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Charles: Suggestion for changing the GO! button.

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When setting up the forces, I have sometimes pressed the GO! button by accident when changing height. Could it be possible to add something like this:

IF GO! button is pressed

IF phase is setup

ask if user wants to continue

IF answer is yes

goto turn 1 phase


return to setup phase


In other words, if you're in the setup phase and press the GO! button by mistake, it would have been nice to be able to cancel that. Perhaps in the game phase as well, or at least have an option for it.



Our's is not to reason why, our's is but to do and die!

[This message has been edited by Hawk (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Here, Here! A confirmation GO button for setup is a great idea. A confirmation GO button for turn execution is NOT a good idea. War is messy, and mistakes are part of it.

I also like the Done button getting confirmed, I have hit that in error.

Though, if I really want to look at it again, I can just recover the email and redo the movie.

Also, for us micromanagement types, I wish I could plot planned movement paths during my setup.

Thanks for all the effort BTS.

[This message has been edited by Wilhammer (edited 12-01-2000).]

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I have played innumerable games of CM, and never, ever, ONCE have I accidently pressed the GO or DONE buttons.

No offense to those who have, but please, PLEASE do not make me press any "Are you REALLY sure?" buttons when I play CM. I get enough of that "idiot-proofing" using Windows.

Man, I hate it when software asks me if I really meant to do something...

Jeff Heidman

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what do you mean changing height?

i use the 1-8 keys to switch view of CTRL-a and CTRL-z to change camera height. that should stop the accidental go hits...

i would really hate the confirm button because it would do it for every turn, effectively making it four times as long to get the turn started(hit GO, wait for confirm, move mouse over, hit Yes i want to go)

i'd go crazy after the third confirmation...for the love of all that's holy, NO CONFIRMATION PLEASE!


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 12-01-2000).]

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I agree with Jeff. It takes less time to pay a bit of attention and actually make sure you're not about to do something unintentionally than it would take to click on a confirmation button, which I find incredibly annoying.


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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No Are you sure confirmation of anykind in GO button that is my opinion. Solutiong is to change Go button separately to another corner, so these kind of accidents don't happen.

But adding more menus could be better too, becouse there are lot of keyboard commands which cannot be used with mouse at all. And there seem to be enough room at bottom of the screen for menus anyway.

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I agree with Jeff as well

I would prefer no "are you sure?" after go or done.

its not a key command, its just a straight point and click in the interface, I'm sorry but it is somewhat difficult for me to believe you could actually drag your mouse over to done or GO and then look at it and then accidentally click done or go?

I think this interface design feature is fine the way it is.

Now the ` key for chatting is another matter and it is a whole other thread.

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Guest Offwhite

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hawk:

When setting up the forces, I have sometimes pressed the GO! button by accident when changing height. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let me guess... you live in Palm Beach biggrin.gif

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Since I play CM mostly in PBEM mode, my remarks are primarily from that viewpoint.

I would like to see a confirmation for GO! as well. If you accidently hit the Go! button you've lost all your moves up to that point and have to start your turn over when using PBEM mode. CM is not a test of dexterity or hand-eye coordination, I hope; Combat Mission: Beyond Deftness? wink.gif

The DONE button doesn't cause nearly as much of a problem if hit accidently when playing in PBEM. Just reload the turn.


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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How about a checkbox:


Are you sure you want to end your setup?


[]Do not present this stupid question to me again!!


If the checkbox is active, then the question won't show up ever again, unless you change your mind. This way everyone's happy, mmmm'key???

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Hi everyone!

I have the game for one week now, and it's simply the best Strategy game I have played ever.

Apart from it's depth and flexibility and graphics, I also appreciate it's ease of use and being able to change many settings per hotkeys...

So how about this:

Just adding two options hotkeys for independently turning on and off the confirmation for the GO and DONE buttons?

Like Alt-O to toggle Confirmation on/off for dOne Button, and Alt-G for GO button.

This shouldn't be too hard to implement into one of the next patches and would make everyone happy I guess (well everyone except Charles, sorry for that wink.gif


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("No plan survives contact with the enemy")

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