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Famous last words.....

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I'll just take a short cut through the trees, there won't be any infantry in there.

That tank hasn't got the firepower to get me from there....anyway he hasn't even got line of sight.

[This message has been edited by Wittmann (edited 07-13-2000).]

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British tank crew member, "Sorry Sergeant, we ran out of white paint for the star on the rear, but I don't think any Americans will be behind us on the next mission anyway."

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 07-14-2000).]

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To division's supply officer:

"Sure, all our rifles are 7.62 mm"

Not exactly final words, but had the speaker been present instead of using phone when he later explained that they really had Swedish 6.something mm rifles instead of Russian 3-line models, the supply officer would have probably shot him.

This happened during Winter War at Summa sector and is reported in Wolf Halsti (the supply officer of the 5th Division) in his "Talvisodan päiväkirja".

- Tommi

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Creative answers all, but I've gotta fall back on basic tactics (which I muff badly from time to time) hence:

"Make those vehicles move fast; no likely enemies around!" (followed by buttoning-up sounds then !ker-plam! with much wailing from yours truly)

I have to echo Wesreidau: "That called-in artil burst is *plenty* far from friendly troops!"

"They're probably about out of ammo - charge!"

And, when in a bad mood late at night:

"Screw it, area-select everyone and order them to simply advance on the center of the enemy's concentration of force" (oddly this works maybe 1/4 of the time!)


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# "Just a few more yards probably won't hurt"

# When four (4!!!) unsupported regular hidden bazooka teams open up at a Tiger (front armor of course) at over 100 meters in fog, simultaneously:


# and finally (again; Python knowledge recommended): "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!!"

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Just a moment dear....... Trash........, sure, one moment.........., there now, (hit play) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 07-14-2000).]

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Ok got the tanks ordered, and the arty requested... oh and the men are in position... What did I forget... oh well *hits play* DOH!

Ok the arty says it'll be raining down in 30 seconds.. excelent! I'll move my men appropiately... Three turns later... What do you mean you had to cancel the last firing order and plot a new one! why did you tell me it would be thirty seconds! ARGH DAMN GREEN SPOTTERS!

Ok my three panthers have killed about 20 shermans no way more is on the way...

Ok unt graber you and your tiger target the tank coming around the corner of the woods... NO NOT THE CREW OF THE JEEP! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!:o

Hi honey... no of course I am happy you called... hang on... (Damn allies) yes hon I DO love you... No hon that wasn't an explosion you heard from my computer... hang on... (Come on Panzer shreck FIRE DAMN YOU!) "Click" Hon? hon?

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"Captain! Captain! I hear fighter-bombers overhead, sir!!! We're going to get out here!"

"Great, Private! Hey. . . wait a sec. Wait just one GD sec. . . Is he shooting at Sergeant John's M4. . .Huh? WAIT!! GET AWAY FROM MY LAST TANK YOU INBRED PUNK. . . aw nuts."

"What now, sir?"

"Um, retreat! We'll get those flyboys when they land, son. We'll get 'em when they land. . ."

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He can't possible have any more artillery

He wouldn't dream of coming this way

There, these guys oughta hold the line

I can't miss from this range

He can't hit from that range -snicker-snicker-

That must be supporting effort

That must be his main effort

That must be his recon

Those are probably his light tanks

And finally,

Where in the heck did that come from?

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Or here's my favourites..

Don't worry men, we'll be supported by Nebelwerfer fire ( I lost 10 men to my own Nbws while Blackhorse tells me he only lost 1.)

Don't worry.. We'll have air support... I'm sure our own planes won't attack us again this time.

Ps. Blackhorse, would the "recon, main, supporting" efforts be from our PBEM? wink.gif

Top 5 quotes from our current PBEM which my Bn commander would be saying...

1. Hehehe, with 5 FOs all in the 150mm+ range I'm going to pound the enemy into scrap ( so far ALL of my arty has killed 10 times as many of my own men as it has killed of the Amis).

2. 1 Lynx vs 1 occupied M8. Ha, my recon force will easily win that battle. 10 seconds later I have lost my last Lynx.

3. Hmm, I wonder where his men are.... (Cue sound of incoming bullets and Germans screaming as they get shot as an entire ridge only 20 metres away erupts in MG teams).

4. I think I'll keep my tanks and heavy support weapons back so they can use their long-range firepower and be safe from enemy return fire.... OH **** !! They can't draw LOS to ANY of the 4 locations where my men and the enemy are clashing.>. Quick, charge them into close range.

5. So guys, why do you think charging the enemy machinegun platoon didn't work? Was it the fact that an enemy infantry platoon was set up to ambush you as you charged or would you say that the 6 enemy tanks which suddenly appeared (which you hadn't known about ) and began pouring HE and MG fire into you as you ran across the open ground were the deciding factor? ( Has cost me the guts of a platoon in just 1 turn.)

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- Is that incoming or outgoing fire..."BOOM"

- BOOM. Hey, that sorta looked like it blew up my M8 from our flan...BOOM! (So much for scouting on the left flank with 2 M8's)

-Move, Move, Move, Move, Move, Turn, Turn, Turn, Turn, Turn, Fire!, Fire!, FIRE!, FIRE! Huuuuuurrrrrrrry. BOOM. DOH! (The whole time I'm imitating the moves with my body)

- Yeah! I fought the AI to a draw! Woohoo! (That's a good one for a newbie like me)

Someone help me..I can't stop playing! smile.gif

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a Hero is some type of sandwich!

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