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Big Iron

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Everything posted by Big Iron

  1. I believe he Good Doctor had a very effective point with: -- It bought us time to develope the A-Bomb and use it without fear of pissing off our European Allies who live next door to ground zero in Germany. Yup. Dead on. ------------------
  2. Yeah, another perspective that proves he is correct would be this is a game forum. As he said in all caps GAME. If this GAME was dealing with a sociological simulation of some kind on how the Nazis gained control of power or kept it or whatever their motivation for doing such a thing was then I suppose it would be on topic. However, this GAME deals with tactics and this forum, more or less, deals with the historical accuracy of the weapons that implement those tactics. For historical accuracy's sake, I have no problem with SS units and such. But it is the same as a MG42 or a Sherman that is modeled correctly to me. It is a tactial simulation so the SS moniker is just an accurate representation of a unit that was involved in some action somewhere. Same as always in games I have played for 25 years: Nazis ... cool weapons, excellent armed forces, really bad politics. I don't think about it further than that because it is just the tactical portion of the historical simulation that I enjoy playing. Iron [This message has been edited by Big Iron (edited 09-03-2000).]
  3. After all these years of studying grand tactics .. I still don't get the Robert E. Lee thing. Everybody thinks he's such a god. I contend, he was a moderate ass. Many different reasons but to simplify .. What the hell was he doing in Pennsylvania? Jhees And Gettysburg. What a fool. It was a war of DEFENSE for a rebel nation. They weren't trying to DEFEAT and CONQUER the Union. I mean lay aside all these technical mumbo jumbo this that and another thing on why he had to do it. Think about the big picture. Washington never invaded Wales. I have thought about this long and hard and I have searched for many reasons why I am wrong in my reasoning. I've only come up with theories that are too small. In The Big Picture... I honestly think Lee was an arrogant ass. He should have won that war. The Southern boys beat the North's brains out every single battle every single time .. Until he committed waaaay too much to Gettysburg for a rebel nation with only one purpose and that was not to CONQUER. I can't find anybody else historically that says this so ... I just assume I am wrong. I wish I coulda had a shot at commanding that army. Those damn Southern boys were mean. They could fight like hell. Iron
  4. Wow This board is unprecedented for community closeness. Phenomenal. Just mind-melting. I wish you guys were all in Congress or on the president-elect's new staff in November. I'd feel great about America again. People that can work together and respect each other. What a concept. Iron
  5. Meyer something or the other. Wild Bill is up there with Grigsby and Meier as far as total and utter respect goes. I play each scenario he makes like some go to the art gallery to view classic paintings. Unfortuantely, at the Combat HQ, I can't see it in the scenario section. Helping hand here .. anyone ... Thanks .. Iron
  6. I saw it at E3 and played it (pseudo .. guy was demo-ing it and let me jump arond a little in the game) I did an interview with Andy, who is the developer. You can hear it here: http://radio.ga-sports.com:8080/ramgen/SL.rm Just between me and you, they should release it on the Nintendo 64. Don't expect much. ------------------ [This message has been edited by Big Iron (edited 08-24-2000).]
  7. Quite the military historian myself. Skorzeny is dead on with everything he stated. The man, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is damn straight on the subject. Dunno about the scenario and such but I have run in to similiar circumstances all through this game. I just throw up my hands and say "It's just a videogame." That seems to work pretty well. Iron
  8. Wow .. That's the doggone place, ain't it? Whew .. always saw MadMatt on here talking about it. Never went there because I didn't have the game. Thanks again .. Iron
  9. Hey guys .. I've been to your board at least 100 times and have read extensively on the game here at this wonderful meeting place you have made. Some great characters this community has spawned, some of the most unique anywhere on the web. I started caring less and less about the game particulars and more and more about how XXX was going to respond to XXX. Anyways, this is my first post. I hate to bother anybody. However, I need help. Today's my birthday and ya gotta like a wife that gets you Comabt Mission for a present. So, she must have been watching me viewing this board so much. I never asked for CM. I spent about the last hour searching for a variety of messages I remember seeing on "MODS". I came up totally empty because it returned so many hits on the search. So, my request is to point me toward some of the better mods, in your guy's opinions, or a master site with a listing of all the mods available. As for the game, I'm adjusting my viewpoint. I'm an old "Third Reich" and "Squad Leader" player from the late 70's and I kinda felt a little silly with the guys running around on the screen and such. Never really played a wargame that didn't have NATO symbols. However, I adjusted my perception and realized that the engine underneath the graphics is astoundingly accurate. After this respect was earned, I began to look at the on-screen representations as just another form of a counter and it's working for me. Hell I may even buy Quake after this Alright .. if you could help a fella out .. I'd sure appreciate it. Thank ya a bunch for your time .. Iron [This message has been edited by Big Iron (edited 08-03-2000).]
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