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New file at the Repository: CMRT Firebrigade von Saucken (2014-05-11)

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A fierce counterattack by the 5th Panzer Division supported by the 505 Schwere Panzer (both part of Kampfgruppe von Saucken) to reopen the main road from Orsha to Minsk to provide an escape route for the trapped forces of the 4th Armee.The map of this battle measures 1232 x 1568. Size of the forces involved is company(+). To be played as Axis vs AI and perhaps H2H (though not tested that way).


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Hello, PanzerMike...

I'm playing your scenario now (not finished yet though)...Some first impressions and observations...

The MAP is very well made...Many oppertunitys for the defender to choose between forward- or reverse slope defencive possitions.

The attacker can find many covered avenues of approach (even the small elevation-changes will help and are well placed) to help advance...The attacker can find avenues that are protected from some directions but not all...good fun !

I like scenarios that have some distinct phases...Like this one...First part...Recon with limited firepower, support and protection...Next...The main force arrives...and at some point i guess a will have to deal with an enemy counterattack supported by armor...(have not seen that happen yet though...).

The force size is good...

The AI-forces that i have encountered so far have been well placed and tough enough to defeat until i encounter the enemy MLR...

The briefing is well made...There is one SMALL thing though ( i might have missunderstood this though)...

According to the briefing text "It's now 0.600" but on the map on the top right it says JUNI 29, 21.00...Is this intentional ?

I have enjoyed this mission so far...My main infantry and armour have arrived...I'm about to push up through the village and advance on the right flank...How will this end, huh ?

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Please let me know how this ends! Glad you like the map and the battle so far.

As far as the time in the briefing and onscreen thingie, I will check that later when I have finished working for the man today (real life always seems to get in the way of fun...). The scenario starts at 0600 in the morning, so this 2100 thing puzzles me.

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I will report back when i have finished this fight :)

As far as the time in the briefing and onscreen thingie, I will check that later when I have finished working for the man today (real life always seems to get in the way of fun...). The scenario starts at 0600 in the morning, so this 2100 thing puzzles me.

Just to try and describe what i mean a bit better (incase you missunderstood me)...

The JUNI 29, 21.00 is not something that is visible in the UI or on the battlemap while playing the game...but rather it might be a typo on...


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This is an outstanding map. You must do a lot of eye-level checking of LOS to plan your approach. I guess this made me a little too cautious at first. I ran out of time just when I was massing to attack the rear objectives. I am going to try again with a different approach. SPOILER. The Russians have a lot of stuff!! I really do like your work though.

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This battle is not for the faint of heart. Applying good tactics will help though. Do not commit your forces piecemeal. Do the recon and choose an avenue of approach and push on. Don't waver out all over the map, this will most likely result in failure.

If you feel you do not have enough time, you can always enter the editor and up the time limit, although 1h40m should be just about enough.

Good luck everyone! And do come back to share your results. Feedback and ratings are rather scarce unfortunately, as you may well know. Be it praise or constructive criticism, it does not matter. All feedback is appreciated.

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I've just started this as a PBEM (I'm playing as Soviets).

Interesting looking map - it's a real challenge working out sight lines :)

From a H2H perspective lot's of Soviet stuff sits outside set-up zones. It would be useful to have them in a set-up zones so the human player can adjust their set-up as they see fit. I'll keep you updated :)

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What do you mean GeorgeMC by lots of stuff outside the setup zones? Only a small portion of the Russian forces are outside the setup zones and I did that on purpose (good idea or not...).

Vanir gives good advice, the better player should play the Germans. They have strong forces at their disposal (5th Pz Division was a good outfit!) but face a real challenge nonetheless.

I really hope it plays out well H2H. It was not tested that way as I mentioned in the battle. It will probably be a little slow for the Soviets at start, but it will heat up later, that is for sure.

Looking forward to your updates!

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What do you mean GeorgeMC by lots of stuff outside the setup zones? Only a small portion of the Russian forces are outside the setup zones and I did that on purpose (good idea or not...).

Vanir gives good advice, the better player should play the Germans. They have strong forces at their disposal (5th Pz Division was a good outfit!) but face a real challenge nonetheless.

I really hope it plays out well H2H. It was not tested that way as I mentioned in the battle. It will probably be a little slow for the Soviets at start, but it will heat up later, that is for sure.

Looking forward to your updates!

I don't want to give anything away but from a H2H POV having limited options to set-up your units as you, the player, wish (unless good reasons) can be irritating. The stuff that is out of set-up zones is now being left in the breeze so to speak :)

TBH I'm not bothered too much about winning or losing. My PBEM buddy and I just play. :cool:

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"THE ROAD IS OPEN, I REPEAT...THE ROAD IS OPEN ! Mission accomplished but we need imidiate reinforcement and resupply to be able to hold our possitions...over."

------- SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER !!! -----------------


All terrain-objectives achived except FARM 2.

Germany 930 points, Soviets 93 points.

-------------------------- GERMANS ---------SOVIETS----

men OK...........................223.......................97

men KILLED.......................43......................198

men WOUNDED..................39........................83

men MISSING......................0........................15

TANKS lost.........................4........................12

ARMOURED VEICHLES lost......1.........................3

OTHER VEICHLES lost...........3..........................8

GERMAN TANK STATS--- KILLS------------------------------AMMO LEFT-------STATUS:

Pz IV.............................6 cas.......................................20 HE, 42 AP........OK

Pz IV...........................13 cas, 1 truck, 1 57 mm Zis 2.......0 HE, 35 AP..........OK

Pz IV...........................19 cas, 1 57mm Zis 2...................0 HE, 42 AP............OK

Pz IV............................8 cas, 1 T34'42...................................................DEAD

Pz IV............................4 cas, 1 SU76, 1 57mm Zis 2..................................DEAD

505 PZ HQ (tiger) ..........18 cas, 1 SU76, 3 T34'42..............10 HE, 37 AP........OK

comp 1 HQ (tiger) ..........25 cas, 1 truck............................0 HE, 37 AP........OK

3rd plt HQ (tiger) ..........20 cas, 1 T34-85.....................................................DEAD

1st plt HQ (tiger) ...........6 cas....................................................................DEAD

Tiger............................2 cas..........................................25 HE, 44 AP........IMMOBOLIZED

Tiger...........................31 cas, 2 T34-85, 1 SU 76...............17 HE, 35 AP........OK

Tiger...........................28 cas, 2 T34-85, 2 T34'42................0 HE, 28 AP........OK

Tiger............................4 cas, 1 57mm Zis 2.......................26 HE, a6 AP........OK

My AT-gun managed to kill...8 soldiers, 2 trucks, 1 T34'42.

The better of my infantry units scored on avarage 10 kills each...


I watched one of my infantrysquads kill an AT-gun in Smaliavicy with a handgrenade ! (the one by the crossroad)

One of my panzershcreck teams killed the 85 mm AA-gun protecting MAIN ROAD WEST (the one located by the field north of the road).

I managed to get my AT-gun in possition to do some good things. Very nice to se it kill that T34.



Looking at the map i soon came to the conclusion that this would have to be a right flank- centerfield attack.

The wooded ridgeline north of the MAIN ROAD EAST objective would prevent my armour from supporting my infantry on the other side of the crest.

The road going through the middle of the ridgeline would probably be mined or atleast be well protected by AT weapons. The muddy stream north of the HILL objective

would also prevent my armour from circuling around that ridge.

The left flank was a NO GO with the main attack...

My plans for the left flank were these...

Recon, and if lightly defended, clear the large wood north of the ridgeline. If this was succesful my plan was to continue to advance with only my recontroops (supported by 4 of the tigers)

to scout out my side of the ridge (not move over the crest). If no major opposition were encountered these troops would take up a defencive possition on my side of the HILL objective

and wait until the time was right and the try to assult across the top to try and achive that touch-objective.

My main attack would be on my right flank and up through Smaliavicy in the center. The primary objectives would be to capture the MAIN ROAD WEST objective and the center MAIN ROAD OBJECTIVE.

Along the way i would also complete the CHURCH, SMALIAVICY and FARM 1 touch objectives.

My forces allocated for the main attack looked like this...

One platoon from the escort company and the pioneers closely supported by the Pz IVs got the task of advancing through Smaliavicy to clear that.

These troops were also tasked with securing the FARM 1 objective. Next objective would be the MAIN ROAD (center)

The remaning 4 tigers were to take up supporting fire possitions on my right flank to primarely deal with any enemy armour that might show itself.

The other escort platoon along with the recon section heading to that flank got the task to clear the church and advance up the right flank through the woods with

the objective of securing MAIN ROAD WEST.

If these objectives could be achived and time allowed and sufficient forces remained i planed to move some of these east along the MAIN ROAD to capture the MAIN ROAD EAST objective from 'the rear'.




First thing first. The recon...

The two recon sections that got assigned to my left flank initially advanced towards the FARM 3 objective were they encountered and defeated a small enemy force with the help

of the support halftracks. After that they proceeded further south to the woods north of the ridgeline...Light opposition were encountered and delt with.

The recon section assigned to scout ahead of my main attack force on the right flank proceeded unopposed to the wooded hill north of Chroestjov farm. Here they came under fire from the church.

A support halftrack responded by pouring HE into the church and the enemy fire soon stoped.

When my armour arrived i devided them up...4 tigers were sent to my left flank to be able to provide support to my recon troops over there.

The reamaining 4 tigers and the panzer IVs were sent towards my right flank. One of my tigers were hit by the enemy 57mm AT gun protecting the north entrance to Smaliavicy when it

and an other of the tigers moved into a fire support possition by the same hill that my recon troops occupied. The Tiger got immobolized. The second tiger managed to kill the

enemy gun.

On my left the tigers found a hulldown possition just left of the woods(north of the ridge). From here they could put HE fire on my side of ridge and allow my recon troops to

advance to the north foot of the ridgeline (my side). I sent on of my recon teams up the ridge to have a look...As expected...They came under fire from reverse slope defenders and withdrew back down the ridge..

No big deal...As i originaly planed i started to move my recon teams along my side of the ridge towards the HILL objective...They arrived there without taking any additional fire...They took up a defencive possition

just below the crest of the HILL objective...left flank objective accomplished for now...

With this achived i withdrew two of the tigers from the left flank and sent them to help out over on the other flank with the main attack. The two remaining tigers on the left

moved forward to a hulldown possition in the gap between the HILL objective and the woods to the north. Here they managed to destroy two of the enemy AT guns (the one at FARM 1 and one of the guns at MAIN ROAD (center).

Eventually one of thoose Tigers got killed by enemy fire...I'm not sure from were...

Meanwhile on the right flank...

Enemy troops were located in the Chroestjov farm. I moved one of my support halftrack from behind the hill down towards the farm following the bending road (that provided a covered approch to that farm).

The halftrack spent the last of its HE to fire at one of the buildings at that farm. When my pioneers arrived on the right flank (behind the hill) they used the same road to approach the farm followed by all

5 Pz IV. In an combined effort the Pz IVs and the pioneers cleared the Chroestjov farm from enemy troops.

My right side recontroops left the hill and advanced further west to be able to approach the church from the north (covered terrain).

When the escort company arrived one of the platoons joined forces with the panzer IVs and pioneers and started to advance through Smaliavicy. With the help of heavy areafire from panzers the advance made

good progress but at a cost to my infantry. The enemy defences were well placed and equiped with a number of AT guns that posed a threat to my panzers and cost the infantry some casulties.

The second escort platoon joined up with the recon troops north of the church and cleared that location (the church had been rubbled by HE fire). They then pushed ahead into the woods behind the church

and engaged some enemies on the other side. After that they followed the trees towards the right edge of the map to setup for an advance across the field towards the next wooded area on the right flank.

The area to the far right of the map provided me with fairly coverd approch to the next treeline...

The tigers supported the advance on the right flank as good as they could from supporting possitions.

A number of enemy Guns were spotted and engaged by HE from my tanks.

With 1.02 left on the clock the first enemy tank was spotted on the right flank close to the MAIN ROAD WEST objective . A T34 that got killed by one of my Pz IVs.

After that more enemy tanks appeard at that location. A tank vs tank battle began. Enemy t34s and SU 76s faced off against my tigers and Pz IVs.

The tank duell went well for me...Only one Pz IV lost and a large number of enemy tanks got destroyed.

But the advance through Smaliavicy had bogged down. My infantry casualties started to mount and i had to reconsider my approach...

Until now a had kept my armour behind the infantry but this had resulted in rather heavy infantry casualties and this could not continue...I had to be more agressive with my armour and put them up front

if i wanted to have any infantry left with some decent fighting capability.

I moved my tigers forward from a possition west of the Chroestjov farm...2 tigers advanced to a possition just west of the small wooded hill to the south west of Chroestjov farm and finished off some

survivors from an enemy possition.

The 3 remaining tigers (2 new arrivals from the left flank and the last of the original right flank tigers) advanced south between that wooded hill and Smaliavicy to a hulldown possition south of the

road running from Smaliavicy towards the west edge of the map.

These 'hulldown' tigers arrived just in time...They ended up in a perfect possition to engage a platoon of T34-85s in the flank. The t34 were advancing east from their starting possition somewhere around

MAIN ROAD WEST...I don't know what their final destination was...But they never got there !!! Bang, bang, bang...Nice !

Unfortunateely the last thing one of the t34s did was to put a AP round through the armour of one of my tigers...KILLING IT....

Acceptable losses...By the look of things...These were the last of the enemy armour...

Not quite...

To my great satisfaction i had succeded in moving my AT-gun to a possition on the small hill north west of the lake. This AT-gun managed to kill an enemy T34'42 moving close to the MAIN ROAD (center) objective.

This was my last tank-kill in the game...The AT-gun also killed 2 trucks and put some HE into one of the buildings at the MAIN ROAD objective...killing more troops.

In Smaliavicy i also used my Pz IV a bit more agressivly and manouvered them to be able to engage enemy defenders in- and just outside the village. The advance in the village continued and i reached the

crossroad...At this location i watched one of my squads kill an AT-gun with a well placed handgrenade...

A little further south, at the exit from the village, an other AT gun was discovered and knocket out by my infantry.

Smaliavicy was cleared...

The AT-gun at the FARM 1 objective had already been spotted and knocked out by my Tigers from the left flank. The AA-guns at the MAIN ROAD (center) objective had also been destroyed by thoose tanks together with mortarfire.

The only likely opposition between the center attack force and their primary objective (MAIN ROAD) seemed to be some light infantry possitions in the FARM 1 objective as well as in the Timoshkin farm by the MAIN ROAD.


One big threat remained...The 85mm AA gun over on my right (located by the field north of the MAIN ROAD WEST objective). I Could not get line of sight to that possition from my current locations and by the looks of it it had

good line of sight to the area just south of Smaliavicy as well as the area infront of my 'hull down' tigers.

My advance once again came to a halt. I could not move my Pz IVs forward from Smaliavicy to help my depleted infantry clear the FARM 1 objective. My tigers to the right were also held up by that gun. IT HAD TO DIE !!

that task obviously fell on my infantry advancing on the far right. By the time my troops in Smavliavicy had cleared the village and got bogged down again at the south exit from the village my guys on the right were

well into the woods north of that AA-gun possition.

Most of the enemies in that wooded area had already revealed their possition when they engaged and destroyed one of my AA-trucks that i tried to move forward earlier. My 'hull down' tigers were in a good possition to support

my infantry when they advanced through that location. They could put HE fire on every enemy possition that was located amongst thoose trees. Non the less i still took some infantry casualties advanacing uphill towards the enemy gun possition.

Finally i got into a possition to do some harm to that gun. My infantry suppresed the gun to allow a panzerschreck team to get line of fire to it and take it out...SWEET !

With that gun out of the picture the advance on FARM 1 continued. That possition fell to my infantry (supported by my Pz IVs). By now thoose panzer were almost out of HE rounds.

The artillery barrage that i had ordered earlier on the area around the MAIN ROAD objective began as well as attacks from my divebombers. I don't know excactly what thoose divebombers targeted...By the looks of it only bailed out tank crews

unfortunatelly...But they sure dropped some big bombs !!

With that last AA-gun destroyed my troops on the right managed to advance and secure the MAIN ROAD WEST objective. I also moved my tigers and 1 of the PZ IVs up to that loaction.

MAIN ROAD WEST objective seccured !

My center attack force advanced from the FARM 1 objective and managed to secure the MAIN ROAD objective. Because of my depleted infantry i decided not to try and take the Timoshkin farm south of the road. I ordered my tanks to areafire at thoose

buildings...That would have to be enough...The objective was achived after all...

On my right i advanced some of my infantry past the MAIN ROAD WEST objective up the hill and spotted yet an other T34 behind it. I brought up one of my panzerschreck teams to deal with it and managed to get a hit but the target did not get destroyed.

To finish it of i ordered my Pz IV on the right to move up the hill and take it out. Unfortunatelly the T34 got of the first shot and killed my tank...After that i decided to leave that T34 alone down there.

With the MAIN ROAD WEST and MAIN ROAD objectives seccured i ordered some of my tanks to the east along the main road to also capture the last of the MAIN ROAD objectives...They succeded.

Finally i ordered my recontroops down by the HILL objective to advance across the crest of that hill to seccure that objective...also succesful




Let me start by saying...This has been the best CMRT scenario i have played ! Might very well be one of the best ever...including all CM games (CMBN, CMFI and CMRT).

Well done...Thanks !

Some good things...

- The map i brilliantly made

- Well placed defenders

- Good briefing

- good force size

- No 'slow, eventless' period in the scenario where nothing happens but a long move to contact for many, many turns.

- good 'story'

SOME THINGS THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED IMHO (No big problems at all only some suggestions...the scenario works very well as is).


- The Smaliavicy objective...Maybe the terrain objective area should not cover the entire village...As it is now the player

only needs to touch the north edge of the village to get the points for that objective. Perhaps the terrain objective area

could be set to only cover the south half of the village...This would kind of force the player to fight up through the village

if he wants the points for it.

- The hill objective...Kind of the same thing here...I think that the terrain objective area might be to close to the friendly

side of the hill. The players can do like i did (cheat) and keep their troops on the friendly side of the crest and at the end

rush them across the crest the short distnce to the terrain objective area and gain points for that objective without really

having to fight for the hill...Either move the terrain objective area back a little to force the player to advance a greater

distance after having crested the hill or to change that objective to a CLEAR objective.

- Maybe add a small triggered counterattack to one of MAIN ROAD WEST or MAIN ROAD EAST objectives that would order some enemies

to counterattack that objective area if the player reaches it. In the east some of the troops defending the ridge could be

ordered to fall back and attack the MAIN ROAD EAST objective if the player capture it. In the west maybe a small force could

attack across the hill south of the objective...This would prevent the player from holding on to thoose objectives with

only a very small force...

Again...These are only small suggestions...The scenario is a five star for sure as is...

One of thoose scenarios that cost me a number of sleepless nights...I JUST HAVE TO DO ONE MORE TURN...

Looking forward to your next mission !

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Thanks a lot RepsolCBR for this elaborate report on your play of this battle! Great reading material :cool:! And thanks for the 5 star rating of course!

The scenario was designed to present a real challenge to the Germans, but should be winnable if proper tactics are applied. Also I have tried to give multiple avenues of approach (roughly 3) to choose from. This gives the feeling to the player he has freedom of movement without being constricted to one obvious way to go. This is however a lot trickier for the designer to get it just right you can imagine.

The time allotted should give a sense of urgency without forcing the player to rush things too much, resulting in unrealistic tactics. A good attack takes some time. Good recon for instance is essential. You do not want to blunder into the teeth of the enemy defenses with your main force just like that. Tigers are strong, but by no means invincible. Even a 57mm AT gun can do real damage to it given the chance.

I therefore choose to enter the German forces bit by bit, so players would be encouraged to do recon first and clean out some of the forward positions first. After that the battle gradually heats up when the Soviets get stronger. Also, by introducing forces gradually, players are not overwhelmed by the sheer size of a scenario. Big battles can be fun, but should be 'manageable'. And too big is not to my liking in any case, it reduces the forces to 'anonimity', for lack of a better word. By that I mean that individual units simply drown in the numbers and you don't care much for your pixeltruppen anymore. Bad for immersion IMHO.

This was my most ambitious scenario yet, and I was really anxious to know how it would play out. For you apparently very well. That's great! I hope other players have similar experiences. The battle was playtested by some of the beta testers and I made some changes according to their experiences (mostly to give the Germans some extra forces). I think this turned out well.

Getting this kind of feedback is very encouraging! Thanks a lot! It is an incentive to do some more designing. I am making a new scenario as we speak :). Making a scenario like Firebrigade von Saucken takes me just over a month or something, but if players enjoy it, it is worth all the effort.

Your suggestions make sense, thanks for those.


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Thanks a lot RepsolCBR for this elaborate report on your play of this battle! Great reading material :cool:! And thanks for the 5 star rating of course!

You're quite welcome...You deserve it ! :)

I was really anxious to know how it would play out. For you apparently very well. That's great!

I guess i got lucky with the armour duell...Taking out the entire enemy armored

force and not loosing to many in return was a good thing for me...The end result in that duell could have been alot worse...

I therefore choose to enter the German forces bit by bit, so players would be encouraged to do recon first and clean out some of the forward positions first. After that the battle gradually heats up when the Soviets get stronger. Also, by introducing forces gradually, players are not overwhelmed by the sheer size of a scenario. Big battles can be fun, but should be 'manageable'. And too big is not to my liking in any case, it reduces the forces to 'anonimity', for lack of a better word. By that I mean that individual units simply drown in the numbers and you don't care much for your pixeltruppen anymore. Bad for immersion IMHO.

That's the way to do it...I agree !

I am making a new scenario as we speak :)

Perfect ! :)

Thanks again...Best of luck with your new project...

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