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Hallowen discounts for updates

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see this is kind of the thing- if you have to work to convince someone this is worth it, it probably isn't for them. This is the kind of game that odds are you are gonna know if it is for you in the first 2 minutes. It's not like saying, hey this FPS is way better then the other umpteen FPS games, or better than the other dozen rts games. There really isn't anything like it and odds are if the whole idea doesn't grab em by the special bits right away, it never will.

you can't be all things to all people and there are plenty of gamers out there who are gonna look at CM and go, meh. It just isn't their schtick and that is fine. Pricing is probably not the issue. If BF lowered the price, they might buy it, but odds are they won't play it all that long.

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You make a good point sburke one of my friends tried the demo and was like "wow this game is awesome!" went to buy it and said "omg 85 bucks for this and the modules nevermind" which for most games i would never pay that, but you are right there is something very special about combat mission. I have never been so immersed by any other ww2 game.

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None-standard is always more expensive and CM is non-standard. With this I mean that cm is special (in positive way) and not really designed for the commercial market.

Personally I like the idea of Crowdfunding (yes, there are pros and cons). My first backing at kickstarter was "Wasteland 2" and it was a full success for me. Second was "Elite – Dangerous". Good games don’t need AAA-Graphic, but we are living in a world where package is more important than content :)

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Relax guys!

This is not the right way. This thread is going to be abusively and unfair. Normally disputes like this won’t have a nice end.

It is not what Togi said. It is the way he said it as several senior members including myself have pointed out and in a very reasonable manner A reasonable person woulsd have accepted he had made a bi of a faux pas and left it there instead of acting, quite bluntly, like a bit of a prat.

Had I wished to ask, for a seasonal discount on the public forum I would have phrased it lik this "Is there any possbility that Battlefront would consider a small discount for (insert name of seasonasl holiday)"

Chances are Battlefront, who are a business, not a charity, will say no but, if you phrased it as a request they might give it some consideration.

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What do you whiners and moaners pay for cable tv / other streaming services every month? I can’t grasp why the extra content at very reasonable prices is a problem (its not like you pay 85$ at once, it’s done over years). If you don’t like or think it’s too expensive, save money to buy later or don’t. But do you have to bitch and moan every time something new is released?

What if CMBN was never upgraded and left behind like CMBO? I would stop playing it, all value lost. Now I can continue to enjoy it as the series keeps developing, getting better and better. That comes at a cost; BFC decides that cost based on their business to make it worthwhile and a win for them.

You can’t compare with DLC prices for major game companies like Activision/SEGA etc. – they have so many more customers to delude the price on.

Keeping CM up to date comes at a cost, a reasonable cost, and I’m more than willing to pay it to keep the best game ever up to date and to keep improving.

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It is not what Togi said. It is the way he said it as several senior members including myself have pointed out and in a very reasonable manner A reasonable person woulsd have accepted he had made a bi of a faux pas and left it there instead of acting, quite bluntly, like a bit of a prat.

Had I wished to ask, for a seasonal discount on the public forum I would have phrased it lik this "Is there any possbility that Battlefront would consider a small discount for (insert name of seasonasl holiday)"

Chances are Battlefront, who are a business, not a charity, will say no but, if you phrased it as a request they might give it some consideration.


I can't force to make this discount to BFC as you all know that. But this post was created in order to give an idea to BFC that's all. You are very formalist, at finally this is an idea for the folks waiting discount for updating their product. Also it may be enlarged BFC's customer base for future sells. What is wrong with that. Please don't look with formalist glasses everytime because of dealing with me. The essence of this topic is very clear.

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I can't force to make this discount to BFC as you all know that. But this post was created in order to give an idea to BFC that's all. You are very formalist, at finally this is an idea for the folks waiting discount for updating their product. Also it may be enlarged BFC's customer base for future sells. What is wrong with that. Please don't look with formalist glasses everytime because of dealing with me. The essence of this topic is very clear.


I can't force to make this discount to BFC as you all know that. But this post was created in order to give an idea to BFC that's all. You are very formalist, at finally this is an idea for the folks waiting discount for updating their product. Also it may be enlarged BFC's customer base for future sells. What is wrong with that. Please don't look with formalist glasses everytime because of dealing with me. The essence of this topic is very clear.

Sure. . What you said was

"Hello BFC,

I were you, I would make some discounts on version update packs (I mean V2.0 , V3.0 updates for FI and BN products) for Hallowen Day.

this will lead to add more customers in your base who was not updated till now because of big price tags.

So at final you have potentially more customers to sell new modules and packs.

I have many friends at my social net habitat, they could not have been updated because of price tags.

You can sell , BN v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

FI v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

Individual updates can be sold 5 usd each

And secondly , you can make some discounts at packs + modules at Christmas Period"

If I were a BF employee reading that it would be considered as extremely rude and demanding to say the least and I would simply dismiss it out of hand because of that. Phrasing a well mannered request is not "formalist" as you put it.It is simple good manners and thus more likely to achieve a positive result

And by the way, your comment earlier regarding some typographical errors was also extremely arrogant and rude of you. That kind of attitude is likely to annoy people. I suggest you be a little more careful in your use of language in the future. Next time you might come accross someone quicker to take offence who will use the report button

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Sure. . What you said was

"Hello BFC,

I were you, I would make some discounts on version update packs (I mean V2.0 , V3.0 updates for FI and BN products) for Hallowen Day.

this will lead to add more customers in your base who was not updated till now because of big price tags.

So at final you have potentially more customers to sell new modules and packs.

I have many friends at my social net habitat, they could not have been updated because of price tags.

You can sell , BN v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

FI v2.0 + V3.0 from 7.5 usd totally

Individual updates can be sold 5 usd each

And secondly , you can make some discounts at packs + modules at Christmas Period"

If I were a BF employee reading that it would be considered as extremely rude and demanding to say the least and I would simply dismiss it out of hand because of that. Phrasing a well mannered request is not "formalist" as you put it.It is simple good manners and thus more likely to achieve a positive result

And by the way, your comment earlier regarding some typographical errors was also extremely arrogant and rude of you. That kind of attitude is likely to annoy people. I suggest you be a little more careful in your use of language in the future. Next time you might come accross someone quicker to take offence who will use the report button

Still you are dealing with me mate, not essence of this topic. So I'm leaving to try telling my goal you - such a horseglassed man. Please look your first post, you were not on essence of this topic but my English level , you're still at same point.

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What do you whiners and moaners pay for cable tv / other streaming services every month? I can’t grasp why the extra content at very reasonable prices is a problem (its not like you pay 85$ at once, it’s done over years). If you don’t like or think it’s too expensive, save money to buy later or don’t. But do you have to bitch and moan every time something new is released?

What if CMBN was never upgraded and left behind like CMBO? I would stop playing it, all value lost. Now I can continue to enjoy it as the series keeps developing, getting better and better. That comes at a cost; BFC decides that cost based on their business to make it worthwhile and a win for them.

You can’t compare with DLC prices for major game companies like Activision/SEGA etc. – they have so many more customers to delude the price on.

Keeping CM up to date comes at a cost, a reasonable cost, and I’m more than willing to pay it to keep the best game ever up to date and to keep improving.

Its the people like you that dont add anything to discussion or help when someone posts and idea or suggestion. Your overall statement is reasonable, but you start off with an insult and now whoever you were talking about has disregarded your statement.

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Its the people like you that don't add anything to discussion or help when someone posts and idea or suggestion.

But he did add a suggestion. Two in fact - the two most pertinent suggestions that this 'discussion' has to offer; pay or do not pay. There is no whine.

If you don't like the way the suggestions are being phrased, after much repetition, perhaps you could try not being the umpteeth person to whine?

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You are all the time writing in the third person. Could you explain who is "we", please? The club of 1k+ poster? Beta-Testers? I don’t think that BFC could survive with only "we" as customer.


I realise English may not be your first language, and I am probably going to get flamed here, but in the spirit of helpful education, "we" is the first person plural, not the third person. Writing in the third person ("he/she", "they") can be impersonal or be read as making assumptions. "We" on the other hand, by definition includes the speaker/writer and hence the most you can say is the the author believes he is not alone. This may be presumptive also, but I think not in this case.

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Maybe is was a reasonable suggestion. Given that the "een" in Halloween means Eve' date=' there is no such thing as "Hallowen Day" so BFC won't end up out of pocket with their giveaway.[/quote']

Good point, Warts.

I wonder what kind of request April 1st will bring.

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Its the people like you that dont add anything to discussion or help when someone posts and idea or suggestion. Your overall statement is reasonable, but you start off with an insult and now whoever you were talking about has disregarded your statement.

It was a discussion about two years ago now it's just the same couple of guys complaining, whining and bringing the forum and mood down every time there is a release. If this pack was released at 20 they want it for 10, if it was released at 10 they'd want it for 5, if it was released at 5 they'd want it for 2. That's how they are and that's how they'll always be. A lot of us are sick of listening to it. Don't believe me? Just look at Togi's posting history, he's complained EVERY single time something comes out—it's ALWAYS overpriced and under featured and/or should've been given away in a free patch.


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I realise English may not be your first language, and I am probably going to get flamed here, but in the spirit of helpful education, "we" is the first person plural, not the third person. Writing in the third person ("he/she", "they") can be impersonal or be read as making assumptions. "We" on the other hand, by definition includes the speaker/writer and hence the most you can say is the the author believes he is not alone. This may be presumptive also, but I think not in this case.

Well said, Sailor. No stranger to the "flame wars" myself, I would gladly douse any criticism thrown your way. Ain't language a beautiful thing?

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If this pack was released at 20 they want it for 10, if it was released at 10 they'd want it for 5, if it was released at 5 they'd want it for 2. That's how they are and that's how they'll always be. A lot of us are sick of listening to it.

Very well put. Except Mord forgot that if we released it for $0 then someone would complain about something else. Like the quality or the quantity of stuff in it.

We have a choice between charging a fair price for our efforts, which gives us a reason to do more in the future, or not making the stuff at all. There is no other choice available to us because we are not a charity.

Just look at Togi's posting history, he's complained EVERY single time something comes out—it's ALWAYS overpriced and under featured and/or should've been given away in a free patch.

I don't know if that's 100% accurate, but it is certainly more true than not from my personal experience.

Now, as to the price being too high for some people. I'm sure that's true. I know people that won't buy apps for $5 because they can get other apps for free. They would rather spend 40 hours of their life on a game that isn't very good, but costs nothing, than to spend the same amount of time on a great game that costs only a few Dollars. The biggest investment in a game is a player's time, so why invest time in low quality entertainment?

Ever since we got Netflix my wife and I have the "15 minute rule" for things we haven't seen before. If we're not hooked within 15 minutes then we stop watching because it's unlikely that investing another 1.5 hours is going to make the experience better. To us it doesn't matter how much the movie costs us in the end, the point is that we value our time. We've even stopped watching movies (and TV shows) that failed miserably within the first 5 minutes. Life is just too short.

And with that said, I'm closing up this thread. There's really no point in keeping it open.


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