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Re: BFC using DVD-R as their media now?

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We are using the same type of disc for years now, and commercial grade production. If you are worried about longevity, make a backup, or store it online in the cloud. That will last forever. [grin]

I think you and the OP of this thread:


need to talk.

So is it a commercially made DVD, DVD-R or do you just mean "a commercial grade DVD-R" which IIRC doesn't exist except in fantasy labels?

You do understand the fundamental difference between real production DVDs and DVD-R, right? And since the customer cannot make the former any backup would be restricted to the same limited lifespan.

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Just out of curiosity, where did that 'other gentleman' get their information from? Is there something on the website here at Battlefront that indicates what type of DVD is being used?

That's what I wondered. Is that "other gentleman" speaking from certain knowledge or is this just something he threw out to create a stir and blackguard BFC?


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No I think they are labeled, it should be obvious. I'm not sure whether I ever got a new-ish disk from BFC, IIRC I ordered online only lately.

Still, if you can't tell it's even more important that BFC says either way whether it's permanent media or DVD-R.

I believe Moon gave you your answer when he closed the old thread. He said that the media BFC uses hasn't been changed. I think the original poster indicated that a change was made to a DVD R format for Market Garden. Obviously no Market Garden discs have been delivered yet so .....?

Incidentally, I'm not sure I understand why you would immediately give some guy who posts a random comment like that with no obvious means of knowing one way or another instant credibility. At the same time Moon posts a comment indicating that no change has been made and you think that the burden is on Moon to provide more clarity to his statement rather than some guy who posts a random comment about something where it is questionable whether he would know one way or another. It seems like the burden of proof is on the poster in the thread you linked to rather than on BFC.

So Redwolf, why did you decide to rob that store at gunpoint last weekend? Is the burden of proof on you to deny the accusation that I just made out of whole cloth or is the burden on me to prove that my accusation has merit? It is a pretty common propaganda tactic in politics and with public figures. You toss something unfounded out for everyone to read and while some may dismiss it enough will start to wonder about its veracity that it leaves an impression. People then begin to associate negative things with the public figure and at some point, if done effectively enough, the lie becomes the truth.

Isn't it fascinating how this individual decided to make this accusation about Market Garden DVDs when pre orders are being made for hardgoods? By starting this thread and by continually bumping it, you are participating in perpetuating this accusation and sowing the seeds of doubt for those who are interested in pre ordering. Although perhaps you are innocently just curious - the fact that Moon has already given you the answer should be sufficient, especially in light of the credibility gap that exists with the individual who made the original post. Unless of course you doubt Moon's credibility or you have an agenda of some sort ....?

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No I think they are labeled, it should be obvious.

Yesterday I had both my FI and GL disks out for other reasons, and since this topic was in the air, I examined them to see what I could find out. FI is labeled simply DVD. GL is labeled DVD ROM. Now unless DVD ROM is the same as DVD-R (and frankly there are so many types these days, I haven't made the effort to keep up), the initial accusation would seem to be baseless.


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The problem with storing anything in "The Cloud" is that when the EMP burst happens or enterprising hackers bring down the system as they surely will one day, then we will be happy that we have hard copy DVD's. (Of course our computers won't work. But, at least we can hold the DVD's in our hands and imagine the wonderful games we had.)

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Yesterday I had both my FI and GL disks out for other reasons, and since this topic was in the air, I examined them to see what I could find out. FI is labeled simply DVD. GL is labeled DVD ROM. Now unless DVD ROM is the same as DVD-R (and frankly there are so many types these days, I haven't made the effort to keep up), the initial accusation would seem to be baseless.


That's useful data, thanks.

If the other thread hadn't been closed the OP would get notification and we could compare :) Will PM him.

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Hi. I am the OP of the thread that was closed that Redwolf is referring to.

To make a long story short, the appearance of my CMBN, CW, CMFI, and GL disks suggests that they were produced by a DVD-R and/or CD-R burner rather than a commercial stamping method. This would give them a limited shelf life as compared to a commercially produced CD audio or DVD Video disk. BFC is welcome to comment on the methods they use.

This doesn't need to become a "tempest in a teapot". Just be aware that DVD-R and CD-R media has a finite shelf life and make backups onto USB sticks and/or cloud drives.

I understand why BFC went this route. It is less expensive to burn DVD-R media. However, when you buy the physical media expecting it to last the rest of your lifetime, it would be nice to know the truth.


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To make a long story short, the appearance of my CMBN, CW, CMFI, and GL disks suggests that they were produced by a DVD-R and/or CD-R burner rather than a commercial stamping method.

Could you be more explicit? What precisely is it in their appearance that suggests to you that they are an inferior product?


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Hi. I am the OP of the thread that was closed that Redwolf is referring to.

To make a long story short, the appearance of my CMBN, CW, CMFI, and GL disks suggests that they were produced by a DVD-R and/or CD-R burner rather than a commercial stamping method.

So now it's all 4? Before it was just CMFI and GL. I have both CMBN and CW discs and they have every appearance of a commercially produced DVD. Michael has stated his CMFI and GL look like commercially produced DVDs and BF has commented that to do not use DVD-R.

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Could you be more explicit? What precisely is it in their appearance that suggests to you that they are an inferior product?


Hi Michael.

Take a look at the data side of the disks. Are yours purple? This suggests DVD-R media that was produced by a burning process VS a commercial pressing process, which is far more stable.

Again, easily remedied by saving to USB stick, cloud drive, or other options.

It wasn't my intention to cause a disturbance. Just be aware that the physical media you purchased probably has a shelf life of 10 years, give or take several years....all in my opinion, and experience, of course.

It's all just fluff, really. Those of us who purchase the physical media just want a "shelf trophy", in reality. Hate to see BFC "cheap out" on the trophy, however.

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So now it's all 4? Before it was just CMFI and GL. I have both CMBN and CW discs and they have every appearance of a commercially produced DVD. Michael has stated his CMFI and GL look like commercially produced DVDs and BF has commented that to do not use DVD-R.

Yes, it is all four. Do your disks have a purple tint? That is DVD-R media.

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In 10 years time you might not even have a computer (at all) or one that supports reading such a legacy medium...

And that's another thing. I used to have a massive collection of LPs. Most of them were destroyed in a fire seven years ago, but by that time I don't think I had played any of them for maybe half a dozen years, and before that, I had seldom played them since I started buying digital about a decade before that. Lately I have heard a rumor that music CDs may be on the way out, to be replaced by something else.

Since I started computing on a regular basis about 20 years ago, I have gone through at least a dozen operating systems and at pretty nearly every upgrade some app or other has become inoperable. The world is a changing place and nothing lasts forever...albeit visits from in-laws can seem like they do.



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Since I started computing on a regular basis about 20 years ago, I have gone through at least a dozen operating systems and at pretty nearly every upgrade some app or other has become inoperable. The world is a changing place and nothing lasts forever...albeit visits from in-laws can seem like they do.

Remember when Zip Drives were all the rage? They could hold a whopping 100mb! That format died quicker than hitchhiking possum.

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Sorry, I can no longer contain myself.

Thanks guys. At least I have chicken.

Leeroy Jenkins!!!!!

I have never watched an internet ad on youtube before today - but poo-pourri?


I actually thought this was the funny link you provided and then I saw the real deal. Not sure which is funnier.

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But why should I deprive the rest of the world of the superb and delicate aromas attendant to my gift to the toilet? That makes no sense at all. The rest of you, on the other hand, should maybe be looking into this product.



I thought the product was designed to emulate the odor of your ordure. Are you suggesting this is not so or they have simply failed?

seems the original link stopped working.


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