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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Hi folks, Well, I got things up OK. It just was taking the drive a long time to read the disk. I found this out in FAQ. Sorry to have bothered anyone, but thanks for the help. Miles
  2. I've already tried that. The disk just spins and nothing happens. But thanks for the suggestion. Miles
  3. I've just replaced my old computer with a new Dell. I didn't do a file transfer and am now trying to reinstall CMAK without success. When I place the CD in the CD-DVD drive it appears that the drive is reading the disk, but nothing happens. I seem to recall having problems like this when I orignally installed the game, but I don't remember the trick to getting it going. Can anyone help, please? Miles
  4. So glad to hear that this is a known bug and won't be in the full version. I thought it was just my problem. Miles
  5. Has anyone else noticed a significant delay after you push the "Go" button between the "computer thinking" message and the actual beginning of the replay. It seemed to be pretty instantaneous in CMBO but now there is a real lag while waiting for the action to begin. Miles
  6. Thanks very much for the reply. I guess you've left me with some things to think about. I'm considering putting in a 2nd hardrive and having XP on it and just restoring 98 to my old drive.
  7. I just recently installed XP from 98 and now have the problem of the CD not being recognized by the game. I've tried all of the compatability approaches and none of them work. And I've called Dell to see if there is a software solution with the CD-ROM ( no luck ). From reading this forum, I see that I'm not the only one experiencing this problem. So far, all of my other games ( even DOS ) seem to run fine on XP. Except for CM, which I consider to be one of the greatest games ever for a wargamer, I'm not really having any other problems with XP. Soo...the solution of getting a different CD-ROM drive to run one game is not very appealing. So I ask, has anyone figured out a work around to this problem. And if not, is Battlefront working on a solution via a patch ? And if not,should we anticipate the same problem with the next iteration of CM ? And if not, will they reverse engineer the solution to CMBO ? Miles
  8. I'm thinking about upgrading from a Voodoo3 to a GeForce Ti 200. But I'm concerned about the problems that folks seem to be having with the Nvidia cards. Would these problems exist with Win98 as well? TIA, Miles
  9. Scrodi, What have you been doing ? Lying in ambush? Please, for the rest of our sakes, don't start again !!! Miles
  10. Hi Fionn, Well, how about 1 squad or a depleted squad? Is there any number of men that can gain cover behind a tank? Would seem like 4 or 5 guys could certainly take cover along the side of a tank, from fire coming from the opposite side. MIles
  11. I got an upper hull penetration on a Tiger at over 100 meters by a bazooka and the Tiger backed up to increase the range, then eventually turned tail and left the field. I was amazed that a bazooka could do that to a Tiger from the front. Miles
  12. Thanks gentleman for your help. I can now save and sleep tonight.
  13. Can someone tell me if games can be saved in the Demo? I've tried the Alt-S hotkey, but it doesn't seem to work. ------------------ Miles
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