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New VAAR: At All Costs

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You may remember my last VAAR, Darkest Before the Dawn. That one was an armor only battle. This new movie is a very small infantry only battle. I play as the Germans against a buddy of mine as the American attacker. I think this new video is much improved over my last one, having learned a few iMovie tricks since last time. The movie is available in 720p resolution, which I highly recommend to see the best detail.



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1) Artillery/mortars seem to have been the principal killers, as per real life.

2) These two opposing forces of pixeltruppen seem to have been particularly well motivated. Historically, I would have expected the morale of both sides to have started wobbling at 25 to 30% casualty levels. However the Americans were still in the fight at 75% and the Germans until they were almost completely wiped out. What was the experience level of the forces involved, and what were their leadership ratings?

3) The first side to reinforce would have certainly carried the day. Remember that in real-life the Germans were very good indeed at counter-attacking...

Perhaps a German counterattack vs American attempts to consolidate would be a good subject for the sequel.

I enjoyed this.


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1) Artillery/mortars seem to have been the principal killers, as per real life.

Understatement of the year. :D

2) These two opposing forces of pixeltruppen seem to have been particularly well motivated. Historically, I would have expected the morale of both sides to have started wobbling at 25 to 30% casualty levels. However the Americans were still in the fight at 75% and the Germans until they were almost completely wiped out. What was the experience level of the forces involved, and what were their leadership ratings?

The Americans were veteran and crack (my opponent rarely buys anything less than Vet). The Germans were ALL regular, fit, normal motivation. I simply didn't have enough points to spend to buy anything better, but I made sure that I didn't get stuck with anyone unmotivated or green.

I'm pretty sure having lots of crack units sealed the deal for the Americans, since they rarely fled (most withdrawals were ordered, not panicked men fleeing) and could pick off my men at a distance. I should have known when I lost a squad commander within the first 30 seconds of the match that I was in trouble.

3) The first side to reinforce would have certainly carried the day. Remember that in real-life the Germans were very good indeed at counter-attacking...

If I had not counter-attacked in the bocage, I think I could have pulled off a win - or at least made my opponent pay an even higher price for victory. Losing those two squads was really the end for me. If I'd held fast where I was and covered that lane I could have forced the Americans to either attack across it into MG fire or try to go around, at which point they would have been exposed in the road or the big field.

However, as long as my opponent still had operational mortars it was risky to stay where I was. In direct fire, they are SO deadly. You get very little warning and they rarely miss by more than 20 meters or so.

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How come the US initially spotted the Germans, who were stationary in cover, twice?

I really wish I knew the answer to that. The Germans were behind what is probably the best concealment in the entire game (tall, thick hedgerow). They weren't moving, they weren't firing, had a short cover arc, etc. Not only that, but they were in their initial deployment spots too. And still the Americans spotted multiple squads. I have no idea what I could have done to prevent my men from being spotted other than putting them on Hide, which would be disastrous since they cannot see approaching units.

I could see them being spotted if they were moving around, deploying weapons, etc. But when they're spotted from that far away while being totally still... it doesn't sit well with me.

Another other thing that really confuses me is what happened with the wooden bunker. Firstly, my MG42 gunner never fired a single round. Secondly, the bunker itself seemed to burst into flame for no discernible reason. At first I was sure that it had been hit by a 60mm mortar. But after rewatching the replay from both sides multiple times, that doesn't appear to be the case. There were no bazooka men anywhere nearby (and I didn't hear the telltale whoosh), and I also checked for rifle grenades being fired by the Americans. Didn't see any of those either (nor a change in rifle grenade inventory for any of the squads). One thing that I did notice is that the bunker was shown as Knocked Out well before it caught on fire. Even though it was knocked out, the men occupying it didn't move, didn't flee, nothing. Very strange behavior all around.

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I could see them being spotted if they were moving around, deploying weapons, etc. But when they're spotted from that far away while being totally still... it doesn't sit well with me.

Next time try Hiding the bulk of your men and leave the spotting to a handful of teams.

O/T Question on cover arcs: if a unit is Hiding with a cover arc will it spring to life if the arc is broached by the enemy and there's another unit adjacent to it doing the spotting?

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I'm also highly suspicious of the accuracy of the US return fire (or is that due to the troop quality) and orbital bombardment platform (formerly Known as the 60mm mortar). I'd have thought one German HMG, covering the gap, would have sealed the deal, given your opponent seemed to be using Napoleonic tactics in the initial advance, holy target density, Fledermausman!

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And still the Americans spotted multiple squads. I have no idea what I could have done to prevent my men from being spotted other than putting them on Hide, which would be disastrous since they cannot see approaching units.

I could see them being spotted if they were moving around, deploying weapons, etc. But when they're spotted from that far away while being totally still... it doesn't sit well with me.

I expect this has to do with Crack level of the Americans. Not the amount of crack they are carrying or their seniority level in the refrigerator repairman/plumbers union, I meant their experience. :D

One thing that I did notice is that the bunker was shown as Knocked Out well before it caught on fire. Even though it was knocked out, the men occupying it didn't move, didn't flee, nothing. Very strange behavior all around.

Was this PBEM? If so that behavior in the bunker is a known issue. Those guys will never leave. You can't even order them to leave when they are still in good order and have never seen an enemy.

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I expect this has to do with Crack level of the Americans. Not the amount of crack they are carrying or their seniority level in the refrigerator repairman/plumbers union, I meant their experience. :D

I figured that crack units would be great shots, but I didn't anticipate them having the eyes of a hawk!

Was this PBEM? If so that behavior in the bunker is a known issue. Those guys will never leave. You can't even order them to leave when they are still in good order and have never seen an enemy.

Yes, it was a PBEM game. Honestly, the guys not leaving is the least of my concerns. The main gunner NEVER firing was a big issue though. If he had, he could have probably taken out half of the American forces huddled near the hedge (they were on the "wrong" side, after all).

The spontaneous combustion is also eyebrow raising, mostly since I have been unable to determine exactly what caused it. I'm going with mortar round, mostly since I don't have any evidence that would suggest some other cause.

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I'd have thought one German HMG, covering the gap, would have sealed the deal

That's what I thought too! I specifically picked Panzergrenadiers knowing that they issue MGs to every squad. I figured that three squads (6 MGs) in the front hedgerow would make mincemeat of anything even remotely in the area, especially given the <100 meter distance. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Lots of guys were able to run past the gap and most of them didn't get into the kill zone in the first place. I probably should have made my cover arcs shorter, but since my men were spotted so quickly that might have made things even worse for me (my Germans were able to open fire in the same turn they were spotted, so my opponent didn't get to issue hide orders until after taking casualties).

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That was really well done...you edited it nicely to capture the flow of the fighting. I was riveted. And man, mortars and artillery are a bitch...talk about raining on a parade.

Maybe your Germans were spotted because of the experience level of the Americans? Crack and Vet may have better spotting abilities than Green and Regular?

And I gotta say the American voice acting was impeccably done! LOL. That part where the bunker caught fire and the guy says "They're burnin'...They're burnin" was cool...Nice to see my mod in action, especially in such a cinematic video.

As far as the bunker...it looked like a rifle grenade hit it...I imagine it set some of the ammo on fire. But you are right bunkers are very wonky...I played a game where I completely knocked one out but the guys inside just stood at the aperture, didn't die, didn't fight, didn't move...nothing...just frozen for the entire fight.


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And I gotta say the American voice acting was impeccably done! LOL. That part where the bunker caught fire and the guy says "They're burnin'...They're burnin" was cool...Nice to see my mod in action, especially in such a cinematic video.

I gotta tell ya, Mord... your voice mod is THE best CMBN mod out there. All of the vehicle skins and such are nice, but your voice mod increases the immersion and fun factor more than any of those.

I was just telling my buddy that I made it a point to put the "they're burnin!" part in there. I had to do multiple captures and cuts to get it in there, but I was bound and determined that it would go in. :D

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Hey, thanks a lot Clark, I appreciate that very much...It was well worth the work knowing players get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

I haven't played as much CMBN but I know that there were a ton of times in CMSF where phrases would pop up that fit the situations perfectly and added so much to the experience. I am happy others feel the same.

Again. Great Vid!


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I gotta tell ya, Mord... your voice mod is THE best CMBN mod out there. All of the vehicle skins and such are nice, but your voice mod increases the immersion and fun factor more than any of those.

+1 on that, if I had to chose only one mod that would be it. Fortunately I don't have to chose.

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I figured that crack units would be great shots, but I didn't anticipate them having the eyes of a hawk!

If they did have the eyes of hawks then their eyes would fall out of the larger human eye sockets and be dangling and swinging on the optic nerves as they advanced.

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+1 Being an arty and stats nut, I really miss this.

I figured out a half assed work around for that...just add up all the kills at the end of the game for all your (or enemy) units...subtract those numbers from the final screen AAR numbers...the difference will be your arty kills. It won't tell you which arty got them...but it will tell you how many fell because of it.


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