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Pre-millenium or Post-Millenium?

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Ok sports fans, its now 18 days to the big y2k, so steve you guys have little over 2 weeks left, are you guys still on track?

A post a week ago i think said you had a few weeks of tweaking left, are you close enough to tell us at least pre or post?

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For God's sake, please say pre-millenium, since it starts Jan. 1, 2001! I can't wait another year! :)

Seriously, though, I am so wanting to see this before Christmas, but... *sigh* I imagine it will be February at this rate--with the new features (like artillery spotting rounds) being added and the required regression testing.


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I took some time explaining to my girlfriend the other day why we have to pre-order from BTS to get this game. Why BTS won't have any "suits" hanging over them to tell them release dates etc and she was actually quite impressed by the ethics some developers got: "Released when finished". Not just BTS doing this though, ID Software is doing it (all the patches for Quake2 was purely freebies, they could've released the game and forgotten about it) just too bad it's Quake2 really.

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I'm with Dar here in that I really, really, wish this thing had come out for Christmas. Please, pretty please w/ sugar on it? How bout it BTS???? wink.gif

But alas guys, this and/or before Jan. 1 is just not meant to be. If it was going to be out before Christmas they would have had to have gone gold with the master CD on or about Dec. 1st in my estimation in order to have time to get the thing reproduced in quantity and then shipped to us (or some/most of us anyways) before Dec. 25th. Since it still hasn't even gone gold as of today, Dec. 13th, and isn't likely that it is going to for at least a minimum of another 1 to 2 weeks, you can pretty much kiss off any hope of getting the game this year barring BTS pulling some magical rabbit out of the hat that they've been keeping secret from us.

Furthermore, I'd imagine now that they've waited this long that they also have little incentive to release the game before next year for tax reasons (this is just a guess by the way, not sure how business's taxes really work). Just imagine shipping all of those games out and having to report all of that revenue in this calendar year vs. next assuming that BTS's fiscal year ends Dec. 31.


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Ah, Finn posting again, I guess three days is “never again” where he’s from? Well he does seem to be an important service to people here so I guess it’s a good thing. Perhaps he won’t blow a gasket next time someone disagrees with him.

Just for the record Finn, the only thing I said that was REMOTELY uncalled for was the *JOKE* I made about your ethnicity (and I denigrated my own in the process for balance). So, I take THAT, and that alone back, seeing how sensitive and ....you are.

The rest is my opinion( expressed without any profanity) and it stands. And don’t pretend that there haven't been others who find you equally etc. etc.

If you don’t like it, withdraw, discuss or just plain ignore it. Don’t clamor like a fascist infant for “consequences” and censorship. It’s undemocratic, unsportsmanlike and lacks any intellectual rigor whatever.

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Hmmm...sounds serious. (*laugh) Evidently I missed all the higgledy-piggledy action since Fionn now attracts rants by his very presence. Maybe it's that I habitually avoid all topics which appear to be bloated for no good reason. I'm sure I don't even want to know the details.

You guys let Steve and Charles have a Christmas Holiday damn you! You will find coal in your stocking instead of CM. smile.gif

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Schrodi if you dont hav anything constructive to add;please find a teenybopper bulletin board - where you may be more appreciated. Fionn hasnt posted in sometime and quite frankly I think it sucks that he isnt contributing, because he is very insightful. If you have nothing better to do than to sit here and wait for him to return so you can bash him some more then you are really quite pathetic.


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Schrodi, I'm going to suggest something to you.

If you dislike Fionn so much, why don't you go ahead and be the bigger man and ignore him?

There's my advice. Here's my personal response to you.

You're a real asshole. Not someone who merely disagrees with another, but just a plain, unfixable asshole. I pity you, really. I know that you'll probably meet this post and the others with some sort of witty(in your eyes, anyway) comeback, so my pre-emptive rebuttal is this:

Bite me.




"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

-Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

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Guest Big Time Software

Schrodi, if you had been once ounce more of an ass in your post, BOOM and Schrodi's posting priveledges would end here. As it is, this is your LAST WARNING.

I warned you to be civil and obey the BBS charter, which you agreeded to when you signed up, the first time you went after Fionn like a total jerk. Then you went after him a second time out of the blue (and FWI, I don't care WHO you went after, only that you did). I should have banned you then, but for my own reasons didn't pull the trigger. Those resons have been satisfied, so this time will be different.

One more negative peep out of you and you are out of here!

Undemocratic you say? If I took a vote right now I think I would get about a 90% "yes, ban him now" return. Seeing as 51% is good enough to elect a president in my country, the birthplace of modern democracy, I would say that a 90+% vote to can you is more than democractic enough. And as far as proving a lack of "any intellectual rigor", *you* have proven that you are incapable of that when you decide to be a petty bigot with some sort of grudge against someone.

So just try me one more time. Please. I used to cringe at the thought of banning someone, but you try another one of your famous flame posts and I will take GREAT delight in it. Hell, if you even try to attempt to defend your abusive ways I will ban you. I'm not hear to listen to your personal problems that you have brought upon yourself. So take the not to subtle hint here and SHUT IT and stick to talking about CM, not abusing people.

As for the rest of you folks out there in TV land, don't egg him on. Let him decide if he wants to play nice or hang himself with his own rope. I want there to be a CLEAN and CLEAR public record of why, after one year, we finally had to look up how to delte an account and go through with the process.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 12-14-99).]

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"As for the rest of you folks out there in TV land, don't egg him on."

Guess that means me. Sorry, you're right. Won't happen again.




"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

-Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

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Couldn't resist chiming in here. You're welcome to send Shrodi my way. Some of my research is with super-acids. In particular, I've been working with neat HF. Most journals briefly warn you of a chemical's toxicity if it's particularly noteworthy. However, this one typically warrants special notice. The Inorganic Dictionary goes at length describing and showing the severity of burns this simple gas causes. A medical journal mentions that an individual who suffers from HF burns often complains of severe pain even without visible scarring. Another handbook just states that the pain is "exquisite"... And this is just one of our arsenal: Fluorosulfonic Acid, Antimony Pentafluoride, Magic Acid (IIRC remains the strongest known) and others. While these may not quiet him much, they'll probably cause enough of a distraction that we'll gain some peace on the board. Actually I'm a sucker and wouldn't wish that on anyone, but maybe the points clear wink.gif


PS I kept my mouth shut on the old P4 (WP) discussion as we chemists have a tendency to run off at the mouth... smile.gif

"So your new in the lab? Mind holding this piece of chalk for me?" smile.gif

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If you're out there great to see you around these parts again. I can't remember who but someone warned us that we would all miss you if you left and in my opinion he was right. You are one of the group of people that we ask our bizarre questions, and it's a small group. Thanks to the entire question answering group, you guys know who you are.

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