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DAR: Kinophile (RUS) v. The Forward Observer (US) - Batt. PBEM


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Thanks @Artemis258!

So, turns 4-7 are done, waiting on his T8.





TURNS 4,5,6







RIGHT  BANK: 2BG established itself in Zone 1 and pushed south into Zone 3

 1st coy  moves into the Barracks, along with supporting ATGMs. 2nd Platoon south towards the Cathedral. A US LINEAR arty strike lands seconds behind them - but BTR82s are a speedy bunch. TFO's timing was near perfect, and did catch a precious AT-13 team in the open. He also struck the Barracks heavily, but I've positioned my inside units facing away, North, to avoid the arty hits on the southern facades. So far, just a few minor casualties. The BLUE CROSSES above indicate suspected POINT strikes. He did Knock Out an ATGM teams launcher from 2Coy. 

QUESTION: Knocked Out on ATGM team means the LAUNCHER is wrecked, correct?

Other ATGMs teams move into hiding spots, facing away from the open ground to my right flank.

LEFT BANK: 1BG moved cautiously South into Zone 4, finding spotting positions in the Industrial Park and SATC, and suppressive fire sites in Sh*tsville.

1St Coy moves forward, approaching the Sex Addiction Treatment Centre on the hill on my far left, drifting forward in the middle towards the Industrial Park and edging forward along the river. TFO lands a single PRECISION mortar round on the roof of the tallest building in 1BG's setup zone, but I ain't too stupid, nobody there.

T7 was spent setting up some VLRF to start suppressing the distant towers in the Suburbs.



Unsurprisingly, TFO knows his business. However I've placed my forces reasonably sensibly with no, I believe, obvious targets for him. I've pushed  alight screen south on both banks, but I have no intention of fighting house-to-house. My point arty strikes deep in his setup zone have been 50% effective, a terrible ratio. My lesson is to concentrate strikes in setup. For now, I will let the fires continue for basic suppression. Once I've ruined the upper most floors Ill move on.

Zalas have spotted nothing, but its only been a few minutes. Also, I don't really have enough eyes forward yet - too dangerous with his ongoing barrage. I notice he was asking around the forum lately about hiding units and vehicles, so I'm guessing hes gone to some length to find some nice picnic areas and roast some marsh mallows. I have no intention of charging forward. Once my zalas start to spot something, anything, Ill shift fires and nail the area. I don't think he realizes just how much arty I have on hand. I've 3x152mm pltns still in reserve. Of course, he could have gone crazy light on the ground and crazy heavy in Fire Support, which could turn this into a WW1 style arty exchange. We'll see....

BTW that note above about low ROF of Rus arty is very true. Another lesson learned.


On 10/27/2016 at 3:48 AM, Jammersix said:

Losing is not winning.

It depends on your definition of both. Mine is not defined by his. For me, a Loss is fine so long as I do good damage. It's a defeat is if I lose and do no usable damage. Basically, I, as the enemy, also get a say in the result :) 

PS: the following turns will be condensed into 5 turn packets - these graphics are a lot of work...



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2 hours ago, c3k said:

Lovely neighborhood names. That alone could tip this battle in your favor. ;)

Great write-up. Now, go line some men up and charge. That'll let you know where he is.

I dunno...he's a sneaky sneak. Appropriate, seeing as he is a descendant of Rat People*.

I've a gut feeling that he intends to decimate my center with artillery - his commitment so far has been pretty concentrated.

I suspect he's about to land a more accurate linear barrage on my forward 2BG elements approaching the Cathedral/Hotel, so I'm going to pull everything back behind their SLs. I'll keep a team or two going forward to give him a false positive that I'm still advancing, encourage him to waste more rounds.

No sightings yet from my zalas. I suspect hes maybe gone heavy on infantry and inside buildings to reduce his ground signature. Something I considered, but I need the extra missiles the BTRs carry.

P.S. thanks @HerrTom!

That's right, this thread just took a turn for the Trump.

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On 10/27/2016 at 7:17 PM, Jammersix said:

He's not fighting a war. He's fighting a battle


This single sentiment means you and I will never play.


no he's fighting a DAR and the king of the smack talk wins regardless of what the game says.  :D

Are you always this much fun?  I suspect he isn't really broken up by your last comment.

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Yes, a DAR/AAR should be very different than most battles. In fact, I still fondly remember the brunette in the red tanktop (appropriate, no?) in that pub in Boston who kept trying to distract me by running her fingers down my leg whilst I was battling Bil in CMBN's Market Garden DAR. Hmm...could he have sent her? I must look into that...

The smack-talk is key. Battlefield losses are immaterial. The better the screenshots, the better the player. ;)

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Even when i attack as russians its really me seizing ground or terrain and then defending it. its completely different than a us attack. the us you aytack and use tempo ans violence of movement. it wont work in BS for Redfor.

Gotta grab stuff jam atgms in it then sneak a couple tanks up so eveeythkngs in place and ready to start fighting the us counterattack or withdrawal or movement your move has forced.

Those tunguskas are priceless for uavs. also if you use them to engage an abrams ( if youre sure its alone ) it can stun the abrams and your stgms will have a field day. 2 khriz and a bmp2m and a tunguska are great hunter killer teams for us armor... again though the only real way to really be successful is never move armor or vehicles in view of us armor or troops even rlly. 

And alwayd alwayd always try to have your khriz or tank sitting still and let the amis pop into view or whatever. you ll lose the spotting contest every time all the time if you try to drive a t90 or khriz up in view of an abrame and start blastung.

The inf numbers are .. you gotta get used to them to make yourown calculus but theyre definitely not useless and are essential against the US  i really asvise against russian air anyways arty cant be shot down and therussians are good at it. trps lotsa arty.

Inf probabl wont kill an abeams. not atgm  mean a reg rpg7 squad rpg 26 etc. but ive had it happen. and bradleys way more. so no theyre not useless and ya need them as a screen for your men

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Last minute work? Bah. Rushed work is shoddy work. No work is better than shoddy work. It's best if you just don't do a thing.

Family trip? Not needed. They're family: they'll understand if you don't go. And, if they don't understand, they'll at least put up with it.

There. Now I've freed up your time. You're welcome.

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5 hours ago, c3k said:

Last minute work? Bah. Rushed work is shoddy work. No work is better than shoddy work. It's best if you just don't do a thing.

Family trip? Not needed. They're family: they'll understand if you don't go. And, if they don't understand, they'll at least put up with it.

There. Now I've freed up your time. You're welcome.

Hell they likely won't read it anyway, just throw together some buzz words toss in a few charts etc. they will thank you for your excellent work as they are ignoring it during that cat video they were dying to watch. 

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Yes kino using the whole 152mm batt on low long will basically keep your enemy what i call a linus (dirty kid with cloud of dirt from snoopy) cloud of arty arnd your oppos advance.

Testing revealed air urst arty doesnt degrade vehicle subsystems (ATTN BFC) that should so now i  use 2 batteries. one with ab for US infantry to strip em from their armor and another again for infantry, lucky hits, and also degradation of enemy afvs subsystems.

The only thing more wnjoyable than killin an abrams is getting a hit:gun on an abrams with an ags17 and turning that thing into a pillbox. i learned new cusswords that turn :D

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Thats a key to my approach - kill the infantry and brads. 

Spook/Dodge the Abrams,  keep killing infantry. 

My current situation is that he's being very cagey with troop movement,  keeping well hidden. 

He definitely has a screen very far forward, on both banks. I suspect hes gonna try and mesh his screen with my forward units, keeping a steady linear strike behind me to debilitate reinforcement,while keeping his main force back to LRF any attempted mech breakthrough on my part. 

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Ok, some quick pics. Work is building up, apologies for the delays and only two images.

TURN 14.


Big news is that I've finally spotted two infantry contacts - one is an FO/INF team approaching the Industrial Park from the Dry River, the other is an INF contact just south of the Train Station. 152mm x6 are 4 mins out on the Train guys, as it s a nicely wooded area that looks like a sweet staging spot.

No Vehicle contacts yet.


My screening units continue to creep forward, with one scout team dodging a precision mortar strike. Hes got some good, fast eyes on me, but other than that mortar strike h has dropped nothing on the LB.

I've two FOs on this bank, one spotting into the suburbs to collapse the tall buildings there, and the other spotting to the Cathedral to start supressing that. 

I've sent a truck on a scouting run forward, just to see...it's a little game, but I'm also dropping off a sniper team along the way so......



TFO continues to hammer the Barracks - he has almost completely collapsed the long housing line. I guess he's suffered from spot/hits from that before. I lost 2 ATGM teams in that strike. My other occupying units are hunkered down, facing away. If he starts collapsing those other buildings in the barracks then I'm gonna bail - highly dangerous as I'd say that's exactly what he wants and will try to nail me in the open.

RUS screen pushes south into the Hotel. I've reloaded my two forward AT-13 teams back into their BTR (hidden in trees, behind a house) - I highly suspect he's gonna drop arty on the hotel area so I want to keep them ready to repo. 

Sports field has some eyes on it now, including 2 GLs. 

My starting arty barrages are tidying up. I'm waiting for some more contacts before I fire again,.

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TURN 16.




That Inf/Jav contact turns into at least a full platoon rushing north across the tracks towards the Industrial Park. Unfortunately for TheFlabbyObject I have eyes on the railway tracks. Even better, I have a deployed AGS-30. Vets, too. They open fire and nail the last squad, killing at least one and pinning them. TFO is a vindictive **** however so I'm gonna fire for 45s then repo them back/right to a nearby barn for AF into the woods. Their sister GL team will push forward into a position back/left of where my firing team is - this will maintain my enfilade down the tracks but with a new team and position.

A sniper team up at the Sex Addiction treatment Centre (hopefully not too distracted...probably the one place that wouldn't mind being ra-uhhhhhhhhhnnnn maybe not, Kino. Family show, dude, family show. Ahem...) will enfilade any breach teams that try to blast the wall. I also have a sniper team off-screen in ****sville with a clear LOS to the south entrance into the Industrial Park (to my FOs right).

Now that I have a fix on a solid blob of infantry (I'm a little surprised he clumped them) I've re-tasked two plts of 152mm to bracket the woods/tracks/Industrial park wall and to land right in front of my FO (who's gonna GTFO once the rounds start landing). I've also repo'd a Zala overhead, which the 1BG AC will use to mortar snipe teams trying to get into the residential buildings front of my FO, and set another Zala to scour the Dry River and Suburbs for any Brads. 

He's dropped some spotting rounds along the south street of ****sville, so i've started repo'ing squads/teams.

If these infantry had walked steadily from GO they could have easily left their brads safe behind near the Suburb...but still no vehicle contact makes me wonder. Perhaps he went light inf/LRF Abrams, with minimal bradleys...

What I'm NOT doing is bring IFVs /Mobile Bonfires forward. This is where I'm gonna enact my plan, and stick to it - ID infantry/Brads, eliminate entire units with copious arty. Ilovaisk these ****ers.



He's using his mortars to snipe my brittle vehicles, keeping his 155s for buildings and area fire. One precision round hits 2BG's 1Coy HQ BTR on the south edge of Downtown - kills the crew but the HQ survive, albeit panicked. I suspect he'll drop another strike on the house they're fleeing to. Oh well. I'm regularly repo-ing vehicles but it's inevitable. 

His arty levels the last of that barracks housing, while he maintains a light 155 fire along that street he leveled - Which confirms for me that he intends to use it as a killing ground for retreating units.

I've solidified my spotting at the train station - he has infantry in the woods that Ive already assigned a 152 strike to, but he's also in the silos. I've added a second 152 strike along those silos, and repo'd another Zala closer but behind the contacts, to ID any retreating units.

My forward screen pushes into the Hotel area- I'm using an Engie team to blast new doorways, using the drifting dust/smoke from his linear barrage to hide the dust of my internal wall breaches.The two ATGM teams are loaded up and hiding.

I have no intention of poking my head out too far until the train station has be heavily suppressed.. Stick to the plan - ID units, dump everything available on them. Cut them off from their adjacent units/cover and start trampolining them.

Slice n Dice.


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