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Being Superior to Peng is No Challenge

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And in other news, Stuka's troops continue to yell and fall down and emit these small, red, glowing crosses.

And that road between the hedgerows isn't just painted Feldgrau, Sparky. You've got plenty of "Dear Frau Schmidt, I screwed up again" letters to write haven't you?

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Is this thing on?

Excuse me for being a bit woobly on my feet late on a friday night with a few beers under me belt. I used to be known as ozi_digger back in the day as a lad. That was when I used to play pbem with such greats as Seanachi (is he still alive?, god I hope so, this is the Peng thread afterall, I can be irreverent) and JonS (get that Crete disk in the mail?). I've shared private correspondence with Steve (do ya want some cam uniforms?) and argued with Emrys (HMGMA # CAN-1-10215-07).

Well this CMBN thing is a doddle. Can't understand why I put it off so long to learn it.

Well... it is a challenge thread after all... so take advantage of my Green status while you can. Who wants a piece of me?

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Who'd want any part of you? Yuck!


Ooh, squeal like a girl! Sounds like the time you put your kilt on backwards during dress ups in front of the mirror.

Who didn't close the front door? We've got another stray in the living room. If it fouls the carpet I'm gonna rub Emrys nose in it.

Bit like closing the gate after the horse has bolted.

When did this thread become so uncivilised ? I can get more hospitality from a pashtun with a smoking AK on a thursday night.

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I can get more hospitality from a pashtun with a smoking AK on a thursday night.

And this surprises you for some reason? Are you sure you're in the right place? Take one too many shots to the head running with the rest of the football hooligans?

A mind is a horrible thing to waste, but with you we'll make an exception.


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When did this thread become so uncivilised ?

Become uncivilized? Gee, your Alzheimer's is more advanced than I suspected.

I can get more hospitality from a pashtun with a smoking AK on a thursday night.

Then clearly that's where you ought to be, don't you think? Oh, and try to pick a pashtun who's a good shot. And be sure to shout something like "Allah is a weeny!" as soon as you see him.


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