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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

GeiertheinvinciblewhoI'mreally terrliblyafraidof - The Old Firm's gone a bit limp, methinks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Then think again. We were busy chopping up and bbqing the remains of your mechanized assault, you know the 4 fully loaded halftracks and the assault gun that we surrounded and ripped to bits? Where everyone (except the kitchen sink and a dachshound who got away with a slight limp) died? Remember?

But now when you have used an Elite Hetzer to kill two Sherman scrapheaps we've done licking our chops and is coming your way again, this time with full bellies and love in our souls.

Love of pwetty splosions, love of things that go boom and rip krauts apart, love of the napalm spewing forth from our bbqers.

So wake up and smell the humus, it is going to be beautiful.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Alright, my little wankie-wanks, it's time for:


I have returned from making sure Gerbiltoy didn't try to guide any U-boats in for a landing. The south coast is simply lovely, and is far better than any of you lot deserve to ever see.

Boreiarty Hello, Mr. Artillery Spotter! How are you today? Would you like to meet Mr. MG 42? Oh, let's do!

Burlesquetingen has squandered 99% of his troops in a doomed maneuver to Hell. My Sturmtigers have blown his little squishy bits back to the Channel, and my Maus should put in an appearance quite soon, solidifying my overwhelming victory. I will accept your surrender, dear boy. (Disclaimer: May or may not be true}

Scrota has accepted my probe. I shall soon begin vigorously probing him from both the flanks and the rear. Soon my enormous spearhead shall penetrate his vulnerable, yielding openness.


Machu Piccu is displaying a cunning working knowledge of the "stay in one place and get flanked by quick things" school of tactical thought.

That is all.


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Chuppypuppy I realize that when the events of life are too searing and painful to recall, that the mind suppresses all memory related to the incident. Much like the game we have going..apparently you have suppressed any cognitive recall of the turn you owe me since Friday, last.

Therefore be a good boy and do some memory regression and get it out, so the painful spankng I am administering you can resume. Thank you ever so much. I am looking forward to regaling the 'pool with your feats of derring do as you proceed to Lose to me. (all most as bad as losing to Pengy}


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Scrota has accepted my probe. I shall soon begin vigorously probing him from both the flanks and the rear. Soon my enormous spearhead shall penetrate his vulnerable, yielding openness.


Ahhh, Ahhh...temptation..too..much...must resist, ahhh!

No thingey references...Hold on Stuka, its too easy....too inviting, leave it to others....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Scrota has accepted my probe. I shall soon begin vigorously probing him from both the flanks and the rear. Soon my enormous spearhead shall penetrate his vulnerable, yielding openness.


Geez, some people get more out of this game than others, don't they?

btw, Are these 2 examples of (out-of) closet gamers? wink.gif


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A busy day full of hate and killing here at the IV-tress of Doom.

Pawbroon has hurled himself on my bayonets, with his customary elan, in a grim little capture-the-flag rush, in night and fog. He is now leaving as fast as he arrived, though it has only begun. A clanking thing exploded.

F. Babra meets the Reaper by arty... but unfortunately we were holding hands at the time. All of our shells fell on all of our troops. Everybody dies. I love this game. His armor is squatting to peepee where it is safe, away from my sabre-toothed panzers.

Peter the Shepherd has reappeared with a turn in which little happens. He is trying to shuffle his FOs forward without my knowing it. I will be totally surprised when an Allied attack is preceeded by a sh*tload of artillery. Who'd a thunk it.

Germanboy died a lot then and is dying some more now. Into the woodchipper they go (to coin a phrase).

Hakko Ichiu is partially correct. Judges do look silly in their robes... but that was about it. He will get a cease-fire when Gore gets nominated, which at the rate this game has been going could actually happen, given the Dems will be better at rigging elections 4 years hence. To which tank thingie were you referring? The one blowing your library building to hell, or the one sighting in on your TD in its mud wallow, even now? I still say this one has a lot in common with this election... and we are seeing the presidential equivalent of a gamey flag rush, aren't we?

Some non-poolers are dying quite a bit as well. A busy day, indeed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

This is deplorable!

I say the punishment should fit the crime ---> listening to 24 hours of Seanachai's singing!


Sorry, Mace, but no one's ever gone more than an hour and retained their sanity, and that's when I was sober. Two hours and most creatures start flopping around making mewling noises. By the end of three hours, all but the very strongest have quietly given up the will to live and expired in a puddle. Be glad you only get the written approximations of my sing-songs here.

The horrible Real World™ kept intruding on me all weekend, so many people have experienced delays in getting their turns, and you've all had a very nice rest as I haven't been posting here. This week I am ignoring the Real World™, which means people should get turns more quickly, and it will be painful here as I once again fling pompousness around, and try to claim lordship over everything that does not belong to Peng, which, since everything does, will of course be nothing.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I once again fling pompousness around, and try to claim lordship over everything.


As long as Chuppy can keep posting his pseudo-gay references, (not that theres anything wrong with that)you may fling whatever you want around the 'pool.

Just give me time to hide behind Peng's couch.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Burlesquetingen has squandered 99% of his troops in a doomed maneuver to Hell. My Sturmtigers have blown his little squishy bits back to the Channel, and my Maus should put in an appearance quite soon, solidifying my overwhelming victory. I will accept your surrender, dear boy. (Disclaimer: May or may not be true}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite colorul... now, would you like to send the file for turn 1?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

As long as Chuppy can keep posting his pseudo-gay references.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course, there's nothing wrong with that.

Probing of any kinds IS a public service in this Pool.

If you care to do a search in both of the Pools you'll find wealth of body cavities search references.

It's all part of a process called PROBATION where the Elders thrust knowledge upon, and mostly into, wannabes.


For Jon it came as a revelation when he had a Midnight Express encounter with a limey constable once setting foot on that desolated island.


I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

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I read an interesting article in the newspaper today. It seems that the Kiwis awash with shame from their rugby loss have decided to cheer themselves up by nominating Sunline( a very good racehorse ) for their national sportswoman of the year award!

This begs the question Petersheepshagger, when are you going to upgrade to the stepladder?


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

This begs the question Petersheepshagger, when are you going to upgrade to the stepladder?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When we were discussing the various attributes of sheep at the Sheep Research Centre near Hastings (2 for 1 deal if you stay at Hastings Youth Hostel) Peter knowledgeably suggested that you need a ladder for cows. I suggest we do not delve any further into this.

Speedy - had a look at my plate, you will have to take a backseat (behind Peter) and wait until some more topplement has been dished out. Bastables has stopped comparing reality to the game for a moment and is currently fumbling his way towards my Task Force.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-27-2000).]

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You horrid little people. Only one good jem has come from this thread this weekend and that is..

CROTA SURRENDERED! (Please note this Lorak)

Yes, my horrible little co-squire admitted in the form of a debasing surrender that I was, in fact, better in every respect than him. If I had of shagged his ex's they would agree I was better, if I had of been his brother my betterness would have been clear to his parents, if I had his job it would be obvious that I am totally superior and just generally BETTER! It was a wonderful 78-22 Major Victory to my brave hamstertruppen who seized the forest-bound VLs from his armored force. Gimped setup? Ha! Every forum needs its gimp, and Skoda, it's you!

Croda, I think you need to change your sig file to "PeterNZer's love sack", or something to denote that I bettered you on the field of battle. I believe that was part of the original terms of our battle.

In other news. South England is full of fine pubs, dull women and excellent beer. I'm proud to say we stopped Germanboy running into the ocean to scream "Kommen sie Herein!!" and "Schnell Schnell mit der Panzers!". Either way, the terrain is interestingly boggy and I didn't see much evidence of a decent beach anywhere in the area we were, (Woking to Hastings to Rye).

On the other hand, I did see evidence of extremely good beer, cheap food and pubs where I could spend a lifetime I think. *sigh*

The rest of you, You're all dying, especially Here I am say die. Please, how about a challenge lads?! I can only take killing folks so much!



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-27-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I have a very selective memory<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well if you are so keen on winning or somefink, why not pay a visit to Kommerscheidt with some real soldiers, instead of the spineless excuse for Grenadiers you sent over earlier, the last of whom is currently mooning my guys while running-away-a-lot, and who might more adequately have been replaced by a bunch of animated plastic toy soldiers, who would have performed equally well if not better, without all that 'Mein Arm' shouting.

Or have you forgotten that, no matter how much ppunishment you believe to have inflicted ((believe being a keyword here)in your delusional state, you are still nowhere near the VLs in that quiet little village? Come liberate the Fatherland and get some. Or could it be that you are about as incapable as Euan Blair? Maybe they put something into your beer in that pub...



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Scrota has accepted my probe. I shall soon begin vigorously probing him from both the flanks and the rear. Soon my enormous spearhead shall penetrate his vulnerable, yielding openness.


Has anyone realized exactly how funny this is if you read it in the Mr. T voice? The only thing funnier will be me laughing at his dying, squirming on the ground trying to slither back to their own lines without leaving all their bodily fluids in a puddle on the ground.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CROTA SURRENDERED!...It was a wonderful 78-22 Major Victory to my brave hamstertruppen who seized the forest-bound VLs from his armored force. Gimped setup? Ha!...


Well then, you confused bastard. Let me elaborate for those who take you for your word: Yes, I did surrender. My inferior armored contingent faced not only a superior armored force, but also a company of infantry on a heavily wooded, rural map. Have you ever played armor on a heavily wooded map? Against infantry? With no infantry of your own except for 2 squads of Engineers and a clubbed-foot, mute flamethrower trying in vain to burn the wet underbrush? 78-22? You should be ashamed! You were left with 1 (one) operable tank, who was cowering I might add. I was left with 3. And as your infantry and their damned portable anti-tank arsenal belly-crawled through the woods towards my lone firefly, I offered an honorable cease-fire, think certainly that Tavington wouldn't burn the church again. But no, "I'll accept your surrender" is returned to me. Fie! Go drink a razorblade milkshake! I could just picture singing "What's Love Got to Do With It?" to your favorite Ewe, while gloating over your "victory." Congratulations, Sun-Tzu, perhaps when you get fiesty after a week or so without a piece of lamb, you'll condescend to have at it again!



- Senachai

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To my opponents and future opponents, you know who you are. I've been a weeeeeeee bit busy with work (shut up Berli and Moriarty) and hope to get you turns and set ups today at some point. Until then, please set up a fancy POW camp for my men, I'm sure they'll be visiting soon.

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Lorak seems to have taken a bit of a walkabout, or is just sodders out behind the woodshed, who knows? Politely informed our scribe that I took away PenileNZ's favorite ewe and drubbed him good. On page 95 of the thread! No updates have been recorded and many others have posted defeats and victories, yet our mad elven King seems unable to pull himself of of the scuppers of lassitude into which he has sunk.

Get with it boy or are you sulking?


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-27-2000).]

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Blink … We have signs of life doctor … Blink, Blink, Groan, Stretch … IV turkey gravy, stat. A sudden deprivation of calories from tasty dead animals may be fatal …

Oh well, back to the grind.

Except for the Eagles winning on Sunday, a perfect weekend. What a holiday. Beefy Americans shoveling enough food down their gullets to feed the rest of the world for a year or so, and then passing out on the couch while the gloriously inept Dallas Cowboys figure out yet another way to lose. Except for one acquaintance (obviously some kind of communist with aims of overthrowing the United States, who actually had a vegan Thanksgiving. The Horror …) it was a time for all Americans to come together and make a magnificent spectacle of overindulgence. It turns out that even the vote counters in Palm Beach took the day off - can't be bothered by a Presidential election … so what if the votes aren't counted on time … gotta go home and eat to excess. You damn foreigners don't know what you are missing.


Croda - Happily gunning down his confused schnitzel boys by the light of burning panzers, what a beautiful sight. Surrender now. We have nice soft cots, cigarettes and real coffee waiting for you.

PeterNZ - Sitting on the VL, no sign of his men or files.

Morose - Watching his little lost girls stumble their way through the fog. Just a little closer …

Hiram Eagle boy - He's busily shelling an empty village. My men are enjoying the fireworks. And enough already about the damn Eagles.

Nijis - Topplement imminent; details to be determined.


Oberst Oberst Oberst Oberst,

As much as the very idea sickens me, it appears that we are neighbors. I think a swift kick in your (superfluous) testicles would do you nicely for daring to live in my city. Methinks that a contest for martial supremacy in Vienna is called for.

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That reminds me: The Deadskins proved an old adage. "Cheaters never prosper"

-Go Eagles


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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Reason # 83432 to never leave the pool:

A thread that won't die about why "CM should have included horse transport, so I can indulge my pointless urge to shoot the horses."

Peter's "assault Reindeer" was worth a small chuckle however.

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Please, how about a challenge lads?! I can only take killing folks so much!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just whom are you killing? I checked and everybody's fine, and rather bored. My Elefant crews are doing scheduled maintenance to pass the time, and I cancelled the air strike to free them up for sections of the front faced with real challenges. I may start withdrawing units from the map, as it is embarrasing to have all this firepower to deal with NOTHING.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune in the wastleland outside of the pool:

With the approach of the tcp/ip patch..I decided to create some of the scenarios I am famous for. Yes, Evilness in its purest forms. SO, I have created for you:

Croda_marlow: Made for the 2 named individuals, a fair but nasty fight.

Other pointless battles about small, insignificant actions such as the Bulge.


Croda, we're famous. Our names will live on in infamy. I'd like to thank the members of the Academy …

Oh, and we'll have to make sure that your soon to be utter defeat is noted in the scenerio briefing.

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>To my opponents and future opponents, you know who you are. I've been a weeeeeeee bit busy with work (shut up Berli and Moriarty)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What?! What makes you think I would kick you while you down? I know you have the move understaffed department in our building. Of course, if you were not such a loathed boss, maybe your people would stop quitting. Maybe, you should work on your 'people' skills.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

To my opponents and future opponents, you know who you are. I've been a weeeeeeee bit busy with work (shut up Berli and Moriarty)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What?! What makes you think I would kick you while you down? I know you have the move understaffed department in our building. Of course, if you were not such a loathed boss, maybe your people would stop quitting. Maybe, you should work on your 'people' skills.

How's this for people skills?.................BITE ME!

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