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Addition of 3.0 packages?

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Hello, I've owned CM:BN for a while and am currently at the 2.0 upgrade level. I'm considering upgrading to 3.0, but would like to use this opportunity to save $5 and get a module combo (probably CW). However, there only appears to be a stand alone 3.0 upgrade.

Are any 3.0 module bundles currently in the works?

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We will probably see a "battle pack" or module for BN and FI that contains flame throwers etc. This will require v3.0 and so the v3 upgrade will probably be sold together with the pack/module as a bundle, just like was the case with MG.

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Okay. So regardless of what I buy I still need to buy 3.0 separately? Even if it is the base game? For example, CM:FI.

Yeah. Until v4 is the standard, and v2 is deprecated, or a new pack/module comes out that demands v3, I'd expect so. It might be worth waiting to see what the "surprise" ChrisND is reported to have mentioned is, since it might even be such a pack or module that might attract a discount due to the mandatory nature of the upgrade to make the new product work.

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Okay. So regardless of what I buy I still need to buy 3.0 separately? Even if it is the base game? For example, CM:FI.

When BF announced they were going to support a continuing upgrade process they made it clear they would only support the current release and one back. CMBN base game was 2 releases behind CMRT. CMFI however is only one release behind. In effect BF with the newer installers has brought CMBN to a comparable state to CMFI. Updating CMFI is a single patch. CMBN was quite a bit more effort.

Honestly I am a little confused by your wording of the question. Upgrading CMFI to 3.0 is kind of like when 2.0 came out for CMBN. The primary difference being that 2.0 was co-released with a module. If there were a module release you likely would have seen a bundle deal. There isn't, you won't. Perhaps you meant you don't own CMFI and were hoping they would bundle it. Worth asking them, perhaps they just didn't think to do that.

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Waiting for 6 months just to save $5 (maybe) seems like a inefficient use of resources. While you're waiting (instead of playing) you'll probably find yourself renting extra Netflix movies, doing God know what in the real world, and at the end of 6 months you would have burned through an extra $25 trying to amuse yourself, all to save an extra $5. ;)

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Waiting for 6 months just to save $5 (maybe) seems like a inefficient use of resources. While you're waiting (instead of playing) you'll probably find yourself renting extra Netflix movies, doing God know what in the real world, and at the end of 6 months you would have burned through an extra $25 trying to amuse yourself, all to save an extra $5. ;)

Boy, you hit the nail on the head. It is mind boggling. :eek:

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Honestly I am a little confused by your wording of the question. Upgrading CMFI to 3.0 is kind of like when 2.0 came out for CMBN. The primary difference being that 2.0 was co-released with a module. If there were a module release you likely would have seen a bundle deal. There isn't, you won't. Perhaps you meant you don't own CMFI and were hoping they would bundle it. Worth asking them, perhaps they just didn't think to do that.

I was burnt out on CM when 2.0 came out and missed that. My mistaken assumption was that the upgrades were for previous owners and all new customers would get the best version of the game available.

I'm currently happy playing any of my 400 odd Steam games and CM:RT. I've been burnt out on the content in CM:BN for a long time now so I don't want to waste money buying the upgrade for a game I won't play. However, I would consider getting an expansion if it came bundled with the upgrade.

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400 games?! No wonder you are looking for discounts. Dude you need to stop wasting so much money. Prioritize your games and get a life outside your PC! :eek:

Even if you only spent $1 each, you have still wasted a ton of money. Sounds like your desire for BF to reduce costs is simply to enable you to waste cash on another bunch of useless titles you might play once in a blue moon.

BF does not enable bad behavior. No sir, it sounds like we need an intervention to save you from yourself. My god man don't you recognize you are a game hoarder? I think that is the next reality tv show coming.

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400 games?! No wonder you are looking for discounts. Dude you need to stop wasting so much money. Prioritize your games and get a life outside your PC! :eek:

Even if you only spent $1 each, you have still wasted a ton of money. Sounds like your desire for BF to reduce costs is simply to enable you to waste cash on another bunch of useless titles you might play once in a blue moon.

BF does not enable bad behavior. No sir, it sounds like we need an intervention to save you from yourself. My god man don't you recognize you are a game hoarder? I think that is the next reality tv show coming.

It is a collection that has been built up over 7 years. its not like I went out and just bought 400 games in one day. Most of them were from my highschool time. Small 4,000 person town and 20-30 a week gets you a lot of disposable and nothing to do with it. I am also very good at getting store credit at certain places. Green Man Gaming and Steam being two of the primary ones. At one point I had $400+ dollars in store credit at GMG and in total I've probably gotten $100 in store credit for Steam.

Generally I have a core group of maybe 20 games that I play regularly enough to keep installed, and to put any time in. A mix of multiplayer games, new single player games, a few of my go to sandbox games, maybe anew artsy game that I think are interesting.

Most of them were also less than a dollar per game. (thank you bundles)

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It is a collection that has been built up over 7 years. its not like I went out and just bought 400 games in one day.

You say that like it is a reasonable number. Let's do the math. 7 years is 84 months. 400/84=4.76 games a month. That is a new game every friggin week for the past 7 years. You have a problem friend. The first step is to recognize you have a problem. Say after me "I have a problem, I buy too many (probably sh**ty) games". No wonder you don't appreciate what it is you bought with CM. You can't tell as you don't have enough time to dedicate serious effort to any of them. I'm a deadhead and I don't think I have even that many recordings of dead shows! Yikes that is a scary thought right there.

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That is a very reasonable time frame given $1 will get you 5-10 (ofen very good) games.

Really? If they were so good why would you need a new game on average every week? No wait. Don't answer that. This intervention is getting off track. I can only help you if you take that first step. I can't make it for you.

Break for a commercial on the human cost of game hoarding and other addictions. Mournful background music provided by Sarah McLaughlin.

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You say that like it is a reasonable number. Let's do the math. 7 years is 84 months. 400/84=4.76 games a month. That is a new game every friggin week for the past 7 years. You have a problem friend.

I have to agree. That is just weird. :)

Back when I was buying paper games, I thought I was a big time collector. I never did an actual count, but a reasonable estimate would have put the total somewhere in the range of 100-150. But those were collected over a period of about 20 years. That averages out to something like a little over one game every two months over that period. And compared to a lot of gamers, that placed me in a buyer's frenzy. After I switched to playing computer games, my buying rate fell off steadily. Prior to BFC's introduction of faster releases, I was over all buying at the rate of maybe one every two years. I present that not as typical for the buying habits of a majority of players, but as perhaps establishing the other end of the spectrum.


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Computer games are often thought of as having "about 30 hours" game play in them, by and large. So if gaming is your sole downtime activity, a game a week, given that a large number of those sale bundle games won't actually keep you engaged for anything like that long, isn't entirely unreasonable.

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I doff my cap to Pelican Pal.

If my wife (the one who beat Bil Hardenberger while she sat there drinking her white wine) EVER mentions my modest game collection in a non-complimentary manner, I'll simply refer her to PP's post. She will then thank me for my self-control.

Thank you, PP.


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