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AXIS : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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The Forty Seventh Minute


This turn starts with what looks like an HMG team repositioning along the backside of Tame.


But this is why I have my panzers in an overwatch position.


GaJ is definitely planning something.. in addition to firing smoke in front of my panzer section he is moving his SPAA and (now confirmed) M10 into postions. Unfortunately for him I had units that watched their movement practically the entire way.

Also I knew those two vehicles were on that side of Tame, which is why I have been very careful to use the buildings as a mask.


GaJ's mortar is still alive it seems and is now setup. This is the unit that placed smoke in front of my panzers. That's okay I was planning on moving them next turn anyway.


Right Flank

Well, it appears that I misread the intention that GaJ had for that M10 in the center... it is not facing my right, instead is oriented towards perhaps a potential 1st platoon crossing of the road.

My Jpz-IV picks him up right at the end of the turn... I have a feeling GaJ is not going to be very happy next turn if I can hit him. Note that the M10 is buttoned.


My Pioneer's are still driving for their assault position... this drive is taking them a very long time. The lead squad has passed Hill 153 and is on its way towards Hill 172.

I am worried about 1st platoon.. this platoon has taken most of the infantry casualties and is down to around one squad of effectives left on the ground.

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Good stuff, Bil...while I don't know the exact distance from your JagdPzIV to that buttoned M10, that seems like a rather amazing spot...no?

I was amazed he saw him... but remember the Jpz-IV also saw this M10 moving last turn. It is at 748 meters, so actually pretty close as far as anti-tank action goes.

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Thought I would share one more image.. this is the Pioneer Platoon advancing on Hill 153.

Note how they are hugging the edge of the slope, an enemy would have to be right on top of them to see them.. I have no doubt GaJ can probably hear them, but does he know where they are going?

The lead squad can be seen clearly moving on to Hill 172.

The scout high up the hill has yet to see or be seen (as far as I can tell) by any enemy units.


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Well, loke like allied side has price penalty shem it comes to that.

Here is what I would purchase (or something similar) if I was defending on this map:

Total to spend: 3326

--x1 string of 10 anti-tank mines

--x2 sets of TRPs @5 each (total 10 TRP)

--x2 Medium tank Platoons (M4) @ 4 tanks each

--Engineer Company (-)

----@ 2 Platoons (every squad with a bazooka)

--x7 Scout teams

--x7 Medium Mortars (on map)

I feel confident I could defend fairly well with this purchase, it is combined arms, is flexible, can carry a punch to break up enemy infantry concentrations, can neutralize enemy armor (if engaged on my terms).

So I fail to buy that the point differential is the reason that the game is turning out as badly as it is for GaJ.


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Bil - with that force mix, how would you plan on coping with the Elephant and Jpz IV? I suppose the Shermans could take it on, but it would be a tough nut to crack, especially if paired up smart with the MkIVs. The Elephant, if played right by the German side should make life very, very hard for the Shermans. Your mortars will be effective on the Pzgr but not the armor. How about a pair of Priests? HEAT rounds would work on all the German armor if you could ambush them, and 105mm in direct/indirect with TRPs should be fun against all the rest. No more of a challenge to keep alive than the M-10s.

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Scott, regarding the Elefant. I would handle it by avoidance and then wait for my opponent to get frustrated and careless with it. ;)

A couple of Priets would be interesting for sure. The mortars would be effective on the armor as well for obscuration. Actually that's one thing I really like about the Sherman's by the way, their smoke load.

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Note that the M10 is buttoned.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make em drink. There was a side discussion on the other thread regarding the poor M10 spotting when buttoned. Looks like GaJ will learn this again the hard way.

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You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make em drink. There was a side discussion on the other thread regarding the poor M10 spotting when buttoned. Looks like GaJ will learn this again the hard way.

I take this back. He is remembering to open them. Sometimes we are all at the mercy of the AI’s decisions whether it make a good, or bad choice on it’s own.

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Vinnart, isn't this a bit too much of a info revealed?

I don’t think I am giving away anything important. Bil knows it is buttoned. The M10 has always seemed very skittish buttoning at the slightest thing on it’s own. It could be even from a stray bullet. I think I even cut a fart one time, and it chose to button :). I just wanted to clarify GaJ has learned about the M10, and the importance of keeping it open whenever possible. My original comment sounded like he is not learning this fact repeating mistakes over again. I just wanted to make it clear that he has learned about M10 spotting differences between buttoned/unbuttoned.

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Hister, I think you are misunderstanding my entire commentary. If I had tipped either player off of an intention, or movement that would be revealing things that would have impact on the battle that would be wrong. I would never do that. Part of these AAR’s incorporate learning by getting more understanding of the unit’s capabilities. Players learning these subtleties do not break OPSEC. I think Bil, as much as anyone would like to see GaJ come out of the game learning how to play the game better by understanding the unit’s capabilities more, especially since GaJ is the less experienced player. I have been in games, and seen my opponent making the same mistakes over and over using units, and told them what they are doing wrong so they become a more learned player regarding understanding the units capabilities. If I were playing GaJ, and seen him losing all his M10’s due to the simple fact that he was not unbuttoning them I would tell him to try unbuttoning because perhaps he did not know that fact in using it. This is much different than revealing plans, tactics, or stuff about a unit’s condition that the other player would not know. I hope all know where I am coming from. There is no OPSEC broken here.

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I think you are misunderstanding as well JonS.

Big deal GaJ, as well as others learned the fact many already know that the M10 spots poorly when buttoned. This is a not top-secret stuff guys. It is just a fact of the unit, one still needs to use it right tacitly to make a difference. I've said nothing regarding tactics; Gaj's positions ect... This is my last post on the matter as it is very petty, and full of paranoia.

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