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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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That logjam with the tank column would never have happened if there were a “Follow” command working as I have it in mind. The following unit would have slowed down when the lead unit slowed keeping the set interval between the units rather than running into the rear of the lead unit then trying to go around.

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Yeah, a follow command would be nice, for several purposes. Imagine giving it to your tank hunters and having them follow an enemy tank?

However, I rushed a turn out yesterday and had the horrible realization that I never gave the orders I meant to give. That may be to my men's benefit. It was a BIG oops. But enough of my whinging excuses. I'll post the pix of the turn I recieved soon.

My concealed areas were not as concealed as I'd hoped for.


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However, I rushed a turn out yesterday and had the horrible realization that I never gave the orders I meant to give. That may be to my men's benefit.

My concealed areas were not as concealed as I'd hoped for.


Could be the pivotal point in the struggle ... the un ordered, over exposed Kill Mr Bil ... Attack ! Should be enjoyable.


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Yeah, I haven't looked at the next turn. I was in a bit of a rush. Heck, I'll expand on it now.

Bil and I are communicating. But nothing is being said that would affect the game. Other than his pleadings for me to accept his surrender, we're mostly talking about which beta build to use, and why. Both of us have experienced multiple issues which degrade our combat effectiveness. That's part of the beta process.

One issue, which Bil thought was particularly egregious, involved my AA tanks. When I post the turn's pictures, I'll show what I'm talking about. I recieved his email yesterday morning, literally minutes before being picked up to watch the NY Giants decide not to show up for their mauling by the Carolina Panthers. So, yeah, I had my eye on my cooler of beer, box of munchies, and the driveway outside. I quickly played through the turn, after having read his accompanying email, and I spotted something a bit different than what he spotted. (Again, fuller discussion, with pix, soon.) Anyway...I then cast my eye rapidly about other parts of the battle. I thought that I could delay sending a turn until after the football game, about 8 hours later, or just get on with it. I liked what else I saw, so clicked "Go" and sent the turn. About an hour and a half later, sitting in the parking lot tailgating, I realized I'd never gone back to the primary point of mine and Bil's focus. Gah. That was a galling oversight.

I usually follow that method: focus on my main point for the initial replay, then replay again, 2 or 3 times, looking at other areas. Then I create the orders for those areas. Instead, being happy with the rest of the battle, and being distracted by my time-crunch, I forgot about my primary focus. (After taking about 20 screenshots of it, my brain slipped into "enough of that place, you're done there...")

And all that would've been worthwhile if the Giants had decided to play football. Instead, they got a world-class 38-0 shellacking, and I made a horrible oversight. I will blame any in-game result on the Giants' offensive coaching.

C'est la guerre.

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Disaster!?!?! Why, old chap, this has been the plan all along. I've been pulling the mass of German armor against myself so that other forces could effect the breakout. I never expected to capture that city. Um, the crossroads: I never expected to capture those crossroads. Yeah, that's what I meant...

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Turn 36.00 to 35.00



This is PRIOR to my rushing out the door. That turn'll be posted later. For now, I'll focus on the good news. (No, I have not seen the next turn, even though it's sitting on my hard drive. No foreknowledge before any of my posts.)

You can see the rough sketch of how the battle is shaping. When/if he pull out, as I've drawn, that'll give me the opportunity in blue. My infantry in the woods will then support (and be supported by) the 3 tanks I have left, as I push past the Dunes.

But let's look more closely at my tanks as the turn progressed. I may not get that opportunity.


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Turn 36.00-35.00, cont.

My AA Tanks.

I'll let the pictures show you what occurred. It's bad enough...




As if that wasn't bad enough, a little while later as the drivers cursed one another about who has the right of way...



Lucky? Oh, yes. However, that balances with some bud luck. Of course, I'm sure there's somebody back in the peanut gallery thinking I should've scouted the route better. Pshaw to you. I'm more of an impressionistic commander. I paint in broad strokes.


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Turn 36.00 - 35.00, cont.

There's a small bit of action around the center. Near the windmill...


So, I may grab that piat and go a-hunting. If Bil evacuates, I'll attack. Surprised? ;)

Bil bombards a building:


And that is no doubt to cover this movement:


Ah, so I was right: Bil is going to attack me. Finally.

And one last, heart-warming scene, with which to close this update (because I'm sure it'll be the cold hand of fate I'll see dealing with my AA tanks shortly):


Ken out.

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A quick question, did you think the red route more likely than the orange route because there were more opportunities to edge hug that way? :)

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! ;)

No, that would make a lot more sense. He can control where he gets into the town, rather than rolling my defense up from beginning to end. Slice the snake, don't push at it face first. Plus, the terrain favors his longer range weapons. The drawback is that my entire defense can fire at once. That's countered by the fact that anyone of mine that shoots, gets hit by autocannon or HE fire. So, I've got to balance a defence which doesn't let him roll up anywhere, with a defence behind obstacles.

Next, the turn...

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Under, under! My arse it went under. :D Look at that right through the wheels of the second one. Come on that's not luck that's a bug. :eek:

Actually, that was the source of some discussion. Under replay, it looks even more complex. Damaged roadwheels have little effect on tank mobility. By damaged, I mean a hole or two in a wheel, not the wheel taken off.

Now, based on some EARLIER events, I'd say I'm due for a bit of "luck". :)

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Turn 35:00 to 34:00

I finally find some luck. BAD luck, that is...

Let's start with where we left off. Sure, we're all wondering about the AA tanks, but we left the Piat round arcing through the sky. Where it lands, no one knows. Okay, I know. Here, take a look:


Bil refuses to face the fight and flees!


It took a bit of work, but look how I've got ANOTHER piat team who can take a shot:


Skill and foresight, boys. Skill and foresight.


Not bad. One long, one short. I see where this is going...


Sheez. I mean, really? How many piat rounds have been fired at this guy? About 8 or 10? 2 hit. One was beautiful. The TC is dead. And still, they drive away...

Enough of that ugliness. Let's at least cast our eyes upon some goodness. Where'd I leave my AA tanks? Oh yes...

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35.00 to 34.00, cont.

My AA tanks.

Ah, there they are. Let's watch! (Bring some popcorn.)




Now, that's a classic. Really. Two with one shot. In an AAR.

Truth be told, I should thank Bil. Those two were like an albatross around my neck. "Ken, don't lose the AA tanks. Ken, be careful with the AA tanks. Ken, don't let the AA tanks be taken out." Bleedin' 'ell! Now I'm finally free of them. Feels great. Whew. What a relief. Finally, I can continue with my next plan... Give me a minute.

Seriously, that's bad. Not a disaster. Not yet. I'm still sitting on the objective, because I SAW it and I GRABBED it. Bil may be up on points. Maybe. Hell, anyone can brew up a British tank. They're made for it. Meanwhile, I've still got half the battle left to take scalps.


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Turn 35.00 to 34.00

The Hun reveals his character:


I mean, look at that! ^^^ Contrast that underhanded, despicable behavior with the high-minded behavior of my men:


Really. That tells it all, doesn't it? That's why we'll win.



Big picture hasn't changed much. Yes, I've taken one on the chin. But with a stiff upper lip, it's not so bad. I didn't expect much from the AA tanks. By the time I could get them to shoot at the halftracks, the passengers would've been unloaded. Shrug. I'm down to a stubby snouted CS tank. It looks like it has one of Churchill's cigar stubs as a weapon. And like his cigars, what it emits will surely drive Bil away in tears.

I still plan on attacking out of the Ardennes. I'll have to accept slightly higher losses in paras than I'd originally planned on. I'm okay with that. Ready, men?

Ken out.

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Now, that's a classic. Really. Two with one shot. In an AAR.

Well, at least this way, you will have plenty of witnesses to attest to how you blew it. That's good, isn't it?

Truth be told, I should thank Bil. Those two were like an albatross around my neck. "Ken, don't lose the AA tanks. Ken, be careful with the AA tanks. Ken, don't let the AA tanks be taken out." Bleedin' 'ell! Now I'm finally free of them. Feels great. Whew. What a relief. Finally, I can continue with my next plan... Give me a minute.

Seriously, that's bad. Not a disaster. Not yet. I'm still sitting on the objective, because I SAW it and I GRABBED it. Bil may be up on points. Maybe. Hell, anyone can brew up a British tank. They're made for it. Meanwhile, I've still got half the battle left to take scalps.

I think we can all learn a great lesson from this: When all else fails—and boys, here we are watching literally all else fail—you might as well be delusional too. After all, what have you got to lose?



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