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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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Heck, the head (and I use that term loosely) of House Shavian is having a great day if he remembers to unzip his trousers first.


The "head" of House Shavian doesn't have to, that is what gits like yourself are employed for. Oh and he just finished another Oktoberfest round so you'll be needed shortly. As to granting you this opportunity to make your otherwise worthless self feel useful, you are welcome. Pissbucket is over in the corner.

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The "head" of House Shavian doesn't have to, that is what gits like yourself are employed for. Oh and he just finished another Oktoberfest round so you'll be needed shortly. As to granting you this opportunity to make your otherwise worthless self feel useful, you are welcome. Pissbucket is over in the corner.

Good thought sburke, it's about time the useless Bastiche makes himself useful around here. Mind you it might well be more of a task than he can handle.

Your Liege,

Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

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You apparently do not have much imuagination if you think you have gotten anywhere near the bottom of cesspool standards. Contemplate donkey for just a bit.. Yes I know disgusting, but far more disgusting than you'd think at just a first glance. Heck there are Aussies here! To put it in the limited pop culture standards folks in Nevada might understand longing around in their trailer parks - If America is Ferris Bueller, free from his parent's shackles and making the world his oyster - The Aussies would be Jennifer Grey, always resentful of Ferris's freedom, hanging out in jail with Charlie Sheen. They didn't even get independence until 1939!! Talk about overstaying your welcome in your parent's basement. Geez, they got kicked out in shackles and they still bow to the Queen as part of the Commonwealth. Talk about having Mommy issues. Hmm that sounds like at least one PowerPoint slide, maybe two.

Meanwhile I do appreciate that your men want to get this debacle over as soon as possible as they charge like lemmings into my MG sights. Interesting that at least one German who went down instead of crying "my God", instead said "thank God". That may end up as the summation.

Yada yada blah blah, you can bloviate about absolutely nothing as shown by your previous posts.

As our pixeltruppen are advancing and not really engaged yet there is really nothing to say about the battle we are engaged in.

Oh wait, you claim mine are being squashed in huge numbers. Four being the extent of your counting skills and the extent of my casualties I can see how it must seem to be a very large amount to you.

Even now I consider asking for a cease fire based on your strong performance so far. Please.

But having nothing to say hasn’t stopped you yet, so continue on.

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Good thought sburke, it's about time the useless Bastiche makes himself useful around here. Mind you it might well be more of a task than he can handle.

Your Liege,

Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

You aren't making a "thingy" reference, are you, Joe?

A "thingy" reference?

I might expect that from spork, knowing the slap dash way you train your Squires, but I'd hoped you were above such things.

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You aren't making a "thingy" reference, are you, Joe?

A "thingy" reference?

I might expect that from spork, knowing the slap dash way you train your Squires, but I'd hoped you were above such things.

I guess if you're looking for thingy references you can find them ... If you look diligently ... While squinting your eyes ... And you put a little lemon juice in your eyes.

So no Boo Radley it was not a thingy reference but rather a reference to Michael's general inability to perform any task. The mental image that came to MY mind was him holding the Pissbucket upside down ... What went through YOUR mind we can only speculate and frankly I'd prefer not to.


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sburke says "The "head" of House Shavian doesn't have to..." in a squealy, shrill, prissy, girls voice.

Can you grovel before "your Liege" any more profusely?

I would, but whenever I try you lot are all blocking my way as you roll around in your own excrement muttering incoherently.

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Yada yada blah blah, you can bloviate about absolutely nothing as shown by your previous posts.

As our pixeltruppen are advancing and not really engaged yet there is really nothing to say about the battle we are engaged in.

Oh wait, you claim mine are being squashed in huge numbers. Four being the extent of your counting skills and the extent of my casualties I can see how it must seem to be a very large amount to you.

Even now I consider asking for a cease fire based on your strong performance so far. Please.

But having nothing to say hasn’t stopped you yet, so continue on.

So what you are saying is your ability to practice Op sec is about as good as your tactical leadership. Thank you I only see 3 guys lying down in that field. I'll tell my men. They'll gloat.

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Oh now lookwhat you made me do, I have to set my beer down to count the number of Germans I can see sprawled face down in the dirt.

Tell your mortar dude over there in the fetal position he needs to emulate my mortar dude who is showing spectacular aim. I guess it really is proof size doesn't count. Your guy has an 81 mm he is apparently humping. Mine has a 60 mm and he is happily painting 3 little stick figures on it.

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Oh now lookwhat you made me do, I have to set my beer down to count the number of Germans I can see sprawled face down in the dirt.

Tell your mortar dude over there in the fetal position he needs to emulate my mortar dude who is showing spectacular aim. I guess it really is proof size doesn't count. Your guy has an 81 mm he is apparently humping. Mine has a 60 mm and he is happily painting 3 little stick figures on it.

The Shavian House has indeed tutored you well in the art of duplicity and deceit. Tell me you want to play a meeting engagement and then pick a scenario where you have the high ground with hedges to hide behind and if my poor pixeltruppen even so much as flinch you shoot them down like the dog that you are.

The Justicar has indeed shown his infallible wisdom in selecting to squire an underhanded person such as yourself. You will be a fine addition to the ignoble house.

I had trusted in your sense of honor when giving you carte blanche to set it up and much to my chagrin you violated that trust just as you do with little animals you under-bridge Dwelling Goat Predator.

I thought you had reached your low but you continue to dig deeper a feat I had thought impossible. But then, you are Joe’s squire. Your 5-year old nephew still beating you at Stratego and you’ve decided to take revenge in this manner?

Bring it on squire sburke and let loose the dogs of war.

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Because there's more than five?

Well done sparky, yes there are 5 digits on each hand for we humans. Yes I realize you have a few more. Also that under no circumstances would you ever set your beer down. Some day you will learn it is empty and you could have had another, but heck that leaves more for us. Oh look some shiny objects over there, now run off and let the grown ups talk okay.

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The Shavian House has indeed tutored you well in the art of duplicity and deceit. Tell me you want to play a meeting engagement and then pick a scenario where you have the high ground with hedges to hide behind and if my poor pixeltruppen even so much as flinch you shoot them down like the dog that you are.

The Justicar has indeed shown his infallible wisdom in selecting to squire an underhanded person such as yourself. You will be a fine addition to the ignoble house.

I had trusted in your sense of honor when giving you carte blanche to set it up and much to my chagrin you violated that trust just as you do with little animals you under-bridge Dwelling Goat Predator.

Thank you! I let your sorry lot that is running back and forth hither and yon like chickens with their heads removed meet my mortar team. How much more of a meeting engagement do you want? Meanwhile my troops have crossed nearly half the distance to your map edge and are still looking for your men. They have met your armor and they suffered a . . . Oh wait no, no casualties there. I looked and at first thought there were, but my men were just doubled over in laughter at it's ineffectual firing.

Yes I do recall that scene in Jurassic park and my men are almost embarrassed that you consider them the T-Rex of the battlefield. They are impressive aren't they!

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Well done sparky, yes there are 5 digits on each hand for we humans.

And it's an interesting thing (or it would be if I cared) that you needed to put your beer down to count over five.

Because apparently you were counting on your fingers.

Conprendo, Bozo?

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

Dear GAWD, Pshaw! Where do you find these guys? In what Remainder bin in what Dantean version of Walmart are these guys stacked up like wormy cord wood?

I'll admit, I had some rough going when I took Nidan to Squire and don't even get me started on Lurkur, but maybe if you wouldn't spend so much time smearing your Rooskie plane all over the landscape and drunkenly screaming "How BOUT them Cowboys" (Little hint: no one cares) every few minutes, this guy wouldn't keep falling off the turnip truck of life and ending up with his skirt up over his head!

If I want incomprehensible gibberish, I'll read some OGSF posts.

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And it's an interesting thing (or it would be if I cared) that you needed to put your beer down to count over five.

Because apparently you were counting on your fingers.

Conprendo, Bozo?

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you

Yeah I thought it unfortunate and annoying too. I had hoped just giving you a verbal update would suffice, but instead when I said hey there go 4 more guys, I got the glazed look from you monkeys. Then I tried to explain addition and suddenly that fly you wanted to catch and eat became a more pressing concern than basic math. I finally gave up when it became apparent I had to hold up fingers for you to count. Since you are too embarrassed to admit that I am having to set my beer down to provide you data in a format your walnut size brain can comprehend, I will from here on just use general expressions like "more" instead of actual numbers.

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My goodness.. is this entertaining or what?

Its like watching a point of order argument at a Circus Geek Association annual meeting.

Not familiar with that. You really should not use analogies that only you have experience with. Does that bearded lady (mom in your case) chair those meetings?

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Ah it is a beautiful thing to see ones tutoring bearing fruit. Now granted sburke had some native talent already, no question there, but under my inspired leadership he has truly blossomed and is matching, and may I say besting, some of the lesser lights around here {snee .. Boo Radley ... ze}.

Once again my judgement is proven infallible.

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Ah it is a beautiful thing to see ones tutoring bearing fruit.

Joe's confused (again) and thinks he's Mr. Green Jeans.

Now granted sburke had some native talent already,

from a far distant land

no question there, but under my inspired leadership he has truly blossomed

More of the unfortunate plant life metaphor...

and is matching, and may I say besting, some of the lesser lights around here {snee .. Boo Radley ... ze}.

Again, this is another example of how Pshaw makes value judgements. i.e. quite poorly

Once again my judgement is proven infallible.

Do the unicorns bow to you in your world, Joe? Do the woodland animals gather around you as you go traipsing through the meadows of your mind? Did Fellini, rapidly taking notes as he watched you, mumble, "Oh, I can use this!", while looking over his shoulder, Dali said, "No one would believe this ****e".

You can tell us, Joe.

We won't care, but you can tell us.

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This sburke creature really does have a thing for getting up on its little hind legs and baring its teeth doesn't it?

Snapping and growling at all and sundry has me now somewhat rooting for the voyeur*

*assuming I actually gave a cr@p that is...

Still wrestling with that bipedal concept? Look it is simple, if you can just use your rear legs to stand, your front limbs can be used for other things like tools. What? Tools? Those are things for doing wor..... Oh never mind.

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I believe 'work' is the word you are grasping for, a concept with which I am familiar in so far as it is an activity I have minions to perform for me.

Off you go spurke, I'll have mine black with 2 sugars...step lively now!

Well who am I to argue if Joe Shaw says you are correct. So let me get your order confirmed, you want a black minion with two sugars?

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