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Canadians ordering CMBO.


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I just took a look at our exchange rate and it's 1.55US! That means anyone ordering CMBO from Canada is going to pay almost $85 for this game ($45 + $8 S&H x 1.55)!! That's just insane + no game is worth that (not even CMBO).

I agree with/support your online only policy, but isn't there some way you can distribute directly from Canada so as to give us poor canucks a break? The exchange rate is killing us, eh!

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2B I sold 30 of my computer games to get the money for CM. I sold them for 65 dollars.

30 games for 65 bucks...that's ATLEAST 300 dollars worth of games. Most of them were big name games CC2 and 3, Diablo, Starcraft,Age of Empires and so on.

I haven't regreted it one iota. Trust me it's worth it. Exchange rate or not you'll get more bang for your buck than from any other game out there.


[This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Don't just focus on the "no game is worth that much" part; I know the game is great I've got it, (though I think it was only $35US, or something when I ordered it)??

All's I'm saying is that we Canadian's could go into any EB in the trendiest mall we could find, and there wouldn't be a new release in the entire shoppe that cost more than $69.95 cdn. I just think $85 cdn is too much for a game that has been out this long + they should understand our position RE the exchange rate and try help Canucks out by setting up a distribution center in Canada.

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Well what I am saying is that to me CM was worth over three hundred dollars. I didn't pay that outta my pocket as far as cash goes but I sacrificed that much in software to be able to get it.

I understand where you are coming from but to me even 85 is worth the price. If they released CM2 for that price I'd pay it.

As far as a distribution center I don't think that is likely. BTS is a very small company. But who knows maybe...


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Guest MantaRay


I think that you have a few things confused. BTS is a small operation and opening a distrabution center anywhere but Maine, USA would be #1 Costly since this is a niche game, and #2 would be against comon sense for Steve and Charles to run back and forth between countries to manage it. There is however Madmatt to do the dirty work. biggrin.gif Maybe he needs the frequent flier miles though.



When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

New CM Site. In process of switching. Brought to you by Hardcore Gamers Daily

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If you are interested in ww2 games, wargames with a high level of realism, and good cesspool fun, CM is your puppy. The investment is TINY compared to my old boardgames.

If you just want a fun computer game to burn some time off your life, anything will do.


I remember it perfectly: The Germans wore grey; you wore blue...

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All of us Canadians who have already spent that outrageous $85.00 CND didn't get HALF the value you will get if you order now.

I preordered the game and waited months for it to be finished and finally shipped in July 2000.

NOW that same $85.00 buys you (as of today hopefully) 5, (count'em FIVE!) upgrades, AND the NOW, huge, TCP/IP Multiplayer v1.1 Patch.

Perfect! now that $85.00 representes EXCEPTIONAL video game value, because this game just gets better and better!

NOW if you ever want to see the Eastern Front game CM2, spend the $85.00 and support the BTS efforts to bring CM2 to us.

so just buy the Damn game and quit your bitchin' smile.gif

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]

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2B, I think you are confusing basic market situation here. Average game in the US costs $35-39USD, so multiply it by 1.5 and you'll get price you pay here in canadian dollars.

Just like new GeForce 2 costs $300US and $450

CND (plus 15% tax)

If you do want to blame someone - blame all the jerks who voted Liberals yesterday, thus making situation here in Canada continue to get worse. Canada has the highest tax among G7 btw.

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Buy it. CM has saved me lots of money, I used to buy at least one game a month and at least two games magazines now I buy none. Lets figure this out.

1 Games @ $60 = 60

2 Magazines @ $10 = 20

Thats $80 per month. I have had CM since the first Canadian shipment arrived, I think it is 4 Months ago.

4 Months X $80= $320 plus 7%GST/8%PST = $368

Cost of CM (I paid)= $79

Total Savings: 368 - 79 = $289

That's not including all the weekends I never went anywhere cause I stayed home playing CM. One unforeseen expense (this only applies if your married) if you play too much CM your wife might leave you which will end up costing you half of everything you own. smile.gif

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Don't blame the exchange rate for your woes. Again another great example of Socialism at work. When the government keeps giving out unearned money, that's when the value drops.

The US social security system is diferrent. Everybody pays into social security so when and if they need it, they can draw it without raising the prices of everything else.

That's just life in world economics. You don't like it, move to the States where your money is worth more.

The game costs $45 + $8 S&H in USD. Now a cheap game in the States runs about $25-$30. An average game runs about $40. Some games run $50-$60 for the popular ones like DiabloII for example lists at $61.99 at my local On Cue store.

Compare this to the price of games around 10 years ago. Basically the same price, but today's games are much better looking and such, but the price stays the same.

I paid $53 USD and it's the best $53 dollars I have spent for a computer game in a LONG time. The only other games I have bought since then are BGII, Klingon Academy, and Aliens vs Predator. Believe me, the CM CD stays in my DVD drive the majority of the time.

With all the mods coming out and new scenarios, there is absolutely no limit in the replayability of CM, 'cause every time a mod comes out, you can go in and "Ooo and Aaah" all over again.

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Don't blame the exchange rate for your woes. Again another great example of Socialism at work. When the government keeps giving out unearned money, that's when the value drops.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Germany and many other countries which can make socialism work would tend to overule that statement.

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DIENEKES has hit the nail on the head. I no longer even bother browsing in EB for the latest releases. CM will supplant any ten games you currently own. Buy it and you will not be disappointed (just look at all of us fellow Canadians who do not regred spending the extra coin).


A Screaming Socialist and proud of it smile.gif

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One question that sprung from my mind was,

"Would Combat Mission have been possible if someone had wanted to make it in Canada instead of the USA"

I don't know anything about the domestic business conditions of those two countries, it's more a question of, "can good businesses and good business ideas make it in socialist countries" which is a useless question really, since it's not something which is an issue in the real world.

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Sigh, Maximus, just when I think you might be maturing you rear up and show where your head really is. You don't know anything about Canada do you? You have no idea how the social programs in Canada work do you? You've never lived/worked in Canada have you? Why do you feel the need to make up stuff in order to try and make a point? Are you unaware that less than 30 years ago the relative positions of the US and Canadian dollars were reversed? No, of course you weren't that would take some actual knowledge of history, what the definition of 'socialism' is and basically removing your head from your ass.

Not to mention that it's utterly off-topic and most of the Canadians are pretty sick of ignoramoses south of the border repeating the misinformed 'observations' of right-wing American ideologues as though they were gospel.

You don't know anything about my country so please don't parade your ignorance about.


Walter R. Strapps

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Nice Rant Mr. Strapps! smile.gif

Spoken like a true Canadian.

Not to mention that our election happened yesterday. Its OVER now, we know exactly who will govern and exactly what kind of majority they will have.

We like Canada, and will be happy to share our knoweledge of our country, with those who care to ask and or listen.

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Walter:

...and most of the Canadians are pretty sick of ignoramoses south of the border repeating the misinformed 'observations' of right-wing American ideologues as though they were gospel.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm, does that mean you guys feel that way about me as well? eek.gif

Or is it okay since I only repeat misinformed ideologues that I read from the backs of cereal boxes?


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Sure, in the States CM might be more affordable, but, here in Canada Perscriptions are more affordable, Healthcare is more affordable, Education is more affordable, Social security Pensions are more stable, etc.

You might have one up on us for luxury goods being cheap, but, when it comes down to the REAL necessities, Canada is a far cheaper place to live. We can afford to spend that $79.00 (what I paid for CM), as we don't have to worry about not going bankrupt to pay for any medical and education needs.

On average, Canadian's actually consume more than Americans as well. This is primarily due to the fact that here in Canada, our middle class outnumbers all other classes, while in the Sates your upper class is larger than ours, but, your lower classes are even larger still.

Canada isn't for the corporate capitalists. Big money isn't what drives our nation, and isn't the most important thing on our population's mind. We had a chance to go the way of America in the Canadian Alliance (aka Canadian Republican Party), but, we took the 'more' Canadian approach with the Liberal party.

If Socialism has failed in Canada like you say, then why is unemployment at a lower leven than in the States? Why is it American retirees come to Canada to fill their perscriptions? You seem to forget that a low-value Canadian Dollar is beneficial, as, our goods are cheaper to purchase overseas, and other nations are much more willing to invest in development. Plus, we aren't wasting our money buying expensive American goods, and we are buying our own products instead.

This isn't a bash of America, just a response to your bash of Canada. How about you actually read up on Canadian affairs before you make an unbased judgement.

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Madmatt... only if you consider yourself an ignoramous smile.gif (Incidentally, I don't consider you an ignoramous by any means and at the same time, AFAIK you've never said that Canada is a Socialist country that has failed... could there be a correlation? smile.gif) In fact, I don't even consider the vast, over-whelming majority of those who live south of the border to be ignoramouses and I save my venom and contempt for those who are. I was very specific in the group I was speaking about I think.


Walter R. Strapps

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dienekes:

One unforeseen expense (this only applies if your married) if you play too much CM your wife might leave you which will end up costing you half of everything you own. smile.gif


Roger that. Women are like tornadoes: When they come they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take the house and car...


I remember it perfectly: The Germans wore grey; you wore blue...

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Bite the bullet and go for it. It's not a normal game. It's more of a game construction set. The scenarios are going to keep coming out for eons and it'll never feel like the same game twice. You just can't compare CM to something you'll play for a while, finish, and then zap off your drive a month later.


> "Would Combat Mission have been possible

> if someone had wanted to make it in Canada > instead of the USA"

What kind of question is that? Of course it would. And we'd charge 50 American bucks for it too after 2 years of development. It's weird - I wrote a text based hockey game about 5 years ago (about a zillion times less complex than CM) and had about 1000 customers or so and charged 49.95 US and I don't think anyone once complained about the price, but BTS has gotten a few comments about CM being too expensive. Doesn't seem fair.


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