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Everything posted by jbmtintin

  1. As far as I am leaving in Normandy, I can give you a hand. Just ask me precisely something, and I'll try to help you. I think winkelried has a really good way to find names. You must know that in Normandy there are not only farms (!), or not only with a "farm" name. There is a lot of "Hameaux" (hamlets in English I think, hameau in singular), which is a group of houses. They often have a single name without "farm" ("Le Foc", "La Rouxelière").
  2. 27 years old. RT. Because in RT you can pause the game whenever you want. This is useful to me because I do not like the limitation of AI: in RL people on the ground will - I think - act better than in the game. So I must micro-manage them thanks to "Pause".
  3. Didn't notice that. But same idea: I remember that a spotter for Artillery support could not use a building as a target if the spotter can't see around the building - but obviously see the at least the roof of it. Is that normal?
  4. Maybe because the sandbags in the game are only there to show that there are sandbags there but not as they visually are on the screenshot, but really protecting the AT gun. It is a design "problem" I think, because it would be very difficult (?) to have each gun / machine gun... with its own visually adapted sandbags, don't you think? So you can see that all sandbags have the same looking, whatever the guys / guns / tank behind. Let's hope German and US soldiers did not say: ok, we have the regulatory height, we can stop this sandbags wall now...
  5. And do you know what was the steel penetration of the regular 7.92?
  6. Just sent an e-mail. Are there other people who will test that campaign (many thanks for making one...)?
  7. I agree with that. Deploying MGs is great, buddy aid too. Maybe only changes about Ammo bearers could be ok, if they can be splitted.
  8. Are you sure of that? I find very difficult to kill enemies behind hedgerows with direct fire, even with a tank. Maybe you did not have same game experience?
  9. Doing that, we need to have order to each team? So there is still a long time to give orders... But it is managed more easily than in a "real" battalion fight, as we have micro-fights, that is the idea?
  10. Ok, thanks. It is a good thing to know that it is possible to win with forces in reserves, and not with everybody in fight.
  11. I need help, there, for the 8th mission of The Outlaws (D+1), as there is too many troups there (20 tanks,...). What are your strategy in such mission? - Do you let for example half of the force behind, as reserve, and attack with the other half? - Do you send everybody to combat? But how are you managing all these troops (in CMx1 I was used to check and order my troops one by one, but it is pretty long...). - ... Thanks for your help! (and just tell me if another thread deals with that... I did not find one...).
  12. Yep, it just makes sense to explain a bug, which does not make any sense in itself!
  13. Thanks for that... I never tried something like that, but I will try! Usually I just use two - or more - scout vehicles supporting each other and making little jumps... More often the first one is dead, but the second one has a chance to have his revenge.
  14. It is maybe because by default one of the team is an "Assault Team" and consequently the other one is an "AT Team" even if it has no AT weapon... Just a "theoretical" split, which becomes sort of a bug?
  15. The sooner the better, of course! Thanks for the answer...
  16. Any updates on your return to the Devils' adventures? Back soon I hope?
  17. Thanks for this campaign also, Blücher, this is simply the one I prefered (immersion, choices, not too many people...).
  18. I am so proud. I just put one team on the other bank of the river, up to the hill just behind hedgerow. They killed almost everybody from there, as Germans have nothing to hide and protect...
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