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*slap slap* I challenge you to a due... er pbem! *slap slap*

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Out of pity for a newbie I might accept this challenge. Now, what's at stake??

"Honour" is insufficient in present company.

psh newbie? my join date is a month earlier than yours n00b! what kinda wager you have in mind?

Vanir - Schultzie is MIA at the moment.. =/

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Boo Radley,

If you happen to have a time machine, we can Fast Forward to this epic of AAR wordsmithery. A truly original idea! I had a terrible time with all that pentameter, hexameter, iambic, trochaic stuff, eclipsed only by the unbelievably turgid Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy.

Michael Emrys,

Fear not, for the modern pedagogical solution is at hand! Behold! The iambic pentameter vid tutorial! Where was this approach when I needed it?


John Kettler

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...eclipsed only by the unbelievably turgid Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy.

Turgid is right. I had that as a reading assignment in high school. I don't think I was able to get through more than a quarter of it before my brain congealed and I fell into a coma. But that was not anywhere as bad as Titus Groan, which has to be a thousand times worse than Vogon poetry even.


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Phhhhaaaaaaw! You kids have it far too easy today! Back in MY day, when I was just a lowly serf in the Peng Challenge Thread (I shed a tear in remembrance), we wrote our AARs in Homeric prose, with a Roget's open on our laps and a Bartlett's open at our sides, going through first, second and third drafts before we EVEN considered posting AND WE LIKED IT THAT WAY!

But you kids with your iPods and your virtual pets and your Greenpeace and your legwarmers have it far too easy!

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Michael Emrys,

I think I may have PTSD as a result of this one word. Reddleman!

Boo (Whose boo are you?),

Pretty funny, but I was one of those kids doing "duck and cover drills," as an adult, thought pet rocks were insane, save from a marketing genius standpoint, and virtual pets even worse. If you keep mentioning real books, some here may push to have you institutionalized. Still, not as bad as quoting random incunabula!


John Kettler

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Michael Emrys,

No! It was the endless pratting on in that much detested novel about that stupid reddleman. The guy who went around marking sheep with red ochre. Talk about a subject of zero interest to me! I got to the point where that word made me want to scream. How I loathed that mandatory book. Still do. Nor, I suppose, did it help our English teacher came to us from a girls' boarding school and used to commence our very mixed gender class with "Now, girls..."

Shakespeare (even if he was but a "beard"), I got. Return of the Native? Give me Beowulf, the Autobiography of Samuel Pepys or the Domesday Book. Anything but that wretched torment of innocent English Lit students!


John Kettler

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You could practically hear male teeth grinding at every class start. Her practice was annoying, rude and would now be considered sexist to boot!

Maybe instead of rehashing old traumas I should figure out my next CMBN clash vs the so far mighty AI. Based on what's happening to GreenAsJade in his GL AAR, I've pretty much decided that playing QBs isn't the world's best idea for me once I finally figure out what I'm doing. I think the better approach may be H2H on scenarios neither of the gamers has played before.


John Kettler

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