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State of AI Quick Battles

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Haven't picked up RT yet. But am wondering what the state of Quick Battles against the AI are like?

The reasons I'm interested in QB are

1. I prefer Infantry vs Infantry.

2. A lot of the old scenarios used to often feel so scripted to be puzzle like. Prefer more open play.

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Completely incapable of picking a force. Wish they would go back to a system like CMx1. I get that we can't have random maps, but we should at least be able to go up against a force that doesn't consist of 8 AT guns and an 81mm mortar.

(What ever happened to combined arms. I have gotten more replay value from CMx1 then

I ever have from CMx2, and I started with CMBN!)

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The AI auto selection isn't completely hopeless. However, it is generally pretty heavy handed. Attempting to buy entire formations first so you will end up with an opponent that is mostly 1 type of unit.

You can have the AI autopick forces and then go in and add/delete certain things without totally ruining FOW.

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Thanks Mark. AI ok at it's own force picking now? Last I played QB was ShockForce.

Apparently some would have you think it can't. I'd say that's not the case. I'd point out that there is a great deal of flexibility in choosing the Date, Size and Type of AI Unit selection.

I played CMx1 QB's for years and know how good and bad it's AI unit selector could be. When I played Shock Force I was very dis-satisfied with the QB Engine. CMBN started the road back for QB's. But that doesn't mean I'm always happy with what the AI puts on the map. At it's worst I'm reminded of CMx1 and how often I restarted a QB Game. At it's best I'm handed my ass when the AI comes at me with a lovely mix of firepower.

So is there room for growth? Sure...wouldn't be CM if we didn't want it better. I know for certain that BFC listens to our views. And for that reason I believe the future of QB's is bright.

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Another method for getting a "decent" AI force pick while maintaining some FoW is to cycle through "Suggestions" until you get a set of "headline picks" that looks like it might make sense. You'll know what general type of unit your facing, but not what specific elements might have been elided.

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Kind of example that stopped me quickly for playing QB vs AI was when I tested in RT what AI would pick when I had 1 King Tiger and 1 Tiger.

AI picked loads of BA-armoured cars...

Lot of things in CMx2 seem to me really "ass-backwards" compared to CMx1. Thus, my enthusiasm with CMBN/MG/RT is about 5-10% compared to e.g. CMBB. I only play scenarios in CMx2 nowadays.

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That would require some sort of functioning organic multiplayer system. I used to be able to set up CMBN hamachi RT games, but I can't remember how... and its not easy finding opponents. Sure theres PBEM, but thats not for everyone. Even an organic H2HH type deal would be great. Sign up when you register your game, then you can send challenges to people either on here or in some type of integrated messageboard/lobby. (Loosely basing this last idea on CC: GTC. I've played more multiplayer games in the months that it's been out than the years CMx2 has.)

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Hmmm. Play humans? Then you will get really realistic force choices. Or not.


PBEM and other multiplayer modes require fixed schedule and decent amount time. So, it's not really an alternative for casual games that I can play whenever I have time.

Though I am member of CM multiplayer club, it'd still be nice to have AI even on level of CMx1.

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I (and many others) would be happy to play H2H with you on a when you have time basis. That's really the only way I play these days. My opponents and I are very relaxed about sending turns and if a couple or few days go by with no turns that's fine. We do notify each other if it appears we won't be able to play for an extended period (vacation, business trips, etc).

I wouldn't let a when you have time schedule stop you from H2H. If you are interested I have have room for a game and am happy to play at whatever speed works for you (as long as it's not 3 turns/day!).

I have everything for RT, BN/CW/MG, and Strike Force so whatever your pleasure is.....

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PBEM and other multiplayer modes require fixed schedule and decent amount time. So, it's not really an alternative for casual games that I can play whenever I have time.

Though I am member of CM multiplayer club, it'd still be nice to have AI even on level of CMx1.

Depends what you are looking for. I was mostly joking that QBs with player pick don't guarantee choices any better than the random generator.

PBEM is a slower pace but scheduling should not be the problem. Get 5-10 PBEMs going and see if that fills your needs.


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