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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Seanachai wrote:

Spoken like a gentleman! Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

This is not the way to start a fight! I thought yo know better than this!

You could at least had said something like this:

Well that's just fine, you drunken Danish git. How dare yo enter the portal of pure wisdom! I put you degenerated Viking up for a challange and this time you may which you had been sober! Bloody amateur!




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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

I renew my challenge!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Persistent bugger.

If you keep at it you'll soon be as good as some of our patented moronic posters in here.

But the awful truth you 2 faced dehydrated Bauhaus is that you're a grog at heart.

Take some of your own medication:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Can anyone provide any technical details on U.S. gyrostabilizers? I did a search, and only came up with why they are either overrepresented (i.e. on every Sherman), or undermodeled (not as effective as they should be), but nothing about how they worked. Also, if they were effective, why did the tankers allegedly disconnect them? If I was facing German heavies, I would want any advantage I could get. Could it have something to do with inexperienced crews and a lack of familiarity with new technology? Did the percentage of tankers using gyros increase as the war went on?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We don't need Grog!

We are fierce historical inaccuracers.

Go out of this Thread, prove your worth by posted non sense and abuse people and come back.

Do somefink!!


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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STUKA- or should I say J-O 87. You are so pathetic it almost makes me laugh. Every avenue you chose to stroll your out-classed infants down are burning as we speak. Then you wander into my parameter with all the urgency of a senior citizen on crutches only to be brushed aside. Poor sods.

BUT THIS TAKES THE CAKE!!! you scout out my forward positions with a battered crew from a previous ZooK shot. Now that is very sad! Have you no sense of decency. I bet you had your big sister fight your battles, didn't you?. How dare you ask of your evicted tank crew to 'go find the bad guys' while they are still shaking the **** out of their pant legs. It is you, J-0 87, that give honest cowards a bad name.

Herr Eggbert- What happened to our game? Oh I get it. You're busy with chores again huh? Well see if you can pencil me in between sifting the litter-box and scouring the burners.....unless you just want to admit defeat.

And that goes for that yellow-bellied Croda too. Man I am starting to get the feeling these so-called knights are all bark and no bite. Some kingdom.

Von Shrad

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von shrad wrote:

> STUKA- or should I say J-O 87.

Nope, nope, I can't let that pass, you simply can't taunt someone on the premise of being a grog, and then blunder off and get the designation wrong. I don't know where the "-O" came from, but the correct designation for the Stuka is Junkers Ju 87. And no, you degenerates, Junkers is not pronounced with a hard J –– no bauhaus, a hard J –– thus calling into question the technical proficiency of the employees of this fine aviation company.

Hereafter, taunts directed at Stuka's nickname should allude to the dated design, lack of speed, and vulnerability of the aircraft in question (as opposed to the fearsome reputation it gained among Allied ground troops early in the war, largely on account of it having loud sirens in the undercarriage struts which would activate during its bombing dive).

That said, wouldn't it be funny if Stuka had loud sirens on his undercarriage...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Ummm. Very perceptive David and I appreciate the concern but......I MEANT TO SAY J-O as in J-Off!

BTW it is the siren in Pink Floyd's The Wall.

I can't wait for that wail in CM2!

Now kiss off.


"Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?

Mother do you think they'll like this song?

Mother do you think they'll try to break..."


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

von shrad wrote:

> STUKA- or should I say J-O 87.

Nope, nope, I can't let that pass, you simply can't taunt someone on the premise of being a grog, and then blunder off and get the designation wrong. I don't know where the "-O" came from, but the correct designation for the Stuka is Junkers Ju 87. And no, you degenerates, Junkers is not pronounced with a hard J –– no bauhaus, a hard J –– thus calling into question the technical proficiency of the employees of this fine aviation company.

Hereafter, taunts directed at Stuka's nickname should allude to the dated design, lack of speed, and vulnerability of the aircraft in question (as opposed to the fearsome reputation it gained among Allied ground troops early in the war, largely on account of it having loud sirens in the undercarriage struts which would activate during its bombing dive).

That said, wouldn't it be funny if Stuka had loud sirens on his undercarriage...


Jeez, and I always thought those noises came from the screaming of the pilots.

Take a lesson here Squire Stuka and make your opponents scream, yes, yes, very loud noises on the order of Ultimate Pain are acceptable. Drive your armor over their infantry, stop on top of them and wheel to the right, then to the left. Yes, yes. Ignore their pleas, laugh unmercifully in their faces and taunt, Stuka, taunt.

Go forth in gore, young Squire.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

We don't need Grog!

We are fierce historical inaccuracers.


A PBEM for Marlo Thomas against a Squire!!!

Something so vile that his grognardliness will shrivel and dessicate and draw his anus up closer to his mouth where it ought to be in order to post in the Pool.

There have been some truly devilish maps, troops, and battles arranged by members of the Pool. Hold back naught against this girly-man. Give him green Volksturm against Ami armor, or green AMis against SS armor. A vile, unbalanced, tortuous battle where his grogging will avail him not! Then, we shall see what he is made of. If he bears this in stoic humiliation, then we will know, resoundingly, that he is not of the Pool.

Sling one the direction of the accursed "That Girl", and assign a Squire to battle with him.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Herr Eggbert- What happened to our game? Oh I get it. You're busy with chores again huh? Well see if you can pencil me in between sifting the litter-box and scouring the burners.....unless you just want to admit defeat.


I knew that there was some piece of rotting carcass I forgot to scrape off my boot, and now it comes back to haunt me.

Very well. I shall construct a vile (for you at least) setup this very night, and send it your way!


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 11-09-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Ah, I see the cowards remark struck home.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Marlow. Why have you come to this dark and sullen place?

Errm, aherm, er, Sir! I came here to fight!

To fight. Yet you appear before us like one of no consequence. You make demands. Of us, the Knights of the 'Pool. But what have you offered, you worm, that you would make demands here?

uh, I, uh, well, I taunted? And said some insulting things!


Randomly scattered dog droppings show more strategy, structure, and wit than you seem capable of. So far, you've mocked the French, and insulted Lawyers. Oh, what bravery! You've chosen the usual soft targets, you useless little man. You are not fit to buff Morses's florsheims, nor kiss the ground before PawBroon's froggy feet.


(Zoo, zoo, zoo, you can come too, too, too, we're goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo; we're all goin' to the zoo!)


You must try again. Your taunting was like rat droppings on toast. Your insults lacked any real substance. But you seemed to have a clue about the process. Have another go around, and make it more personal, and more interesting. Oh, and avoid the usual round of family insults, 'my pet is less sexually active than your pet', the unusually tedious 'I shall make you cry' references, and, most especially, don't make any little girl references. We have little girls here who could string you up from a tree and remove your most precious, but generally unimpressive personal bits, while laying a bit of smack on your betters, writing a bit of poetry and observances in their personal journals (dear diary, today I removed a rather saddeningly small testosterone pump unit from some git named Marlow. Not sure if he was pretending to be Christopher or Philip; in either case, he forgot the final 'e'. Tomorrow, how will I get through the day, with only this lot to play?), and keeping 'Poolers at bay with casual flicks of a sjambok (consider the historical source of said instrument, and then consider how some here have approached Kitty and YK2).

Now, go out there (stand in that puddle of effluent right there...no, no, not there, you wank, the deeper puddle over by where we've hung Aitkins rather priceless drawings), and try again. Speak with a bit more authority, man, we've got drunkards and lunatics off their meds who can make a better impression.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

That said, wouldn't it be funny if Stuka had loud sirens on his undercarriage...


Ah, Aitken, you've returned. The Hogarth of the Peng Challenge Thread. Thank the gods your artwork once again illuminates these narrow and fetid passages (Sit Down, Shandorf!). It give the place some tone. Also, it cuts down on the rather raucous echo effect that occurs when the Knights laugh at some of the shinola dragged in here and passed off as smack. I swear by the Powers that cast Berli out, if some of you lot continue this practice of alternately spinning in place, arse-smacking, and giggling, we're going to drain a few areas and set up see-saws labeled 'Squires'.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Ya grrreat festerin' boil on the slippery linin' o ma uncle's milkin' coows norstril passagez! Ye swagger in here and splash aboot lak ye oon the stankin' plaice! Ah've haid urethral swabs thet gimme a be'ah feelin' then yeoo, ya poostulent infection on a warty horgs bladder! If thar wer'ent wee lassies aboot Ah'd taill ye wo' Ah rrreally think o ye!

All taigether noo, an' if ye dinna join in Ah'll scallop ye bollocks (if ye haid any, that is...)...

Wah widnae fit for Charlie?

Wah widnae draw the sword?

Wah widnae up and rally

at the Royal Prince's word?

SANG! Ye grreat steamin' pile o sassanach underpants, still warm and damp fra gym class!

Ah, pox on the lot o ye!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

The weak sink to the bottom to provide food for the bottom dwellers (yes you JDmorose, and all of your slicked back tort wielding kind).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huh? what the the..harumph, well yes what have we here? (adjusting bifocals) Marlow if your name be such please tell me you didn't intend to attempt the old scum sucking bottom dwelling gambit. For the love of [fill in your own personal deity here] don't you realize that that old saw is a Badge of freakin Honor amongest my fellow members of the bar. You can hardly expect to wade in here and compliment someone and get a game. Hell man you managed all of 24 words directed at a personal "taunt" which you buggered up. As for the general "I taunt you all, give me a game", I am afraid you ceberal cortex will be unable to handle the depth of our ennui as far as you are concerned. As Gertrude Stein observed about Oakland that there is no there, there applies equally well to you.

I have fondness for youngsters such as your self, and as a simple country lawyer, let me give you some advice. Pick out a victim as a pride of lions does, concentrating on the weak, except Hiram, he doesn't count. Then wade in as a berserker, a rampage of invectitude and bilious spew that splatter the walls and on lookers. Use some interesting language. The lingua franca of the pool is transcendant in it's vitupertude, allusion and if possible alliteration. [no sing songs though]

Like a zen penitent seeking admission to the temple thru the ordeal of tangaryo, so you must be driven from the pool and we shall judge your mettle.

So in the words of another immortal, BUGGER OFF

JD, scum sucking esq.


Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-10-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Coows ... poostulent ... taigether ... widnae.

Ah, pox on the lot o ye!


Well that was some serious Scottish...

Aitken, YK2!

Stand up you colloquialists and have a merry go round with the usurper.

If you don't do somefink next time he'll be pasting some postcards of Skye in his posts and, God forbid, do the Flower of Scotland sing song.



And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

…Mensch is actually improving lately, and you seem to be teetering on the edge.…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

wow a complement from Seanachomon, I'm flattered.. I'm getting Popular...wow I'm the prettiest girl in the barnyard dance..ooh *flutter eye lashes* (knotice Stookaschen no nostral flares)



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

New updates come check us out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

That said, wouldn't it be funny if Stuka had loud sirens on his undercarriage...


Well, as it happens, David you have hit the nail right on the head.

I am an avid nude skydiver and as such I have found that if I clench my left buttock tightly during the free-fall, while thinking a slightly naughty thought in order to place just the required amount of tension on the old scrot-sack, and by waving the mighty sword in a clockwise direction at appoximately 820 R.P.M, I am in fact able to produce a loud wwooowooowoWOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

In fact only recently I dived at 15,000 ft over an elderly polish person's picnic and when I landed, they had formed a people's militia, dug a system of trenches, cunningly created home made MP 40's out of plastic forks and paper plates, and proceeded to area fire me with potatoe salad....

Why do you think I chose the "Stuka" handle, people? Jeez!


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 11-10-2000).]

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Lorak the Loathed!

I notice on your site that Kitty's record is blank. I can'y allow a squire of mine to sit with a record of 0/0/0, therefore, in a show of my usual kindness, I handed her a rather lopsided defeat. I do believe a final score of 6 is a new Cesspool record.


Go forth and slap one of these "Oh I wish I were a knight"s. Pore burning coals into his codpiece, spill his entrails on the ground so you may bind him and make him yours

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlin_tingling:

Go forth and slap one of these "Oh I wish I were a knight"s. Pore burning coals into his codpiece, spill his entrails on the ground so you may bind him and make him yours<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds like fun and a damned fine past time, I'm (fair) game!

But that's not the reason I'm here! Some non-cesspoolean has questioned our honour (that we have none is irrelevant, it is still being questioned)!

It is time to once again rally and defend our fine traditions.

Meeting place is: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/012496.html

act now (oh, and bring a cut lunch)!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>misquoted from jdmorse:

Huh? what the the..harumph,

I have fondness for youngsters...let me give you some advice. Pick out a victim as a pride of lions does, concentrating on the weak, except Hiram, he doesn't count.

JD, scum sucking esq.


Objection, yer honor. He's leading the witness. His pedantic pedophile side is showing too. Counsel may be telling the truth, but he's being oh so rude about it.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

...And that goes for that yellow-bellied Croda too. Man I am starting to get the feeling these so-called knights are all bark and no bite. Some kingdom.


Yellow-Bellied? Now considering that the only posters here in the pool who've had occasion to see my belly are Kitty and YK2, I'm going to assume that you're not talking about my jaundice, but are instead referring to me as a coward.

Well my dear friend, when was it that you dropped this challenge? A few weeks ago maybe? And when was it that you next appeared to ask why the challenge wasn't met? Today maybe? And why was it that when you failed to receive that setup that you didn't send one on your own? Too stoopid maybe? And what do you use to get the snot out of your nose? Your fingers maybe?

von shrad, you vile crock of soggy penguin guano, it is people like you who drop challenges and then quickly swim out of the deep end of the pool, into the little kiddy end where it's not so scary, who just annoy me like you wouldn't believe. If you're going to belly up to the table and challenge, then challenge like a man.

Well, you reprehensible accumulation of stinking pig droppings, I'll accomodate you. I'll gladly enter into an ass-kicking session with you, but you will create the file. I haven't the time nor the inclination to spend half a thought contemplating the conditions under which I want to tear your skin off, deep fry it, and feed it back to you. You set it up. You send it to me. I will maim you so that your dog will whimper at the sight of you, children will throw their ice-cream cones at you and run away, and big birds will **** on your head whenever possible.



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