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Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo

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  • 4 weeks later...

@ Warts 'n' all


There's nothing better with which to wash that waffle down than a little Belgian bevy. Leffe and Hoegaarden are two of my favourite brews. And while we're on the subject, do we have any Kriek * fans out there?


* not to be confused with "Krieg" (that's German for "war"). I would assume we're all fans of that.


Which brings us back to the OP. I was disappointed to learn that the site of the famous battle at Waterloo bears little resemblance to the field on which the battle was fought. Would anyone care to describe their impressions? Observations?

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I don't mind a drop of Kriek now and then.


Meanwhile picking up the state of the battlefield. I would say that parts of it still bear a fair resemblance to they way it was although certain parts of the battlefield have seen more drastic changes than others. And complaints about changes being made to it go back a very long way. When the Dutch royals had the Lion Mount built, Wellington said, "They've ruined my bloody battlefield". Or, words to that effect. The soil to build the mound was taken from the surrounding fields and therefore changes the elevation of the slopes somewhat.


Personally I like walking around the area. Obviously the main Charleroi - Brussels road has been widened. But it isn't too noisy once you get off of it.


Mont St. Jean is a bit of a tourist trap so best visited mid-week or out of season. My favourite spot for lunch is Plancenoit, not far from the Prussian Memorial. It is still a pretty village and the locals are nice and friendly.

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Now, that was funny! I'll be a designated driver, but you guys are taking me to dinner first at La Tour D'Argent, a Guide Michelin 5 Star Restaurant. In keeping with the new found spirit of this thread, I propose the French government design and build a new tank, called Napoleon. This will not only a) scare the neighbors, but B) will help keep comics employed (and us amused) when someone inevitably realizes c) the French now have a tank--with a mighty name but which most will associate with--a pastry!  See for yourselves.






John Kettler

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Now, that was funny! I'll be a designated driver, but you guys are taking me to dinner first at La Tour D'Argent.



I assume you'll be ordering the duck (everyone has the duck at La Tour D'Argent).


Speaking of duck, that's what Napoleon spent most of his time doing at the Battle of Waterloo.


Anyone for Dodge(cannon)Ball?

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Napoleon was not defeated at Waterloo. He was not feeling well that day and it was Ney who was in command and lost the battle and that was only due to sheer numbers. The French Army retreated in good order and it was only political betrayal that forced Napoleon from power! The French soldier had no equal and was never truly defeated. If it wasn't for the superior coalition air power arrayed against them France never would have lost.

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In another thread, sburke writes:


"Wait, we are celebrating? The defeat of the French Empire? I mean think about it, do you prefer Beef Wellington over Corsican wild boar. (Hint I had wild boar at a Corsican restaurant in Paris and it was one of the all time best meals I ever ate). No sir I say we commemorate in memory the end of our beloved empire. Piss on the English, German etc counter revolutionary clique. Viva la France!"


To which I reply:


And yet here we are, conversing in the language of Wellington.


Long live the Queen!

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In another thread sburke writes:


"Corsican, smorsican, it was the FRENCH EMPIRE!


Though one of the best meals I ever had was a Corsican restaurant in Paris.




Not sure if it is always on the menu, but I had the Wild Boar.  I'd have ordered a second entree if I had the room in my stomach."


To which I reply:


And what has the French Empire done for you lately?


Those who have no future are destined to live in the past.

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