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Miniature Gamer's Questions

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First off, this game looks amazing.

The one minute turns should be perfect for me.

In miniatures you buy and paint your army, and then take on all comers.

How much can you adjust a battle? Nationalities, size of game, picking a map, defining objectives, etc.

The multiplayer games: Can these games be modified as requested above?

I'm used to picking my own nationality and forces based on a predetermined point limit.

How close can I get this game to the type of game I'm used to?

My Flames of War Canadians did quite well.


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Basically you can play pre-made scenarios or quick battles which use pre-made maps, but you can buy units when the the game starts.

Maps can be fully made in scenario editor. You can decide dimensions, elevations and the content of each 8x8 meter map tile. The same with units used in scenarios - fully selectable. And objectives, reinforcements and so on.

Multiplayer is possible only against one opponent.

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On the topic of painting, it depends on your skill level. If you're *crazy enough* you can redo every piece of 2-D art from scratch, make reskinning Shermans your primary hobby instead of actually playing the game. CMBN costs about the same as one Tamiya plastic kit and gives you pretty much the whole western front to tinker with. ...depending on your skill level. :)

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Welcome aboard!

I, too, came into CM (starting with the CMBO Beta Demo) from the worlds of miniatures and tactical wargaming, with the miniatures being MicroArmourâ„¢ and the rules Tractics. Was positively enchanted when my virtual 3-D StuG's traversed their cannon to engage those pesky Shermans! I think you'll love what you can do in CMBN but may be driven mad by what you're used to doing in FoW, but can't do or don't have here. I've spent some time over on the FoW site looking at all the juicy unit breakdowns, camouflage and markings, but have no experience with the game itself.

In CMBN, you're not moving stands, but individual AFVs, vehicles, guns and infantry, though there are group commands. Compared to what you're used to, this is a completely different way of gaming, not just because it's on a computer, either. LOS (Line Of Sight) and LOF (Line Of Fire) are far more complex, as is terrain.

Managing traffic is very important. If you're used to having your armor practically tread to tread in FoW, as seen in some of the cool Russian Front battles I've seen played there and on Fathers Who Game, indirect fire will massacre you--if direct fire doesn't get you first! Bunch up and die. A single burning, sometimes exploding, AFV on the road is more than enough to turn all trying to get past it into sitting, soon to be destroyed and ablaze, ducks.

Within the limits of the core game and any modules you might have, you may freely select available forces (time and or rarity driven) for the scenario you make and/or for QBs (Quick Battles). Be aware, though, that if playing against others or in designing, be sure to specify both patches and upgrades, so compatibility issues don't arise. The most recent patch is 1.11, with the latest upgrade being 2.0. Both change baseline behavior of the game, the upgrade considerably, to include new commands and new units. Also, some toys, such as American ground launched rockets, are underpriced and will likely be deemed gamey. It's important for you and your human foe to negotiate house rules on this and other matters.

Speaking from the perspective of someone who's himself still on CMBN training wheels, you're in for quite the ride. Something important to know for your gaming pleasure is that the number of soldier icons attached to a scenario shows you how big it is. I had to quit a few scenarios because I blithely assumed the list was in order of increasing difficulty. Wrong. It's alphabetical. So, save yourself the grief some of us underwent and pick scenarios with one or two soldier icons in them. You'll be glad you did!


John Kettler

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I erred. Before CMBO, I played Panzer Elite quite a bit and was on the PEDG (Panzer Elite Development Group). So there I was, minding my own business, when I noticed an animated banner with all this cool Axis armor roaring across the screen...I've been a mostly happy (they keep changing the formula and the dose) addict ever since. I also had a brief outing with some sprite based 2-D wargame of roughly the same scale as CMBO. CMBO, though, was revolutionary--on a bunch of counts. BFC's got the ever growing collection of trophies and awards for CMBO and its successors to prove it.


John Kettler

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You are missing out on a treat, my friend. Human opponents are so much less predictable than the AI.

To each his own, since CMBB I have played 90% against the AI, maybe more. I prefer it that way as I can't dedicate myself to just CM time wise. I like to come and go as I please, finish a scenario or campaign weeks, months or years later... maybe. That kind of thing. For example, a few days ago I just finished turn 32 of a CMBB scenario called Kursk-Turning Point. I started this scenario sometime back in 2008. I tend to jump around to different theatre's, scenario's and op's to get my CM fix. One of the reasons I have ops and scenarios still not completed, but will have eventually.

Playing a human is fun and challenging though. :)

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