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Operational Level Game Announcement

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kohlenklau- good responses and to the point.  It from what I can see already has better potential as you noted.  If we get it tied into CM, great.  If not it will still be something more useful than any out here now.  I know a few already chomping at the bit for KS to begin.

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Hey, for those keeping track, we made it to RPS: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/08/28/the-flare-path-more-from-the-web/


RCMP, just for you: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/combat-operations-overlord-game-group You appear to already be a member, so this link should take you right in.


Ok applied to the group thank you sir!

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Ahh yes the name...the name recently evolved to just CO, and you are not the only people to comment. I am inclined to stick with CO, BUT how about adding something after. Here are some thoughts... CO World at War (COWW), CO Battle Staff (COBS). I am open to suggestions....


Oh, and things look good for a rollout tomorrow of the Kickstarter campaign. September 1 was a convenient date to get things in order and launch...but I also chose it because of what occurred 76 years prior. I will make sure I post here when we go live. Please remember there are lots of ways to support the project other than just money. Please tell the world and help create a "buzz",  because the more enthusiasm the more momentum we build!

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The kickstarter is active!


Please swing by and make a donation if you evaluate this as a worthy venture!


Thank you for your consideration and please spread the word to any other war gaming websites out there. :D





Edited by kohlenklau
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We have $1145 right now and need 5 more guys at the $60 level to make our goal for the day!


That gets you the base game and 1 DLC pack and full voting access to help guide the game forward.


Lieutenant Tier Reward- previous rewards, plus a free copy of the base game. You will also have full voting access (unlike the Sergeant Tier which has limited voting) during initial game development.


For a relatively small amount of money you can be a part of this and get exclusive updates.


Be a part of this and make a dream come true.

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Yes, thanks to all of you who have contributed!! I saw this on another thread, but I figure I will mention it here. Remember that this is an all or nothing campaign...If we don't make the goal, then no one owes anything to the campaign, and the game gets nothing. If we make the goal, then the money all goes towards making the game, with the stretch goals of making the game better, then expanding the game! Ask ANYONE in software development how much $32,000 buys them....not much. This is a righteous deal to get a game of this complexity for that amount of money...and no, there is no illegal dealings going on...at least that I am going to talk publicly about. ;) 

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22 backers with $2140. Come on team. Go Go Go!




More personal editorial:


So, Orville and Wilbur have these plans to build a flying machine but need money. They decide to use kickstarter to raise the money for the wood and canvas and those old time caps they had to wear.


Some guy says, "I want to see the plane first..." 


The money is needed to build the plane dude!


Maybe not the best analogy but it is in response to some folks who seem to think we have this fired up beta version with graphics and sounds to show them.


Kickstarter has some risk. Please read up on it.


But Matt is a commissioned officer in the US Air Force. He is not some real estate scumball who will be in Mexico spending your donation on booze and broads.


He has already spent several thousand of his own money on this and volunteers have spent their own time uncompensated.


Now we need to escalate up to the paid workers with a contract of what they will do and performance specs. 


You want polished UI and graphics and advanced AI. Cha-ching. It costs money.


I am gonna go and sift through that older thread and track down any folks who WERE interested before and make sure they know we are live. People come and go in the forums.


We have hit some other websites as well. But I think the core of our support could be right here at the BFC forums. 


Anybody who can donate, thank you, please drop a post here if you donate so we can thank you.

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Is $60 the lowest pledge you can do to get the game? Seems confusing when $35 gets you 1 DLC??


Also a big mistake calling it a multiplayer game in the headline and not mention the single player mode until way down the page as many solo gamers will stop reading at the headline and so you'll loose backers..lots I expect.

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@Wodin   sorry, I misunderstood your question..too late to edit.


DLC would be priced lower than the base game so it is a reward to the lower tiers of donation.

So, you'd have to eventually buy the base game and then redeem your free DLC reward for $35 donation.


Just do the Major Tier for $250 and it solves the worry!

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RCMP and Ian, I am pleased to confirm what you say! There have been a number of people who have bumped up their pledge!  :D We need to continue to help convince and turn some of the doubting Thomases out there.


Just letting everyone know we are busy behind the scenes addressing feedback, and correcting incorrect assumptions. We are in the process of producing a small video AND provide some better graphics to showcase.


I will also post this here as well. Asid at Dogs of War vu has been kind enough to let us migrate our google forum over to his forum. I will support both and eventually fade away from Google. So we can start to migrate over there at http://dogsofwarvu.com/forum/index.php . You will need to register, but it is set up.

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