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This game is in development and will include Normandy Front fighting aimed to use CMBN to resolve the tactical layer.


The kickstarter is active!


Please swing by and make a donation if you evaluate this as a worthy venture!


Thank you for your consideration and please spread the word to any other war gaming websites out there.   :D





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Damn who proof read that... should be taken out the back and flogged.  Im gonna hold of until I get a bigger bit of bone to chew on.  Call me a perennial pessimist since CMC collapsed but I need more than a lot of hot air bravado and a rather tame looking screenshot to stoke the fires of interest.  Whilst what you are doing is very commendable and I do hope it works out at present I will watch from the sidelines and make a call on whether to back or not in a week or two.

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My own editorial comments:


I bought my first PC (a 486 I think...and a huge CRT monitor) in around '93 or '94 to play Operation Crusader. I was always a sucker for cool box art. 

<Oh my gosh, that is an analogy to why I married my ex-wife!!!>

Many of you will predate me on that first PC date but my point is I delved into the PC aspects of wargaming fairly steadily until 9/11. Then boom!

I was in the military and my entire world changed and I just dropped the entire hobby. Really. Like a rock. I think I had just played some of my first online games of Close Combat.

It was against a Canadian guy and he expressed his sad feelings and condolences about 9/11 and I think I never even got to respond. I was gone and busy for years. No hobby.

The next 8 years went by in a blur and so I missed the entire CMSF, CMC and pre-CMBN era of wargaming. Finally I retired and happily rediscovered my old hobby.


So, keypoint, I wasn't around to feel the excitement and hope of CMC on the upswing and then later the sadness and pain when CMC failed....

Am I qualified to do a complete analysis and comparison of CMC versus this new game concept asking for donations to give it life?

I wish I was, but I am not.


This game is asking to be given life to first be created as a standalone, playable, enjoyable Operational layer game. Maybe on the surface not so unlike several others of the genre.

But hidden beneath that thin, glossy veneer is a deadly beast of great potential. 


Every time I rattle off to Matt something I hope should be in his game, his resistance is all financially based. 

He really has in his heart the desire for this to evolve into the ultimate OP+TAC lash-up.


We need money. Bottomline. Donate and this game can see the light of day and move forward.

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Wow kohlenklau...that was quite a heartfelt speech...and well stated! I was going to respond to something I saw earlier, and then I saw this! This is going to be a tough act to follow! :)


OK, so I am not going to try to get you charged up to run through a brick wall, but I do want to make something perfectly clear: CMC is dead...it is gone...a little piece of me died when that project died...OK, that's going a little far, but I was part of the beta team and was greatly disappointed at its demise. A little back story for you...I first talked to BFC about an operational layer in late 2004, early 2005. That was how I discovered CMC, and I was instantly on that team. But CO is a COMPLETELY different project in a completely different time, with a completely different game! So anyone hung up on CMC needs to...look out cause here it comes..."Let it go, let it go"...Yes, yes I went there...Anyway, I have had multiple discussions with Steve that involved CMC. CO has one immense advantage over CMC: CO is a complete standalone game that doesn't have to interface with anything directly to be fully successful. Furthermore, if the support we get inspires BFC to work toward an interface, CMx2 is a completely different architecture that is far more open to interface with! That isn't my opinion, that eval came straight from the Brain in the Jar at BFC. BFC is hesitant to do an op layer primarily because they don't think the market is large enough to justify the expense...not just because of the CMC experience.


So don't hear me wrong, if anyone is not in a position to donate, or isn't interested enough to donate, that is completely your prerogative and I fully respect that. I just want to publicly divorce any notion that CO has anything to do with CMC. And for those that donate to a successful campaign...well you can bet your a$$ that I am going to take care of you as best I can. ;)

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More personal editorial:


So, Orville and Wilbur have these plans to build a flying machine but need money. They decide to use kickstarter to raise the money for the wood and canvas and those old time caps they had to wear.


Some guy says, "I want to see the plane first..." 


The money is needed to build the plane dude!


Maybe not the best analogy but it is in response to some folks who seem to think we have this fired up beta version with graphics and sounds to show them.


Kickstarter has some risk. Please read up on it.


But Matt is a commissioned officer in the US Air Force. He is not some real estate scumball who will be in Mexico spending your donation on booze and broads.


He has already spent several thousand of his own money on this and volunteers have spent their own time uncompensated.


Now we need to escalate up to the paid workers with a contract of what they will do and performance specs. 


You want polished UI and graphics and advanced AI. Cha-ching. It costs money.


I am gonna go and sift through that older thread and track down any folks who WERE interested before and make sure they know we are live. People come and go in the forums.


We have hit some other websites as well. But I think the core of our support could be right here at the BFC forums. 


Anybody who can donate, thank you, please drop a post here if you donate so we can thank you.

Edited by kohlenklau
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Im gonna hold of until I get a bigger bit of bone to chew on.  Call me a perennial pessimist since CMC collapsed but I need more than a lot of hot air bravado and a rather tame looking screenshot to stoke the fires of interest.  Whilst what you are doing is very commendable and I do hope it works out at present I will watch from the sidelines and make a call on whether to back or not in a week or two.

Will all due respect, please don't wait for exciting screenshots, etc. before signing up.  If you have questions, ask them, choppinit will answer.  


If you "hope it works out" please jump in sooner rather than later--if the threshold isn't reached, you're not out anything...  


Not to pressure you or any others who are waiting in the wings, but there has been a lot of (supposed) interest in an op-layer since, well, forever.  If you ever hope to see one, now is the time to step up in my view.

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Backed, to the best of my admittedly limited financial abilities.


While I enjoy CM, like many others I have always wanted an op layer, mostly to draw me in and give me a sense of story - this is why I prefer campaigns to missions, and have followed both the attempt that was CMC and the various efforts to meld CM to various game systems, whether home-made, boardgame, or computer. 


Anyways, I hope that people back this - to those that are hesitant, back anyways!  If the funding level is not reached, you lose nothing, and if it is, you have probably the only remaining chance to create that op layer for CM that we have been wanting for the last 15 years or so.  Even a small pledge now can surely be added to after the kickstarter is over if you like what you see in the coming months. 


And if at the end of it all it does not work out, you are only out a few bucks - I think missiing one trip to the pub (or a movie night, or whatever) is worth it to take a chance at what could totally remake the whole CM experience.

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