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Gustav Line QB AAR - Allied

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Bil, don't worry about having to put on a show in regard to boredom. Play as you normally would without the whole world watching ;). Patience can definitely pay off as I’m sure you know. The best is if the other guy does not have it to be used to mess with him psychologically. The guys are lucky they weren’t watching me on Niscemi Highway on the attack. I would have put them to sleep. I spent at least 2/3 of time developing with little action till I mass assaulted the monastery toward the end.

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Bil, don't worry about having to put on a show in regard to boredom. Play as you normally would without the whole world watching ;).

Yeah, don't let it bother you. Just think of it as being in bed with your lady and there are two or three hundred other guys in the room watching and rating your every move.



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The Eighth Turn

The only action this turn was from my Sherman spraying some MG lovin' at the contact identified last turn. GaJ's team quickly went to ground.


I am most worried on my left, of GaJ bringing something anti-armor over the saddle directly to my front.. to counter this eventuality I am pulling the HQ tank over to the right some to cover both the saddle and the slope in front of GaJ's team. If he means to come this way then he will have a fight on his hands with two Shermans covering the saddlle and all three covering the slope.

Also on the left, 1 Cruiser is almost in position as is the Bren team from my forward squad. I am also going to ferry over an HMG team on a truck and shore up this side's defense. For some reason this flank worries me more than the left... or the center for that matter. Probably because of the very short distances (250-350 meters) and thus short warning time I will have of anything he intends to spring on me.


Speaking of the center. it is still proving free of enemy troops. I hope that continues to be the case as I have something up my sleeve if it does... my squad continues to push ever deeper and by the end of next turn I should have eyes on most of the center valley.


On my right I now have three weapon systems overwatching (two Stuarts and the HMG team) as the squad in that sector starts to drive into the valleys.


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The Ninth Minute

I'll take it.. first blood to me.


Nothing else showed itself on my left.

Maybe I was wrong.. maybe GaJ's main effort is coming on my right... or maybe these new contacts are only because this flank is more open. My HMG team seems to be in a very good position from which to interdict GaJ's movement in this sector. Based on the direction this guy was crawling GaJ might have a sound contact on my Stuarts.. looked like he was trying to get eyes on their ridge.

Who is this guy trying to sneak past, eh?


My other HMG team also has a few new contacts in the center.. but this might be the flank guard for GaJ's left flank force. Seems odd that I have seen nothing else in the center.


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The Tenth Turn

On my right, this man's slow crawl could only end one way...


On my left there is one more contact, but no activity. Using the terrain as much as possible I am moving a team down into the valley to see what kind of reaction I can get from GaJ


I wonder if he is being indecisive at all right now.. I have all avenues covered by fire.. it looks like he has heavy activity on my right (his left) with light activity on my left.. but his units on my left do seem keen to keep an eye on my tanks.. I might have to shuffle them around a bit from time to time to keep him guessing.

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The Eleventh Turn

It is very quiet.. very little activity from GaJ's side. I think it is coming to the point where I need to make something happen.. I have something in the works right now that I don't want to share yet.. I'd like it to be a surprise :D

In the center my HMG has chased the enemy scout team off the ridge.. so now I can maneuver my recce squad again and drive deeper into the center.


Here is the current intel situation in the center and right.. the contact at the top middle of this image is the team that was chased back behind the ridge by my HMG.


GaJ's forces have to be somewhere.. with the recon activity I have seen on the left across from my Shermans and on the right facing my Stuarts along with the dearth of activity in the center I believe GaJ has split his command up into two halves. I know he has armor.. but how much? And where could it be? He is being awful careful with it as I have had no clue to it's location.. however I know it must be behind a ridge somewhere... maybe he split that up too and both forces have armor components. I need to find out. That is what is behind the move I am planning.

The first part of that is to re-position one of my Stuarts... my HMG on the right has great visibility over all of the heights and some of the low ares on this flank, however there is one area they cannot see into.. this are is of interest because if the contacts I have so far on my right are flank scouting teams then this should be the location of his main body on this flank...

So I am moving a Stuart over to take up a hull down position looking into this area of interest:


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Awful quiet in here.. either I'm doing alright or I'm so off base with this battle that everyone is snickering about it in the peanut gallery thread. ;)

The peanut gallery is probably soaking up many of the "why don't you...?" kind of posts :) Though with the tempo so far being hitch-step (not a criticism - I doubt I'd have advanced so far in the time elapsed...), I suspect lots of us are just waiting for a shoe to drop

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...I suspect lots of us are just waiting for a shoe to drop

Yeah, there is a palpable feeling of impending violence in the air, like one of those cheap horror movies where you know the unspeakable monster has to be lurking behind the door that the heroine is about to step through. Only, who is the monster and who is the heroine is not so easy to make out here.



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Peanut gallery's now past 7 pages. Lots of chatting. It seems rather cruel that the opponents are out of the conversation. I don't think we considered that!

They can always come back after the game is over and read what was being said at the time. Mostly that should serve to reveal how foolishly presumptuous the peanuts were.



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The Twelfth Minute

On my left one of my Shermans gets another recon team in its sights...


With these results...


Keep sending them over GaJ.

My center Sherman has been in position for way too long.. time to re-position it.


In the center it appears like my lead team was fired on by either a PzShrek or a small mortar... I believe it must have come from the ridge I have outlined in red... hard to tell.. I need to investigate.


Towards the end of the turn 2 Platoon's HQ (HQ unit for the squad reconing the center) spotted this enemy HQ unit on the saddle. Calling for artillery perhaps? Well I'll send a 75 his way as a form a greeting.


On my right a few new UI contacts popped up... so he is on the move on this flank, strangely moving over the hills still... he'd be better served to use the valleys that encircle those ridges.. unless he is intent on gaining one of the heights.

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