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What to do with all these prisoners!!!!

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I just wanted to hear what people like to do with the good men that they capture. Do you send them to a "Guard" house in the rear or do you send them off the map? Also.....do you still get double points for the prisoners if you send them off the map??? I once got really pissed at the AI for nailing my STU42 so I put all my prisoners in a house and hit it with my flamethrower. Hey...they are good for something!

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Guest Michael emrys

I have ordered them into a rear area on the map, usually where they can be kept under the eye of a crew that has lost its vehicle or gun or a squad that has suffered too many casualties to remain in the firing line. I don't know if there is any advantage to sending them off-map. BTS may have to answer that. As for frying them...jeez, that's a war crime, you know.


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I always thought a good way to get your enemy to surrender would be to flood leaflets over them promising them such a great time if the surrendered that they wouldn't ever want to escape. Seems smarter that treating them like the walking dead where they eventually fight like fanatics to keep from being captured.

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Move you POWs off map if at all possible. This ensures you get the additional victory points ( POWs are more worth than Wounded or KIA in terms of victory point calculation) and you don't need some troops to guard them for the duration of the game.

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Actually, in a Gold Demo PBEM of CE, I, as Americans, had just had most of my infantry wiped out by an AMAZING ambush in the woods by my opponent, so, in my anger, had my bazooka team fire on my little pen of prisoners. The zook shot until it was out of ammo, and managed to kill a platoon leader! Die, Nazi, die! Afterwards I sent them off-map.

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An international tribunal for CM is being set up in Christchurch, NZ, to investigate war crimes and the killing of PWs. Proven atrocities will result in confiscation of all CM resources, including CDs, manuals, posters, downloaded scenarios and in process PBEMs.

Why Christchurch? Well, because members of the tribunal have heard there's great fishing in New Zealand, and want to be near filming locations of Xena, Warrior Princess. smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi I have dug this post up in the hope that I can get confirmation from the respected elements within this here forum about prisoners.

Which map edge do I have top move them off to get full VP's for capturing prisoners?

Can it be any edge?

Has anyone tested it and knows for sure?


P.s. This is kinda of critical to me at the moment. ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

Which map edge do I have top move them off to get full VP's for capturing prisoners?


Only your sides. Note that a scenario designer may set freely which side or sides that are, they doesn't have to be those behind your setup positions.

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My dad was a WWII combat veteran on the Western Front. He told me a funny story. A bunch of leaflets were dropped on the Nazis and the next day a Nazi courier with a white flag of truce showed up. He said the Nazi commander wanted to thank the Allies for the the toilet paper. Dad also told me of a time when the GIs threw cans of Spam into Nazi positions. The Nazis threw them back!!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lanzfeld:

I just wanted to hear what people like to do with the good men that they capture. Do you send them to a "Guard" house in the rear or do you send them off the map? Also.....do you still get double points for the prisoners if you send them off the map??? I once got really pissed at the AI for nailing my STU42 so I put all my prisoners in a house and hit it with my flamethrower. Hey...they are good for something!<hr></blockquote>

Area fire those bastards and let them have it. No, seriously most often I send them back to a guard area or house. Although if I have no hope of winning I very often do blast captured soldiers

[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]</p>

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Can capture pow escape? That is if you capture so prisoners and lose the battle are they still counted as pow on the aar. This usually doesn't happen but I am playing a pbem where a few of my ambushes has created about a plt. worth of pows. I am now losing this battle, what is the best thing to do to still have the count as pows?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:


I have all the map edges guarded, you will never get them off alive ;)


PS. You captured a whole bunch of em last turn - scared the crap out of them with all those tanks approaching from multiple angles!<hr></blockquote>

CDIC clear off your sorts are not wanted around here.... ;)

As for the map edges I have walked off several groups already and I think I have screwed myself in the process, hence the urgent need for clarification.

As for peoples suggestions with wire and flame throwers there are some sad people out there (IMO). While this is just a game I have a great deal of empathy with my and the opponents men and the thought of killing them when they are unarmed is so cruel and to even think of doing it shows total lack of honour.

I am now seeking clarification if any can give it to what happens if you walk prisoners off a neutral edge (are there neutral edges?) or your opponents edge?

Can you tell in game what an edge is classified as if you have not been told in a breifing, or if you want to check what the designer has done?

Any help on this gratefully received as CDIC is doing too well and I need all the points I can get.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

I am now seeking clarification if any can give it to what happens if you walk prisoners off a neutral edge (are there neutral edges?) or your opponents edge?


They count as if they were exited by the owner, that means no points for anybody. But still loss of morale for the owner.


Can you tell in game what an edge is classified as if you have not been told in a breifing, or if you want to check what the designer has done?


There is a hotkey that displays the exit areas and their owners, maybe that does something in non-exit scenarios? Can't check right now. For quickbatlles it is always clear.


Any help on this gratefully received as CDIC is doing too well and I need all the points I can get.


Get them off on the side of the mao that is behind your setup position. Unless the designer goofed, that should do it.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cooper:

Can capture pow escape?<hr></blockquote>

Yes, see other mails on the subject.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> That is if you capture so prisoners and lose the battle are they still counted as pow on the aar. <hr></blockquote>

Unless you get an involuntarily surrender (or surrender yourself), there is no automatic freeing of prisoners.


This usually doesn't happen but I am playing a pbem where a few of my ambushes has created about a plt. worth of pows. I am now losing this battle, what is the best thing to do to still have the count as pows?<hr></blockquote>

Keep them and maybe you don't loose the batlle. A platoon of prisoners is worth around 200 points. A small flag is 100 points. You can loose a battle sitting on the flags if you got too many losses and had too many of your men (especially crews) captured.

If you are in risk of getting an autosurrender, move them off your side of the map so that you keep the points.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

to even think of doing it shows total lack of honour.<hr></blockquote>

*slap's Holien's face with glove*

Them's fightin words, Holien.


Them's you gotta learn when people are jokin words, Holien.


Them's I challenge you to a DUEL words, Holien.

*slap slap*

Them's I hafta defend my honor against slander like YOURS, Holien.

*spits on floor*

You take that back right now, or if you stand by what you sayd, prepare to defend yourself for 30 rounds on 20x20 meter tiles.

*turns on heels and leaves, glove still on the floor*

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

*slap's Holien's face with glove*

Them's fightin words, Holien.


Them's you gotta learn when people are jokin words, Holien.


Them's I challenge you to a DUEL words, Holien.

*slap slap*

Them's I hafta defend my honor against slander like YOURS, Holien.

*spits on floor*

You take that back right now, or if you stand by what you sayd, prepare to defend yourself for 30 rounds on 20x20 meter tiles.

*turns on heels and leaves, glove still on the floor*<hr></blockquote>



CM Player some one has to take a stand for common decency amongst these decadent players who want to murder innocent pixels. Some things in life are beyond a joke IMO. And as that is just MO and I will leave it there pls.

Am I to take from the above post that you would do such things. Well,Well, I had expected better from you my old sparing opponent.


As I am a real man I will walk away from the glove and let you live..


Thxs for your help Redwolf. Bad news for the men I have exited at the sides I really could have done with those points, bugger. I just hope I can hold onto the others I still have.

I think I walked off 4 or 5 men so what was that in points I have just lost?

As for the hot key I will look for it tonight.

Cheers for the replies.


P.s. Just goes to show I am still learning about this game.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

...some one has to take a stand for common decency amongst these decadent players who want to murder innocent pixels.<hr></blockquote>

Idea for new bumper sticker: SAVE THE PIXELS!



[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]</p>

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