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DAR Kampfgruppe Engel (Mission 2) Warning Spoiler alert!

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The time is 16:45 16th August 1944

Mission: Capture le Bourg-St-Leonard

1) Capture and hold the northern and western highway approaches to the town.

2) Capture and hold the town square, town hall and market

3) Repel any American counter attacks.


Weather Clear

Temp Hot

Ground Condition Dry

Wind Medium from East

Skill Level Iron

Forces available Kampfgruppe Engel comprising:

1st Zug Panzer Grenadiers 2 Pz Div

2nd Zug Panzer Grenadiers 2 Pz Div

4th Zug Heavy Weapons section (mortars/HMG's) 2 Pz Div

5th Zug pioneer section 38Pz Div

1 battery 215mm heavy Nebelwerfers 8Werfer Regt

1 battery 105mm guns 74 Pz Artillerie Regt

1 FO section 74Pz Artillerie Regt

2 Pz II tanks

1 Pz VA (Late) tank (Panther)

2 SPW 251/9 Stummels

1 PAK 40

Enemy Forces:

Estimated to be from the 359th Regt of the 90th Infantry Div plus tanks from 712th Tank Battalion. Based on Intelligence reports we believe these units to have low quality and morale.


I am in command of Kampgruppe Engel. A hastily put together force tasked with capturing the town of Bourg-St-Leonard. I have confidence in my troops as most are seasoned veterans. However the anti-armour capability of my small force is very low and is somewhat of a concern. KG Engel gained their objectives quickly in the first mission with very few casualties but unfortunately both Pz IV's were knocked out in an enemy ambush. The KG has been reinforced with a couple of Stummels, which will be useful for blasting troops out of buildings but they are not exactly tank killers. If the Americans show up with tanks in numbers then the whole mission could be in serious jeopardy. It will be crucial to try and find a good position for the PAK 40 and a lot is riding on the shoulders of Lt. Ober who is in command of the lone Panther tank. He and his crew have been together since '43 and have seen extensive action on the Eastern Front, where he was awarded the Iron Cross. The whole force only has one Panzer-schreck with two rounds and one Pz-faust(30)

I have decided to launch all my Nebelwerfer rockets on the town and approaches on Game Turn One with the hope of disrupting enemy communications and neutralising any American troops who may already occupy the town.

Plan of attack


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I'm very interested in seeing what you will make out of this!

I've been playing the campaign a couple of weeks ago.

Your guys are pretty thinned out as far as I can see. I fortunately lost only one PzIV in the first mission to immobilization.



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Gaunt faced German combat engineers wait in the churchyard for the order to advance.


2nd Zug Gruppe


1st Zug Gruppe


The church-tower gives an excellent view of the battlefield. I have my Forward observers and KG Engel HQ here.


4th Zug mortar positions with a good view down the main road.


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Good luck, mate, I think you'll need some :).

BTW, probably a question that needn't be asked, but since you have three halftracks, are you sure you checked all of them for extra panzerfausts?

Oops forgot about that! No fausts in the Stummels but one extra in the Hanomag towing the ATG. Cheers!

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You're fortunate to be taking on the AI. That tower would be Target No.1 against a human player.

Yes, I was thinking that! I usually play H2H and if I were playing as the US the first thing I would is throw a few 75mm shells at that tower. I am relying on the fact that the AI doesn't have enough nous to do that.

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2nd Zug scouts head out to check the wood on the right and bocage line on the left. All other troops ordered to hold positions and check for enemy units


An enemy ATG is spotted in the town square with line of fire right down the main road. Mortar section engages with direct fire.



...but the shot falls short.


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Not too much happening yet. Scouts sent out to both flanks and in the centre to try and draw enemy fire and reveal enemy positions. They succeed. Advance US elements discovered in numerous locations in front of the town. Under enemy fire but no casualties as yet.

Pioneer scouts draw enemy fire from numerous directions


A combination of rockets and mortars take out the menacing looking AT gun in the square. I may be able to advance the armoured column down the road now.


A routed AT gunner heads towards oblivion


The Nebelwherfer bombardment continues on the town


My FO's in the church tower spot a Stuart lurking in the town on the right flank. So far it has escaped the rocket attack. Apart from an armoured car on the left it is the only armour I have seen so far.


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So far my troops have been under orders to hold fire. I order the pioneers to engage enemy behind the hedge at their two o'clock position and return fire. They do so with enthusiasm and we see at least one American drop.




Sappers blow a hole in the bocage on my left flank so that I can advance to the next bocage line without coming under fire from enemy scouts at two o'clock, due to the sloping terrain.



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HMG team attached to pioneer section moves up from the church to take up positions behind the bocage.


Now that the edge of Geoffern Forest is secured it's time to move some armour up.


A view from the American lines. 2nd Zug gruppe will move along edge of Geoffern Forest to try and flank and neutralise enemy scout units in foreground.


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I'm just about to begin the 8th and final mission of this campaign. In the 7th mission I got a Draw, but exited almost all of my complete force. I lost two Pz IVs and a Lynx -- my only tank losses in the 7th mission.

The 8th mission has me surrounded on a hill and trapped.

Is there any way in this campaign for Engel to break out to friendly lines and win?

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I'm just about to begin the 8th and final mission of this campaign. In the 7th mission I got a Draw, but exited almost all of my complete force. I lost two Pz IVs and a Lynx -- my only tank losses in the 7th mission.

The 8th mission has me surrounded on a hill and trapped.

Is there any way in this campaign for Engel to break out to friendly lines and win?

Been a while since I played it so I don't recall specifics, but the short answer is "yes". I managed victory. Requires patience and finesse, but it can be done.


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Not too much happening. Still moving into positions. Pioneer section has got into a fire fight with numerous enemy units in the next field. I take my first casualty. Rushed an HMG team forward. They are deploying at the moment, should give good fire support. 2nd Zug moving along the edge of the wood without any problems. Ober's Panther advances. Rocket attack continues on the town

HMG team deploys MG42 to give covering fire across the field


Ober's Panther takes up a new position


Here's where we are after 5 minutes.


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The Nebelwherfer attack on the town is deafening! It looks like I may have hit something interesting in the town, judging by that plume of black smoke that's rising.


In the centre, the sappers sprint to the hedge line. They come under fire from the building in the centre background. Sniper is tasked with taking care of it and the enemy fire ceases, temporarily.


2nd Zug gruppe's advance continues on the right flank without difficulty. They have nearly skirted the wood and are preparing to swing round and advance toward the town.


1st Zug gruppe makes good progress on the left, advancing troops in numbers to the far bocage line. The Pz II advances. Was ordered to go through the hole in the bocage but decided to go round it! Just as well that ATG with LOF down the main road was previously destroyed.


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Sappers in the centre come under fire from enemy units in positions across the field. Finally manage to get the HMG42 set up after being pinned down. It opens up sending a hail of bullets into the hedge line.


An infantry squad and the Pz II over on the right flank also open fire on enemy positions behind the bocage.



The hail of bullets is too much for them and they are seen running away


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