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Mortar crew pathing issues bug?

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In a couple of the Nijmegen missions I have seen one man out of a 50mm Brit mortar crew seem to get stuck behind a tree.

I have found that the only way to get them back together is to move the other team members back to the stuck guy, and let em sit there for a WEGO turn, and then send em off in a different direction before resuming the desired direction.

If this was a "once in a blue moon" occurrence I wouldn't be concerned. But, I have seen this happen maybe 3 times during Brit missions. Bug??

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Funny you should mention that - I've just ( literally, last night ) had a member of a 50mm mortar team get stuck behind a hedge while his 2 mates ran on to the other side of the field.

Also in Nijmegen mission ( #3 ).

I gave a new waypoint to the middle of the field, but the guy remained 'stuck'. I have now told them to assemble back at the stuck guy's location. Will see how/if I can unstick him.

I do have saves of this if useful.

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Thanks mate :)

Sadly, my battle ended the next turn, so I don't know if he would have "unstuck" or not. But it may be possible to rerun the last turns without shooting anyone and get an extra turn or two.

A feature of this "stuck state" is that the stuck guy was moving the whole time - either he was "turning" or he was "moving" according to the green text. It looked like he had merged fractionally with the terrain piece ( bocage in this case ) and couldn't pull free - which I've seen in other games.

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Yes, exactly, the stuck guy would try and run in one direction then another, but it was like he was a dog leashed to the tree. I think I have saves if anyone wants em.

But, I vaguely recall this problem had been mentioned a long time ago, and I very rarely saw the phenomenon - until now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had different but somehow similar issue. My whole team stuck i CMBN 2.12

I ordered mortar ammo bearers to board a truck. The truck had a 15m movement order to get closer to the bocage gap bearers were going to move through to reach the truck. For some 5 turns I have ammo bearers stuck doing nothing, unable to give any orders. Also the truck does not respond to any order. Movement, bailout, nothing. Finally they got destroyed not being able to evacuate during 10 turns.

Savegame availiable if anyone's interested.

See the link for situation.


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I just had different but somehow similar issue. My whole team stuck i CMBN 2.12

Looks to me like the ammo bearers were somehow "jammed" in the boarding mode, which would explain why neither they nor the truck would take further orders.

Is the hedge separating the ammo bearers and the truck passable?

Maybe the truck got too close to them and they entered boarding mode and are making a bee-line for the truck, but the hedge they are trying to get through is impassable?

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Is the hedge separating the ammo bearers and the truck passable?

Yes it is. I cropped the image but some 10m down the road there's a gap. Those bearers got out of THIS truck and went to their current position by THIS gap.

When evacuation time came... they couldn't move. No orders could be issued. I could issue any order to this truck but it wouldn't do a thing. The rear cargo door is also closed.

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I'm thinking that you've found a bug where the ammo bearers are attempting to board the truck (thus they translucent icon floating above them) so are in a non-order-taking mode, but the game decides they can't board the truck because something is blocking their path. Meanwhile, the truck is also not taking orders as it is waiting for the boarding to finish. I could see this being the case if the logic to trigger boarding mode in the game code is purely based on the straight line distance between the boarding infantry and the vehicle being boarded.

All you could do to unstick the troops would be to demo charge the hedge in the action square that is immediately between them and the truck, making the that action square passable. I'm just guessing though.

In future to avoid this issue again, I would park the truck next to the gap rather than next to an impassable hedge.

This is all speculation on my part. I have no insider knowledge to base any comments from.

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In future to avoid this issue again, I would park the truck next to the gap rather than next to an impassable hedge.

BigDog, even not considering this bug would happen I ordered my truck to GO TO the gap to pick those men up - 1) to make things faster than having them running to the gap and back to the truck, 2) this truck was going "south" anyway (when you look at the image).

All thing we might think of that causes those bugs might have 1000 explanations... but we didn't buy alpha, or even beta game. It supposed to be polished and debugged before release hundreds of years ago.

On the same battle I had another even more crazy issue. My platoon was chillin in the center awaiting orders which flank to support (left or right). Situation got clearer so I wanted them to board those trucks and go where they're needed. All 3 squads, each split into 2 fireteams started to board their rides. Almost everything went well... but one guy from one already boarded teams went for some 300 m jog in a completly crazy direction (trucks didn't have any movement orders). He kept running to China for some !6! turns when he finally bumped into an enemy platoon and got shot. Only this unlocked his team and the truck they were at. If the enemy would take him as POW his team and their truck would probably turn into stone. I love the game (as a concept) since CMBB but can't stand those bugs ruining my gameplay.

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It supposed to be polished and debugged before release hundreds of years ago.

You know that's a laughable attitude, don't you? No game software of more than trivial complexity is ever bug free. Your whole approach strikes me as provocative.

On the same battle I had another even more crazy issue. My platoon was chillin in the center awaiting orders which flank to support (left or right). Situation got clearer so I wanted them to board those trucks and go where they're needed. All 3 squads, each split into 2 fireteams started to board their rides. Almost everything went well... but one guy from one already boarded teams went for some 300 m jog in a completly crazy direction (trucks didn't have any movement orders). He kept running to China for some !6! turns when he finally bumped into an enemy platoon and got shot. Only this unlocked his team and the truck they were at. If the enemy would take him as POW his team and their truck would probably turn into stone. I love the game (as a concept) since CMBB but can't stand those bugs ruining my gameplay.

You're sure you're on 2.12? That bug was squished ages ago. Maybe you've found a resurrection of it, but if you have, winding your neck in is a far better way of getting BFC to re-fix it than being accusatory and self-entitled.

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winding your neck in is a far better way of getting BFC to re-fix it ...

Wind my neck?? Are you kidding me?! I have PAID for that game. I didn't get it as free alpha. I'm astonished that so many people just try find WHAT NOT TO DO in game to aviod bugs comming from beneath the carpet.

"Don't embark your troops onto a truck near bocage or they will stuck for life". If there's a problem embarking near bocage than the game engine should not allow it, it should be fixed or it should be written in the manual. "Warning, embarking near hedges may cause your men stuck for life". "Don't watch the screen to carefully or one of your squad members might go crazy and run in a random direction."

Womble, with your attitude I bet when you go for a trip to Paris, book an apartment in 5 star hotel and find dead stinking fishes under your bed you sure pretend there's nothing there or sleep in the bathroom pretending nothing happened. Or even avoid entering a bedroom. Way to go. Keep pretending there are no stinking fishes you paid for as a bonus to your 5 star apartment.

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Wind my neck?? Are you kidding me?! I have PAID for that game. I didn't get it as free alpha. I'm astonished that so many people just try find WHAT NOT TO DO in game to aviod bugs comming from beneath the carpet.

"Don't embark your troops onto a truck near bocage or they will stuck for life". If there's a problem embarking near bocage than the game engine should not allow it, it should be fixed or it should be written in the manual. "Warning, embarking near hedges may cause your men stuck for life". "Don't watch the screen to carefully or one of your squad members might go crazy and run in a random direction."


Seriously mate, go check out Rome Total War 2 for an example of a game people paid for that in many cases ran like an alpha !

There was a bug with occasional wandering crewmen and sometimes not embarking. As far as most of us know, it was fixed.

If you have found an example of it, then letting BFC know and providing an example if it via a savegame if/when they need one is helpful.

Throwing your toys doesn't help you or them.

Have you encountered this problem more than once ? If not, then understand that it's a rare bug and consequently harder to fix.

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Noone ever asked to get a savegame with existing bugs. I've mentioned several lately. Did you ever wonder why there is no sticky tread on reporting bugs. Every game I play has that topic on it's developer's forum. Not here. Why? Whould server crash or there would be too much troublesome topics or users like me?

Believe me - I love CM for many many years since CMx1. I love the way combat is solved here and I'm close to call CM the best and unique tactical simulator of the galactic... but hell no. It's still an early beta of it.

I've got an exclusive copy of CMSF for EMEA review FROM BF 7 days before it's market release. Right away I've reported several bugs and we kept in touch with BF for further reports for some time. Sofia even got got me in contact with BF programmers to solve things. I whould do much to make my beloved title as attractive as it could be. But what do I see after YEARS? Instead of getting rid of bugs STILL present devs focus on decals on damaged tanks. Who gives a (WORD) for decals? Those willing to play bull**** games like some EA ones! Real CM serie fans don't need that! We didn't need that in CMx1, did we? We need an excellent tactical simulator and when it is fully completed and free of bugs let's keep devs busy giving us bonuses like armor penetration decals, bayonet mounting animations or even soldiers taking a nap in a trench. But first things first.

Im not mentioning bugs to kick anyone's ass. I'm doing it to make this game better. The way we all would want it. the are not much things to change. They just need some polishing. But someone has to do that. Some of pepople here act like CM with it's bugs is a religion noone can critisize. No it's not. It's just a product, a unique one that should be driven to perfection it can achieve with some work. Only after building a perfect fundaments the building can grow up. It's not with CMx2. It grows UPwards (new modules) without making the main fundaments (engine) solid. It will collapse someday and "people will die" (or put their money into trashcan).

That is not what I wish for BF nor CM.

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well I for one do not try and spend every waking moment collecting saves from people that may or may not actually prove anything. I try and help out when I have time and I usually respond to folks who seem to genuinely respect the game and BF, have stuff that could potentially be helpful to the development team and look like they have done at least some checking to remove the obvious issues. I have one I just got today and will check out later this evening.

I can't speak for any of the other beta testers, but when someone comes to this forum with such an explicitly hostile attitude as you have in your 14 posts (which started on post 1 with trashing BF) do you REALLY expect any of us are going to waste our time? You do not seem to be able to differentiate between bugs, possible bad planning or just generally being made to pay for poor play. You've ranted about how screwed up it is that BF included something that many players did want and BF deemed within the scope of what they could include this version. It seems as if you are the decider of all that is good and necessary for the game.

BF works on eliminating genuine bugs as they can. When it comes to the TAC AI that gets very very tricky as Steve has pointed out on this very forum within the last couple days. Continuing to work on those is not mutually exclusive to adding more content and developing new features. By your plan BF would already be bankrupt.

So they don't sticky threads on issues. OMFG what are we gonna do?!! ...oh wait we can already create threads if we want. Hell isn't half this forum already based on that- so we should sticky half the threads? Christ I'd have to go to page 2 just to read an AAR from Kuderian when it is the most current item?

Dude you are just chock full of ideas, only they are all bad.

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Let's try and keep calm, IntruderPl. Your language is needlessly aggressive. Your attitude is also totally divorced from reality. Every time we have someone post expecting 100% perfection from our games is met with disdain from anybody who uses $10,000 pieces of software that regularly crash and/or generally function incorrectly. In fact, I just heard about a US Navy computer system that was scrapped after spending $1 billion because it didn't work right. And one need not look to those huge things either. Just boot a Windows machine on any given day and I bet it won't take you long to run into a bug of some sort in some product (including Windows itself). MacOS is not immune either.

Back here on Earth, the one where reality and not theory rules supreme, there is no game out there that is bug free. Not even the simpleminded iPad games I play. Don't even get me started with OS and driver bugs! So expecting 100% perfection from a $55 entertainment product is, literally, insane. My advice is to substitute insane thinking with a reasonable, well grounded understanding of reality.

With that said...

CM does have bugs and will always have bugs. Always. This is the price we all have to pay for a game that is massively detailed and continually improving. Because for every new feature, improved existing feature, or even bug fixes (ironically) there are unanticipated consequences. Literally THOUSANDS of bugs are found and fixed before you ever see a release from us. But as mentioned, a complex environment like CM's is never going to be bug free. Which, by definition, means some bugs will get out to customers. When they are identified we fix them as soon as possible. Sometimes these bugs are found quickly, other times it takes years for people to discover them. Either way, we fix them and move on and in the process create more bugs which we fix and then move on. So on and so forth.

Anybody that can't accept this should never buy another product from us again. Or Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, or EA, or Oracle, or anything else ever written for a computer. Because that's just about the only way you're going to be shielded from reality.


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As for the original posted problem...

I'm not entirely sure, but it may now be fixed. There's been a progression of special case problems like this that have been eliminated one by one after we've received save games. I'm fairly certain we eliminated something similar to this recently.

This sort of pathfinding is extremely sensitive to the exact context. Fortunately there are fewer and fewer of these cases popping up.


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And that's some nice contrast. Reading what Battlefront.com wrote above IS a way of solving problems with CM. I think that admitting, examining and fixing bugs is the only way that makes players (like me and some I know) come back to your titles. Even after some CM failures.

By contrast I mean the difference in attitude between BF (stated above) and some super-hiper-expert-skilled senior members denying there are any mentioned fixes needed... and putting all occuring problems on player's "lack of skill to play the game". Lack of skill results in lost battles even against an unarmed enemy - not units stuck or doing crazy things against game logic and orders given.

If anyone interpreted my attitude as aggressive is wrong. I am not aggressive against BF nor the game. I'm not able to "wind my neck" (as suggested) to bug denials I encounter (CMBN 2.12). I also didn't mention problems occuring to diss anyone but to help solving it. Also for my own good to make the my gameplay troubleless. Only troubles I expect from CM are results of my wrong tactical decisions, not bugs happening when giving legitimate and standard orders to my units. Note I DID NOT mention unwanted results of combat. If stuart has DESTROYed my Panther A with one shot into a lower side hull at 400m - I didn't call it a bug. Probably it had a lot of luck because I DO believe in BF's calculations of hits against armor. Noone died, nothing listed as damaged on damage list. Just the panther down. I guess it happenes.

So BF please don't take my reports as aggresion. IF there might be any it's not abouf BF, CM nor bugs. It's because people telling me right in my face things that happened... couldn't happen when they did.

As always I'm ready to give saves so problems I've mentioned can be veryfied, examined and solved.

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If anyone interpreted my attitude as aggressive is wrong. I am not aggressive against BF nor the game.

Interesting cause you'd never guess that from your sig.


Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2007

Location: Poland

Posts: 18


CM with it's unsolved problems is an example how to turn gold into a copper.

The whole passive aggressive thing doesn't really fly too well here.

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By contrast I mean the difference in attitude between BF (stated above) and some super-hiper-expert-skilled senior members denying there are any mentioned fixes needed.

Rubbish. Those looking for trouble find it. You have been posting all over two CM Forums deliberately provoking fights. And try as the other forum members might to actually discuss the problems with you, instead you swing harder. Then you complain that you're positions are not being respected. Well, if you don't show respect, why do you think you should be respected?

So BF please don't take my reports as aggresion.

There is no possible way a level headed, reasonable person could see your posts as anything OTHER than aggressive. Your positions are overstated to an extreme and you rant instead of discuss. Not to mention your expectations for perfection being nothing short of (as I said before) insane. Hyperbole is the sign of a weak argument, not an indication of a strong one.

We have plenty of level headed, reasonable, and critical people making posts here in order to make CM better. We don't need a couple of ill behaved attention seekers getting in the way of progress. Your time on this Forum will be extremely short if you keep on with that style. Very short.

As with the other thread you dragged into the gutter, I'm locking this one. I am not inclined to go through this process again.


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