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'Weak Spot' Armor Kill

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

I was playing the AI over the weekend and saw a detailed Penetration Text (hmm isn't that a good porno flick? wink.gif) that I had never seen beofre. It said: Front Turret Hit, Weak Spot! I am assuming that the shot hit the turret at either a particularly (ahem) weak joint or right at the turret collar. Whatever the case it was cool to see and it did knock out the Sherman. Has anyone else ever gotten such a hit?

Madmatt out....

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Yeah, I've had a few of those messages, too. I imagine it may mean hitting the turret ring or a vision slot or some other area that the armor is not uniformly spread across the surface, and not an inherently weak or defective spot of the armor plate?


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Guest L Tankersley

The notion of "critical hits" was discussed here a while back, to capture a wide variety of things such as hits on vision slits, MG mounts, and other thin spots in the armor as well as defects and weaknesses. I think that "Weak Spot!" means that one of the above applied - take your pick which one. wink.gif

Leland J. Tankersley

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Actually you might not even have to take a pick, since CM simulates both. I am not sure if this was in for the beta demo already, but you might try and look up some in-game stats (ENTER button) for the tanks. Some of them, I believe especially some earlier models, have "X% armor quality", with X being lower then 100. This simulates low-quality armor and, as far as I know, increases the chance of hitting weak-spots on that tanks armor. On the other side, even the toughest vehicles with top-notch armor have their weak points, and these are simulated as well.

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I've read accounts of early Shermans receiving armor that was improperly forged/cast/whatever, resulting in many vehicles being destroyed by ridiculously low-percentage shots.

I've also heard rumors that people in the associated factories knew about the problems, but kept quiet to keep the federal $ coming in.


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If it hit the treads you'd have been told that.

If it said hit "Lower Left Side" then it hit and penetrated into the hull on the lower left side of the tank.

That is NOT the same as a tread hit.

In CM your opinion isn't going to matter to this crew who've just had a schreck burn through their armour and into the crew compartment wink.gif. That tank was unusable after the hit (which had nothing to do with the treads BTW wink.gif ).



Fionn Kelly

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On the other hand, I had a Stug survive a penetrating top armor hit, and nail the Sherman that did it. Let me tell, that was a big surprise for me. I heard the big *CLANG*, saw the message and prepared to luxiriate in the knowledge that I've just made the world a little safer for the democracy. Instead that SOB returned fire. Argh!

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  • 1 year later...

Ok, this is a pretty old thread, but I just had a similar thing happen to me. I was playing a scenario (as allies) where a german Tiger controlled a large part of the battlefield. I had three Churchills, but the terrain made it impossible for them to flank the Tiger. So they mostly hid behind a hill while my infantry were advancing on the side with a few PIAT teams.

I ordered one of my tanks to move a little to be able to shell a house with some germans in it, but to my annoyance it moved into LOS of the Tiger (yes, I am a newbie). And what happens? While the Tiger slowly moves its turret, the Churchill (regular) fires one shot: "front turret penetration - weak spot". Halleluja!

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Take a look at this "hit" I got on a Sherman side turrent with a 76mm AT gun from -100 or so meters:


The shell broke up into 4 seperate fragments that all went to different trajectories. The fragments in this pic are richocheting away from the tank. At first when I watched it I thought it was 3 fragments but one richocheted on the other side of the tank. It's evening in this shot, btw (crickets).


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 02-28-2001).]

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Heh Heh, way to dredge up an ancient thread!

I've never had a weak spot hit, but I recently had a few TD's pummeling the crap out of a Panther, until the crew just fled. The Panther was never penetrated, it became immobilized, but the rest of the shots bounced off or broke up. The Panther could not locate the threat (in trees) and so the crew just bailed out after about a minute and a half of pummeling. I've never experienced that one before.

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Guest Mikey D

I've had lotsa 'weak spot' knockouts on armor in CM. In the real world a turret weak spot can be anything from the opening for the mg or gunner's telescope, to the M4 Sherman's thinner armor in front of the gunner (strengthened with the big right-side armor patch.)

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I had that happen to two Shermans (British, forget which model) in the same PBEM, both times when I got them into hull-down positions, perhaps unintentionally exposing that weak spot.


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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

Heh Heh, way to dredge up an ancient thread!

Good Lord, I wondered what the heck this was! First Madmatt talking like he's not even on the payroll, and then Fionn's name - I was about to welcome him back until I looked at the date.

Nice pic, incidentally.

How about armour non-kills? One of my Shermans took a Panzerfaust in the rear, in the engine deck, from about 20 metres away, and it had no effect.

The Chrysler multi-bank engine could, I understand, lose one or two banks much in the same way a B-17 could lose an engine or two and keep running. Is that what happened here?

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Once it took three penetrating hits to take out a Stug III. 8 Jumbo Shermans with 76mm guns fired at it and it said front upper hull penetration, front upper hull penetration and then front upper hull penetration knocked out. One tough Stug. Another time I shot a bazooka into the rear of a Panzer Mark IV from about 50 meters and it said rear upper hull penetration but it didn't knock it out. I also had that in Valley of Trouble just the other day. A Bazooka fired right into the Side of the panther from about 10 meters and I got side upper hull penetration but it didn't knock it out so this seems quite common. How common was it in real life?

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I've killed a Panther G with the American 57mm AT Gun with a weak spot penetration.

Here, have a look.


First that Panther knocked out two of my Shermans, I'm surprised that they coulnd't do any damage. The AT Gun is somewhere behind the smokescreen. It was a hotseat game against my friend. He said that the Panthers crew had sabotaged The Defence, and I said that it was a World-historic event.

Heheee, damn he was pissed :P.

Geocities. Copy the url to a new browser window.

[This message has been edited by Kekk (edited 02-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

I had one of my Shermans taken out by a weak point penetration from a King Tiger.

Jeff Heidman

I think the entire Sherman is a weak point when faced by a King Tiger wink.gif


When we were in the Bocage country we were assaulted by them Tigers ... you know what I mean by assaulted huh? WELL I MEAN ASSAULTED!!!!

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I have had 2 seperate occasions where a Greyhound was doomed in the sights of a Panther G. The Greyhounds, firing as they backed away took out the Panther with the Weak point text following.

I would not reccomend that match up on a regular basis.


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Originally posted by Screamineagle:

I have had 2 seperate occasions where a Greyhound was doomed in the sights of a Panther G. The Greyhounds, firing as they backed away took out the Panther with the Weak point text following.

I would not reccomend that match up on a regular basis.

Well the Greayhound crews could roast marshmellows over their vehicles if they continue to do that alot smile.gif

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