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In Praise of Real Time battles!

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Anyone interested? 

Company and above.

For those who haven't tried,  and think it's just rush rush rush,  I would beg to differ. 

It's all in the planning,  even more so than TB. If you have a weak plan,  or badly execute a good plan, your time margin to correct/readjust is tiny. It means you can get inside your opponents OODA loop in real time,  and see the consequences play out. 

My last game I crushed my opponents flank so fast,  and got inside his formation so quickly that he thought I had double the number of weapons systems. I could see his disjointed attacks falling apart, I could tell how brittle his hasty defense were and I could intuit that he was,  basically,  panicking,  as he frantically tried to pull his left flank across to save his centre. The hour FLEW by. 

And that was with a solid hour of prep. Now, I'm no genius. But I prepped,  reconned and stuck to my plan. If anything,  that planning phase was just as interesting as the actual battle. 

RT is a blast, exhilarating when you win and maddening when you lose. 

Two hours of your time. 

A full length movie. 


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1 hour ago, kinophile said:

Anyone interested? 

Company and above.

For those who haven't tried,  and think it's just rush rush rush,  I would beg to differ. 

It's all in the planning,  even more so than TB. If you have a weak plan,  or badly execute a good plan, your time margin to correct/readjust is tiny. It means you can get inside your opponents OODA loop in real time,  and see the consequences play out. 

My last game I crushed my opponents flank so fast,  and got inside his formation so quickly that he thought I had double the number of weapons systems. I could see his disjointed attacks falling apart, I could tell how brittle his hasty defense were and I could intuit that he was,  basically,  panicking,  as he frantically tried to pull his left flank across to save his centre. The hour FLEW by. 

And that was with a solid hour of prep. Now, I'm no genius. But I prepped,  reconned and stuck to my plan. If anything,  that planning phase was just as interesting as the actual battle. 

RT is a blast, exhilarating when you win and maddening when you lose. 

Two hours of your time. 

A full length movie. 


So, in essence, you did Rush, Rush, Rush with a Good Plan, and it caught got your Opponent Off-Guard.

You indeed did well for yourself...


Edited by JoMc67
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No,  not rush in the gamey,  star craft sense. 

I attacked his flank before he could react. From there it was not an easy battle,  but I had thrown him off guard and instead of falling back to regroup,  he attempted to attack but his moves were disjointed and uncoordinated. If he had paused and conceded ground he could have easily fought me to a stand still until his artillery came on line.  CMBS' lethality can allow a single unit to have an out sized,  battle winning effect,  re balancing a failing game. If he had stepped back he could have easily done so. 

My point is that I got inside his decision loop,  distorting it. I won an early mental battle,, which gave me a decisive psychological edge.

I did NOT swamp him with blobs or extreme,  unrealistic numbers of unit types. I've fought many other battles with him and it's often been a careful, tricky affair. This one,  I broke my pattern and boy did it pay off. 

In real time it can  come down to a battle of wits -  I won mine.

In TB it can be very careful and well... Plodding,  sometimes.  

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It's all a matter of preference of course, but RT also benefits wrist-twitchers.  Us oldsters don't have the reaction speeds.  :(

I recall loving RT when CM1 first came out in 1999(?).  Then fell in love with larger scenarios which require WEGO.

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By larger you mean battalion and above? 

Its still a playable game. As mentioned,  it's all in the prep. 

Last night we played a Co(+)  game. My OPFOR (RUS) and I chose to attack our equivalent wings (he to my right,  me against his left). As it happened our lead MI platoons raced into and past each other (dense fog made this more possible than you'd think). I had too many units moving to try and turn them all on a dime so I left the move paths alone and swing their fire arcs back and started nailing his IFVs from.  behind as my infantry popped out and continued forward to their objectives. 

I was very lucky in that his follow-on platoon bogged for a full minute (he didn't read the ground conditions -  Muddy! :-D) allowing me to nail his lead IFVs before they could disembark. I think he lost 2/3 of his lead platoon infantry inside brewing up BMPs. By the time his second platoon approached my own lead infantry had reached initial cover and started opening fire. This distracted his 2nd wave, giving me a chance to retask my BTRs and ambush kill his 2nd wave BMPs and again incinerate his infantry in their metal coffins. 

Now,  I made some mucho mucho errors (no Overwatch, assumed he'd not go for a surprise assault,  limited IFV fire arcs) but my original plan, even if not very good,  allowed me to break down my real time reactions into manageable bits. 

My prep saved my ass (as did his bad prep - he kept his infantry mounted for far too long) and gave me a mental breathing space. 

Prep prep prep. 

That's all it is. With TB you can prep each turn. With RT you do your homework then work with the results. 

I contend that RT is for Manly Men,  scarers of sheep and woo-ers of women! 

And a RT battalion game is positively John Wayne in manliness! 

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11 hours ago, Anthony P. said:

Nah, hate it. I get what you mean about not having forever to plot your next move being realistic, but then again, neither do I find it realistic to delegate the minds of over a hundred soldiers to one player in real time.

Yeap, and I agree with you...

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5 hours ago, JoMc67 said:

Actually, Scenario's are designed around WEGO vs. AI, and would be the fairest of them all...But, I digress. 

Really? I don't know if you could tell the difference to be honest. The AI plans and orders are completely unrelated to if it's RT or TB. 

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2 hours ago, TheForwardObserver said:

Kino we should sort out some matches in the future here.  Let the rest of these heathens and barbarians keep their training wheels on while we scare their women and woo their sheep.

Aye! Let Men be Men and sheep be scared! 

Let's be clear - in this wanna-be armchair general's opinion,  TB is for the very young,  very old and the mentally infirm....

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Kino we should sort out some matches in the future here.  Let the rest of these heathens and barbarians keep their training wheels on while we scare their women and woo their sheep.

Aye! Let Men be Men and sheep be scared! 


Ok, who left the gate open so the Welsh could slip in?!?!:P

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As s strictly WE/GO player I do think there is massive play value in RT but there needs to be a mechanism introduced which would make it more appealing - to limit the chaos, increase control.

That mechanism is simply a mandatory battle pause where both players can take 10 mins to look around the battlefield, consider the situation, regroup, reorganise etc.

So as a suggestion, perhaps it could work something like this; for each 5 mins of battle, a 2 minute mandatory pause, every 15 minutes, the players get 5 mins.

Personally I think such a mode would get more gamers interested in CM. Most new gamers will come from other war games and knowing only RT mode of play anyway, then discover the problem that they find CM not well optimised for RT. Then (like me) find WEGO to be tediously slow.

The mandatory pause idea is one which offers to bridge that gap. And I'm sure BF could easily implement this idea in a feature update, perhaps even with options regarding pause occurrences/frequency and length of pause. 






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It's not a bad idea. You can always press pause at the same time,  eg use the in game chat system. A more integrated approach would be meat,  where you could set a time to 10/50/30/60 mins and the game auto pauses. 

Personally,  I will always go full retard and have RT all the way through. 

But it's an decent idea. Gets my vote, for what it's worth (ie very little :)

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I've had a few H2H games dropped after using pause, so I usually try to let the game roll on and hope it makes it all the way through.  I do use pause against the computer though because I like to track and record my fire missions, spottings and corrections.  In actual combat I've always scrawled my fire missions and corrections all over my arms in permanent marker till I had a good moment to write things down properly, have always thought reality could benefit from a pause button.

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17 minutes ago, TheForwardObserver said:

I've had a few H2H games dropped after using pause, so I usually try to let the game roll on and hope it makes it all the way through.  

True for me also. 

Do you play ONLY and forever with your bananas house rules or do you try scenarios/random QB? 

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