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Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default

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Emoticons are fine, for those so inclined, but the only one I've ever used was entirely accidental, wholly unwanted by me and occurred on this Forum because I was tired and forgot to deselect the blasted check box. Respectfully request you make traditional writing the default setting and Enable Emoticons a user selectable option.




John Kettler



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Could I ask you to put all of your semi-game related topics into one general modern equipment, Youtube videos, tank porn, and random links thread.  The first six threads are yours, and 7 of the threads on the first page of the forum are yours.  Some good threads that are directly game related are getting pushed off the first page.  At the pace you are going, all the threads on the first page will be yours and have only a passing connection to discussing the game.


Or move them to general discussion.

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Sometimes I go on a bit of a tear, but other days I'm wrecked and post nothing. I do take your point and shall see what I can do about it. If you keep track of such things, you'll see I've been quite active in many threads which are highly pertinent to the game, not least the one on Russian spotting, as well as the extensive A-10 thread. If you're going to ding me on one end, please acknowledge my contributions on the other.


Also, I think we disagree over what is and isn't relevant. If a full T-90 documentary isn't relevant to CMBS, then what is? Yours is the only complaint I've had on that score. How can you complain that I put in material on the XM25, considering it's featured (check the manual if you don't believe me) in the game for the US? And I happen to believe a Grad bombardment is relevant when Mariupol has been in the news, was and remains under attack, and very much remains an objective for Putin's proxies. And that's without considering Grad weapon effects. Smashed Ukrainian armor and softskins shown worldwide after a kind of Grad ambush tell a tale. After the fact. But the video I provided shows the mechanism, in action, of what created such a result.


As I said, I'll see what I can do. Were the GDF active the way it used  to be, I would've put the YT alarm there, but let's face it, the eyes are here. If you recall, I specifically asked the Mods to kill the whole YT thread. What they do or don't do thereafter is not within my control at all. 




I count 6 threads of mine of 21 total. There'd be 5, but the combat training ground post has risen from the dead after being a page or more back.




John Kettler 

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Directly relevant vs indirectly relevant.  Let's not push the directly relevant down because of 7-8 threads on stuff indirectly relevant.  I am not saying don't post it, just have a little bit of consideration.  I am not the forum police, but asking a s a forum user.


So using your logic...why not post stuff on US politics here, football scores, baseball scores, etc.  Since everyone is reading CMBS forums, why not post everything here.  Just show a little restraint.

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Emoticons are fine, for those so inclined, but the only one I've ever used was entirely accidental, wholly unwanted by me and occurred on this Forum because I was tired and forgot to deselect the blasted check box. Respectfully request you make traditional writing the default setting and Enable Emoticons a user selectable option.




John Kettler

Too many people prefer to use the emoticons in the BFC to disable them for just one complaint. To be quite fair and honest, I have never seen anyone in the Battlefront Community over use emoticons or spam them too much.   I suggest finding a way to ignore them or turn them off for yourself personally if its possible with the user options.

Edited by RabidOtters
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This forum uses .png for its emoticons. Maybe you find an add-on for your browser that allows to specifically block the URLs of those .pngs. For example, here is the URL to this guy :D :




You could try this one:




Dont know if it can block specific URLs, you will have to try it out. But I am sure though there is some way to block the .pngs from beeing loaded.

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I've read everything you all have said and respond as follows:




I hereby formally request that you delete both the YT alarm thread and this one, which I believe has also served its purpose.




I directly stated, and you quoted it, that I had been deselecting emoticons, but because it has to be done manually, so far as I know, every time, I missed doing that just once and wound up with an unexpected emoticon when all I wanted was text. My view is that text ought to be the default, with emoticons the user selectable aspect, but, as they say, it's not going over well. I'm still getting used to the way the new Forums operate from a technical standpoint. In the earlier one, you had to enable emoticons. In this one, it's the reverse, and it's a pain to have to be ever vigilant.  Frankly, given my various issues, it's hard enough to get out coherent posts which don't have typos, strange word breaks, repeated phrases and such. There was a time in my life where such matters were radically uncommon for me, but I've been through a lot, and it shows.


Michael Emrys,


Point taken. The trick there, though, lies in remembering to do it when either exhausted, not in good shape or both apply. 




I tried the biggrin link, but it didn't work. I've been having major internet data rate and connectivity issues, though, so maybe that's the explanation? I do have AdBlock installed and operational. This must be so, for various sites keep noticing it and advising me to turn it off. It's possible what you suggest may be in there, but I had no idea, didn't know I needed it and never looked for it. My focus lay in getting it, installing it and, with the help of a Mac Power User, properly configuring the settings.




I've asked you very nicely and on several-numerous occasions to please stop sniping at me. You never ever have anything positive to say if it involves me, seem to have no self-censorship setting when it comes to me and what I have to say, but being de facto Moriarty from "Kelly's Heroes" with me isn't the way you operate on the Forums in your interactions with other members. Consequently, it's quite clear to me that you are conducting an ongoing ad hominem attack, for you are doing considerably more than challenging my ideas. You are being rude, insulting  and doing everything you can to put me down and minimize me as a person. You are a grown man who has borne and doubtless bears considerable responsibility. Given that, I'm sure you can manage to restrain your online poisonous tongue in your interactions with me. Please do so. Also, for someone who publicly stated he had me on Ignore, you sure seem have a lot to say about the person you're ignoring!


Additional Discussion & Summation


I get that we are in what academics call a Post Literate society. I grew up in a Literate one in which you communicated with words, not something more nearly resembling  hieroglyphs, let alone the dancing variety. I understand that a lot of the commonly used expressions in text and subsequently online are the result of the formerly dreadfully expensive per character cell phone data transmission rates (as seen in the girl who texted her family into a $20,000 phone bill), and the desire to set the users of leetspeak apart. Let me be candid. I have a really bad time with taking in and processing, for example, the handle of LOckAndLOad. Things like that short out my brain, and the handle is hard to type, too. For someone who's not all that dexterous to begin with, is recovering from a brain injury and frequently has days in which what's intended to be said comes out not exactly that way, the net effect of leetspeak is like trying to hear and work through variable intensity jamming. Bright, attention getting emoticons add to that jamming intensity/brain processing load because they draw my eyes away from the text. But what really worries me are the animated ones, with that Gatling gun in #17 above being especially apposite. It's distinctive, cool and clever, but it is my bane, precisely because it has all the attributes which make it impossible to ignore in the first place: big, bright, visually and positionally changing. When it's in my FOV, even peripherally, it is not merely distracting but directly interferes with my ability to take in the primary information I'm reading. I fervently hope they're going to be few and far between, particularly if that size.


Finally, I'd like to offer a related thought I heard expressed on the show "Royal Pains" regarding adults in our Post Literate society. In one episode, Evan R. Lawson, the brother of the show's main character, Hank Lawson, Jr., was at an outdoor chi chi community event in the Hamptons. Evan is a very stylish and trendy guy, who's maybe 30 or a bit less, and when he heard there'd be a gathering later at a restaurant of some young adults and high school seniors, up he piped (am doing this phonetically) "Text me the deets." At this point, he got the arched brow of disapproval from his spouse, Paige, the highly intelligent, beautiful, poised daughter of a general and to the manor born, as it were. When he said to her in response "It's short for the "details." That's how all the kids say it," to which she replied, gently but with wifely bite "They do; you don't."

I find it odd, given the average age here, that grown men are using, though fortunately to a much lesser degree, the same means of expression as kids are in elementary school. Evidently, I need to go find leetspeak, eMoteekons & emOgeez 4 duMeez™ #Rumeedial essmezz so I can get with the program! Writing those was painful, for it runs entirely against a lifetime of being meticulous going the other direction.


John Kettler 

Edited by John Kettler
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I appreciate the suggestion and the link, but since I run Safari, I'm going to have to find the equivalent of what you provided.




You have just conclusively proven the very points I made about you above. This time not only have you gone after me because of my carefully thought through, time consuming replies and how I made them, but you then compounded that by disrespectfully employing an intimate name for me.  At the rate you're going, in terms of ever more obnoxious intrusiveness, I expect you'll be supervising my bowel movements ere long! Stop acting like a boor and leave me in peace. 




John Kettler

Edited by John Kettler
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John, you're an institution on these boards and I, for one, am glad to have you here.  But you're just asking for trouble here.

It's 2015.  Emoticons happen (for better or worse) and we'll all survive somehow.  Not sure we needed a dedicated thread for you to request an admin level forum change to suit your preferences.  

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You have just conclusively proven the very points I made about you above. This time not only have you gone after me because of my carefully thought through, time consuming replies and how I made them, but you then compounded that by disrespectfully employing an intimate name for me.  At the rate you're going, in terms of ever more obnoxious intrusiveness, I expect you'll be supervising my bowel movements ere long! Stop acting like a boor and leave me in peace. 



icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif


Ah, you're always a good source of (absurd) humor, Jonnie. 

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Michael Emrys,


Point taken. The trick there, though, lies in remembering to do it when either exhausted, not in good shape or both apply.


That might be a good time to not post then, even if it means turning off your computer and going to bed. And not just you, John, it's something that we should all be thinking about. Posting when angry, tired, or drunk is not the way to build a reputation as a wise and well-balanced person.



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