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CMPzC Bulge '44 Crossroads Operation - Axis HQ

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Alright, I figured it out! By looking from the enemy's perspective...

Photo 1


Photo 2


Photo 3


Now my explanation:

There are 2 StuGs. The explosion which had me baffled was just in front of the lead StuG. Remember, I was thinking maybe a demo charge. But I didn't look from this angle and now I see it is an explosion from a round fired by the rear StuG (the HQ StuG). Nice to have such dead-eye panzer marksman BEHIND you, ehh? Sheesh. Mystery solved! I was starting to get worried, thinking maybe a spotting round for the apocalyptic HE deluge?

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Phil, these screenshots look much better with shadows, thanks for turning those on for me. ;)

I sometimes look at a turn too quickly, make a guess as to what caused such and such of an event.. and sometimes get it dramatically wrong.. its only on a second viewing that you sometimes discover the correct answer. So, it isn't just you.


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58:00 to 57:00

The 2 StuGs continue slowly to the bend in the forest road.

This is not the time for reluctance and hesitation gentlemen!


Something down the road!


Gunner! Vehicle target, fire!!


Reload HE! Fire!


The StuGs rolled right on by bazooka boy's jogging buddy, who was curled up examining the pine needles. The "rescue teams" should be on him in the next turn. I have a veritable storm front of troops moving through the forests all around the map.

OK, I promise to work on removing icons and words. How do you get that stupid "GAME PAUSED" thing out of there....?

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Here is a nice screenshot of that armored forward observer lining up the 8 ball in the corner pocket.

The smoke screens were working well to block HIS LOS to my infantry moving about.

But now it is blocking my LOS. But I did have LOS when I ordered the fire missions. We'll see.....

I have also moved several HMG teamss to the edge of the forest and hope to gain LOS to his 40mm AA guns with a goal to suppress the AA gun teams before they can detect and fire on my MG's.


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TURN 57:00 to 56:00

The mortars have stopped the smoke for now and the light wind from the north slowly carries the wispy chemical vapors across the battlefield. I take advantage of this to move some machine guns forward.



This turn also sees my 1st KIA. He was killed by PFC I.M.N. A$$hole's little group of birdwatchers. I had quicked them to the edge of the treeline to look out over a snowy field. Other teams stopped here and paused a while and then either hunted forward or quicked forward. You have to flush out the wild game I suppose.


But in the end, the game wardens were able to round up I.M.N. and his poacher buddies.


So, let me do some meth, I mean math. 150 man parachute infantry company. 12 40mm guns, that is 4 man crew and 2 ammo dudes each so 6 x12 = 72, 222 subtotal, how many M10's? 9 did I guess? what, 5 man crew? That is 45. But I did see an M8 or the non-37mm version...M20 with just the 50 cal. Hmmm, where did he get those? Oh well.

So, maybe 222 + 45 = 267 troops out there? 50% kill to end it, I gotta read those rules again...say 135 guys I gotta kill?

So far, kill count, maybe 10? 125 to go and the mortar missions should help with that.

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Turn 56:00-55:00

I encounter more joggers in the forest. Looks like he has a bazooka.


Here is the overall picture:

Tanks are marked with black T, Stugs with S, 81mm mortar/150mm arty with green circles.


I have suffered about 4 AFV's that have gone bogged and then finally immobilized....

That kubelwagen got bogged for a while so then the guys had to get out and push her out of the ditch.

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IIRC CM Bulge will start at 01 October 1944 and with modules, go to VE day. So, that means you can do west wall, Aachen, etc.

They will bring in the new art so when you select region as Belgium or Germany, the roadsigns and building choices will all change. Who knows what else we will get. Definitely you will finally see the Hetzer!

Think of this mod as a little appetizer.

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Turn 51:00 to 50:00

I lost 2 tanks over the last few turns to his M10 TD's no doubt.

They are on the east side and are black T with red x. Blue x means immobilized. 3 StuGs immobilized.

I saw a few tree bursts several turns back and then it stopped. Did he lose LOS or cease fire to call in a new mission? That takes time.

This snowy forest stuff is very nerve racking. Only the jungle could be worse I suppose. CM Guadalcanal would be cool to play...

In the west, I have bumped into some small team of his troops (or crew from the destroyed M20?) in the forests as my teams hunt forward. Either he plans on calling artillery in on his own pixel truppen or I may be starting to get inside his inner sanctuary.


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Turn 50:00 to 49:00

Dead-eye dan scored another kill against my panzer waffe.


Here is the overall status:


What am I trying to show in the above? Yellow spots are forest encounters with the enemy infantry or at least finally spotting some of them. Green TD's are the M10's. Green circles are my planned mortar and artillery missions. Any day now please!!!

I keep waiting for the hammer of doom to fall from the sky. Maybe in a few minutes it will burst like a giant zit.

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I am trying to make some Bulge '44 signs.

Here is my first try.


I named it "it-mile-sign7 [mainland]" and included the associated CMBN skeleton with the same number. Loaded both as a mod and restarted game. It showed up in the flavor objects as a new milestone, a new number 7 where there were only 6 before. I placed it and then tried to view it in 3D. The proper shape was there but it was all black.

File size and image dimensions look proper.


Anybody know what I did wrong?

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Turn 47:00 to 46:00

I finally get an armor kill. One of my StuGs hunted forward and nailed an M10.

It kept firing maybe 3 or 4 times and each time there were screams and red crosses.

Later as we pulled up, there were KIA enemy infantry around it.


The deluge is falling. The might of the arsenal of freedom pounds the Belgian trees and turns the soil. Maybe 5 of my men are killed by what must be 105's and maybe 155's.

Whoops. forgot to include what an entire company is doing.... Standby....


I am pumped up now baby! We are closing in on him and any kind of artillery trick will be difficult to pull off. My own artillery is just starting. His 40mm AA guns will be scarps? SCRAPS!!! of twisted metal in a few minutes.

His parachute infantry company probably would have been fairly spread out and whittled down by other duties he assigned it. Strip off an LMG here for watching some road, strip off a half-team there for weeding the colonel's yard.

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Turn 44:00 to 43:00

I am setting up for a hammer and anvil assault into his inner bastion.

From both sides! Sounds like an adult movie? ;)

I have the Skorzeny force wandering around in the south. If I could put my troops ON the tank as riders we'd be moving a bit faster!

His artillery seems to have shut down, which is omnious, awminous, onimnou....SCARY!!!

Whoops, I forgot to show where some of my StuGs are...


I just did a quick casualty count.

18 total KIA among the infantry.

6th Companie: 3 KIA from brushes with PFC A$$hole and friends up in the north-east corner.

5th Companie: 5 KIA from tank fire at 2 of their HMG teams down in the south-east and center.

9th Companie: 11 KIA, 5 from artillery and 6 from TD fire and some airborne ba$tard with a Thompson while just this past turn trying to push across the main road into their inner sanctuary.



His casualties?

Visible: 7 up north, 4 in the east, 1 down south, out west, maybe 2+2+1+5+5=15, total seen = 27 or so.

I have 150mm fire landing on at least some of his 40mm. One looks vacated! No droopy barrel yet...

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We just tasted the fury of the queen of battle. Definitely 155mm fire just ripped me a new hole. I had a tank knocked out! We'll see if I can pull back my mortar and ammo crew and an HMG. One surviving PzIV is reversing away.

Will he make it????

Stay tuned!

I will catch up with the AAR's tomorrow.

I see that little effer running around with that "foosball" helmet! We gonna smoke him like a turkey!. I really wish we could pick up enemy weapons just for the fun it would create. I want my dudes to grab a Thompson as a spoil of war.

I think BFC should change their tune on that issue.

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