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"Little stalingrad" WIP- Donetz Airport battle

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I have posted some pictures of my Donetsk WIP map lately .


I think that today a dedicated post should be preferable since I shall periodically put in new pictures showing you the progress made on the map. The map by itself is a huge work and I am going to show you how it is done. At least that is the way I am doing it. Some of you already have an experience in doing it, so an exchange of tips would be welcome for all of us, I am also thinking of the modders, their experience and mods are also highly welcome. Kieme to speak only of him, has surprised many of us.


When I am thinking of a scenario, the first thing I do, is to visualize a map and see if a battle can be designed on it and be of some interest. Sometimes, The battle being chosen is a real one and I have to find maps, pictures and documents about it. At that time, I am not getting into the details of the forces that will fight. I am only interested in the map designing.

I gather maps and I start to make curves overlays with Google Earth

Two useful links::





To design a map, the first thing is to decide its size. Then, when I start it in the editor , I use an overlay showing the ground important features. These are the road network, the rail tracks, the houses, the rivers. Then I use another overlay showing a height curve. I report these on the map and I proceed to the next height curve overlay and so on. It takes time and I have to adjust some heights, since it does not look so good always in the 3D view. The roads laying and or the rail tracks are to my feeling the ones giving you a lot of problems, since we can not duplicate exactly the road as it is on the overlay and or the map. The angulations do not allow you to get close to what you need. As long as it straight, that is parallel to the map editor screen sides, its good as soon as you want to move it in oblique, you will have only one choice and it rarely fit your need. That explain the seesaw effect that some of us have to rely on. One day, the game might allow us to chose different angles, who knows ?

Once these ground features are done, I position the houses, then the foliage and later the flavour objects.

That looks easy written this way, but believe me it takes a good graphic card, a good computer and a lot of patience, before even thinking of the forces that will be deployed on the map. That is another story or rather another challenge.


So better than words the following pictures will illustrate the proceeding









Edited by snake_eye
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The latest pictures showing the extensive modification. There are still a lot of work to be done to adjust the height difference that might be found on the map.

The urban settlement seen near the airport will extend to to the left and rejoin the Rail station.









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Damn it, went to give this a 5 star rating and my iPad decided I meant 3. Sorry snake eye. Love the thread topic though and looking forward to seeing this.

Hi Sburke,


That explain why I don't have a liking of Ipad. (pulling your leg !) Thanks anyway. To excuse you, I put you on the play tester list. Don't crease it is not ready to be finished !!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

For correct reflection of Donetsk (not Donetz) airport defense need to know some features:


- main role in defense played artillery and mortar support by 93th mech. and one of artillery brigade. Spotters situated in two key points - airport control tower and so-called "Sky-position" in Pisky village area. They have good communications with guys in terminals and with artillery. When somebody from them spotted enemy advance, artillery opened fire very quickly and almost always hit enemy with big accuracy. Remains of attackers repelled with small arms. So many TRP are need.


- big amount of attacks began in the night. Garrison of terminals have many IR-cameras and NV/IR sights - this gave opportunity in time to detect enemy advance and call artillery via spotters on tower. In the end of 2014 soldiers in terminal mounted watching system of NV-web cameras, tied in network. Thus, one operator, which situated in -1 level (parkings and vault) near monitor could track all perimeter around new terminal. 


-  Garrison of new terminal rarely has more than 1,5 company-size forces. Mostly this were combined groups of airmobile companies, mech.companies and special forces. Also among them were corps level reckons units, volunteer detachments and several engineers-sappers. Soldiers operated mostly by small teams in 2-3 men or individually - for each man was assigned his sector and he defended it.


- snipers of airmobile units except SVD rifles have new VPR-308 barrels. Also special forces sniper teams have big-caliber sniper rifles. Almost all were equipped with 2+ / 3 gen IR/NV sights


- Big role in defense of airport played so-called "Zenit-position", situated  some north-east  from airport - fortified positions of battalion of 156th SAM regiment. Their launchers were took out as early as spring 2014 on new positions. "Zenit", which have strong underground bunkers defends combined detachment "Wild ducks" of Air Forces (servicemen of 156th SAM regiment and volunteers from many other Air Force units). When airport defense in September of 2014 just started, many of 156th regiment guys (radar operators, HQ staff, maintenance personnel) even can't shoot from RPG, so special force conducted brief course of handling with weapon for them. "Wild ducks" established close to late autumn. Later "Zenit" also defended by units of 95th airmobile and 25th airborne brigades. 


- How enemies could to seize new terminal. Their tank shot out control tower, which already was badly damaged. The tower fell and terminal defenders lost excellent watch position, so they now could see enemy, when they already were very close to their positions. Also to this time enemy seized underground and upper stages of terminal. Enemy used tactic of Chechen assault groups - many teams, heavy armed with RPG-26/RPO-A/ PKM/ SVD attacked with at once salvos from RPG/RPO-A, which destroyed barricades and forced defenders step back in deep of terminal. Finally remained group of "Cyborgs" (about 100 or less men) turned out in trap of big hall. But enemy anyway couldn't to break throw. So, they resorted to cunning - they call to our command and requested cease fire to take out own killed and wounded. But in real in that time they mined upper stage floor and underground ceiling with powerful charges. First explosion break upper stages, but most of "Cyborgs" remained whole. Then through some times horrible explosion from below happened and most of them fell in underground and many was buried under constructions. Just about 20 men could get out from ruins and in dense fog came to own units. Resque groups on MTLB lost in this fog and came directly to enemy positions - all were shot out.   

Edited by Haiduk
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Good Intel for the for the OOB


List of all units which participated in airport (w/o neighbor positions) defending from Autumn to 18 Jan:


companies and platoons of:


95th airmobile brigade

79th airmobile brigade

80th airmobile brigade

81st air-assault brigade


74th reckon battalion

93th mech.brigade + their armor/ artillery/ mortars/ MLRS in support

xxth artillery brigade 

91th engineer-sapper regiment


3rd special forces regiment


special police battalion "Dnipro-1"


VUC RS (Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of Right Sector)


Possibly I forgot somebody, but these are base list of defenders. Who exactly need to put in scenario depends from data and geography (terminals only or nearby villages too) - units rotated continuously. Sorry, I can't see your pictures, just links.


As you see, main contingent are paratroopers. So, you need to await next module :)

If you interest more information for scenario, write PM or ask here.

Edited by Haiduk
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