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Free Copy AAR: c3k vs DMS. No DMS.


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Heh, heh, heh. I've just parked my Blue 1, the HQ Abrams RIGHT on the bridge. :) If DMS destroys it and makes the bridge drop, that'll be a strike against him! My men are glad to have the assignment.


The rules also state that any player who destroys the bridge immediately loses. I hope he tries to kill that Abrams! :) We'll find out what's tougher, a bridge or a tank...


That is not correct. Here is the rule regarding the destruction of the bridge you posted earlier:



Oh, if that one bridge gets destroyed, then whoever's ordnance blows it up is the loser. (If DMS has an immobilized vehicle on the bridge, and I shoot the vehicle, and then it blows up, and THAT causes the bridge to fall, then the blame falls, like the bridge, upon him. It would "his ordnance" in the vehicle which caused the destruction. :)  )



Either the rules you posted here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/page-9#entry1584749 differ from the rules you are actually using for the game or you will lose if DMS blows up your tank and your tank blows up the bridge. You will only win if its the ordonance DMS uses that blows up the bridge, so you better hope for an artillery strike on that tank ;).

Edited by agusto
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Nay, I'll have Ian toss me across his shoulders and then swing me at DMS!


Cue the Rocky soundtrack ... but watch out Ian... it could end like Sergeant Elias Platoon experience ... a wounded Ian emerges from the jungle, running from a group of North Vietnamese soldiers..... 

arms stretched to the heavens.... CM:NV ;)


Need a good glitter and dazzle WWF tights mod  ;)

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That is not correct. Here is the rule regarding the destruction of the bridge you posted earlier:



Either the rules you posted here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/page-9#entry1584749 differ from the rules you are actually using for the game or you will lose if DMS blows up your tank and your tank blows up the bridge. You will only win if its the ordonance DMS uses that blows up the bridge, so you better hope for an artillery strike on that tank ;).


Well, I thought it went without saying that an Abrams can't blow up. ;)  The amount of ordnance needed to kill it should be enough to drop the bridge.




Okay, that's SERIOUSLY gamey. :)  I'll taunt him with it for a few turns. Meanwhile, I'm letting two other Abrams (Blue 2 and 3) run amok on him. Should be fun. They're already about to enter his village. I'm going to then have them rip through his setup zone, then sweep back against him, pushing towards the bridge.

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Great Scot! Push the WHAT button?!?!?


The game is FAR from lost. Yes, I lay prostrate, under the ministrations of a buxom nurse, but I'd rather be in the field! My combat force is still capable of, well, not winning, but certainly can keep DMS from winning. Were I to surrender, would DMS ever find out if he COULD HAVE won? No. It would be an empty chalice he brings to his lips... I fight.

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Turn...what turn is it?


15:00 to 14:00


Not much...














DMS still drops big shells around the bridge. I thought it too risky to do that...and got wounded for my inattention to detail.  In return, Blue 2 and Blue 3 seem to have the river valley to themselves. Hungry Abrams on the prowl for prey...


Ken out.

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Turn 17


14:00 to 13:00


Not much activity. I don't think DMS has much left. A BTR or two I've seen scurrying around, a remnant or so of 2 Kornet teams, maybe some surviving crewmembers. That HQ unit which I labeled "DMS???" still has one man left.


Here are a few photos...






Risky to move my Abrams through a built up area with known enemy having been there? Yeah, but, c'mon, do you think a grenade can do anything to an Abrams? ;)  I'll push them both through his town, come out on the far side and look around. I'll grab his high ground and see what I can see.


I tossed down some Area Target from the Brads on top of the two "?" spots from before. As I got closer, the nearest "?" disappeared (Kornet 4's brief location).






This shows how fragile some of my guys are. They're aware, in a gut feel sort of way, that a lot of men have died.



Finally, a crater analysis:





The majority were created in a 2 or 3 turn period...just as I was launching across the bridge. The timing couldn't have been better. DMS did a fantastic job with this. If you look closely, there are a lot of little stick figures lying about. Those were my men. (I prefer to think of all my men as stick figures. It makes TO&E diagrams easy, as well as making it easy to erase them from the TO&E diagrams after turns like this.)




IanL is lucky to still be about. He'd stuck his head through the one wall of the house...the next turn, the adjoining shed in which he was poking was demolished.

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Thunder Run, cool.


In miniature, but still fun to watch...


I'm willing to bet that one of them will get immobilized. I don't WANT that to happen, but what I'm doing with them is somewhat un-sound.


To prevent it, I'm trying to present a threat, then quickly reposition to another location. My Abrams on the road is ordered to do a fast dash away from there and cut through some backyards in the middle of the village. I'm betting that DMS will posture towards the roads (they being the fast routes), and therefore by cutting cross-country through closed terrain, I'll avoid any reaction force.


See, doesn't that sound good? It's really just because I love watching tanks crush fences and things. ;)

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A real man would have pushed the Surrender button as his final act. :P


Taking this comment as it's meant, in jest. However, it DOES bring up a point. When should you give your opponent the victory? (I've already mentally doffed my cap to DMS.)


In my opinion, there are three phases to every battle: before, during, and after. ;)  I'm kidding.


3 Phases

- The pre-contact plan

- The harsh realities of casualties

- The end point, gutting it out with what's left


Once the second phase occurs, the heavy casualties or outflanking, when it is clear that you cannot win, then you're about to transition to the final phase. Personally, I enjoy that last part more than the other parts. This is when you have to make do with scraps. You've got to adjust your grandiose pre-battle plans to the realities and no matter what happens, it'll end up being ugly.


Now, sometimes it never gets past the first phase. Those are fun, but not challenging.


If I quit now, as it's in the final phase, we'll never know what'll really happen.


I don't quit or ceasefire unless my oppo asks. Sometimes it's fun, for your opponent, to mop up every last man. I wouldn't rob him of that joy. ;) Other times, it's just time to be done.


This battle started as a gamey, fun, loose, fight. It shall continue as such.

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Turn 18


12:00 to 11:00


Dual Dueling Dance of the Denouement



The turn starts with a twist!






Zooming in...






Back at the bridge, the Red Hammer keeps falling!







My roaming Abrams...












Ahhh, I have found his abandoned vehicle. It is idling. He left in a hurry!


My plans:





He is hiding in the orange box, a place I call "The Wilds". I don't have the manpower to search. I will use firepower, instead. ;)


I'm bringing both Abrams around (after Blue 2 detours just to put some eyeballs on his setup zone). I want to keep a bit of distance from where he could be, and definitely keep my front armor towards possible hiding locations. From the bridge, I'm bringing White 2, my Brad, as shown, to the flats beneath The Wilds. Hammer and Anvil time, Hammer and Anvil...


Ken out.

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Turn 19


12:00 to 11:00


The only thing faster than DMS' artillery, are his turns!


Some stuff. My Abrams meet some friends. Photo dump follows.


































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Turn 20


11:00 to 10:00


Road rage at a traffic light



Again, I'll let my pictures do the talking.


















Okay, I got lucky with the BTR ambush. :) Blue 3 sits and waits for DMS to show himself. Once Blue 2 joins him, they'll start demolishing everything.


DMS got lucky that the bridge held.


That BTR won't be so lucky.


Ken out.

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I think at this point your Abrams crews are your best infantry units.


Yeah. DMS' arty, and my moves, have resulted in total death. I've only got scraps. My FO team, 3 Jav men, 4 crew survivors, 3 infantry (all light wounded), 2 wounded snipers, and a wounded IanL and mate. That's 16 men. Ordinarily, that wouldn't be much. But they're MY men, and as such, they're motivated to a level 5x greater than if they had any other commander (living or dead). That makes them worth about 40 mortals. They will attack. That's why I'm trying to gather up some better weapons. ;) 

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Turn 21 (ish)


10:00 to 9:00


Not much... The units are getting thinner and thinner on the ground, like survivors from a zombie apocalypse.














My Jav finds a resting place.


The Brad getting lased had some arty drop nearby. Krasnapol? It lives, and so, it moves. (Modern combat: it moves, so it lives.)


My Abrams and Brad have Area Target orders for next turn. I don't expect to hit DMS, but flushing him out would be good...


My struggling survivors search for better guns.


In a turn or two, I'll pull my Abrams back and make a tight perimeter on the bridge. Or, perhaps, I should pull back, and entice DMS to come closer? Hmmm....


Ken out.

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