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Soviet assault engineers - elite infantry in bodyarmor


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As I already said in the thread about on-map bug guns, the late warfare phase was some different from the previous phases. Soviet troops encounterd with strong enemy defense, which relied on perfect ordered system of trenches, different bunkers, minefields, heavy defended water obstacles and the cities with old strong fortifications and very tough stone buildings. Sieges, assault actions, bloody fights in attempts to breakthrough rugged defense - this a feature of battles in late 1944 - 1945.  In that places, when neither tanks nor infantry could handle and even high-power guns  on direct fire culdn't help, then on the scene of the theater of war they appeared - ShISBR troopers , elite "Stalin's panzer infantry". ShISBR is from "Shturmovaya Inzhenerno-Sapiornaya BRigada" - Assault Engineer-sapper brigade. Under those rush, bravery and non-standart actions didn't remain standing no one strongest German fortress. It is very starnge that such interest unit wasn't reflected by BFC in CMBB, and I think, in CMRT they also weren't in the plans.

I hope, theese guys in bodyarmor will appear if not in this module, then in some pack. Here I will tell in short about these troops, their TO&E the kind of application in operations and examples of their actions. For now, just several photos






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Brief history of assault-engineer units forming and order of using.

The first attempt of using special equipped sapper units of Red Army for assault actions against heavy fortified positions took place during Soviet-Finnish war, when Red Army broke through Mannerheim Line. Assault teams also were equiped with steel cuirasses SN-38 and used special tactic, but in time of many different changes in Red Army structure, their experience was forgotten.  Only when Red Army went to offensive actions in 1943, suddenly turned out that Soviet infantry assault capabilities and training was much worth than German. Losses were too much for troops could consolidate experience and there wasn't much time for proper training of conscripted. Experience of fighting in Stalingrad already sketched a tactic of assault actions by specially established combined assault groups, but due to fast substitution of infantry personnel because of losses, infantry couldn't gain quality skill of assault.  

Thus, there was decided to establish special brigades of High Command Reserve (RGK in Russian) , which could be breakthrough force during large offensive operations on major directions. All combat units of these brigades was planned to arm with SMGs and equipped partially with new SN-42 cuirasses. New troops had to provide recon, engineer-recon, minecleaning/wirecleaning, demolition and assault tasks. But where to get such universal soldiers in quick time? Then their eyes fell on existed engineer-sapper brigades of RGK and on tactic and organizatoin of German division pionner battalions. These brigades maintained large-scale operations, but weren't used like usual infantry, so weren't suffer big losses, had proper experience and cohesion inside units and units usually had compenetnt commanders. The directive was issued on 21st of May 1943 and in whole up to the July first 15 assault engineer-sapper brigades (rus. ShISBR) were established. From old brigades were removed all personnel older then 40 years and personnel with illness and with poor phisycal conditions. Remained personnel got enchanced trainings in recon and assult actions, hand-to-hand combat. Some commanders used real bullets to shell personnel during trainings in order to they became stable under fire. 

First baptism of fire ShISBR got in the mid of August 1943. Up to the end of August five ShISBR more were established and their number became 20. According of High Command intention, SHiSBRs had to attach from RGK to Front Commands on the period of active offensive operations. Front Command in own part attached ShISBR under subordination of  the Army, which operated on major direction, where enemy had most strong positions. Army Command divided assault battalions of the ShISBR among rifle divisions. Division commanders in own turn divided assault battalion on companies and attached its to rifle regiments of first echelon. Regimental commanders formed assault groups on the base of rifle companies, to which assault-engineer platoons or squads attached. Also, when there was need to take large heavy fortified object and this was too hard for infantry, then assault-engineer battaliions or companies opearted on they own and infantry and their artillery only supported. Though, initially were happns that rifle division commanders, who seen well-trained, equipped with body armor soldiers used them like usual infantry in order to save own personnel and this caused to big losses among assault-engineer battalions. They were very tough in breaking though of enemy defense, but weak in defense of seized positions. When Germans were counter attacking with armor, assault-engineers could hope only on own skill and bravery - they hadn't heavy weapon to repell tank attacks and could only set minefields if had time to that.  To the December of 1943 the tactic and order of use of ShISBR was developed and these units was prohibited to use for infantry tasks. After sucessfull breakthrough of enemy lines or seizing objects, they had to susbstitute on infantry units and moved to closde rear for preparing new attack. 

Since May of 1944 each ShISBRs were reinforced with flamethrower battalion, several ShISBR got engineer-tank regiment and flamethrower-tank regiment. All captured Panzerfausts and Panzerschreks were going to armament of ShISBR. Also new five assault engineer units were formed - motorized assault engineer brigades (rus. MShISBR). They had less personnel, but were equipped with trucks, that made its more mobile. Unlike ShISBRs, belonged to High Command Reserve, MShiSBRs were subordinated to Front Command. Almost each front got one MShISBR.

ShISBRs and MShISBRs actively participated in operations in Poland, East Prussia and Germany

Next time I will tell about TO&E of these brigades.

On the photo assault engineers crawling with HE on their backs


ShISBR trooper fires with Panzerfaust



Also another assault-engineer with Panzerfaust. But this guy used this weapon in non-standard way. During hand-to-hand combat he took Panzerfaust like a cudgel or mace and killed 10 German soldiers with it. Such pointed in awarding list.





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On 4/28/2020 at 7:33 PM, Haiduk said:

Brief history of assault-engineer units forming and order of using...


Very interesting archives infos, could be useful to have this kind of units in CM, and added a bonus for the engineer russian units.

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Posted the link to this in the CoC group, where it was received with considerable interest. Turns out one of they guys there had done an essay on these assault engineers, read some memoirs and put together what the structures was of one of these at the platoon and squad levels. Here's what was said. His post includes a link to actual Soviet military documents.

Noah Ellis I did an essay on them for a university subject. I was looking for a TO&E myself for CoC and found myself so deep in the sources I went: "why not?"
I couldn't find a strict TO&E, but I did find the war diaries and a few post-war "yearbooks" (as in: "what the unit did in its war") which gave me the following. I can't generalise, but from what I found:
 units didn't always have body armour (some sources mention it, others don't).
The units were attached to mainline rifle units, who'd be tasked with taking particular built up areas with seniority I believe (from a quick skim read to refresh my memory) going to the rifle unit leader. The assault unit would look something like a very, very built up CoC platoon. 
I created a draft (unpointed) list in 2018. It's been a while since I researched this so my memory where I got everything from is fuzzy. But, here it is anyhow: 

20 Riflemen
7 Sappers
4 Flamethrowers
2 Marksmen (орудин – literally “gun” in Russian. By implication (notably the presence of a large number of other “guns” ("pushkoi") in the formation, I am assuming that this means “Marksmen”. Memoirs, notably Boris Bogachev, identify the presence of at least 1 marksman in his platoon.) It could also be some form of artillery piece, perhaps an infantry gun like the 76mm M1927 or M1943, but usually an entry for infantry/field guns includes their calibre as well, which this entry does not.
1 Medium Machine Gun (either SG-43 or PM1910 Maxim)

From my note: This formation is derived from an entry in the unit history of the 37th Separate Sapper Brigade. It is based upon the organization of the 5th Guards Assault-Engineer Brigade and 37th Sapper Brigade, supporting the 142nd Rifle Division in its assault upon Graudenz (modern Grudziądz). An ad hoc formation, the unit was made up of both sappers and riflemen from both formations. 

The remarks later on suggest that manpower shortages meant that the above numbers of riflemen are "best case".

That's the full force you're looking at. Here's an org for the makeup of a strict "ShISBr" section. It seems reasonable (and realistic) to recommend it go under the supports section of a standard SMG or rifle platoon. Its exact make up is described as:

1 Section Leader
3 Assault Sappers
4 Flamethrowers
4 Faustnikas

My Russian is borderline hopeless, so here's the original link for those who have a better grasp of it: https://pamyat-naroda.ru/documents/view/?id=454734146... 

pages 51 & 65 are where these are laid out. If I've botched things let me know. :) 
These units should probably be only used in heavily fortified/built up areas.


John Kettler

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3 hours ago, John Kettler said:


Posted the link to this in the CoC group, where it was received with considerable interest. Turns out one of they guys there had done an essay on these assault engineers, read some memoirs and put together what the structures was of one of these at the platoon and squad levels. Here's what was said. His post includes a link to actual Soviet military documents.

Good one, but this is not assault engineer platoon structure. This is structure of assault group, formed by mixing of riflemen and assault engineers. This was a usual way of using of this units. It's needs to know, that such mixed groups hadn't fixed structure, each time such groups were forming due to current combat task.


20 Riflemen
7 Sappers
4 Flamethrowers
2 Marksmen (орудин – literally “gun” in Russian. By implication (notably the presence of a large number of other “guns” ("pushkoi") in the formation, I am assuming that this means “Marksmen”. Memoirs, notably Boris Bogachev, identify the presence of at least 1 marksman in his platoon.) It could also be some form of artillery piece, perhaps an infantry gun like the 76mm M1927 or M1943, but usually an entry for infantry/field guns includes their calibre as well, which this entry does not.
1 Medium Machine Gun (either SG-43 or PM1910 Maxim)

Wrong translation. Not 2 marksmen, this is really 2 guns (i.e artillery pieces). You can tell him about this ) 

As you could see in the topic about big guns, to the infantry assault groups could be attached guns, SP-guns and tanks due to tasks.


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Have done some digging on this topic myself recently, and this is the best I could come up with:

Assault Engineer-Sapper Battalion (shtat no. 012/127)

  • The Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigades (20 formed) took on increasing importance following their creation in 1943, especially with the need to reduce Festungs cities in 1944-45.  An history of Red Army assault engineers can be found here in full: https://www.e-reading-lib.com/bookreader.php/126215/Nikiforov_Nikolay_-_Shturmovye_brigady_Krasnoy_Armii_v_boyu.html.  Organization below is drawn mostly from this with some supplemental searching.  Some reconstruction will be necessary, and probably in error.
  • Assault Engineer-Sapper Battalion (29 officers, 91 NCOs, 268 privates) 313 SMG?, 20 LMG, 9 ATRs, 626 hand grenades, 626 AT grenades, 125 SN-42 body armor sets (see more on these here: http://www.tankarchives.ca/2013/10/soviet-infantry-protection.html), approx. 50 rifles/carbines, lots of demolitions charges and smoke bombs.
    • Battalion HQ – Battalion CO (pistol), Battalion XO (pistol), radioman (carbine) in Gaz-67 or Jeep w/ driver
    • Recon Platoon – 2x LMG
      • Platoon HQ – Plt Ldr (SMG)
      • 2x Recon Squads – Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), Asst Ldr (junior NCO, LMG), 5x scouts (SMG)
    • 3x Assault Engineer-Sapper Companies (107 men)
      • Company HQ (8 men – probably 4 medical personnel = 4-man HQ) – CO (Capt., SMG), Starshina (SMG), 2x riflemen (carbine)
      • 2x Assault Engineer-Sapper Platoons (33 men)
        • Platoon HQ – Plt Ldr (Lt., SMG), Plt Sgt (NCO, SMG), 2x riflemen (SMG)
        • 1x 2-man ATR section – 1x ATR, 1x SMG (could be replaced with “faustniki” group heavily armed with captured panzerfausts)
        • 2x 9-man Assault Engineer-Sapper Squads (LMG) – Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), Asst Sqd Ldr (junior NCO, LMG), 7 x engineers (SMG)
        • 1x 9-man Assault Engineer-Sapper Squad - Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), Asst Sqd Ldr (junior NCO, SMG), 7 x engineers (SMG)
        • 1x Attached Backpack Flamethrower Squad (from Brigade Backpack Flamethrower Battalion) – Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), 2x Asst. Squad Leaders (junior NCO, SMG, panzerfaust), 4x Backpack Flamethower operators (ROKS-3)
      • 1x Assault Engineer-Sapper Platoon (armored) (33 men)
        • Platoon HQ – Plt Ldr (Lt., SMG), Plt Sgt (NCO, SMG), 2x riflemen (SMG)
        • 1x 2-man ATR section – 1x ATR, 1x SMG (could be replaced with “faustniki” group heavily armed with captured panzerfausts)
        • 2x 9-man Assault Engineer-Sapper Squads (LMG) – Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), Asst Sqd Ldr (junior NCO, LMG), 7 x engineers (SMG)
        • 1x 9-man Assault Engineer-Sapper Squad - Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), Asst Sqd Ldr (junior NCO, SMG), 7 x engineers (SMG)
        • 1x Attached Backpack Flamethrower Squad (from Brigade Backpack Flamethrower Battalion) – Sqd Ldr (NCO, SMG), 2x Asst. Squad Leaders (junior NCO, SMG, panzerfaust), 4x Backpack Flamethower operators (ROKS-3)
        • All with SN-42 body armor

Note: the above assumes that the battalion is operating alone, not integrated into assault groups with a rifle unit, but that the brigade flamethrower battalion has been task-organized to the assault-engineer battalions.  Allocation of body armor to 1x platoon per company is my own guess here.  It could also be 1x company per battalion, or some other allocation below platoon level.

Small excerpt from the text above specific to tactics and organization during the Battle for Berlin.  Would appreciate a better translation if you have time Haiduk:


В обобщенном виде действия саперов-штурмовиков при штурме Берлина можно представить следующим образом. Штурмовая инженерно-саперная рота выделяла три подгруппы, которые при блокировке огневых точек выполняли задачи и подгрупп разведки. Кроме командира подгруппы, в ее состав входили два автоматчика, два огнеметчика и два фаустпатронщика. Управление подгруппами осуществлял командир взвода. Действия подгрупп прикрывались огнем автоматчиков, находящихся от них на расстоянии в 100–200 м. Для подавления тяжелых огневых точек выделялась подгруппа штурма и блокировки, управляемая командиром взвода и состоящая из шести подрывников и стольких же автоматчиков. Общее руководство штурмовой группой обеспечивал командир роты. Для обеспечения эффективных действий штурмовой группы выделялась подгруппа обеспечения и резерва. Она находилась на расстоянии 400–600 м от подгруппы штурма и блокировки и управлялась начальником автотракторной службы батальона. Эта подгруппа обеспечивалась двумя автомашинами и состояла из 20 саперов с ВВ, щупами, другим необходимым снаряжением и вооружением. Здесь находились санинструктор и фельдшер. Такой боевой порядок позволял оптимально и более эффективно организовать и осуществлять инженерно-штурмовые действия в условиях малочисленности и недостатка саперов, обеспечить устойчивое управление штурмовой группой.

Rough Google translation: "In a generalized form, the actions of sappers-attack aircraft [“sturmovikov”, not aircraft] during the storming of Berlin can be represented as follows. The assault engineer-engineer company distinguished three subgroups that, when blocking firing points, performed tasks and reconnaissance subgroups. In addition to the commander of the subgroup, it included two submachine gunners, two flamethrowers and two faustpatroners ["faustpatronshchika"]. The subgroups were controlled by the platoon commander. The actions of the subgroups were covered by the fire of machine gunners, located 100-200 m from them. To suppress heavy firing points, a subgroup of assault and blocking, controlled by the platoon commander and consisting of six bombers and as many [sub-] machine gunners, stood out. The general command of the assault group was provided by the company commander. To ensure the effective actions of the assault group, a support and reserve subgroup was allocated. It was located at a distance of 400-600 m from the assault and blocking subgroup and was controlled by the chief of the battalion’s tractor service. This subgroup was provided by two cars and consisted of 20 sappers with explosives, probes, other necessary equipment and weapons. There were a medical instructor and a paramedic. Such a combat order made it possible to optimally and more efficiently organize and carry out engineering and assault operations in the conditions of small numbers and a lack of sappers, and to ensure stable control of the assault group."


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1 hour ago, akd said:

Have done some digging on this topic myself recently, and this is the best I could come up with:

 https://www.e-reading-lib.com/bookreader.php/126215/Nikiforov_Nikolay_-_Shturmovye_brigady_Krasnoy_Armii_v_boyu.html.  Organization below is drawn mostly from this with some supplemental searching.  Some reconstruction will be necessary, and probably in error.


It seem to have more details here, if only I can find the english translation, of the first link ! thank you to post it !

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@akd thanks for ShISB TO&E, adopted for CM, this is interest variant, though it slightly differs from information of Nikiforov's book and have some errors, I will tell about this in next post. Now about ShISBR brigade structure. The initial May 1943-structure of brigade had several changes during winter 1943 and spring 1944, so I am writing the late structure, actual for timelaps of CMRT module. Four ShISBR, which usually operated  on major directions had slightly other number of personnel in some detachments and it will be pointed  with [...]

Engineer-sapper assault brigade on May 1943 (2231 men, 244 rifles/carbines, 1684 SMG, 104 LMG, 8 cars, 64 trucks, 54 special trucks, 8 tractors, 7 motorcycles with sidecar,  205 horses,13 radios)

Brigade HQ - 48 [59] men: 35 officers, 4 NCO, 1 pvt, 8 civilian servicemen (armed with pistoles and rifles)

Control company (100 [98] men armed with pistoles, carbines and rifles, 3 cars, 24 trucks, 4 tractors, 2 special vehicles, 3 radio) 

- HQ

- commandant platoon

- communication platoon (2 x RBM radio with long antennas, 1 RSB-F radio on special radio-vehicle)

- 2 x auto-tractor platoon 

- maintenance platoon

- administerial squad

medical platoon (16 men: 7 officers, 3 NCO, 6 pvt, 2 medical trucks, 1 truck)

Established in Nov 1943 by removing of part of ammo bearer squads of assault companies

light crossing park NLP (37 men armed with pistols and carbines, 30 trucks, 28 pontoon-boats) 

Each pontoon-boat could take onboard 25 equipped soldiers and 5-9 rowers from this unit. Also pontoon-boats were using for pontoon bridges building or like pontoons for up to 5 tons equipmnet crossing.

motorized engineer-recon company (73 men armed with carbines, sniper rifles?, 4 LMG? , SMG and hand grenades - 1/3 of them were anti-tank, , 2 cars, 7 motorcycles with sidecars, 6 trucks, 2 RB radios)

- HQ

- motorcycle sapper platoon

- motorized sapper platoon

- administerial squad

This unit initially had 101 men because had also mine-detection dog platoon (probably 29 men in four squads per 7 men and 6 dogs per each), but in Nov 1943 they were removed from recon company and on their base were formed separate mine-detection dog company in 90 men, 72 dogs and 3 trucks. But in spring 1944 these companies were removed from engineer-assault brigades and turned on formation of mine-detection dog battalions

I have found more detailed info about motorized engineer recon company of motorized engineer-sapper brigade (MShISBR) - it had some other TO&E then the same company of ShISBR: 67 men, 53 SMG, 12 carbines, 2 sniper rifles, 45 SN-42 cuirases, 80 hand grenades, 80 AT hand grenades, 2 trucks for radio, 7 trucks

engineer-sapper assault battalion x 5  

flamethrower battalion (288 men: 11 officers, 38 NCO, 239 privates armed with rifles, SMGs, 240 ROKS-3 flamethrowers )

- HQ

- recon seсtion (3 men with SMG)

- transport company

- 2 x flamethrower company

There is no senece to write in details structure of flamethrower battalion - it never used as whole unit. Main tactical unit of such battalion was flamethrower squad, which divided between asault groups. Very rare flamethrowers used by platoon formations. Flamethrowere squad had sqaud leader (SMG), 9 flamethrowers (ROKS-3) and driver () with truck from transort company. During assault actions the squad divided on 2-3 flamethrower sections, which operated on relatively big distance each from other. Squad leader physically couldn't effectively manage his squad, so was almost useless. There was proposition to change structure from squads to sections with scheme 2 flamethrowers+section leader x 3 + squad leader, but this wasn't implemented.  


Four engineer-sapper assault brigades and one motorized engineer-sapper assault brigade got also per two tank regiments each - engineer tank regiment and flamethrower tank regiment

Engineer tank regiment (267 men, 22 tanks (18 with minesweepers), 2 cars, 4 motorcycles, 55 trucks, 1 mediacl truck, 2 workshop trucks, 1 crane, 1 charging station truck)

- HQ (21 men)

- control platoon (13 men: 1 T-34 of regiment comamnder, radio squad, transport-motorcycle squad - 4 bikes)

- engineer-recon platoon (22 men with SMGs: platoon commander + 7 men in eng.recon squad x 3 + driver and truck)

- SMG platoon (27 men with SMGs: 2 men in HQ + 8 men in SMG squad x 3 + driver and truck)

 - maintenance company (92 men: repair platoon, ammunition&fuel supply platoon, minesweeper&spareparts supply platoon, administerial platoon)

- medical point (6 men, 1 medical truck)

- engineer tank company x 3 (30 men, 7 T-34)

------- Company HQ (1 T-34 with radio, 6 men - two of them technical specialists)

----------- 1 st Platoon HQ (1 T-34 with PT-3 minesweeper and radio)

------------------ 2 tanks T-34 with PT-3 minesweepers

-----------  2nd Platoon HQ (1 T-34 with PT-3 minesweeper and radio)

------------------ 2 tanks T-34 with PT-3 minesweepers


Flamethrower tank regiment (240 men, 3 T-34, 18 OT-34, 6 BA-64, 7 motorcycles, 53 trucks)

There is no full description of TO&E of this unit, so in short:

- HQ

- maintenance units

- control platoon (1 T-34 with radio)

- reece platoon (6 BA-64)

-  Flamethrower tank company x 2

------ Company HQ (1 T-34 with radio)

-------------- 1st Flamethrower tank platoon (3 OT-34, plt.cmdr. tank with radio)

-------------- 2nd Flamethrower tank platoon (3 OT-34, plt.cmdr. tank with radio)

--------------- 3rd Flamethrower tank platoon (3 OT-34, plt.cmdr tank with radio)


Some ShiSBR on period of river crossing were receiving in subordination special purpose motorized battalions, eqippied with FORD-GPA or GMC DUKW amphibious. About its structure I have posted here:  http://community.battlefront.com/topic/136558-fire-and-rubble-update/page/10/

Also in 1944 four motorized engineer-sapper assault brigades (MShISBR) were established. MShiSBR had similar structure and had less personnel - 1810 men only and more trucks, then ShISBR.

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Now about engineer-sapper assault battalion. Again, I'm writing it late stucture, which has small difference from posted by akd above.

First of all I tell about some errors in @akd structure:

1.Battalion HQ had much more men

2. RBM radio, used in battalion required two oprators, because it consist of two blocks: transmitter-receiver (13 kg) and connected to it battery block (14 kg), additionally antenna block (up to 3 kg depnding of type), so there it was too heavy for one man and radio section has two operators, which moved in chain - one carried the radio and antenna, other carried batteries. They are carried radio on foot, not in the jeep. Battalion had two RBM radio sections in control platoon. One used by battalion commander and his staff, the second can be attached to some company or on forward obserwation point.

3.Recon platoon had per 6 men in squads, not 7. 

4. Company HQ hadn't medical personnel. HQ had only 3 men. "Medics" indeed are supply squad. This is coachmen with horse carts, which carried company equipment on march or delivered ammunition (from bullets to mines and charged baloons to ROKS-3) to the battlefield and took away wounded. In CM they can be ammo-beares. 

 5. I doubt about four men on Assault Platoon HQ - I never have seen such structure. Looks like  Platoon leader+ 2 men ATR crew + 3 squads per 10 men more real. But there is question again. Nikiforov wrote that in May 1944 9 ATR were given to each battalion, but he is wrote also that battalion was reduced on 4 men - it's possible just like ATRs were given like additional weapon, without adding of new personnel. He also wrote, battalions had supernumerary sniper rifles, machine-guns for support - Maxim, SG-43 and even DShK on wheels, Panzerfausts, but there is no separate snipers and MG teams in structure. I think, assault engineers had flexible structure they formed assault groups and used that weapon, which demanded a task. 

6. Attached flamethrower squad had on paper other structure. Your variant is that section-based, about which I wrote above, but it wasn't implemented. Flamethrower squad had commander with SMG and 9 flamethrowers (also +driver with a truck for march). Some number of personnel in the squad really could take Panzerfausts instead ROKS-3, because of trophy AT weapon usialy was receiving flamethrower battalion. If assault battlalion will be realized in CM there is possible to give opportunity to choose a weapon in editor for flamethrowers. 

Thus, engineer-assault battalion had such structure in 1944-1945 (388 men: 29 officers, 91 NCO, 268 pvt, 20 LMG, 313 SMG, 9 ATRs, rest of 55 personnel armed with pistoles and carbines, supernumerary Mosin sniper rifles, MMG/HMGs, 626 hand grenades, 626 AT hand grenades, different explosive, AT mines, smoke genades, 2 radios, 1 car, 1 pick-up, 4 trucks, 15 carts, 4 gigs, 41 horses)

Battalion HQ (17 men armed with pistols and rifles) 

--- Command section (5 men, all officers)

--- Staff section (4 men, 3 officers+1 soldier)

--- Administerial section (8 men, 6 officers, 2 soldiers)

Control platoon (17 men)

--- Platoon commander

--- recon squad x 2 (5 SMG, 1 LMG, snipers?)

--- radio section x 2 (2 men, RBM radio)

Engineer-sapper assault company (107 men, 6 LMG, 3 ATR, 101 SMG, supernumerary sniper rifles, MMG/HMG)

--- Company HQ (3 men, 3 SMG)

--------- Ammo bearer squad (5 men, 5 SMG)

--------- engineer-sapper assault platoon x 3 (33 men, 30 SMG, 2 LMG)

------------------- Platoon commander (1 man, SMG)

------------------------- ATR team (2 men, PTRD, 2 SMG)

------------------------- engineer-sapper assault squad x 2 (10 men, 9 SMG + 1 LMG)

------------------------- engineer-sapper assault squad (10 men, 10 SMG)

------------ flamethrower squad attached to company or platoon form flamethrower battalion (9 men, 1 SMG, 9 ROKS-3/Panzerfausts in combinations)

Because a photo exists, when possibly two soldiers in one group have LMGs, maybe can be a variant, where one squad has 2 LMGs and two - without its. Other alternative - all squads per 11 men and platoon commander is simultaniously 1st squad commander, ATR used like optional weapon as well as wheeled machne-guns and sniper rifles duer to current task

Workshop, ammunition&supply store (12 men: 6 technecians , 6 coachmen-ammo bearers, 12 carbines)

Administerial platoon (15 men, 15 carbines, 4 trucks)

Field mediacal point (6 men, pistols and carbines)

Veterinary-paramedic point (2 men)

Here is an art for Russian-made 1:35 scale soldiers kit "Soviet assault engineers", when pictured typical assault group with machinegun and flamethrower support


Edited by Haiduk
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How heavy were these armored vests?  Was there a German small arm that wouldn't penetrate this easily? Or was it more like a helmet, protecting against flying debris?  In close-in fighting I think they wouldn't do much more than slow you down...

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16 minutes ago, wadepm said:

How heavy were these armored vests?  Was there a German small arm that wouldn't penetrate this easily? Or was it more like a helmet, protecting against flying debris?  In close-in fighting I think they wouldn't do much more than slow you down...

SN-42 had 2mm steel (3,3 kg) and approximately corresponded to modern 2nd class of bodyarmor. It protected from 9 mm bullets of pistols and MP-40 SMG from 50 m, but  there were many happens, that it saved from shorter range and even from point-blank shot. You can see above the photo of SN-42 with track of three bulllets. SN-42 also could protect from 7,92 mm rifle bullet from 600 m.

This body armor had something similar to the ballistic protection linning, but soldiers weared it over winter padded jacket with teared off sleevs for additional protection. Assault troopers were good opinion about this armor (though continuously enchenced it) in urban combat and trench fight, but rarely used it in recon missions or in protracted attacks, when needed many time to crawl - the armor only interfered to move by crawling, the soil or sand stuffed under the armor and suffered discomfort. 

Though not only assault engineers used  SN-40 and SN-42 armor. Its were in use since 1941. SN-40 was prodused 15 000 and SN-42 only in 1942 was ordered in number 100 000. 



And here experimental using of SN-42 by AT-gun crews


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