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New "Combined Arms Tourney" Registration Now Open

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Sajer fills the fifth slot. We've got five openings left. I'll be back online at 10PM ET if any more questions or issues pop up.

Mike the Bike, "Stalins Organ" it is from now on.

Anything but a Meeting engagement is a risky thing to agree to IMO. The other types don't seem to be as well balanced. Defend against Assaults at your own risk. smile.gif

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Well, the weather here in Arkansas is downright dangerous at the moment so I'm still here monitoring the thread for awhile.

It sounds like people prefer cash to a trophy. So do I since it is easier. Should I cut down the Canadian and NZ prize money since they have such a favorable exchange rate? :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Pretending that this game doesn't own me is silly, so sign me up if there's still a spot.

Nine games over 90 days? Ouch! Rather than fiddy bucks, you should just send flowers with a big, big apology to the winner's significant other :eek:

You might want to consider extending the timeframe, especially as it's summer (at least up here) and people will doubtless have vacations and whatnot. Also, I suspect that people will play a few at a time rather than all nine at once (I'm far too stupid to keep all that in mind) so there will doubtless be various delays caused by that.

I'm all for trying to crank out nine in ninety, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are many stragglers.

And thanks for the tip about how you attack, Mike ;)

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Sock Monkey reserves the 6th slot in the tourney! Four more slots to fill in this winner take all CASH tourney. $50 US to the champ unless he's from NZ in which case he gets 50 Mexican pesos. :D

Sock Monkey,

If it becomes apparent that many will not make the 90 day time limit there will be extensions, but only to a certain point. I don't want to die of old age before this thing is over. 120 days may be more reasonable but we'll leave it at 90 for now to keep people moving. It's hard to judge how much time should be allowed since some have more "playtime" that others.

KIWI JOE is in the 7th slot! Three more slots to go.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Hi All

Thanks to Treeburst for being open minded and adopting my 9 games TOTAL points suggestion,

I fully support the structure that says all games are 25 turns and all games must have a variable random ending turn -/+ 4 turns 21-29 sounds PERFECT.

So I've been thinking.....

How about this, if I'm not mistaken we only need 9 scenario's.

NOW I know every one like to do their own "buying" or selecting of units, but, just hear me out on this one

What if

all 10 participants designed just ONE scenario, complete with reinforcements and set to 25 turns on a small or medium map with up to 1500 pts. Then each player could tournement save the file and send it to Treeburst.

Heres the best part under the CAL rules either player has the option to decline the map. If it does not work then you just go on to a QB and buy forces like usual. I suggest this because I would like to see Rivers and Bridges and reinforcements and forces in a scenario allocated by the designer WITHIN the CAL rule guidelines, AND Hell, NO one ever uses the tournement save function and this is the PERFECT opportunity if each player would choose to design one map with reinforcements, the SAME entry turn or chance of entry turn for both sides, then Treeburst could "jury" them and makes sure no on used a Map they made, so with 10 maps to choose from and 9 games all going at the same time you would never see the map you made. AND if it is not to your liking you would lose out on the "human touch" design quality of the map and op for a computer generated map and go back to the old way of buying your own units.

ITS just an suggestion pending Treeburst's consideration.

-tom w

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Yah Joe - I can maange a nod in your direction without grimacing too much!! tongue.gif

Tom I think your suggestion of each player designing a scenario may not be such a good idea - how long would it take, and who's gonna playtest the scenarios to ensure balance?????

Remember most of us...well me at least....are players, not designers.

And, lastly, Tree - you're gonna have to explain why you would think the Mexican Peso would not be attractive in NZ!!

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Mike the bike ]

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GCLEMENT is in at slot 8!

Tom, I think the idea is a bit too ambitious. If players wish to use custom maps they can and I will be happy to place their forces on the map and tournament save the scenario. I don't want to require all 10 players to make a map however. There will be many more than 9 games going on anyway. I think it works out to about 45 different player matchups. I'm not sure about that though.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

GCLEMENT is in at slot 8!

Tom, I think the idea is a bit too ambitious. If players wish to use custom maps they can and I will be happy to place their forces on the map and tournament save the scenario. I don't want to require all 10 players to make a map however. There will be many more than 9 games going on anyway. I think it works out to about 45 different player matchups. I'm not sure about that though.

Treeburst155 out.



Just a thought and yes I guess it was a little too ambitious, I'm sure you are correct.

I am keen to play in this one!

I have never played Kiwi Joe so I'm looking forward to that encounter under CAL rules!


-tom w

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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I don't have the time to wade through all of the emails above and I would like to how soon you all are planning on starting this. Perhaps I can try to put the BER secure mode version on the fast track to help out. We (bradleyh and I) are guessing that this weekend (FRI or SAT) BER v1.5 will be ready to go, secure mode and all, but don't hold me to that ;).


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LABAPPEL is in at slot 10!! The Combined Arms CASH Tourney is now full. I will be sending a list of the participants and their email addresses to all involved VERY soon.

Please be sure your correct email is in your profile if you did not provide me with one when you reserved a slot.

Please post to this thread if you have any questions or problems. I will keep my eye on it.

I will keep players supplied with the latest tournament statistics through this thread also. As results come in they will promptly be posted for here for all to see.

Finally, if you missed out on this tourney but would like to play in one just like it, (minus the $50 prize) just post here and I will start a new one when and if I get ten players. I will post stats, announce winners, etc just like the CASH tourney. There just won't be a cash prize.

Treeburst155 out.

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That's great news! We can hold the start of the tournament until your secure BER is finished. The BER makes all the difference in this tourney since every single point counts and flag rushes would be rampant. Thanks a bunch!!

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Glad to help smile.gif. I just talked to bradleyh on the phone and looks like we MAY be able to get it done FRI or SAT. Confidence is high, I repeat, confidence is high.

Anyway, in a pinch, I suppose you could use the basic mode as you volunteered to do if we slip a few days.

Your BER-co-creator and CM fanatic,


[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: TeAcH ]

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OK guys, all participants should be receiving an email from me any second now containing everything you need to know. If you don't get it then I probably messed up typing your address. Post here if you don't get the player list.


We will go ahead and let the tournament begin. Yours and BradleyH's secure BER will be out soon enough for the vast majority of the games. Only TCP/IP games will need me to run the program for them. Don't rush on our account. I don't think these guys will be playing that fast anyway. If they do then they can spare the time to wait for the secure BER or let me run it for them. Thanks again for a great contribution to the CM community. We will certainly be using it.

Treeburst155 out.

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Jeesh, I guess I am to late.

Could offer 6 bottles of wine though to the winner, postage included! How about that Treeburst, in addition to your price?

Let me know and I will post the 6 bottles of South African red wine I intend to send here.


Charl Theron

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WineCape has sweetened the pot, fellas!! The prize is now $50 US and 6 bottles of good South African wine delivered to your doorstep, postage paid! Thanks WineCape! smile.gif


Stay tuned. I think there may be more "Combined Arms Tourneys" coming soon! You have a slot reserved for the next one along with WineCape.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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This is going to be great!

I do have a suggestion for the group. At TH there is also a "Random Map Generator". Players input names, rules, and size. The generator will then post the side, Allied or Axis, and the map parameters. This would allow for some variation in the setups. And allow randomness for side selected. I am not sure if your oppenent must be a member to use this feature.

Any comments?

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And now Gentlemen we must deal with a less pleasant aspect of the tournament. We must talk about disputes and how they will be resolved.

The best way to solve a dispute is to prevent it. The best way to prevent a dispute is for all participants to become VERY familiar with the CAL Rules as laid out at Tournament House. These rules are very clear but there are several options available to the combatants. For example, you could use the Rule of 75's, or Recon Rules, or the Panther 76 Rules. Players must familiarize themselves with ALL these rules as they are a part of the CAL Rules under which the tournament is being played. Besides, if your opponent wants to use Panther 76 Rules it would behoove you to know exactly what those rules are before you agree to them. Many different types of games can be played under the CAL rules. Spend some time at Tournament House looking the CAL rules over. Even if you think you know the rules there may be something you missed. If everyone knows the rules then disputes can be kept to minimum.

If you are setting up a game be sure you use the parameters (weather, date, hills, etc.) your opponent agreed to. Take your time and get it right. If you are receiving a setup be sure everything is right before you begin. Remember also, that CAL rules permit either player to reject the map (on first sight) for any reason since some QB maps can be quite unbalanced. Once you place your units in their starting spots and send the file you have accepted the game. There is no turning back when you notice the month is January '45 and it was supposed to be August '44.

Other than possible setup problems the only disputes I can see arising would involve a player's choice of units. This could get somewhat hairy for me, as the arbitrator of disputes, since different units would be allowed for different games depending on the particular rules (Short 75, Recon, etc.) decided upon by the players.


Players should keep any email correspondence with other players that outlines the final conditions and rules agreed upon for the game. Preferably, once negotiations are over, one final email would be sent listing everything agreed to. I do this anyway in my games as a double check on what has been agreed to. This final email is proof of what has been agreed to and both players will have a copy of it.


Should one player see a King Tiger on a hill when they are supposed to be playing a Recon game he could then prove to me that the game was in fact supposed to be a Recon game and not Heavy Armor. I would then rule in his favor and the game would be restarted from scratch. If you cannot document the rules agreed to for a game I have no way of knowing whether or not your opponent has violated those rules. I would of course be contacting your opponent too asking him for documentation of the rules agreed to. Please report any suspected rules violations to me immediately upon discovery since the game will have to start anew if I agree with you.

If there are any disputes, I would bet they are due to an honest misunderstanding of the rules agreed to or a misinterpretation of the rules themselves. Let's not accuse anyone of cheating if rules violations are found. Illegal units on the battlefield will be obvious and not something someone would do if they were trying to cheat. The game will be restarted from scratch so no harm is done.

Finally, I think we should mention the well known concept of "GAMINESS". Yes, this is my favorite topic. smile.gif

1) To have a tournament you must have a GAME.

2) CM is the GAME for this tournament.

3) Since every point counts you can expect players to fight hard and with every maneuver, tactic, and weapon at their disposal. Expect the unexpected, deter the dastardly, fight fire with fire.

4) Some gamey tactics fall into a gray area that reasonable people can disagree on. They are difficult, if not impossible to arbitrate; therefore, perceived gamey tactics complaints will not be entertained by the "Court of Disputes".

5) Players can agree to not use certain gamey tactics if they so wish. Refer to #4 above if your opponent violates your agreement.

The Honorable Judge Treeburst155, First International Court of Disputes.

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