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Dr. Brian is right

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ghengis Jim:

Anyway Dr. Brian, I would imagine that you are some crappy liberal arts teacher at some worthless liberal arts college who likes to say (or generalize) that everyone who generalizes is a horrible person. (Notice the oxy-moronic nature of that statement.)

Hurry up and go vote for Algore, Dr. Brian.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Um, first, what's your beef with liberal arts colleges?

Second, what does voting for Al Gore have to do with any of this?


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Not only am I interested in the military history, but I'm in the military. I find WWII fascinating for many reasons, but it all boils down to my tremendous fascination with the hights and depths the human spirit can go through. Nothing pushes the human spirit to extreams like war does.

Now as far as my enthralment in CM is concerned: I just like to blow-up and break things. tongue.gif

This message has been edited for no better reason than becouse some people just might not get it. I'm going to bed.



He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

[This message has been edited by EScurlock (edited 08-26-2000).]

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Guest Mirage2k

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Second, what does voting for Al Gore have to do with any of this?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He didn't say "Al Gore", he very clearly said "Algore," that liberal robot from the big grey planet of donkey doom. wink.gif Algore, Igor, maybe the liberal version of Igor because he "Al"lows all viewpoints? wink.gif

Actually I have no idea (I'm sure you figured that out already).



Throw me a frickin' smiley, people!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Bryan:

Stop being an @sshole and go to "One more time." Maybe you'll like it if you're open minded. Sheesh.


HAHAHAHAHA, open minded, never seen so much Hypocreaceae in one satement in my life!

By your logic, the US soldiers who participated in the Vietnam war were all evil for supporting a corrupt and murderous dictatorship. Pure crud!

PS. Yeah, what does Al Gore know of being a President. He hasn't done Cocaine!

Actually, his background appears to be fiarly conservative rather than liberal. As a conservative individual who over generalizes and modifies history to justify his own bruital ancestoral history and to give reason for his hatred of people different from himself. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ghengis Jim:

Dr. Brian, in looking at your posts, I cannot help but notice your utter insolence. Maybe you have not noticed my name yet: the "Ghengis", although spelled wrong, represents my admiration of the warlord who was one of the most oppressive and intolerable leader of all time. By no means am I saying that I love raping, pillaging, and plundering things. For some reason I think that I just like Mr. Kahn. I have yet to figure out this reason.

Anyway, my point is not only pointing out your tunnel vision (in picking out a RACE of people and hating them), but also your tunnel vision in picking out the German people as your sole area of attack.

I personally have admired the German people because for one, I am part German. Ironically, I am getting persecuted because of that. Also, the German people, as a nation, are extremely bright people. Where do the world's best engineers and physicists come from? You got it, Germany! Because of my analytical nature, I admire this style of living which stresses effeciency and science over flexibility and liberal arts.

Anyway Dr. Brian, I would imagine that you are some crappy liberal arts teacher at some worthless liberal arts college who likes to say (or generalize) that everyone who generalizes is a horrible person. (Notice the oxy-moronic nature of that statement.)

Hurry up and go vote for Algore, Dr. Brian.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As an undergraduate Anthropologist (Humanities) I always thought the good Dr was one of yours Jim, Yup he’s an engineer of some description, says so in his profile. Guess nobody want him.

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I am only interested in history, military and otherwise. Yes, the event wiped out generations, was the event worth the fight for liberty? Is not History filled with such horrors. Yes, War is not pretty, I hope I am not around for the next big one. Maybe the question should be, are we mature enough to remember, and commit to never let happen again? Only time will tell, or should I say

Will history repeat itself once more?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crumply:

y'all are crazy to suggest that Dr. Brian is laughable, etc. for raising an important issue.

The truth is, we all are deriving pleasure from a simulation of the most horrible event in modern history.

You can't dismiss the fact by saying, "I am only interested in the military history."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


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Wow....I've read the other threads started by Dr. Brian (and the ensuing flamewars) and now this one...


I find it very offensive to have others tell me what is important to me.

In my experience, there have been three types of people who instigate these situations:

1). Religious nuts

2). Political nuts

3). nuts

There are obviously some people with an agenda and a need to force that agenda/belief on others....

These types of people used to come to my door on an otherwise peaceful and/or enjoyable Saturday (or Sunday) morning - they finally got the message when I slammed the door in their face for the tenth time.

In reading all of the threads/posts I came up with some questions/comments for Dr. Brian:

1). If this were not a forum for a WII-related game, would you have put the same information in your profile. Or more precisely, if this were a Italian cooking forum, would you have put "Teaching the world that something liek Nazi Germany should never happen again."?

If the answer is no, then I would have to say that you came into this forum to stir up sh@t.

2). I thought long and hard about this next one.... I realize some may be offended and that the death of ANYONE, especially a relative is nothing to make light of... but upon reading certain items in the other threads, it struck me how ridiculous they were. Here goes -

Dr. Brian: My father was murdered by someone named Brian.

Therefore your 'tag' offends me.

I do not understand how you could be so callous and insensitive to pick that handle.

Yes boys and girls - the moral of the story is that anyone can/will be offended by anything - the only difference being that there are people who take this to an extreme.

To them, their personal slights are a cause to be taken up and rammed down everybody's throats (to them, of course, they are 'enlightening people').

Take your crusades, and keep them to yourself.

Believe it or not, not everyone CARES about the same things you do, or are as sensitive as you.

In an international forum such as this, please leave your USA-centric sensitivities at the door.

Now, time to get off my soapbox and have a Spaten (yes - it's a GERMAN beer).

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I play wargames because nowadays ammo is too exspensive and causes are way too cheap.

I think there is alltogether too much sh@tstirring going on here, and Doc don't refer me to your "I'm sorry but it's your fault post" I'm not buying, you came in here looking for trouble, and like the loudmouth drunk in the bar, now that you found it you're out crying in the parking lot. I don't feel anything for you, at all.



"Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder

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Guest goonch

Hey, I am of Ukrainian descent. Both parents actually. I am also a Christian(not that it matters). During WW2 I lost relatives in concentration camps(on my father's side).

My wife's father faught for UPA(Ukrainian Partisan Army). My grandmother was put up against a firing squad by a Polish infantry squad for aiding the partisans(only to be spared at the last minute by the commanding officer who smacked the shooters hand at the last second.


I am happy as long as my Hamster doesn't look at my dogs(a f*****g German Shepherd) ass in that funny kind of way.


leave the gun, take the canolies.

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lol crumply. Would it please you if no one played as the Germans? You could do a PBEM game, and one player could be Allies, and the other would be the map. "Haha! Watch as my rain makes your men wet and cold!" What the hell do you really want? It is a GAME. EVERY side was guilty of atrocities, so maybe no side should be played or modeled. Like I said before, I am awaiting funding on my Nutrition Mission simulation, and would greatly appreciate any contributions.

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Guest Big Time Software

Cripes, how have I missed this one?!? A candidate for closing up? As they say in Minnesota "youbetcha"! biggrin.gif


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