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Posts posted by PEB14

  1. 13 hours ago, Brille said:

    You will find not that many instances in where the AA MG will be of good use. Maybe if some enemies try to sneak onto your back you will see it fire. It is faced backwards and in CM no pixeltrooper is brave enough to stand on the engine deck to fire it to the front.

    Forward, backward... I think I never saw any of my Pixeltruppen fire an AA MG...

  2. 2 hours ago, IanL said:

    There is some abstraction going on with damage. Your vehicles can have each individual gun or MG damaged and therefore inoperable or you can have the weapons controls damaged and therefore none of your guns or MGs will operate.

    In my latest case it was an Achilles wpn controls which went down. I've never been able to fire the main gun nor the AA MG after that.

    But I never was able to fire an Achilles AAMG even before wpn controls was knocked out, so that might not be the issue... 😎

  3. 6 hours ago, Wrath of Dagon said:

    Btw, weapon controls whatever that means are at 100% in all 4 cases.

    I guess "wpn controls" means "weapons control"?

    I'm really wondering was this does mean. Apparently, when "wpn control" no weapon can be used. Honestly I don't see what system forbids to use both main guns, coax or bow MG and AA MG???

  4. 3 hours ago, Brille said:

    Are you a city child? :D

    Jawhol, Herr Major !😇


    3 hours ago, Brille said:

    Have you ever been in the countryside at night without any light source around? 

    Yes your eyes can adapt to a certain degree but if it is even overcast (no moon or starlight) you really don't see **** even if it is a big tank.

    In this particular scenario weather is clear (not overcast). While I agree with you, what is really WEIRD is, in the scenario, no infantrymen were able to sneak inside my lines, while tons of vehicles did. I mean, the steel monsters with noisy tracks are able to move unseen 3 meters away from the enemy, while the poor troopers are shot dead by AP rounds of AT gunners shooting from a distance of 100 meters? Come on! 🤨

    This is fun, but a little bit too much…🐘👓


    3 hours ago, Brille said:

    I had one instance in CMRT where 2 guys of a squad dropped dead but were still far away from the front and even in a small dent in the landscape. 

    So they could not be targeted directly. I checked for falling artillery shells around because I assumed it was some shrapnel that got them but nada. 

    It turned out that one MG42 fired at another squad of mine at the Frontline. Some of those shots however went to high out, traveled for slightly under a kilometer and plunged into the small valley where these 2 guys intercepted the rounds eventually. 

    Pretty frustrating… and realistic indeed!

    But honestly, hitting a guy 100-150 meters away with an AP round in the night… THAT's a feat !🥳

  5. The same mission is a night scenario, clear weather. Visibility is around 300 meters. Everything is going on smoothly, when all of a sudden I have 4 or 5 vehicles sound contacts heading towards my defensive lines. They enter my lines (always as sound contact), wander around (with nobody having any LOS) for about 5 minutes and then I manage to get some LOS. Only some.



    The StuG is less than 10 meters away from them. They have a sound contact. The building wall is destroyed. They're looking in the right direction. But they don't see it. God by some glasses guys!!!!! 😡

    The story ended with the broken PIAT-man seeing the StuG and destroying it. But for half a minute they just sat like this…👓



    Do you know the story of the guy ho couldn't see the elephant in.the middle of the corridor? You've got the WW2 version here. A tiny Jagdpanther fails to see a small Churchill VII in the middle of the road. And vice versa. The won't see each others for MINUTES.🐘



    "Do you hear that sound contact just behind us?"🤨



    "A what??? Talk louder, I think I'm getting deaf!"🧏‍♂️



    Woops… No listener anymore…☠️


    All along the scenario, Germans and British shot at each other at 100-300 meters. And all od a sudden, they cannot see each other 20 meters, 10 meters, even 1 meter away??? THAT is weird. Also, no infantry of either side managed to sneak as closely to the enemy. Only tanks (you know, those tiny, silent steel beasts 😎…).



  6. During my last mission I was playing the British side. One of my 6-pdr AT gun is out of HE shells when he sees a lone German infantryman in the open. No hesitation, he loads an AP, shoots and kills the German soldier!!! 😯

    I really wondered wether it was coicidence, or wether the AT gunner shot at somebody else… But nobody else had any LOS to the lone German and the AT gunner only had LOS to him…

    57 mm AP sniping! Have you ever seen it?🥴

  7. 1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

    Yes Churchill 6pdr vs Jagdpanther, Jagdpanther came out 2nd best. A destroyed muzzle break and the reason he reversed. In CM don't assume that a better gun combined with excellent armor will work in your favor.

    Well, given the choice, I think I'd better take the better gun combined with excellent armor though… 😎

  8. 6 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

    It could also be something very small that appears, like a jeep or isolated HQ unit. Some designers have used the function to pass along a pop up msg to the player at a specific point of the scenario. For example: "Main body of reinforcements 5 mins out".

    Clearly not the case here.


    12 hours ago, Artkin said:

    I guess the units that are set as reinforcements but arent present will experience the same refit percentages as the other units in the scenario. 

    That's what I suspect indeed.

    And as a campaign design beginner, I was wondering how refit/resupply etc. does work practically. @Ithikial_AU certainly can provide a definitive answer. Let's imagine a campaign with three core units (A, B and C). Say I am playing scenario 1 with core units A & B only. In scenario 2, only unit A does appear. Do refit parameters that are set between scenarios 1 & 2 :

    - 1) apply only to units that appear in scenario 1 (A & B)?

    - 2) apply only to units that appear in scenario 2 (A)?

    - 3) apply to all core units, wether they appear in scenarios 1/2 or not (A, B & C)?


    If the answer is 1 that's a clear reason for the "fake reinfocrcement", as this is the best way to refit and resupply units that play in the next scenario.

  9. You've worked for ages on other projects dealing with the Normandy campaign, so you know for long that all accounts are based on Western sources as the German sources are generally lacking (remember how little we know regarding the 91 Luftlande Division's actions West of the Merderet river).

    So it should be no surprise that the Western accounts for this battle differ from the German ones. The latter are certainly more accurate regarding the involvement of their own units, but there is no reason to believe German sources more than British ones regarding timing. And Kortenhaus' account is NO primary source.

    @Aragorn2002 and @kohlenklau advice is sound. You have created one view of the battle. But if you think you really should do something, perhaps revise the German units OOB and replace the tanks and AC by the SPG and SPW. As long as it doesn't alter significantly the balance of the scenarios, that's fine !… Otherwise, it's not worth the effort IMHO.

    But I insist: Kortenhaus' account is just another view of the same battle. It may be accurate on some points and less on others. And good luck to get the final word.

  10. While I basically agree with the above, I'm not completely convienced that the G&C approach will yield the same results with more given time.

    G&C will cower a lot more but will also get broken more easily. And you won't be able to achieve much with broken troops, whatever time you give them to fullfill their mission...

    Additionnally, once you've expanded all your ammos, and in particular all your artillery rounds, you won't be able to do much against an entrenched foe...

    So my guess is that you need not only more time, but also more ammo and more support assets to achieve the same results with G&C troops...

  11. 8 hours ago, kb6583 said:

    I've played "My Honor is My Loyalty" as both sides. Boy am I lost regarding tactics here. I have gone to YouTube many times to try and learn a few things about tactics and employment, particularly regarding scenarios that involve tanks and mech units, but I just can't seem to find any helpful videos in that regard. Both sides here, given this is a huge scenario after all, have hoards of British brens or German 251 halftracks to transport hoards of infantry. This is a meeting engagement, I understand that. But I just don't know how to employ them all with tanks. Smoke helps, as does regular artillery. But all it takes is one or two surviving tanks on either side to simply shred an entire attacking force of brens or halftracks. So it almost seems like one side or the other must eliminate all of the tanks of the opposing side before those hoards of brens and halftracks can really continue. Absent that, those hoards seem to be simply forced to seek cover and this scenario just seems to degenerate into a Mexican standoff.

    I also failed to find useful a good Tutorial regarding tanks tactics in Combat Mission. But you clearly should have a look at Bil Hardenberger's Battle Drill for basic tactics regarding tanks.

    Halftrack are more transport than fighting vehicles. You shouldn't attack with them, especially if your enemy fields tanks.

  12. Hello folks,

    I used air support for the first time this week: a Typhoon with bombs in the Grainville Chateau mission of The Scottish Corridor campaign.

    It was a big success: even though I watched Usually Hapless' excellent tutorial just before, it didn't not a single causualty. None. Nada. Niente. Rien du tout. 🤬 In fact I didn't even hear MG fire during the sweeps. Maybe the cannons were jammed? 🥴


    Can some vets please clarify some points?

    - I understand that the aircraft will attack anything they can see in their target area. Only what they can see (no area fire)? Strictly in their target area (no fire outside)?

    - The forward observer needs to have a LOS to the target area for calling aircraft support, like for artillery. But what thereafter? Does it help if the FO has a LOS to units inside the area?

    - I see in some AAR that people redirect their aircraft to alternate target areas. Therewas no possibility to "adjust fire" like one does for artillery. Did I miss something? How can you change the aircraft target?

    - It is not clear for how long an aircraft remains available for support. In my case it stayed for about 10 minutes, then disappeard but seemed to be available for another call with a 10 minutes delay... Can you call the same aircraft several times in the same mission, as long as it has got ammos?

    - My Typhoon had bombs and 20 m cannons. I had the choice bewteen light, medium and heavy missions. Unsure of what this meant, I asked for medium... Should I have done otherwise?


    Thanks for your help!

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