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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Yap yap yap!!!! Yap yap yap yap yap!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!


Yeegods, looks like I struck a nerve. You poor bastard, you really care, don't you? Also in the news, Hiram has sent me a new turn, explaining in his E-mail that he has a "Monster schlong". Does this mean it has teeth? Is it a wereschlong? Does it have those little bolts like Frankenstein's monster? Can it turn into a bat?

No fish for you Jefe! Your posts are brutish and boring. They sound like the remonstrations of a 13-year old, overly concerned with puberty and lacking in artistic merit. I demand better, knowing that you can achieve it.

As to Mensch, you are allowed to chew on the remnants of Pawbroon's dinner. What the hell is a "Pawbroon"? Regardless, the ejakulating part was Jefeish but it ended well. As pioneered by the aforementioned Pawbroon, you get points for being a foreigner and butchering the language as you taunt. It's so cute.

Now get cracking, you won't get any pudding if you don't insult properly! First one to give me a sig gets a title.

Dammit Berli, why don't you tell me this!!?!?! Please resend me the file, so that we may continue.

-Edited to add the Berli supplication-

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-13-2000).]

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How so very ironic. You hide and then come back. Its a pattern. You call me a sissy. Its okay. I get some very sweet lovin' every weekend from my significant other.

I am saddened that you won the battle vs Seanachai and nothing was posted. I'm not impressed.

I followed you onto the other thread. Remember? I was the autistic squire. Your memory is short.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Meeks, you may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators, but surely you're not so godawful pathetically unimaginative as to not be able to think of your own bloody tagline?

Hell, if you're that hard up, take my old one. Or go back to selling the Street Signature News, begging for signature busfare, and scrounging half-eaten signature calzones from the signature dumpster out back of the nasty Korean-owned signature pizzaria, I don't give a damn.


Good sweet Jesus what a post! Now that's a post! A post to bring the exclamation posts out of me! Ya ha! I am invigorated! Andreas, what is this slightly off-kilter tone of yours? Am I to take that to mean that I'm stupid or that others are stupid? Frankly, I find it hard to believe that I'm stupid or that your name is Frank. I could understand others being stupid but which others? My theory is that you're still pissed off about the ever lessening quality of the X-files. Well, I think the T-1000 is doing a good job and it's coming back up to snuff, they just have to muzzle that red-haired moron and give more screen time to baldy.

Bwahahahahahaahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I now present the new signature! God, it's good to be the king.

And one more thing, Hiram rocks. He does. The little guy'll probably end up pissing on my grave but until then, he's ok by me. Oh, and I don't hide. Ugly people and horses hide, I go to other places. You should see the havoc that I bring into people's lives. Why, over the last three weeks I've ruined two, nearly achieved the topplement of a major mortgage company, convinced eight people to not have children, ran over the last member of an endangered species, backed up to make sure I finished the job, shot the president, shot the other president and still had time to reinvent the corn flake so as to take advantage of advances in human culture.


...may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators.

Maybe not.

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-13-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:


Seems that I have seen you out there at Rugged Defense spreading a few wild oats about, letting your seed fall on other ground so to speak. You talk of faithfulness yet you expend your precious bodily fluids on other harlots....where are your loyalties, you cad!


Yes, and we need some new budgetary reports. Even my copious amounts of verbiage are probably falling to 3rd or 4th place as some of the newbies reveal an ability to communicate poorly but at amazing length.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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OK time to embarrass people lets do a game update.

Bullethead:- Just as I was about to win Bullethead decided to return to the real world. My lead Puma was only about 100m from the finish line.

PeterNZer:- Still in the setup phase thanks to Peter suffering from a case of premature ejaculation( maybe it was his new ewe). Remember Peter this time place all your units before hitting the big GO.

Roborat:- Roborat appears to be suffering from a case of Alzhiemers as he has so far forgotten his password twice now. Currently doing the setup for the third time, will keep you informed.

OGSF:- At last my artillery men have finally pushed my 105 gun into a position from which it can see some burning buildings, soon I will be having some fun. In other news OGSF launched a rather foolish attack on a building I occuppied, all troops that took part in the attack are either dead or captured.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Berli hasn't sent me a file in years.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How right you are Meeks old boy. I haven't sent you a file since responding to the last file you sent me.... guess that means you owe me one

Well, what a mixed relief, Meeks is back. I rather like what he's had to say about Shandorf. Very apropos. Unfortunately, I don't think I can use Berli's argument with Elijah. Meeks, I shall check my folders, as I believe I owe you a file, some sort of file, somewhere, somehow, a file, for us, somewhere a file, for us. Why West Side Story, now, I wonder? I must check the doseages, this combination is behaving strangely. What's the point of good, pharmaceutical quality when there is no documented body of adequate knowledge of combined doseage effects? Feh.


I've just met a Knight named Elijah,

and suddenly I've found,

there's wombats all around, my knees.

Say it loud, and there's arty raining

say it soft, it's like sinuses draining.


I'll never stop saying


Journal Entry: Do not use this combination of chemicals again. Apparently induces showtunes. Or rather, something like them. Might not be so bad in a post to YK2, but definitely avoid while posting to Meeks.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Seanachai wrote:

Here, a man can't make his way down to the Pub without tripping over dozens of Danes,

Norwegians, and Swedes, standing in little groups, laughing vapidly, and attempting to form Lutheran brotherhoods. Feh.

Maybe so but let us for a minute pay close attention to the news for the day:

Two U.S. absentee ballots turn up in Denmark

November 13, 2000

Web posted at: 8:18 a.m. EST (1318 GMT)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (CNN) -- Two absentee ballots from the U.S. presidential election have turned up in the mailbox of a family on the Danish island of Fyn, the Danish newspaper Fyens Stifttidende reports.

A family in Odense, Fyn's main city, discovered the two Washington state absentee ballots over the weekend, mixed with some material they had ordered from a company in the United States.

At first the family thought they had received some additional advertising, so they opened one of the envelopes. To their surprise, they found an American presidential ballot marked for George W. Bush.

One of the ballots was cast by a man from Bellevue, Washington, who said he didn't know how his vote ended up in Denmark.

The Danish newspaper quoted the American voter as saying he had no intention of pursuing the irregularity.

Bjarne Siewertsen of CNN.com Denmark contributed to this story.

So whom are the drunken lurker!!!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Perhaps you are to naive and you forget, Mace, that the average line backer in American football weighs in 230-260 pounds and you defensive linemen weigh in close to 280-300 pounds.

The guys that play that wussy sport called rugby wouldn't last 5 minutes in the NFL. Your femme rugby lads would look awful funny stumbling off the field with a set of cleat tracks up and down their ass, trying in vain to pick up their teeth with broken fingers.


Yeh I grant you that, but you got to catch them first (sort of like large lumbering armoured sloths trying to chase down nimble ferrets)

And as for ball handling skills, what the typical NFL player thinks it is is incorrect. It does not involve sticking one's hand down one's pants for a bit of a play! wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

How will you ever tell her that the Panther in question is being overrun by my Sherm 105 and 2 Platoons of infantry as we speak.


Dear Von Scrotum, poor dear Von Scrotum, you silly, silly boy!

Overrun! overrun you say..muhahahaha! Your 2 platoons (thats the 'overrunning' ones) are busy ratting through their kit for clean toilet paper and burn cream as we speak. The Flammpanzer parked out front of their slightly sindged building has them well under control, Mom's Panther is backing the F/thrower up nicely thanks to the smoke screen you so very thoughfully provided and my gerbiljaegers are quite comfortable thank you very much, in their nice heavy building.

I figure I should spoil the surprise for you now as I doubt you can figure it out for yourself. Ask your 105 commander to look behind him... you see that Hetzer? Yes, thats it, the same Hetzer that is even now loading a rather heavy, brass, shiny thing to belt up his clacker at high velocity.

That would be your last AFV I beleive.

Lets do a little Stooky inventory shall we?

Hmm, lets see:

2x Panthers, check

1x Flammpanzer, check

1x Assault H/T, check

1x Hetzer, check

1x Mk 4 panzer, check

plus assorted hamsters

Ohh, dear me, things aren't so rosy are they?

Please don't surrender just yet, I wish to enjoy squeezing you like an infected blackhead, just to hear you go "Pop!"


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

I am gonna roll your forces up like a cheap cigar and find more creative things to do with them than Bill Clinton ever thought of. Am I making myself clear, Mr. Leaks?


Ugh! Remind me never to smoke one of jshandork's cigars if he passes them around!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally (Hah!) posted by jshandorf:

I recall no assertion of privilege, now bring those MBT's (snigger, snort, guffaw, roll on the flow, stop it you are killing me) and let's go mano a mano!!


Hmmm, hard choice! Nazi super panzers against Allied tin cans at very long range (curse you Rune, curse you and your black soul of evil)!

What to do? What to do?

I know, I'll hide and let the Nazi Schwerepunkt come to us. If I'm really lucky I may be able to remove a muffler with an AP round, or shoot off a periscope! tongue.gif

As for Mano a mano. Shouldn't that be lawyer a mano?

Now get back to work, go file a litigation or whatever!


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 11-13-2000).]

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You know, over the last few weeks, I'm starting to be of the opinion that Bauhaus has quite rehabilitated himself, especially in light of some of the postings by our newer lads. Fixation with 'thingies' seems to have flown from Bauhaus, and found new places to roost. Hard to say which is the most egregious of posters, but the front runners are PeterNZer(certainly don't know why, a kiwi isn't particularly suggestive of anything, actually), Shandorf, and Stuka. What do the rest of you think as to which of these three is most caught up with their genitalia? Then Bauhaus, who no longer leaps up, may be excused from the remain seated remarks, and they can be more profitably applied to the currently dysfunctional.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malmvig:

Seanachai wrote:

Maybe so but let us for a minute pay close attention to the news for the day:

Two U.S. absentee ballots turn up in Denmark

November 13, 2000

Web posted at: 8:18 a.m. EST (1318 GMT)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (CNN) -- Two absentee ballots from the U.S. presidential election have turned up in the mailbox of a family on the Danish island of Fyn, the Danish newspaper Fyens Stifttidende reports.

A family in Odense, Fyn's main city, discovered the two Washington state absentee ballots over the weekend, mixed with some material they had ordered from a company in the United States.

So whom are the drunken lurker!!!


Oh, Malmvig my happy northern laddie, there's no question that the inhabitants of Washington state are all complete drunkards, and almost incapable of rational action. With all the rain they get, it's a wonder they can even make their way down to a liquor store, but constant practice gets them there somehow. You can't judge all Americans by that standard. Here in Minnesota, for example, we're known as the land of '10,000 Lakes and Treatment Centers'. We dry people out from all over the nation. The Betty Ford Clinic sends Christmas cards to the whole state, thanking us for our efforts.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

OGSFIn other news OGSF launched a rather foolish attack on a building I occuppied, all troops that took part in the attack are either dead or captured.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you insane? "Foolish"? "FOOLISH"? It wasn't "foolish" now was it?! It was belly-numbing, eye-glazing, dribbling STUPIDITY!! What manner of incoherent, knuckle dragging imbecile would run a company of green troops across a court yard at a building occupied by a platoon of entrenched green troops under C&C? I'll tell you what sort manner it would be - the same manner who runs up to the VL location, gets there first, and proceeds to torch it and every building around it into a blazing wall. He then has no choice but to run around the end of the flames into the waiting guns of his enemy, who sits there wallowing in a hippo-snort of dumb luck.

Stupid is as stupid does, and I gone and done it.


BTW There's no-one left for your 105mm gun to shoot. They are all dead or captured! MWAHAHAHAHA!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

the front runners are PeterNZer, Shandorf, and Stuka.


Aww Saanoopy, your'e just jealous because you can't scatter a refugee column simply by sky-diving over them.

Listen carefully:


Screechy: squeek

Now run away and be envious of someone else

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 11-14-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Aww Saanoopy, your'e just jealous because you can't scatter a refugee column simply by sky-diving over them.

Listen carefully:



Now run away and be envious of someone else


You know, I think politicians have to be held accountable for the de-institutionalization of the insane back into the community! he he


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Fixation with 'thingies' seems to have flown from Bauhaus, and found new places to roost. Hard to say which is the most egregious of posters, but the front runners are PeterNZer(certainly don't know why, a kiwi isn't particularly suggestive of anything, actually), Shandorf, and Stuka. What do the rest of you think as to which of these three is most caught up with their genitalia?


I was under the impression that Lorak had confiscated the Squires' thingies when their names were entered on his list. This would explain the Squires' aforementioned fixation with thingies. It does not, however, explain the behavior of Blousemouse.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-14-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Would there be anyone who would like to provide a scenario for me and the guy named after a town that sits on the River Thames? A sufficiently evil one would do nicely thank you. QB's have become tiresome for me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am relatively certain that you will have found a suitable scenario given that your post was two pages ago (however the re-emergence of Meeks tends to set off a flurry), however if you still need one, I could suggest my Fertile Ground which is available on the CMHQ scenario depot.

Now, not that he needs it or I want to do it, I feel compelled to point out a simple fact to jdmorse. In aussie rules, or the other mor cro-magnon forms of footy played in our part of the world, the players tend to stay on the field and actually play the game for about 80 whole minutes. This is opposed to the US charade where corn-fed beefstakes actually run around for about 10 whole minutes in a 60 minute game, given all the team changes, tv time-outs and adjustment of all that body armour.

Anyone can haul their steroid enhanced carcass around for 8 second shots followed by copious amounts of sitting down and sucking on an oxygen bottle. I think most of your lads would die from MIs if they had to actually play a whole game, while ours would still be relatively fresh for the post game drinking and fighting session.

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 11-14-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Aww Saanoopy, your'e just jealous...

Now run away and be envious of someone else

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 11-14-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jealous? Envious? Why you little spotted cane toad, I've encountered more intriguing individuals in Business meetings, with people who spent 45 minutes discussing (gag) golf, their SUVs, and how their wives were putting on weight, and describing how their wives were trying to take off weight.

What synaptical failure would cause you to address me in a manner more befitting one of your own worthless, lowly, pre-eminently subnormal sort of koala-fondling fellows than my own lofty self? You forget yourself, sir, indeed you do! Maybe the dingos ate your brain? Perhaps you achieved too terminal a velocity in your plummet? Check your cheek, fella me lad, and show the respect due to most anyone who can count to 21 without undoing their fly and marveling over what they find, but most especially myself, your intellectual, spiritual, and moral better in every sense of the word.

Although I did rather like the nude skydiving bit.

Still, sod off you: '****e, we can't send useless criminal wanks to the Americas anymore, because they've stood up on their hindlegs and freed themselves, where, oh where shall we ever send the most useless dregs of our society; here now, did someone mention Australia? but won't they just do the same thing? No? They'll continue to pull the forelock to the Queen and bend knee to the collapse of Empire and send troops to places like Suvla Bay no matter what we subject 'em to? Good on 'ee, then, round up all the poachers, drabs, and lags and send 'em off to the arse end of the world, eh?'

And so the Sydney Opera House was built, and land that could have been more gainfully employed supporting primitive, dim, and annoying marsupials was put to the use of Australians like Stuka. The difference was almost unnoticeable, although the marsupials are generally more welcome at international gatherings, and have contributed more to literature. On the positive side, we got access to disks by 'Weddings, Parties, Anything'.

Thus ends todays lesson, with an enjoinder not to drift so far into the 'look at me, I'm a Squire who's just discovered how to pull my underpants over my head and pretend to be T.E. Lawrence' mode that everyone has to look away in embarassment, even here in the Peng Challenge Thread, where one would think that embarrassment was so far behind you that it couldn't catch up in a cab.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

What synaptical failure...

-Does this man have any idea how difficult it is to digest a post utilizing 12x as many words as are necessary? Lesser men have died for affronts such as these, I assure you.-<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Synaptical? You are a mook.


...may be stranger than a wading pool full of peyote-abusing Mexican Elvis impersonators.

Maybe not.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Synaptical? You are a mook.


Bah! I wave my hand at you! Begone. Why should I waste the real words on Stuka and his ilk? Even topplement is too good for them...


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Now, not that he needs it or I want to do it, I feel compelled to point out a simple fact to jdmorse. In aussie rules, or the other mor cro-magnon forms of footy played in our part of the world<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My inner Croda is suffering low self esteem I am afraid. First I expressed to my deranged squire, Sheepshagger that as a lawyer, my stock of respect was at a nadir. Then I am mis-attributted not once but twice. What was actually said was <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Mace: Why can't you guys play real a decent sports game like Rugby or Aussie Rules, where the prime goal is to beat your opponent into the ground, and cause at least one limb breakage or fractured skull during a session?

Why mace, isn't that what we are playing? Speedbumps in the way of the KT's I believe you called yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shoot I was agreeing, fer chrisakes...then Mace seems to think I am that jfffffffffff fellow: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally (Hah!) posted by jshandorf: I recall no assertion of privilege, now bring those MBT's (snigger, snort, guffaw, roll on the flow, stop it you are killing me) and let's go mano a mano!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

so the upshod is that I am merely a momentary flicker on the cosmic literaryu conciousness, a mere scintilla of presence that is best forgot.

Very well, you shall not have me to kick around anymore. If this is the way this forum is going, with such disrect and plagarism without representation then I am OUT OF HERE!

The lawyer formerly known as jdmorse, esq


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

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Okay, I am back. I decided to abuse Croda and Sheepshagget instead. Send me those turns boys I feel a powerful need to work out some aggression. Croda, fetch me my belt. Boys this is going to hurt you ALOT more than it is me.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

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Berlichtingen's topplement of my troops is complete. Final score: 83-17.

Sir Lorak, keeper of the site, take note of yet another of my losses. Gracias.

And send TC Schutz a turn when you get a chance. He wrote you a note on the next shell he sends your way.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-14-2000).]

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You are I will have 'words' very soon, Shawna chooey, but first I will require a bigger Thesaurus.

Don't get your tiara in a tizzy over meeting a real man in the 'pool, your Liberachyness, an in-grown thingy is nothing to be ashamed of.....

Like Hell! Hahahahaha.... ahem.

*Back to our regular programming, veiwers*

Soy, soy, bien, thingy, super, bien, thingy, thingy, thingy...

oh and.."topplement"

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