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So I can only dismount at end of vehicle moves?

silent one

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Sorry to ask such a noobish question but getting confused with ability to dismount troops.


Is there a way to stack orders so troops dismount and the vehicle  them moves away. Or is it only possible to have troops dismount a the end of the vehicles movement for a turn? Which seems a bit " gameish" but I cant seem to get troops to dismount any other way.  Yes I have read the manual.  It seems to be saying end of vehicle movement only.

Help much appreciated :)

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If you want to dismount and then have the vehicle move away, use the Dismount command ( as LockandLoad said ) on the infantry before giving any other orders - ie. the vehicle must not have a movement plotted yet ( if it has, Dismount will be greyed out ).


Once you've done that, you can give the infantry their movement command, and one to the vehicle. They will exit and the vehicle will move off. Happiness all round :)


It can't be done at an intermediate waypoint.

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Yes at end.  But you can forgo the dismount command and directly pre-order the passengers to a destination even while the vehicle is on the move. In that respect the dismount is imbedded and just waiting to take place when the vehicle reaches the end waypoint. I pause the game and do this for all my mounted units while the carriers are in motion. 

Edited by nik mond
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Also remember that although you cannot split a squad while it's in a vehicle, if you split them at setup and mount them one at a time - and then give each one its movement command for when the vehicle reaches its destination -  then they wont recombine and will go their separate ways when they dismount.


This only works during setup though ( during game, you'd have to have the separate elements mount in different turns so that you could give one element a dismount movement command before the other boards.


Can still be handy though. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still don't know how to move and dismount. 'dismount' always deactivated after I command to move. How can I stack up "dismount" at the end of the waypoint?


You don't need to for passengers. Just click on the passenger unit and give it a movement order to go where you want it to go at the end of vehicle movement. If you want the vehicle crew to dismount and go somewhere, you have to wait for the end of the turn in which vehicle movement has ended, then in the next orders phase, give them a Dismount order.



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You don't need to for passengers. Just click on the passenger unit and give it a movement order to go where you want it to go at the end of vehicle movement. If you want the vehicle crew to dismount and go somewhere, you have to wait for the end of the turn in which vehicle movement has ended, then in the next orders phase, give them a Dismount order.



Thank you to let me know. But still, that means the complex move stack, including dismount in the middle, would be impossible in a single turn. (Like move -> move -> dismount (and infantry move from here) -> move and shoot -> move) Is this correct?

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Even an old CM vet like me can learn something new! I just tried "Dismount" command followed by "Slow" for vehicle and "Hunt" for all passengers, in same direction. The effect was that the passengers dismounted at the start of the turn then the vehicle moved off and the dismounted passengers advanced behind it, using the vehicle as cover. This saves me a whole turn as I would normally have waited until next turn to move off.

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Thank you to let me know. But still, that means the complex move stack, including dismount in the middle, would be impossible in a single turn. (Like move -> move -> dismount (and infantry move from here) -> move and shoot -> move) Is this correct?


Yep, I think you have it right. Giving passengers waypoints causes them to dismount once the vehicle reaches its destination, unless the vehicle was given a "Dismount" order before its move order, in which case the passengers will dismount and move off at start of turn instead, so start or end of turn are the only dismount options allowed.

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Thank you to let me know. But still, that means the complex move stack, including dismount in the middle, would be impossible in a single turn. (Like move -> move -> dismount (and infantry move from here) -> move and shoot -> move) Is this correct?

Yes. But if you're wanting to do all that in a turn, you're probably trying too hard and you can get much the same results by dismounting the infantry at the beginning of the turn. IFVs are supposed to be working in concert with their dismounts, so the times you absolutely must move off from the debus point as soon as all the gropos have got out should be pretty rare: if it's that dangerous to stay put, you probably shouldn't be going there with a belly full of crunchies anyway, and if all you want to do is move off and start breaking things unrelated to what your former passengers are doing, it probably won't hurt to wait til the next orders phase. So, usually, the restriction isn't material. Ususally. Part of the price you pay for the greater situational awareness (and cool replays) of WeGo is the inability to get as much done with a single asset in a minute as you can in RealTime.
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