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Villers Bocage

George MC

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I've long been fascinated by this action. For a while I reckoned it was pretty much a no-go for a CMBN action. Anyways after getting some books (most notably the After The Battle and Henri Marie's account) and finding the aerial maps in the RCHMS collection I decided to at least give the map a go.

I went for the opening action and subsequent immediate fighting just on the outskirts of the town. I'll admit trying to recreate as near a accurate representation of the real battlefield was a toughie in CMBN. I reckon though, after lot's of swearing, more than a few beers and a few late shifts I've got something I'm happy with. Anyways pretty stoked with the result so couldn't wait to give a wee sneak preview for those who might be interested.

The really hard bit is yet to come with trying to get this to be an action that is a/ worth fighting b/ challenging in CMBN... The mission continues...

So first shot shows the outskirts of Villers Bocage


Next shot shows looking up towards Point 213


More shots to follow.

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Hi Augusto

Cheers :) Still a wee bit of having a finished scenario but I always find the map building the more challenging part of scenario design. In comparison AI plans etc are pretty straightforward.

Another wee shot - this shows the bottom part of the approach into Villers Bocage.


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Good job on the map. Making a good map is a lot of work. Many times map are a bit to sterile. Making a map that looks 'alive' takes effort. And it is never finished, at least I am always tempted to keep tinkering with it.

Aye thanks :)

Yup - that's where I'm at just now with the map. It's like painting a picture though - knowing when to stop! I'm going to leave it for a while and focus on the OOB for both sides. Then come back to the map for a few more tweaks.

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Excellent map, George! I'm as thrilled about this news as I would have been about the release of MG. Finally someone will take us to Villers-Bocage.

Glad ya like it :) I did steer clear of this one for a long time - just thought I could never make a fight of it. But after reading the accounts although the initial ambush (in RL) was perhaps a bit one sided the immediate subsequent fighting was less so. I've found reading between the lines gives the clue. The Brits on Point 213 hung on repelling attacks for a reasonable amount of time. Also the fighting at the end of town was pretty fierce and ended with the Germans losing nearly a company of tanks. So perhaps not the overwhelming German victory people associate with this action. It's worth tracking down the documentary made by the Sharpshooters about the event as it contains some superb then and now images.

Anyways I hope the finished scenario will do justice to this.

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I too am really excited about this engagement coming to CMBN. I have at least a half-dozen books on the subject of Michael Wittman's famous attack on the British column. In 1985 I took my father back to Bayeux in Normandy. We stood on the exact spot on Omaha Beach where he came ashore. We visited many place in the area: Point du Hoc, Pegasus Bridge and of course the villages of Ste. Mere-Eglise and Villers-Bocage. The somber German military cemetary at La Camba was in stark contrast to the beautiful American on overlooking Omaha Beach.

Anyway, I digress, but thanks for taking this on for us George. I'm looking forward to playing your scenario when it is complete.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys! Progress slowed a wee bit. I'm busy creating the OOBs and deploying units on the ground. My initial thoughts are to make the opening 45 minutes true to life but then 'telescope' the subsequent fighting into a shorter time frame to allow for (hopefully) some exciting and challenging game play.

One thing I've noticed in the accounts is that mention is made of German infantry in the area (and then on Point 213) but the actual units involved are never mentioned.

My thoughts are (based on the accounts) the initial 'infantry' presence is a disparate group of stragglers from Panzer Lehr (close to or around Villers Bocage itself) with the follow on 'infantry' units being from the 101st's Light Company. There is the suggestion that possible the 4th SS Panzergrenadier Company (from the 12th SS HJ Division) might have had elements involved at Point 213 but I can't find any hard evidence to support that. I've evidence pointing to the 101st's Light Company or least some units from it though.

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Good to hear that you are making progress with the scenario. I cant help you with the question from wich unit the german infantry was, but if you need playtesters, send me a PM.

I also volunteer for playtesting. And I will check out my library about the infantry. But I think you are right, George, details are hard to find. Perhaps you can make a historical accurate version and a more balanced version, but non-historicial version with more German infantry?

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Hullo George,

I am back on the line and ready, as I wrote it earlier to you, to test your last baby. Let me know on my email. I don't have travels planned at a short term notice, at least I hope so. that gave me time to play for the first time at some CFMI GL scenarios. Some of the maps done are splendid and what to say more about the winter sceneries. unfortunately, some scenarios OOB's are somewhat unrealistic. far away from yours which are as close as it could be from what was found or should have been found at the time. That is why I like the most to play them. It does not matter if they are CMSF, CMBN and or CMFI -GL

Badly done OOB's are putting aside interesting tactical challenges that the usually well done maps would allow. Quite a few Designers don't have a military experience, commision and or sufficient historical knowledge for knowing that a couple of MG's teams well positioned in defence, are worth a platoon and or a depleted company and that this is closer to reality, than a stack of numerous units. Bill Tactical primers and problems will be most welcome and even myself will surely learn something from them. More, when they give you a unrealistic short time to get to your objectives against so many odds, it does not make any good to the game despites its many good assets. You have a tendency to put it aside, waiting for some hopeful good new scenarios.

That is why I am always glad when you release a scenario. Wittmann's demise was fantastic.


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