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CM:BN Market Garden Mo Betta on da Mac

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CM:BN Market Garden Mo Betta on da Mac :D

MacPro, OS X 10.8.5 - 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core - ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB on DELL U2713HM Display Not desktop display rather set at 1920X1080, V Sync = On. Model = Better. Texture = Improved. AA= On. High Priority = Off. ATI Left Click = Off.

It seems Market Garden 2.10 runs faster on my Mac! The blue bar zips across the screen in the few scenarios I have opened. Maybe it is Phil's java jolt magic ;) No exhaustive testing as I only downloaded Market Garden module @ 3 hours ago and only played with it for < 1 hour but noticeable and impressive performance improvement on my older Mac.

I removed ALL 5+ GBs of mods before the Market Garden install so maybe that put some zip back in the performance?

I did have some unexplained airplane noise in a few (not all) saved games files from CMBN. Plane sounds that were flying over when they should not be. For example CMBN v2.01 Performance Test Medium file had planes flying overhead when they should not.

Interested in other Mac CM:BN Market Garden feedback.

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Thanks very much! We made some optimizations to the engine. Everybody should see improvements in speed. Glad you like it! :) I saw a big improvement on my Macs, too - and on my gaming PC as well.

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The blue bar zips across the screen in the few scenarios I have opened.

I noticed that as well, but thought it was mostly due to playing really small scenarios at the moment. Remains to be seen whether other aspects are performing better or not. I was never really concerned about blue bar time, but being able to perk up the graphics performance would be dandy. I'll try that really soon.


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Mine seems faster too, and CM had already improved in general as I upgraded my MacBook Pro to 16GB RAM a few weeks ago. I actually needed the RAM for research work but the performance boost to CM was an added bonus.

2.4GHz Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1GB AMD Radeon 6770M, OS X 10.8.5

I also had the airplane noise on the first turn from a CW saved game I continued. Lasted for the whole minute. But the next turn was back to normal with no ill effects.

Thanks again to Battlefront for bringing this back to the Mac and supporting it so well.

So far in MG I've started a few scenarios just so I could see the maps - nice, nice job there. And am trying Out on a Limb real time (which I rarely use). I'm finding it fun in a smaller scenario.


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I left out that the saved game was a PBEM game that was already in progress. Both of us just added MG. Don't know if that makes a difference for anyone investigating.

That is "normal". I know it is wrong but about half the PBEM games I have upgraded have had this happen. Things seem to be fine though after that. I have not done this much though because I prefer to play games to their conclusion with the version they were started with.

However with the "need to activate MG every time after running 2.01" bug might change that SOP this time around.

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Thanks very much! We made some optimizations to the engine. Everybody should see improvements in speed. Glad you like it! :) I saw a big improvement on my Macs, too - and on my gaming PC as well.

Phil, Your "optimizations to the engine" work very well for my Mac. Thank you and all BF for improving the game for us Mac folks and all.

I went a little "New Module" hog wild last PM. Bumped the Display Size up to 2560X1440 and set Model & Texture = Best. AA= On. Shadows = On. aka Full Tilt! I know... a little crazy to expect the game to run at ultra everything but I had to try it.

The smaller MG scenarios looked just amazing! These were very playable. I did begin to notice some struggle with graphics on my Mac when moving about with everything maxed on such a huge display size but not bad by any means. Very nicely done. Thanks.

I had on my headphones so as not to wake the wife, scare the horses or the neighbors. Pulled my headphones off and I head the ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB fan whirling. It hardly ever makes fan noise so I suspect (assuming the new Mac Pros are not selling for <$1K) it is close to time for a new mid range graphics card (maybe a GTX 760) for the old Mac.

I tried a MAXIMUM Full Tilt! load of MG Outstanding Gallantry. After 7 minutes and stuck at 36% I had to reboot as I could not tab out. Now I know I should not set my old Mac on Full Tilt! and try to load one of MG's largest scenarios but I did. I will try MG Outstanding Gallantry with more modest settings and see how she runs and post here.

Overall I can say the improvement in the game is impressive and evident. It would be handy to have a FPS feature to conduct a Performance Test to quantify the improvement but this not necessary to see the performance improvements.


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Bumped the Display Size up to 2560X1440 and set Model & Texture = Best. AA= On. Shadows = On.

I did begin to notice some struggle with graphics on my Mac when moving about with everything maxed on such a huge display size but not bad by any means.

Same here, but it does look amazing.

27 inches of MG is pretty awesome!


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Thanks for the screen shot. Yep actually surprising to see such graphics improvement and a speed bump as well. Buy Phil more black beans :)

What will CM V3.0 be bringing us when we get New Modern to play with. Going to be a really entertaining few months ahead.

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MG Outstanding Gallantry ( one of MG's largest scenarios) loaded in 2 minutes by dropping display = 1920X1080, V Sync = Off. Model & Texture = Fastest. AA= Off. High Priority = Off. ATI Left Click = Off. Shadows =Off

Did not play the game but was able to move about the map w/o sluggishness. Not as pretty as the smaller scenarios but looks very playable.

A saved game file was @ 20.8MB.

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MG Outstanding Gallantry ( one of MG's largest scenarios) loaded in 2 minutes by dropping display = 1920X1080, V Sync = Off. Model & Texture = Fastest. AA= Off. High Priority = Off. ATI Left Click = Off. Shadows =Off

Did not play the game but was able to move about the map w/o sluggishness. Not as pretty as the smaller scenarios but looks very playable.

A saved game file was @ 20.8MB.

At those settings I had that scenario load in 51 seconds +/- 2 seconds (Mark 1 Eyeball used for measurement).

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Is it possible to list multiple display resolutions in the display size.txt file and have them all display?

Tried this inside the Application support folder for the Mac and it appears only one option is allowed.

Enjoying CM:BN Market Garden on Mac :)

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Glad to know that recent speed improvements are actually noticeable in the real world and not just in the laboratory :)

Now that the game engine is beyond rock solid and we've added a ton of stuff you guys have wanted for years (some since CMBO was first announced), we're able to divert some time/energy into optimizations. I'm sure there will be more speed improvements for Mac and PC coming in the future.


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Glad to know that recent speed improvements are actually noticeable in the real world and not just in the laboratory :)

Now that the game engine is beyond rock solid and we've added a ton of stuff you guys have wanted for years (some since CMBO was first announced), we're able to divert some time/energy into optimizations. I'm sure there will be more speed improvements for Mac and PC coming in the future.


Thanks Steve, Moon, Phil, heck everyone at Battlefront.com. You guys manage a great company with exemplary service.

I am all in for the scheduled and the surprises heading our way.

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Forgot to mention but this morning installed CM:BN Market Garden on the "Rural" 2008 MacBookPro4,1 - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.5 GHz.

Not much time to test but I was very impressed at how good the smaller Market Garden scenarios loaded and moved with almost full graphics settings!

Buy everyone at Battlefront.com.... more black beans ;)

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Are you using a Z folder full of mods Michael?

I did not realize I had just over 5 GB of mods in CMBN/CW! I have to go back and check what I have in CMFI/GL.

Before I installed Market Garden on the Mac Pro I removed the folder. Combined with speed improvements of MG v2.10 I am enjoying the game just fine. It will be nice to have CMFI/GL get the speed improvements as well.

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I had on my headphones so as not to wake the wife, scare the horses or the neighbors. Pulled my headphones off and I head the ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB fan whirling. It hardly ever makes fan noise so I suspect (assuming the new Mac Pros are not selling for <$1K) it is close to time for a new mid range graphics card (maybe a GTX 760) for the old Mac.

Yeah, I've noticed that my iMac gets a lot hotter now. It doesn't have a fan; cools by convective flow and it always runs a little warm. But running MG it is starting to get downright hot. This is a little alarming as a fried vid card would not make my life better. Repair/replacement on an iMac is not likely anything I can do at home, and being without a computer would be...well, I don't even want to think about it. This is going to require further reflection, but I think playing MG for only an hour at a time is in my near future. Further down the road, it may be time to go back to mini-tower Macs.


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I've never installed a mod in either game.


So you are a mod virgin Michael ;)

The ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB fan whirling indicates to me that the graphics card is getting used more than normal.

I do believe the iMac getting hotter indicates the same. I think poesel71 is correct regarding the fan.

Now if you have the spare cash and are interested "older" Mac Pros with 2.9 or 3.2 single cpus are available. You can run NVIDIA PC (non-EFI) Graphics Cards in them and get good performance without a Mac boot screen. Then there is the Hackintosh approach to getting custom. Or if you sold some stocks ;) you could grab a new Mac Pro cylinder and smoke everyone.

re: Mac and Market Garden, interestingly I accidentally opened Market Garden twice last PM. The benefit of doing "work" on the Mac and gaming. I had two Market Garden games going and the old Mac didn't seem to mind it much as they both played without sluggishness!

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