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Scenario Work In Progress

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Correct. But for this mission he will be wearing the uniform of a heer Hauptmann and going by the name Muller. No SS in the game yet.

Reinhart is a fictional private who is being plucked out of Vitebsk for propaganda purposes. His mother has given too many sons for the fatherland. He is her last boy still alive. OK. That is the back story.

Now on to the scenario writing and trying for some good action.

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I plan to make a little Vitebsk vignette map of 304 by 304.

The big church. A big bridge. A downtown district. A park. some alleys. open streets and trolley rails. Lots of craters and destruction. Military debris.

I have some old photos from online to try and recreate Vitebsk for this scenario. In progress.

I have not yet found anything that shows if this area had trenches and foxholes and barbed-wire. If anyone has any links, please share them. Thanks.

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MikeyD pointed out that there IS a suitable wooden bridge in the editor. Thanks!


Map now back in progress with lots of stuff still to add. A city park and more shopping areas and apartments and flavor objects....


Once it is completed, then I need to destroy it with craters and damage.

Right now, the scenario will have you start on map as the rescue team commander with most of your forces and other Vitebsk defenders intermittently engaged with the enemy.

Then Soldat Reinhart will arrive as a reinforcement in a specific area over by "A". This indicates he is located and brought over from another part of the Festung by one of your scouts. Then you have to safely get him through to the exit zone at D.

Additionally, the pioneer bridge is rigged to blow. So the scenario length will be very important.

The Soviets understand the humanitarian nature of the mission and have fully agreed not to attack as you escape.... Hahaha yeah right!

Thinking of making it a night mission with sporadic mortar fire and burning vehicles. Gotta see how that looks. It could have a nice look to it.

Right now I am trying to keep the map at 304 by 304.

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Oh fellas. Wow....

Preliminary testing shows it does look really nice at night.

I have some burning vehicles.

Also Soviet sporadic fire coming in.

In my opinion, very nice effects with the explosions lighting up the streets.


I was worried but my Soviet AI forward observer didn't need a TRP and didn't need LOS.

He called in the offmap assets and all progressed well.

I hope to finish the map this weekend.

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Scenario Selection Screen Image:


Scenario Selection Screen Verbage:

"Axis against Soviet AI. Goebbels and the Fuhrer want Reinhart out of Witebsk and back with his Mama in Munchen. Can you pull it off?"

Strat Map Image:


Note: I was going to use the standard strat map and put the faded square around Witebsk but it is not even shown as a key location.

Op Map Image:


Tac Map Image:


Briefing: (Note: shows as just 1 page in game screen, no next button to hit...)

2330, 26 June 1944

You and your team have been sent under the fuhrer's orders to rescue German Army Private Wilhelm Reinhart of the 206th Grenadier Division currently surrounded at Witebsk. He is the sole survivor of his 11 Bavarian brothers who have given their lives for Germany. Reichsminister Goebbels advised the fuhrer that returning Reinhart to his mother in Munchen would be a clear message to all German mothers that the sacrifices of their sons are deeply appreciated by the fatherland.


Feldwebel Horvath will bring Reinhart to "Adler" by 2345. From there, he must be escorted through Witebsk and across the Dvina Pioneer Bridge at "Spatz" to one of two available exit points: "Falke" leading to the Fiesler Storch airstrip or "Geier" leading to an E-boat waiting at the docks. You have exactly 30 minutes before the last bridge over the Dvina is blown sky high.


KampfGruppe Skorzeny ZBv is a small team of veteran troops. Additionally, the remainder of the 206th Grenadier Division desperately holds the line at the edge of Witebsk.


The Soviet commander is under pressure to end the Witebsk seige and get his forces headed west. Expect a mixture of probes, assaults and artillery fire while you peform your mission.


Utilize any and all means at your disposal to carry out this Fuhrer Befehl!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally back to working on the scenario with the burned brick building mini-mod finished. And the mini-mod will ship with the scenario free for the first 100 who pre-order. ;)

Trying to make it evoke a sense of doomed apathy.


Thanks to Aris for the walls. Juju for the burned tree stumps. Kieme for those gorgeous modular buildings. And there in the distance is the burned brick building. I sure hope my mod aint the fat ugly girl hanging out with the famous supermodels?

But looking at Kieme's buildings I see how he has the shattered glass in there and I think that can help my burned building mod....:D


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Strat Map Image:


Okay, I've been wondering about your name for weeks now, and judging by that pic it seems I was on the right track all along:

So it's 'Kohle' from the German slang for money and 'klau' from 'klauen,' which is German slang for stealing. Literally it's something like 'Money-steal. Am I close? :D

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Well, it is a mixed meaning to me.

Part 1: As a kid I built a MRC Tamiya model of a Marder II.


Part 2: Later as an adult I watched an old Wochenschau newsreel and it had a short story of wanting germans to conserve energy..."coal thief"...


Part3: finally, I am of German descent and my middle name is Kuhlthau from my mother's maiden name. I guess they both start with "K"?

The scenario is coming along nicely. The darkness and explosions and burning vehicles and destroyed and damaged buildings are making a nice atmosphere.

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