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~5 minute video of what I think is Azov on parade

John Kettler

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Found this while rambling around Tumblr. Have no idea what's being said in the music (do understand the band name, though), but there are lots of segments showing uniforms, body armor, what look like COTS pickups, individual weapons, AFVs, trucks, insignia and such.

On a separate note, the other night NBC News, for reasons I don't quite fathom (is it heating up again?), did a segment of the ongoing war in Ukraine, which it called "forgotten.". The reporter went to the Ukrainian forward entrenchments, noted the similarity of the situation to WW I and was informed there was an active sniper only 300 meters away! His hosts flatly informed him the Separatists were Russian officered, Russian armed and Russian supplied.


John Kettler

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> Have no idea what's being said in the music

I was curious as well, so I checked it out. From what I can pick up, the first half of the song is about the inability to find a "good" woman to settle down with, and it complains about how society is too obsessed with instant gratification with pornography (I think). Then the second half complains about Europe being destroyed and overrun and encourages you to join something, not sure what.

Weird song choice.

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Can't tell whether or not you're being tongue in cheek, since I'm awful at emojis, so shall answer presuming you're serious. I think Azov is an appropriate unit to cover, certainly as much as the Separatists are, and I had zero control over what some person chose for music to the video. My preference for videos of such events, weapons firing, aircraft in flight, etc., is that they have no music, and, if possible, no VO, either.  Without the, cough, gilding, a video is much more useful.


John Kettler

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When I decided to build Azov in CM:BS (just the second battalion & the tank company), so that right minded players can have fun blowing them to tiny little bits, I just went to their website for references, but I didn't feel the need to post links to it.  :rolleyes:


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3 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

When I decided to build Azov in CM:BS (just the second battalion & the tank company), so that right minded players can have fun blowing them to tiny little bits, I just went to their website for references, but I didn't feel the need to post links to it.  :rolleyes:

This is actually hilarious, I pray certain users on this forum see it, it would send their blood pressure skyrocketing.

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Azov has own unique TO&E and training system, which very differ itself from existing in Army or in National Guard. 

Azov named itself as "regiment", but officially it "special purpose separate detachment" of 18th National Guard operative purpose regiment. Big armored cars on the video are "Varta". Also some BTR-3E1 and "Spartans" in service. Pickups are popular Mitsubishi L200 IV. Many these cars were bought for Army and volunteer units officially or via civil volunteers. So there is a problem to model them adequately in CMBS, alas.

Runes? OMG. And what? Runes were invented by Hitler? Azov in many features is "cosplaying" Norwegian "Telemark" battalion (runes, german-scandinavian traditions etc).  Many guys in Azov are neo-paganists (slavic, or german-scandinavic).  Yes, some number of personnel are followers of social-nationalists and "struggle for white race" ideology. Some consider they are "private military company" or at least "favorite toy" of current Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. But many young and not so young men enlist themeselve to Azov, because only there they can receive hard phisical and real military training without old soviet dogmas. 

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Everyone, let's take a moment to give @Sgt.Squarehead a slow clap for his fantastic bait. We already have a nationalist spaz-out in response. 

Telemark Battalion DUI:



2.SS Das Reich DUI:



Really makes you think friendo. Going to be a Y I K E S from me. 

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6 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

Everyone, let's take a moment to give @Sgt.Squarehead a slow clap for his fantastic bait. We already have a nationalist spaz-out. 

I'll do him one better than a slow clap, I'll serenade him.


More seriously.



Runes? OMG. And what? Runes were invented by Hitler? Azov in many features is "cosplaying" Norwegian "Telemark" battalion (runes, german-scandinavian traditions etc).  Many guys in Azov are neo-paganists (slavic, or german-scandinavic).  Yes, some number of personnel are followers of social-nationalists and "struggle for white race" ideology. Some consider they are "private military company" or at least "favorite toy" of current Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. But many young and not so young men enlist themeselve to Azov, because only there they can receive hard phisical and real military training without old soviet dogmas. 

@Haiduk does it not worry you that you have random militias and whatnot infested with possible Neonazis in Ukraine? Seems like an issue that another government had: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freikorps , let's hope it turns out better

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4 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

It's strange you say that fella, because it's pretty plain to see that my alleged 'bait' is the only post in this entire thread that actually relates directly to the CM games.  :rolleyes:

Broken clocks.

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15 hours ago, sid_burn said:

@Haiduk does it not worry you that you have random militias and whatnot infested with possible Neonazis in Ukraine? Seems like an issue that another government had: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freikorps , let's hope it turns out better

Random militas? What exactly? "Azov" is not "militia" this is regular unit of National Guard. I say again - all talks about total Nazi-unit "Azov", which every day are crucifying per one small Russian-speaking boy is more scarecrow of Russian propaganda for housewifes, than reality. Yes, their Germanic features is attracting to them some neo-nazis, far-right and other, but they number is not critical. And they like citizens of Ukraine have the same right to defend own country like followers of any liberal or democratic ideology. 

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16 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

Everyone, let's take a moment to give @Sgt.Squarehead a slow clap for his fantastic bait. We already have a nationalist spaz-out in response. 

Really makes you think friendo. Going to be a Y I K E S from me. 

Telemark in the same way like Azov was blamed by liberals in nationalism and enormous belligerence (!!!) only for their strange features (scandinavic mythology, punisher sculls etc). So, when I said "cosplaying" this is about essence, not insignia.  

So, the rune in insignia = Nazism? Well, you are right. Ukrainains are all phascists. Even our ancient ancestors used Nazi-symbols, so roots of Nazism in Ukraine have thousand-years history :) 

Walfsangel also placed in coat of arms of many German towns - looks like only neo-Nazi are living there  





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22 hours ago, sid_burn said:

I was curious as well, so I checked it out. From what I can pick up, the first half of the song is about the inability to find a "good" woman to settle down with, and it complains about how society is too obsessed with instant gratification with pornography (I think). Then the second half complains about Europe being destroyed and overrun and encourages you to join something, not sure what.

35 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Have some more traditional 'Viking' imagery, courtesy of these fine fellows:


What's wrong with the world? This belongs in the WW2 titles, not modern ones.

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5 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Have some more traditional 'Viking' imagery, courtesy of these fine fellows:


This is 2014 year photo, when first enlistment of Azov (volunteeer unit in that time, initially named "little black men") contains much more marginal far-right elements than now. On this photo the group of Oleg Penia, which have time to be in skinheads, in "Patriot of Ukraine", in "Autonomous nationalists", in 2014 for a short time he became a leader of Right Sector in Zhytomyr, but soon was expelled from there and he enlisted to Azov. He posted this and several other photos with nazi-flags and "zigas", which quicky shared through internet and Russian propaganda used it well. Penia didn't spent much time in Azov - in the end of 2014 he and most of his people left this unit. 

I know personnaly three men from this unit. Two of them were in our medieval re-enaction movement, they just like to fight, but wasn't nazi or even far-right. Azov gave them good opportunity to fight w/o soviet dogmas. One of them passed a way from private to company leader and now he is a chief of training center. The second was wounded, but since some time returned to the unit. Where he now I don't know. The third my familiar is not too young like previous two, he served in "Azov" recon platoon and in tank company. Also not a nazi, but normal nationalist. He said, now commnaders of Azov is watching for radicals. Nobody didn't press them for their convictions, but public demonstration of restricted symbols is punishing. More, according the law of 2016 year, public demonstration of nazі and soviet symbols (except hystorical and education purpose) can entail administrative or criminal responsibility.

Though throwing a "ziga" (from heart to the sun :) ) is popular mocking at not only in Azov (though some can do it seriously), but and in Army too. Russian propaganda painting Ukrainain army as "punishers", "fascsists", "ukrowehrmacht", so soldiers are trying "to сorrespond" this image. Ukrainains have excellent feel of irony and black humor. Do you want to see "evil fascists"? You will got it. And let our assholes flame on TV-shows.


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