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I don't mean to pry...but why was Fionn banned?

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Guest Madmatt

It is actually.

I would reccomend that we NOT revisit that incident as nothing good will come of it.

You can read a very consise recap on usenet in comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical or just email Fionn directly and ask him, his email is on CMHQ on every page along with mine.

Best to leave sleeping dogs lie though...



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I missed it to. 15 people emailed me to 'alert' me to the fact. I cant keep up with the forum with my new job and everything else.

While I disagree with Fionn and laugh alot at his uber info, I am not a big fan of censorship of any kind.

I disliked the coolcolj thing also. Stunk to high hell IMO.

People here seem to be generally 'giving' in their own ways. Whether 'demanding' an improvement or feature or 'insisting' a historical fact or what have you, people are sharing their love of the hobby in their own ways. Id hate to see BTS get all snagged up on petty things especially since they are seeing the success of their (and others) efforts.

BTS has been OK by me (Ive been thrown off EVERY wargaming forum) and maybe they can extend another chance if its wanted.


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Throwing in my 2 cents worth real quick. I for one stand right with BTS on this one. Fionn, although a wealth of knowledge when it comes to WW2, has more than once been rude and curt with many people here. I hate to see anyone get banned, but he asked for it and BTS had given him another chance. We dont need flamewars here and attitudes galore, however, some people post like that and they need to be held accountable.

You made the right call BTS, albeit a difficult one.



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Thanks for the answers, fellers!

I guess as long as I know the overall picture, I don't need the juicy details. Mmmmm...details...

I wonder if Fionn's banning will reflect his participation in latter CM titles? He seems to know quite a bit about the Eastern Front, and even though he has a bad attitude, a source of that caliber is a pity to lose.

Then again, he really hurt my feeling when he told me to "go read the frekin' manual"




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I'm sure there are a wealth of "experts" floating out there. One guy doesn't make a game. Everybody has some bit of knowledge to part on to others. Some seem to think that they hold the key to all available info on a given subject. I prefer a thread that has a whole slew of people giving their bits of knowledge, than having one "expert" going on and on about a subject.

Having that one expert squishing out any others who want to participate on a topic is the best way to destroy an awesome forum like this........



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

[This message has been edited by Teamski (edited 09-03-2000).]

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if only because I don't see why Fionn gets banned but someone who does criminally actionable (at least in germany) statements of a most tactless kind gets to stay here, for Commissar and all the others here's the link to the final thread:


sorry but I am not a politician nor a criminal so covering-up isn't my style smile.gif - to the contrary it's my job to help the truth to be uncovered smile.gif

btw: madmatt, since your CMHQ still lists you and Fionn as the hosts - is Fionn stillactive "behind the scenes"? or is his name kept there due to courtesy because of his former involvement? I am just interested to know, really.


"Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)

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As I see it, in many cases, Fionn had to suffer serious *personal* attacks from people who couldn't see the difference between a debate over a given topic and a personal attack. There were many people who jumped on him because he stated his facts and opinions on a topic, and because they had nothing to counter his arguments or they thought they were *personally* attacked (a behaviour you see quite often here) the reaction was an attack on his person.

Things started to get serious very quickly then...

Having said this, seeing Fionn banned and some other *guests* around here who are flooding the forum with their BS are not... it's ...annoying.

I think it had more to do with the fact that people tended to see Fionn as kind of an "official" connected to BTS, so BTS pulled the plug.

just my 2p


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Maybe he was having an off day smile.gif

Happens sometimes.Just cause one or two nasty words are said in the heat of the moment shouldnt mean a bann,i think he contributed alot more than that to deserve being executed over a few stray shots


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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I think BTS did one little error though. In fights like this I think it's better to ban both of the participants not just one. It makes it more fair. No offence to Scott, no idea what you are fighting about but in fairness you should both have been banned.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marcusm:

I think BTS did one little error though. In fights like this I think it's better to ban both of the participants not just one. It makes it more fair. No offence to Scott, no idea what you are fighting about but in fairness you should both have been banned.



Happens sometimes.Just cause one or two nasty words are said in the heat of the moment shouldnt mean a bann,i think he contributed alot more than that to deserve being executed over a few stray shots<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

1. The feud between Fionn and Scott had been going on for a long time. It was a lot more than a few stray shots. That last thread was only the latest in a long string of exchanges. In the opinion of BTS Fionn was princably to blame for it. Do not second guess BTS unless you have been following the feud from the beginning as they have. Also, there were other instances (involving Fionn) with other people other than Scott.

2. BTS cannot make exeptions from the rules for people just because they are an excellent source of WW2 related information.

3. The reason there are some people still here who are posting BS while Fionn is gone is that BTS gives people several warnings before the boot is applied. If they continue they will soon be gone too. BTS has stated that Fionn was warned on many occasions in private. In fact, be was banned once before and then let back in.

4. This not the first "Why Was Fionn Banned" thread. Hopefully it will be the last as they are flame bait.


I disliked the coolcolj thing also. Stunk to high hell IMO.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Agreed. But that's another flame war.... I actually saw him post a small message in a thread here about a week ago. It seemed to go completely unnoticed though.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mr. Clark:

Can we get some of those F-Bombs in CM2? wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think F-Bombs are outlawed under the Geneva Convention wink.gif


Post Script:

Although this thread is lying cold and stiff in its' grave, I have received an e-mail from Fionn. For various reasons I read it just today. In it he makes the following points:

1. His previous banning from the forum was his own idea. During a heated arguement with Scott he asked Steve to temporarily revoke his posting privelages so that he would not say something he would regret.

2. 90% of people who know the full story between him and Scott think Scott is mostly to blame.

3. BTS game him no warning at all of any banning.


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[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 09-09-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Fionn is still very active on the war-historical newsgroup and on CMHQ. His being banned here and helping me with CMHQ are NOT connected. He is also not been bared from helping with CM2 or even BTS for that matter. The only, ONLY thing we was removed from is this Forum.

Please read my nightly updates on CMHQ as I said that he is still cranking out material and I have a lot yet to post of his. Sometimes I think I should remove my little Link Table at the top of the page since people never seen to read what I say on the news page.



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> :USERNAME: wrote:

> > I disliked the coolcolj thing also. Stunk to high hell IMO.

Vanir wrote:

> Agreed. But that's another flame war.... I actually saw him post a small message in a thread here about a week ago. It seemed to go completely unnoticed though.

I think that was an old thread that someone dug up.


P.S. I also think THIS thread should be left alone. Please don't everybody wait for BTS to lock a thread up before they stop posting.


There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT

[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 09-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The feud between Fionn and Scott had been going on for a long time. It was a lot more than a few stray shots. That last thread was only the latest in a long string of exchanges. In the opinion of BTS Fionn was princably to blame for it. Do not second guess BTS unless you have been following the feud from the beginning as they have. Also, there were other instances (involving Fionn) with other people other than Scott.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm following this board since September99, is this enough for you???

I think I can read and understand the English language pretty well, and I DON'T think that BTS banned Fionn because he was to blame. IMO they did it because he was seen as a "semi-official" (as I stated before BTW).

Sorry for second-guessing again.


(sorry, this really gets to me)

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The Fionn ban had a LONG history that lead up to the actual final ban.

I'm sure like many secrets from WW II the Whole truth cannot and will not be obvious to all who can only see just the surface (i.e. just the public posts in this forum) its very possible there was lots going on behind the scenes in private e-mail.

I have come to trust Steve and Charles judgement. They have designed for us a serious KICK -ASS game and they are not new to technology, comptuers, the internet, or flame wars.

I fully support their decsion to ban Fionn and I know that I do not know all the details surrounding exactly what happened, BUT I do really trust the Judgement of Steve and Charles on this one.

They both have great vision and wisdom and maturity and have worked VERY VERY hard to bring us CM v1.05 to the state of near perfection that we now enjoy.

Let's cut these two great guys a little slack on this one? Maybe they do actually know exaclty what they are doing smile.gifsmile.gif !!

-tom w

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