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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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You hear that funny noise, Croda old pal, Old Squire me lad, matey, pal, buddy type compatriot?

Yes its the psuedo Knigget Mensch, strutting around the pool like a viagra engorged rooster. Big talk often requires big results to back it up, lets check shall we?

[crossing live to the Lorak site]

Hmmm, Mensch...ahh here we are...0/0/0/?!?!!

Whats this? a preened, powdered, nattily outfitted rooster, crowing about his future conquests like a half drunk 14 year old {Sit DOWN, Peng!}

Well the proof is in the pudding ladies and gentlehamsters, and the moment my brave texan boys have clogged up Mensch's Tigers' air intake with their entrails I'll be sure to let ya'll know about how this fine feathered germanadian has been brought down a peg or two.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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Apparently, I have been instructed not to gloat, but why?

In the JD Morse game another halftrack of his is toast and a couple of squads trying to hop off got pretty beat up, and i STILL control ALL the VLs! I think he may be starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Herr Oberst's troops seem to be perfecting Jesse Owen's speedy run by belting full tit for his edge of the map. Boys! You can't run any further, you'll fall off! I should try and catch up with them and inform them of the dangers of the map edge.

He's been cheeky enough to rain down some largish artillery, forced one of my commanders back into his stuffy tank, o the cheek!

Chupacbra.. well, I surrendered. But he doesn't know what he's getting himself into! Inadvertantly training me in the intracacies of night warfare will undoubtedly spell his future doom.

Pawboom et al All goes according to my designs



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blabbered by Stuka:

Yes its the psuedo Knigget Mensch, strutting around the pool like a viagra engorged rooster.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

you my sir are a blotted cream powder puff I have been called a rooster or was that chicken.. hmm but one on viagra! I never!

I see you have been forgetting your medicine again... my standings by lorak are as such because he has not heard at all of the great me! My standings is such... in the CM world are 3 wins 3 losses 1draw.. ok add me wife Im at 5 losses but she don't count cuz she so cute and cuddly and unlike you, you can't destract me with fluffy trimmed undergarments. (no peng we don't want to see your personal photos again)

your time is up and its dinner time for my Cat.


"you, you make me laugh... I kill you last"

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally gloated by Goater:

Pawboom et al. All goes according to my designs


Now you've just admitted you have suicidal tendencies...

Tell me you're playing like that purposefully.

Loosing them AFVs ang guns to a single armored car.

And being happy about it...

To your credit I must say you play those frogs historically.

Mind you, you're a little heavy on the pathetic side.



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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For your further Peter-abusing pleasure:

The barbaric Axis hordes are laid low! America stands proud and tall! USA! USA! USA! The final tally:


194 casualties (54 KIA)

83 captured

6 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 4

Score: 27


121 casualties (32 KIA)

1 gun destroyed

5 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 90

Score: 73

Axis Surrender, Major Allied Victory.



Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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bla bla bla bonjour croissant baguette bla bla <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If i recall correctly, i've lost ONE afv and one infantry support gun which successfully took out stuff before it went. My count is I have a platoon of your pinned and hurting bad, (for one of mine slightly scratched), I have killed three of your vehicles for one loss of my owen and I have a foothold in town where your defences are looking messy.

the loss of hte AFV was unfortunate, especially after it took SO LONG to even get one hit on your Lynx (and only took the gun out!). A bit less bad luck and both those would have died. Still, I can live with what it gave me in terms of hurting you!

You know what's worse?! I currently have to write about stinky France for my job today! Sheesh, the horror.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Geier, rip him up. I guess I hate you both, but that's about par for this thread.


We are looking forward to the gross overuse of force, the pwetty splosions, the screams of terror and the quaint smell of cordite, blood and Dead Things all mixed together.

It will be a mahvellous experience for all who happen to survive, simply mahvellous.

In other games:

Gerbils Toys troops has started to surrender, which is sad really since he only has 13 men who are left alive from one gebirgs coy and one gebirgs hvy coy. I, the rightful victor, has almost a whole platoon and some assorted mortars and mg's left. Pics of the carnage will be made available for your enjoyment later.

Moriarty: There is something decidedly untrustwhorthy and deceitful about this fellow, what can I say, I like him. My method of crawling forward and dismembering anything I can see is working so far.

Dr Al: He's Swedish, he's commanding soon-to-be Dead Things and it will be beautiful.

PeterZNeezes: This one will be really beautiful and righteous. Can't wait to chew his face off.

Ta-ta, all you lovely lovelies



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Dr Al: He's Swedish, he's commanding soon-to-be Dead Things and it will be beautiful.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, I will try to put this as simple as possible so that you can understand what I mean: You're full of faeses. How on earth you do expect my troops to die? Out of boredom? Your so called artillery barrage is not killing anything, that is for sure. And I have pointed out that fact for you a couple of times now ,so that you can improve your sad attempt to an attack.

And regarding the aestethic implications of my imagined death ... nothingness can be beautiful, but an imagined non-event is just a good reason to see an therapist.

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Dr. Ailingmentalhealth seems to have a deathwish. No, I'm not talking about his game with you, HairDreier. The "doctor" has foolishly taken a game with me.

In yet another night game, with snow no less, our mechanized forces will square off at 50 paces. My brave forces of liberation will then proceed to whallop the Kartoffeln out of the nasty icky Axis bullies.

Let the slaughter commence!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Alright you scum-sucking maggots! I owe each and every one of you turns (plus some people who haven't the gonads to post in this holy pool of filth). I spent the night doing other stuff..."Why?" you may ask? To keep my wife off of my back. I will now spend the entire evening plotting, planning, prognosticating, and making calls to FedEx to overnight the body bags that YOU will all need when you receive my turns.

PawBOOM! You are on the retreat allready, and it's turn 6. I will push you hard these next few turns and see if I can't sweep you all off of the map.

Chupacadabara, I plan on employing those tactics to take your 2 guns off of that hill. Be wise, retreat now. PawBOOM will show you how.

Stuka, I'm not going to taunt you until I expect that we're at least within 500 meters of each other. Until then, I clear my nose at you! And don't worry about Mensch's record, it will read 0/1/0 quite soon.

Mensch, you cocky boy! A circus? A CIRCUS!?! My ire has never run deeper. You, sir, shall now see my irritated side.

Elvis, Sounds like you and Ping-Peng are playing the same map as we are...I wonder how that works...

Shandorff, I spent the night with my wife mocking your setup. She even thought it was funny, and she hasn't the first darn clue. She said to me, "That Shandorff must be really dumb." I said, "Well, we prefer to just call him a flaming insipid moron...dumb refers to mute people, dear."

Herr Ovaries. If you are honestly that interested in the vat hot blazing death that I have saved aside for you, then I'll crack her open tonight and pour you a tall glass.

And all hail my sponser, jdmorse. jdmorse, it's how I spell relief.

And Peng, that thing with the little boys? Just clear your browser's history before the next person gets on the PC. And YK2, just who the hell are you? And Bullethead and Rainpoet...I want to see some despicable-ness in your posts! Don't tell these hammerheads what you really think of them...tell them what you would think of them if the fileted your grandmother and served her over pilaf to your neighbor's rabid monkey. And did every one see that I made that guy's signature file? COOL! And ACTOR, wtf? These I posted in the cesspool and ran away people are annoying. If you're going to dip a little toesie in to test the water, then dive right the hell on in. You'll be bitten harder if you run away. It's like quicksand, the more you struggle, the more you sink. Just accept the insanity as normal, and embrace it like you would an old sock. You remember it fondly, but it's a smelly ass old sock! And any of you others go away before I taunt you a second time!



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-17-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

In yet another night game, with snow no less, our mechanized forces will square off at 50 paces. My brave forces of liberation will then proceed to whallop the Kartoffeln out of the nasty icky Axis bullies.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now you talk tough, after you have been shown how to use the stuff properly by a master... Well, since you are a poor student, I shan't charge you for the lesson, this time.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Alright you scum-sucking maggots! I owe each and every one of you turns (plus some people who haven't the gonads to post in this holy pool of filth). I spent the night doing other stuff..."Why?" you may ask? To keep my wife off of my back... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Croda, Just because you've got a monkey on your back, don't come here whining that you couldn't find time to process your setups and turns because you are whipped, whipped I tell you!!

Totally, unfailingly, sorry-honey, no-dear, gotta-sit-when-I-pee, yes-maam-may-I-have-another whipped!!!

I'll bet that she even makes you hand it over before you go out for a night with the boys!



I have challenged the QA team to a Bat-Leth contest. They shall not trouble us again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:


One Setup full of the hell of being eaten alive by rabid hamsters with dull teeth will find it's way to your mailbox this evening.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I wouldn't argue with Dr Al, he's done Philosophy to MA level!

I wonder if he thinks all philosophers have an S in their names?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nope, but they all got some screws loose, that is for sure. The only real problem I have with them is that they do not realize that I have settled everything and that there is nothing elso to do in that god forsaken subject.

Chuppa Bubba: Do you honestly think that you are going to beat me? If you cannot figure out that you will lose ... those are the laws of metaphysics ... then I must wonder what you are doing at the university.

Ivan Martin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrAlimantado:

Your so called artillery barrage is not killing anything, that is for sure.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sigh. I guess I'll have to explain it again to you as I've already explained it to Andreas. While making Dead Things with artillery is a great pasttime, and pwetty too, it is not always the only way to use it. Just think about it for a while OK? It is already too late for you to do anything anyway.


And regarding the aestethic implications of my imagined death ... nothingness can be beautiful, but an imagined non-event is just a good reason to see a therapist.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Another good reason to see a therapist is to gnaw his face off and then pull his scrotum over his head. In my experience anyway.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What should have been posted by Croda:

I'm a pea-brain idiot and I forgot the game I'm playing against Hiram "Boom-Boom" Sedai. This is the second time I forgot because I need my Geritol.


Its okay, Croda. Take your time. I don't mind at all. I'm easy to get along with.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What Hiram Should Have Said:

Oh God! Please don't hurt me any more, Croda! I'm beaten! I've had enough! Have Mercy on a senseless ape!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hiram, I appologize most insincerely. I knew that some insignificant sot had slipped the surly bonds of my mind and escaped being drowned in my bile and venom. And lo and behold, the gods of misery have delivered ye unto me! For those who are wondering (probably just that narcissistic {sit down, bauhaus, not that kind of narcissistic} inbred dweeb, Rainpoet), I am using dead Germans as fertilizer. Let me set the scene: Turn 2. Here-I-Am Shoot-Me's men in a long, spread out formation accompany his armor out of a fog thicker than Lorak's sense of self-loathing. They approach my lines, VL less than 100m away. Then a few things happened. Those few things were 2 of his 3 pieces of armor going BONK, a few Vickers MGs opening up, several squads of infantry commencing to fire, mortar rounds dropping among German Flesh...he walked into an ambush like you dream of. Cut to ribbons. All hope to win the battle bleeding on the ground in the space of 60 seconds. Now for turn 3, Here-I-Am Shoot-Me has 1 Panther, turned broadside for some odd reason, with several targeting lines pointing at him. He'll be lucky to make it through the first 6 seconds. After that, he has no chance of escape. I only wish he could have had all of his infantry in too close before he tripped the ambush markers.

Well, anyway Here-I-Am, sorry I forgot ya! I'll make sure to continue not forgetting you, you Cesspool expatriot!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Sigh. I guess I'll have to explain it again to you as I've already explained it to Andreas. While making Dead Things with artillery is a great pasttime, and pwetty too, it is not always the only way to use it. Just think about it for a while OK? It is already too late for you to do anything anyway.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is the lamest apology for incometence I have heard for a long time. With that kind of attitude I would suggest that you move here to the UK. You most defenitely would make a first rate citizen.


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Who is Dr. Alimentary and why should we care?

From Where, oh where have all these fresh new faces sprung? Since this IS the new and improved Cesspool, one shudders to ask but still ...

LORAK! Thank you so VERY much for realizing that (a) others may be using browsers other than yours, (B) others may have screen resolutions other than yours and © your view of the internet world is warped due to the red and blue 3D glasses you refuse to take off since your viewing of "Steamy Stewardesses in 3D" while still in High School. It is easier to read the alleged page of yours now. HOWEVER ... I explicitly {Sit DOWN Blousehouse, not THAT kind of explicit} stated that my record against 'poolers was 1/0/2. Would you like an email to that effect? Shall I send a registered letter via Fed Ex? Would a personal visit from my associate, Guido, be in order? Shake the man's hand, Guido ... GENTLY GUIDO! It is SO hard to find good help these days, look at what the employers of Andreas had to settle for! Where was I? Oh yes, my record ... ONE MORE TIME 1/0/2 ... GOT IT? If it weren't for the fact that we didn't hire you I'd suggest that we fire you. As it is I suppose we are getting what we paid for. As you are a volunteer I would normally be far more polite in asking for changes but as this is the Cesspool it would be inappropriate to be polite.

My current games against the 'pool:

MarkXForSignature has gone on hiatus and by the time he returns I probably won't remember what SIDE I'm on let alone what the setup is.

LowerGI Tom is reluctantly pulling back from my ... onslaught isn't quite right, that sounds like I have a force ... advance can't be used to describe my lads tip toeing further into the woods ... movement? Yes, close enough I suppose. I DO now have a VL however, one out of four isn't too bad ... IS IT? Soon enough this disaster will be over.

Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze is inordinately proud of having killed a tank or two ... Eathan ... it's an attack scenario, you're supposed to have the advantage in position and surprise ... I have the advantage in ... NUMBERS ... and tactical expertise of course.

Geeks ... is dead! Did I mention that I defeated him? In any case he's a filthy splitter and is to be reviled until his reunification with The One The True CessPool.

GerminatingBoy is still throwing large exploding objects onto my position in hopes of dislodging something ... anything. The visibility is a good 30 meters so he's basically lobbing them into the air and hoping they hit something. However with a turn limit of 30 turns his original plan of having my lads die OF OLD AGE is not going to work so he may have to actually ... I don't know ... ATTACK?

Mace and I are just starting but so far his playing abilities are no more advanced than his writing ability. And if you've read The Forward Observer ... and who hasn't ... you'll see that he's pretty limited there as well.

Have I missed anyone? Not you Peng, anyone IMPORTANT? Right, I'm off ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The witless fool known as DrAlimantado wrote by banging his forehead on the keyboard:

That is the lamest apology for incometence I have heard for a long time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That would be your own lame ass apology which will follow in about ten turns of our lesson. And it rather looks to me like you need a sponsor, if you want to be a Kanigget of the Pool.

I'm willing to write up a Contract for you.

Let it be known that I am the sponsor of the loon Dr Alimantado and he will under my tutelage rip the head off any would-be squire, as per the Rules of the Cesspool.

So what do you say, you misfitted creation of a jellyfish?

Not to worry, I'll still gouge your eyes out and use them as lollipops in our current game.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Shandorff, I spent the night with my wife mocking your setup. She even thought it was funny, and she hasn't the first darn clue. She said to me, "That Shandorff must be really dumb." I said, "Well, we prefer to just call him a flaming insipid moron...dumb refers to mute people, dear."


After tonight you'll wish you stayed cuddled in the arms of your wife! Whaaa-push! Hear that? That is the sound of me whupping your ass! Pay penance to her, Croda, because you are gonna need her comfort soon enough. She won't recognize you when come stumbling to her mumbling, "make the bad man stop." You hear me boy? Of coarse you can't cause you got some sort of marital aid stuck in your ear! For god sakes, man! Get a hold of yourself!


P.S. And god dammit my name is only has ONE 'f'!!!

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So you are saying that you want to act as a pimp for my delightful and blessed existance? Well, go ahead and make my day, try to sell me to any of the other unidentified beings. But I cannot promise that they won't come to you with complaints about how I tied them up and beat them sensless with one of my used Puma sneakers.(For reference you can speak to Andreas and see how much he liked to get beaten by me.)

As for you giving me lessons, what would that be? Ah, now I know, you would teach me how to waste arty on an empty patch of woods.


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Mr dear mister Shandorfffffff,

I appreciate the reposting of my public Shandorfffff insult. Just in case anyone missed it the first time, they were able to read or re-read the lovely dig into your moral fiber (and in lovely bold face too). Was there another point to your post other to point out my glaringly obvious misspelling of your surname? Well, if not, thank you for visiting us today here in the Cesspool. It's always nice to add a new stench to the water.



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