occasionally. Unfortunately, these losers only know how to express themselves with primal screams that annoy the rest of us. Where is Yoko when we really need her?

Now on to important matters.

NO REAL MAN lives in a place named after a fat old queen who produced the full line of modern deviants bankrupting an already bankrupt nation, and laughing all the way to the bank. We know Vicky's progeny as "Chucker", "Andy-Pandy", and limp-wristed "Eddie" (the most manly of them all).

I'll accept without comment your claim to live in a park. Do you have your own bench and trashcan to forage?

Furthermore, if you are really a "miner", then it proves again (as if it's necessary) that only in Oz can a man claim that picking the lint from his navel is a profession. I'm sure the Aussie gub'ment buys it from you too, and palms it off on the rest of the world as "pure lambswool" or the yeast used in "brewing" Foster's Piss-Hell-ner.

Be it known to you, Potty Nob, that Mace is the only Ozzie Queen we accept here, and only because he enjoys cavorting around the house in Freddie Mercury shirts and tight shiny toreador pants so much. "Fat-bottomed sheep, they make the Ozzie world go 'round..."

As much as I would like to once again apply some Gucci leather to the neck of a working man in order to remind you that Lawyer ist Uber[, I have a few other patsies standing in line wanting to get slapped around first.

I do have my Eye on Oz, however. I see that I shall have to eventually clean-up the embarrassing mess Seanachai has made in thrashing you all to pulp. Stuka, Mace, and even the faux Arab Goanna all have a Date with Death at the Hands of the Law. All good things come to those who wait.

So keep waiting, you Puff Wart, and throw Mel Gibson on the barbie with your "Men at Work" albums. Be sure to keep your mouth closed so you don't gag so much on the dust. Hmmm.... Didn't you just hear a canary sing? You sound so much better when your mouth is closed.

Ya Feckin' Idjit.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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Oh me oh my, another busy night of posting I see. Do you lot have any idea of the pain you put me through? To have to awaken and face your ... drivel every morning is a trial indeed.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Needless to say, Seanachai is on binge and purge mode again with his posts: But, good Justicar, the lowly and unutterably vile Noba makes a worthwhile point. I currently fight many battles with Australians. I will need to bring these low and loathsome creatures in here, from time to time, in order to carry out my Holy Quest.

You see, I'm not some cheap tart that goes haring off after opponents on the Outer Boards. I limit my games to members of the Peng Challenge Thread. And, of course, the vile Australians ... But, more importantly, it's because I only wish to challenge those, even Australian, who will come in here and taunt me. However poorly.<hr></blockquote> Look you Seanachai, it's not the bringing in of those who can taunt to which we object. It's your vile habit of inviting them IN PUBLIC so that other Australians who CAN'T taunt (i.e. virtually ALL of them) think that they can just wander in.

We are in accord with your noble and indeed almost religious crusade against Australians, as who is not. We simply ask that you not be so ... blatant.

You needn't REMAIN a cheap tart you know, trolling your dubious and well worn wares in public ... you can email in private. Think of it as having a nice little room to go to, albeit one infested with roaches and with stained mattress and noisy neighbors and the occassional gunshot.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Now, all that said, I propose Noba as Serf. I see nothing in the useless bastard's postings that would hold him a lowly SSN.<hr></blockquote> Yes, yes fine, whatever. He DOES exhibit SOME merit I suppose. Mind I'm opposed IN GENERAL to more Australians but ...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Oh, and I fear that I will have to accept the (somewhat puerile) challenge of AussieJeff. It is true, Oh Shaw, that the Useless should not raise their eyes to a game with those far above their merit. But I have brought this upon myself, in my Challenge to All Australians. As purposeless as AussieJeff appears to us all, he is here, and he has taunted and Challenged me, however poorly. <hr></blockquote> Oh blast and damn Seanachai now you've done it. He was gone, he'd left and it was a GOOD thing. Now you've given him cart blanche (Why does Blanche get a cart and no one else ... ever wondered ... perhaps SHE offers more than the others if you get my drift?) You'll regret this ... and so shall we.

Now mind I've no objection to ANYONE playing an SSN IF THEY SO CHOOSE! I myself have taken likely lads under my wing, why Speedbump was just a snot nosed SSN when I introduced him to the joys of Jabo! ... ah the memories. But generally SSNs are beneath even notice of contempt.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Well we didn't have to wait long for the newest Serf to pop in did we: Now. What did the old fart JoJo say? UB40 was it ?<hr></blockquote> Look you lad, you're in the CessPool now, granted at the lowest level recognized and STILL not eligible for having your name properly spelt and bolded but STILL OF THE CESSPOOL. You'll learn to properly set off quotes using UBB codes or we'll know the reason why. Go to the UBB Code is enabled link ... to your left ... your OTHER left ... it's in WHITE lad ... now click on it and get someone literate to read and explain it to you. Good lad.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Seanachai, in a flash of insight totally unlike him, actually hit the nail upon the head: Post a True Self, make a True Challenge, and Rise. Or piss about, and be ignored. It's all one to us. You've shown certain abilities. Show us your personal honour.<hr></blockquote> Well I might well quarrel with the "certain abilities" tag ... in fact I shall, he's a Nog and no error, but the point is well taken. He shall follow the advice of Seanachai or be Sent to COVENTRY.

Speaking of COVENTRY there are but two hours (give or take) remaining for a last appeal to save Tin Cook Sucky from that fate.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I was amazed at the following from FlossieJeff: However, be warned that ye are about to face one of the most agressive defenders of a CM losing record on record. I'll NOT win easily ....... no Sirr-ee...... So, your string of so-called 'honourable' losses to the Orztraylian Contingent may well come to a bitter and unrewarding END.<hr></blockquote> Now by George you can't say fairer than that say I. Perhaps his exile has shown the lad the error of his ways. As fine a statement of proper CessPool attitude as I've seen from an SSN ... and an Australian at that ... will wonders never cease.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Now see the violence inherent in the system, the SSN Donkey-a-thon stated, in writing mind you: "... horror, the horror..... Ping, the Ping Thread... "<hr></blockquote> You miserable little creature ... it's PENG! PENG blast your eyes. And still no email and no general location. You're on damned thin ice boyo, the Justicariate has it's eye on you, one more slip and YOU'RE GONE, HISTORY, DECEASED AND BLOODY WELL PINING FOR THE FJORDS! see if you're not.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Goanna has honored us with his presence from the scorched wastelands of Oman ... : * Ellipses use authorised by resident punctuation nazi Joe Shaw in the absence of permanent punctuation Nazi MarkIV<hr></blockquote> HAH! MarkIV couldn't punctuate his way out of a paper bag.

And of course Lawyer showed up as well, I'll not suffer the CessPool to read his blitherings AGAIN, I'll just note that I'm personally getting damned sick and tired of him ... DAMNED sick and tired. In fact ...

Lawyer I find you to be an affront to good and decent CessPoolers everywhere, in fact I find you to be an affront to the rest of the CessPoolers and obviously that's a MUCH larger portion of the Hole. I take it upon myself to humble you sir, to teach you some manners and to bring you down a notch or two.

In short sir, I challenge you to meet me upon the field of honor, or (as you're likely to be hard pressed to get a pass there given your reputation) some other place as shall be specified by our seconds.

I shall ask and require my good and faithful collegue in Ker Dessel*, MrSpkr to act for me in this matter. No doubt you'll be obliged to PAY someone to act for you but that will be acceptable to us. I'll brook no further conversation with you save through our seconds.


*Ker Dessel - When You Want to Play CM in the Worst Way

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Seanachai, you Gnaive Nome, "Yeknodathon" is obviously Peng in Yeknod drag bashing the one thread in the virtual universe that gives constant recognition to his pitiful name. And you answer him with all the silly intensity that you normally save for SSN's. Only Peng and Meeks have the need to adopt alternate egos to spread their senseless bile around like fresh manure on a damp morning.


Lawyer you tassled loafer wearing, congress schmoozing, attache toting, self aggrandizing THING MrHappy is me in drag, and don't you forget it.

And Noba-lad, If you look at the Lorak site you will find that there are Ozzie bastidges there with the Asterisk of Shame firmly pinned to their too wide lapels. This Olde one can rip through stralians like semi-digested habanero peppers through a virgin (get em bauaus) nether sphincter.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB(oh for the love of Pete, it's BATTLE hardened you Ozzie goof),


Ozzie goof? Hope you're not referring to me.....I made the mistake of letting an Ozzie goof stay at my house once.....still fumigating. Now if you're referring to Mace, Ozzie goof is correct. I live in the southern most parts of Wisconsin according to an Uber Lizard.You git! I'll be checking my email soon....and from what I remember I believe we're tied at one game a piece. Do I need to remind you of the single greatest turn in CM history. Mr. Six pieces of armor dead in less than a minute.....'nough said.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Perhaps the Herald should do an in-depth study of rural bushfire brigades that they could find someone of experience to cover. Oh, and be sure to bring along a photograhper.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]<hr></blockquote>

Nipple rubber!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Ozzie goof? Hope you're not referring to me.....I made the mistake of letting an Ozzie goof stay at my house once.....still fumigating. Now if you're referring to Mace, Ozzie goof is correct. I live in the southern most parts of Wisconsin according to an Uber Lizard.You git! I'll be checking my email soon....and from what I remember I believe we're tied at one game a piece. Do I need to remind you of the single greatest turn in CM history. Mr. Six pieces of armor dead in less than a minute.....'nough said.<hr></blockquote>It's all the blasted Australians you know. One just naturally equates noisome, irritating and disgusting folk with them and places any such in their camp without thinking. I'd apologize but I really don't care, I mean Wisconsin is NEARLY as bad as Australia when you get right down to it.

Tied, yes, but let's not forget that while YOU required the Single Luckiest Turn in CM History in order to eak out a win, I slaughtered you in grand style DESPITE your gamey last minute flag rush with crews and so forth.

The setup is in the mail, unfortunately I chose, without looking too carefully, some abortion slapped together by Andreas. Hell, we may be fighting Nazgul together for all I know.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You should have seen the four games I've won against Berli (out of 6). You can't begin to understand pain until you've seen what he's had to endure.<hr></blockquote>

I don't know. Losing to me once and drawing twice is pretty painful. Especially since I can't beat Berli and he can't beat you. Then again, you manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in all of our games(or somefink like that). You may be an olde one, but you are still a losing gnome of a pillock.

(Sorry coffee is kicking in, that's why so many posts in a row).

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