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Posts posted by PEB14

  1. On 8/7/2023 at 11:47 AM, Bulletpoint said:

    As I see it, there's only a problem when the tank that is getting fired on already had a spot on the enemy tank before, or at least has a contact marker for it. In those cases, I think they would quite easily pinpoint the source of the enemy fire. They'd already be looking at the right general location.

    But for WW2 tanks that have no idea where the enemy might be in the vast landscape in front of them - I think it's very realistic that they could get hit multiple times and have no idea where it is coming from.

    I basically agree; but the problem is, 95% of WW2 CM battles occur at engagement ranges where any hit is fatal for AFVs (except for German tanks which are able to withstand several hits without significant damages: Tigers, Panthers, and even Pz IV against Shermans).

    Additionally, I find the accuracy of the shooters incredibly high . I didn't perform systematical tests, but I would say that at least 80% of the shots directed at a static or slowly moving vehicles hit their targets. Which means that, basically, the first to spot is the first to kill.

    I seems to me that, in WW2 CM games, gunnery accuracy is much to high, and spotting chances much too random. I have the feeling that it should be EASIER to spot than to hit (at least for opened up vehicles), while in CM WW2 games there is really no doubt that the opposite is true.

    As for the randomness of spotting, it really leads to ridiculous results. In my last game against @FogForever, I managed only once to outmanoeuver him: I was able to advance an armored car on the flank of one of his light tanks, unnoticed. My armored car advanced in open ground towards his tank; the AC stopped about 100 meters away; the tank was right in front of the armored car, which was opened up. For about 20-30 seconds, both vehicles stayed in this position. Then the light tank turned his turret, fired and destroyed the armored car. At NO TIME the armored car spotted the enemy tank, for which it had a tentative contact. Yes the armored car crew was green; but the light tank's crew was only regular, so only one rank better. This was really ridiculous, just like facing an elephant in a corridor and not seing it. I would have been much less frustrated if the green crew spotted, missed because of its "greeniness", and then got dispatched by the light tank. Fair enough. But no spotting at this distance? No way.


    On 8/5/2023 at 5:39 PM, SDG said:

    Tank v. tank spotting is extremely random and borderline infuriating.

    As a conclusion I 100% agree with @SDG ; after 8 months of CM experience, I got so frustrated by the tank vs. tank and AT gun vs. tank game dynamics that I now play a lot more CMBN and CMFI than CMRT. Infantry rules!

  2. In Combat Mission you can even observe incredible quantum mechanics effect, like the well-know quantum tunnelling or tunnel effect. Just observe this poor Tommy, who was taken under an artillery barrage from his own side, and who flees this very poor situation.


    He's trapped in a small courtyard, so he runs towards the corner of the house…



    The same house seen from the street. Tightly enclosed between two bocage hedges. No way out. No trick!!!



    Pushed by his will for survival, Tommy enters the house through the window. But now he faces an impassable wall… So what does he do? He summons Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Born, and…



    The miracle happens: he crosses the wall and evades in the street! 🥳


    Not bad, is it? 😎

  3. 44 minutes ago, Kuli said:

    Hello everyone, I am looking for collaborators for this campaign project. The campaign is about the actions of the 7th Armoured from their engagements at Tilly-sur-Suelles to Villers-Bocage and culminates at the "Battle of the Brigade Box". I accept any kind of help, but what is most needed are map makers, as well as people well versed in the actions of the desert rats during Operation Perch. Some texture work is also needed for correct markings on vehicles. Each scenario will have its own modtag and there will be an attached modpack for the campaign for all the historical accuracy freaks such as myself. The most time consuming part of this project is making the maps, and researching the battles. i have good refrence photos but some helping hands would be good to have for building the maps. There is no ETA for the campaign, but hopefully it gets done within a month or two.

    If your schedule is not too aggressive, I may give a helping hand at mapmaking. Please provide more information about your project: design status, foreseen number of scenarios, etc.

    Is it your first campaign? I haven't found any scenario of yours at the repository (at least, no WW2 scenario signed under the "Kuli" nickname!).

  4. 5 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    Much obliged you pointed this out. Sometimes carriers also mount a deployed Vickers MG but if you take them of the carrier you can't deploy them whilst mounted. I think it was thew Hobarts Funnies scenario.


    Thank you for pointing it out. In the Scottish Corridor scenario I'm just starting, there are two such Carrier mounting Vickers HMGs. Hence I'll do some tests before playing the mission!!!

  5. 4 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    I am not sure it was from the Loamshires scenario and it is the Recon unit. TBH I didn't pay much attention, I used to call them all Bren Carriers, don't know the difference. It just says carrier platoon.



    The vehicle in the foreground is a LOYD.

    The vehicles in the backgound are CARRIERS.

    Apart from the size, they're easy to distinguish thanks to the engine compartment which makes the LOYD an asymmetrical vehicle.

  6. 1 minute ago, chuckdyke said:

    I am not sure it was from the Loamshires scenario and it is the Recon unit. TBH I didn't pay much attention, I used to call them all Bren Carriers, don't know the difference. It just says carrier platoon.

    The recon unit's vehicle is a CARRIER. I confirm that it is possible for any unit to recover the 2-in mortar (and also the PIAT) from the CARRIER vehicle.

    The LOYD is a different, slightly bigger vehicle used in the Support Company for towing AT guns.

    There is no issue with the CARRIER's transported weapons. Only with the LOYD's.

  7. "3 Mortar" Loyd Carrier from the AT section of the Support Company. Inventory shows the 2-in mortar.



    The same inventory after the driver "recovered" the mortar and a couple of HE & WP rounds:



    The dismounted driver. He likes his Enfield so much that he threw the mortar away…🤬



    I did the same test with a variety of units, and the result is always the same. The 2-in mortar never appears in the recovering unit's inventory.

  8. Bug!

    NOBODY can recover and use the 2-in mortar from the British Loyd carriers. In the AT tank sections of the Support Company there is a vehicle called 'X' mortar. This Loyd carrier owns a 2-in mortar. Well, NOBODY can recover and use this mortar, it never shows in the unit's inventory. I've tried with the Section's AT gun and ammo bearer teams, with the Loyd's driver, and with another company's infantry team. NOPE. NO WAY. This mortar CANNOT be used.

  9. 8 hours ago, Artkin said:



    And also check the Bren Carrier's crew protection, which looks a lot overestimated, especially in comparison with the halftrack's…

    Additionally, while technically not a bug, the Carrier's Bren shall be dismountable. This weapon was supposed to be used primarily from out of the vehicle, which is after all… a carrier!

  10. I finally made some tests, because relying on ocasional experiences in various scenarios is not enough. What I actually tested the ability of British infantry soldiers to recover weapons from the Support Company's different Carriers and Loyds.

    The result is VERY clear.

    ANYBODY can recover and use the PIATs and 2-in mortars from the CARRIER vehicles. The teams from the unit itself, the driver, or infantry teams from another company - all can use both the 2-in mortar and the PIAT.

    On the other hand, NOBODY can recover and use the 2-in mortar from the Loyd carriers. If you check, in the AT tank sections of the Support Company there is a vehicle called 'X' mortar. This Loyd carrier owns a 2-in mortar. Well, NOBODY can recover and use this mortar, it never shows in the unit's inventory. I've tried with the Section's AT gun and ammo bearer teams, with the Loyd's driver, and with another company's infantry team. NOPE. NO WAY. This mortar CANNOT be used.

    It sounds very much like a bug to me, and I'll post this in the big tracker thread.

  11. On 7/18/2023 at 6:13 PM, Combatintman said:

    Nope - it is as @IanL has explained.  If I don't want one side to surrender in a scenario I am making then I bung in reinforcements that do not arrive.  It has nothing to do with point values it is about the number of troops and auto surrender is triggered when the side in question loses about 65% of its starting head count.


    I thought about it twice and, in the case I depicted, it is not the case. Indeed, the AAR shows 100% casualties for the German size. Not 99 or so, 100%. So there is no reinforcement hiding somewhere, as they would appear in the final casualties calculations.

    The last defenders to fall were the StuG crew. These 5 guys amount to 18,5% of the German head count, so more than 65% of the Germans had already been killed before I dealt with the StuG. So why didn't the Germans surrender in that particular case?

    - AFV may be treated differently in the head count? Like a separate AFV vehicle count?

    - is auto-surrender automatic ? It may be that it is random, checked each turn once the critical head count is reached?

  12. 7 hours ago, George MC said:

    Thank you - aye appreciate the feedback.

    Yeah the text thing is finding the sweet spot for users. First time around it was too fats, this time too slow, so reckon I know where the sweet spot is now :) 

    Re delay between images - yup I'll take that into account. Its been a steep learning curve so feedback like yours is super useful thank you.


    It's not really that it's too slow — as noted by @CarlXII, you have no time to read the end of the text because once it end rolling it disappears lightning fast! 😉

    Indeed I agree with @CarlXII, having a faster rolling text with longer pauses once text is fully expanded and before the next picture/slide would be perfect!

  13. 50 minutes ago, Thomm said:

    I think that this conflct would be very suited for a CM game, with little investment being necessary in the model department.


    I completely agree. And with potentially very different possibilities for scenarios: mountains, snow, hot summer, mobile warfare, trench warfare…

    And a completely new opposition: WW2 era russian stuff vs. WW2 era allied stuff.

  14. In the Mondrainville mission, I tried to acquire the 2-in mortar with the ammo bearer who rides the Carrier. Nope. Nothing in the inventory, the mortar is lost forever. And as I was stupid enough to acquire the HE shells as well, all the stuff is lost forever, as the ammo bearers won't share. 🤬

    It definitively looks like only the DRIVER can successfully acquire weapons from a Carrier. That wouldn't cost much to indicate it in the game manual… 😡

  15. 11 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    When I tested "Hansel and Gretel" the other day it was the Scout team on the far left that successfully acquired the 2in Mortar and the spare ammo from the carrier they were in.

    When I tried with the company HQ, and with standard infantry teams they acquired the mortars and ammo but don't appear to want to, or be able to use them. The ammo count changes in the UI, but none of my pixelLimeys are carrying the mortar, and the Target Smoke" command remains greyed out. 

    Now casting my old noddle head back to when I actually played the campaign. I didn't actually take the mortars. I just had my Light Mortar Detachments grab the spare ammo for themselves.

    Thank you, that's exactly the behaviour I observed in my own Hansel and Gretel game.

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